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Regulatory Authority

Regulatory authority(ies), relevant office/departments, oversight roles, contact information
Regulatory review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, appeals, termination
Regulatory fees (e.g., applications, amendments, notifications, import) and payment instructions

Ethics Committee

Ethics review landscape, ethics committee composition, terms of reference, review procedures, meeting schedule
Ethics committee review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, termination
Ethics review fees and payment instructions
Authorization of ethics committees, registration, auditing, accreditation

Clinical Trial Lifecycle

Submission procedures for regulatory and ethics reviews
Essential elements of regulatory and ethics submissions and protocols
Regulatory and ethics review and approval timelines
Pre-trial approvals, agreements, clinical trial registration
Safety reporting definitions, responsibilities, timelines, reporting format, delivery
Interim/annual and final reporting requirements


Sponsor role and responsibilities, contract research organizations, representatives
Site and investigator criteria, foreign sponsor responsibilities, data and safety monitoring boards, multicenter studies
Insurance requirements, compensation (injury, participation), post-trial access
Protocol and regulatory compliance, auditing, monitoring, inspections, study termination/suspension
Electronic data processing systems and records storage/retention
Responsible parties, data protection, obtaining consent

Informed Consent

Obtaining and documenting informed consent/reconsent and consent waivers
Essential elements for informed consent form and other related materials
Rights regarding participation, information, privacy, appeal, safety, welfare
Obtaining or waiving consent in emergencies
Definition of vulnerable populations and consent/protection requirements
Definition of minors, consent/assent requirements, conditions for research
Consent requirements and conditions for research on pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates
Consent requirements and conditions for research on prisoners
Consent requirements and conditions for research on persons who are mentally impaired

Investigational Products

Description of what constitutes an investigational product and related terms
Investigational product manufacturing and import approvals, licenses, and certificates
Investigator's Brochure and quality documentation
Investigational product labeling, blinding, re-labeling, and package labeling
Investigational product supply, storage, handling, disposal, return, record keeping


Description of what constitutes a specimen and related terms
Specimen import, export, material transfer agreements
Consent for obtaining, storing, and using specimens, including genetic testing

Quick Facts

Clinical trial application language
Regulatory authority & ethics committee review may be conducted at the same time
Clinical trial registration required
In-country sponsor presence/representation required
Age of minors
Specimens export allowed

Regulatory Authority

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)

As per ResNo9 and ResNo255, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)) is the regulatory authority responsible for clinical trial oversight, approval, and inspection of drugs to be registered in Brazil. ANVISA grants permission for clinical trials to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of ResNo9 and ResNo255.

LawNo9.782 states ANVISA is an independent administrative agency linked to the Ministry of Health (MOH) that is responsible for regulating, controlling, and supervising products and services involving public health risks. LawNo9.782 and ResNo255 explain that the goods and products under the agency’s purview include medicines for human use and their active ingredients, immunobiologicals and their active substances, and blood and blood derivatives.

As indicated in LawNo9.782 and ResNo255, ANVISA is headed by a Collegiate Board of Directors composed of up to five (5) members, one (1) of whom serves as the Chief Executive Officer. Among the Collegiate Board’s key responsibilities are its role in defining ANVISA’s strategic guidelines and proposing governmental policies and directives to the Minister in support of the agency’s health surveillance objectives.

LawNo9.782 and ResNo255 further indicate that ANVISA has an Advisory Board. Per ResNo255 and BRA-36, the Advisory Board’s main objectives include requesting information and proposing guidelines and technical recommendations to the Collegiate Board to be addressed by ANVISA, and providing opinions on proposed governmental policies. Refer to LawNo9.782, ResNo255, and BRA-36 for detailed Collegiate Board and Advisory Board responsibilities.

As delineated in ResNo255, ANVISA’s General Management of Medicines and Biological Products (Gerência-Geral de Medicamentos e Produtos Biológicos (GGMED)) coordinates and supervises the organizational units responsible for the regulation of active pharmaceutical ingredients, medicines, and biological products, and manages the implementation of international cooperation activities aimed at regulating active pharmaceutical ingredients, medicines, and clinical research involving human beings. The Coordination of Clinical Research on Medicines and Biological Products (Coordenação de Pesquisa Clínica em Medicamentos e Produtos Biológicos (COPEC)) is an administrative unit operating within GGMED that evaluates the processes and petitions related to clinical research on drugs and biological products, and issues technical opinions with the goal of granting approval to initiate clinical research in Brazil. See ResNo255 for detailed information on ANVISA’s organizational structure and administrative units.

Other Considerations

Per BRA-65, Brazil is a member of the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH). BRA-73 and BRA-113 indicate that Brazil implemented the ICH’s Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (BRA-28) in 2019.

Please note: Brazil is party to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (BRA-63), which may have implications for studies of investigational products developed using certain non-human genetic resources (e.g., plants, animals, and microbes). For more information, see BRA-81.

Contact Information

Per BRA-42, the following is ANVISA’s contact information:

Setor de Indústria e Abastecimento (SIA)
Trecho 5
Área Especial 57
CEP: 71.205-050
Brasília - DF

Phone: 0 800 642 9782 (Public Service Center for domestic inquiries)*

*Per BRA-99, while ANVISA does not have phone service to receive international calls, general inquiries may be sent via email using ANVISA’s Electronic Contact Form (BRA-68). In-country calls can be made to specific administrative offices posted on ANVISA’s Who’s Who website (BRA-39).

Per BRA-12, the medicines and biological products contact information is as follows:

General Management of Medicines (GGMED)
Phone: (61) 3462-6724

Per BRA-18, the clinical research contact information is as follows:

Coordination of Clinical Research in Medicines and Biological Products (COPEC)
Phone: (61) 3462-5599/5526

7 and 10
Articles 3-4, 8-10, and 15
Annex I ((Title I, Articles 1-2), (Title III, Articles 5-6), (Title V, Chapter II), and (Title VII, Articles 130 and 134))
Chapter I (Articles 1 and 2)
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS)

As set forth in GenHlthLaw, Reg-COFEPRIS, HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, and COFEPRIS-GCP, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) is the regulatory authority responsible for approving all clinical studies in human beings and/or their biological samples, for scientific research purposes. COFEPRIS is authorized to monitor and verify approved clinical studies to be conducted in Mexico in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned documents.

Under the terms of Reg-COFEPRIS and GenHlthLaw, the Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud) supervises the regulation, control, and promotion of health through COFEPRIS. Per MOH-Org, COFEPRIS, a decentralized administrative body, is overseen by the Ministry of Health’s head of the Undersecretariat of Prevention and Health Promotion. Reg-COFEPRIS and GenHlthLaw state that COFEPRIS is headed by a Federal Commissioner appointed by the President of Mexico, upon the Ministry’s recommendation. Per GenHlthLaw, the Ministry of Health is also responsible for supervising COFEPRIS. Per Reg-COFEPRIS and GenHlthLaw, the agency has technical, administrative, and operational autonomy in regulating, evaluating, controlling, promoting, and disseminating the conditions and requirements to prevent and manage health risks in the Mexican population.

Reg-COFEPRIS specifies that COFEPRIS comprises eight (8) administrative units and four (4) government advisory bodies that manage the agency’s organizational and operational responsibilities. Included among COFEPRIS’s administrative units, and central to the research protocol authorization process, is the Sanitary Authorization Commission (Comisión de Autorización Sanitaria (CAS)). As delineated in Reg-COFEPRIS, GenHlthLaw, and MEX-53, CAS is responsible for issuing, extending, or revoking research protocol authorizations. According to MEX-104, CAS’s work is performed by its protocols area.

Other Considerations

Per MEX-41, Mexico is a regulatory member of the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH). As indicated in MEX-2, COFEPRIS is in the process of implementing the ICH Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2) (MEX-22). However, COFEPRIS-GCP complies with the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32).

Please note: Mexico is party to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (MEX-5), which may have implications for studies of investigational products developed using certain non-human genetic resources (e.g., plants, animals, and microbes). For more information, see MEX-35.

Contact Information

As per MEX-71 and MEX-15, COFEPRIS’s contact information is as follows:

Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios
Oklahoma No. 14
Colonia Nápoles
Del. Benito Juárez
C.P. 03810, Ciudad de México

Note: Per MEX-37, MEX-15, and MEX-25, the preceding address should also be used to contact COFEPRIS’s Comprehensive Service Center (Centro Integral de Servicios (CIS)) (MEX-37) for technical inquiries or those inquiries requiring an official response.

COFEPRIS Call Center Phone: 01-800-033-5050 (toll free within Mexico) or 55 53 40 09 96 (international calls) (per MEX-37)
Foreign Processing Area Phone (for entry and/or tracking number of procedure): 01-800-420-4224 (toll free within Mexico) (per MEX-25)
Email: (per MEX-71 and MEX-37)

“Process for handling procedures 04-010 and 09-012 in DIGIPRiS”
Efficacy topics and Quality topics
Title II (Chapter I, Articles 7 and 12), (Chapter II, Articles 13, 17 Bis, 17 Bis 1, and 17 Bis 2) and Title V (Chapter I, Articles 100 and 102)
Chapter I (Articles 1-3), Chapter II, Chapter III, and Chapter IV (Article 14)
Article 1 (II)
Title III (Chapter I, Article 62) and (Chapter II, Articles 65 and 69)

Scope of Assessment

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

New Info Not Yet Covered in Profile

Effective January 1, 2025, ANVISA’s clinical trials regulation, RDC No. 945, and the corresponding regulatory instruction, IN No. 338, are in force, and ResNo9 and ResNo449 are revoked. See the News tab at the top of the page for related ANVISA technical note and forms.


As delineated in ResNo9 and ResNo255, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)) is responsible for reviewing and approving clinical trial applications (referred to as Clinical Drug Development Dossiers (Dossiês de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCMs))) for drugs to be registered in Brazil. Per ResNo9, the G-DDCMManual, and BRA-8, the DDCM must contain at least one (1) Specific Clinical Trial Dossier (Dossiê Específico de Ensaio Clínico (DEEC)) in order for the application to be approved. ResNo9 and the G-DDCMManual define a DEEC as a collection of documents submitted as part of the Experimental Drug Development Plan in the DDCM, also known as Experimental Drug Dossiers. Per the G-DDCMManual, the DEEC may be linked as a new process to the DDCM being submitted or as a process that modifies a previously submitted DDCM. Per ResNo9 and BRA-8, while the DDCM may be submitted at any stage of development, Phase IV post-marketing trials are only subject to Clinical Trial Notification by ANVISA after obtaining ethical approvals. See ResNo506 for information on ANVISA’s role in reviewing and approving clinical trial applications submitted for studies using advanced therapy products in Brazil (i.e., medicines for human use that are based on genes, tissues, or cells).

In addition, ResNo205 repealed the ResNo9 requirement that the research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP)) approval must be submitted as part of the DDCM submission to ANVISA. Therefore, as explained in BRA-2 and BRA-1, regulatory and ethics reviews may be conducted in parallel. As indicated in ResNo9 and also noted in BRA-2, the National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP))’s approval is required for certain studies (e.g., foreign studies), but ANVISA’s decision to approve the DDCM is not dependent on CONEP. Similarly, when a protocol amendment is submitted to ANVISA, CONEP approval is not mandatory for all studies, but may be requested, according to BRA-1. However, per ResNo9, the EC (CEP) is required to approve substantial protocol amendments prior to implementation. Refer to the Ethics Committee topic for additional information on the CEP/CONEP System; CLNo038 for the criteria CONEP uses to process protocol amendments; and CLNo24 and CLNo24-Note for general guidelines on conducting clinical trials.

Clinical Trial Review Process

As delineated in ResNo255, ANVISA’s Coordination of Clinical Research in Medicines and Biological Products (Coordenação de Pesquisa Clínica em Medicamentos e Produtos Biológicos (COPEC)) is responsible for conducting the review and approval of clinical trial applications (DDCMs). ResNo9 and the G-DDCMManual explain that following DDCM analysis and approval, ANVISA issues an authorizing document known as a Special Notice (Comunicado Especial (CE)). The CE lists all the trials included in the DDCM that are permitted to initiate the clinical study. BRA-8 further explains COPEC experts conduct a preliminary review that includes a benefit-risk assessment based on various criteria such as drug registration status and drug status in other agencies (e.g., fast-track or breakthrough therapy). After this evaluation, the reviewer may release the dossier by the expiration deadline date so that the sponsor (applicant) may proceed with conducting the trial, requesting a meeting, or conducting a more detailed and complete dossier evaluation. See the Timeline of Review section for additional ANVISA timeline information. Also, see BRA-79 for additional information on ANVISA’s clinical trial review and approval framework, and BRA-40 for information on ANVISA drug registration requirements.

ANVISA has also released ServBltnNo104 to expedite the evaluation of clinical drug research development in Brazil without compromising the quality of the technical analysis. ServBltnNo104 provides detailed procedures for a simplified technical review of the following:

  • DDCM petitions containing at least one (1) clinical trial protocol, at any stage of development, approved by at least one (1) regulatory authority of a member country of the International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) or by the United Kingdom’s (UK’s) Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The protocol submitted to ANVISA need not be the same as the protocol approved by the member country.
  • DDCMs for experimental drugs (also referred to as investigational products (IPs)) that are registered in at least one (1) ICH member country or the UK. This DDCM must be identical to the one (1) approved by the ICH member country or the UK, with the exception of the labels and secondary packaging models.
  • Substantial quality changes approved by at least one (1) ICH member country or the UK (i.e., changes potentially impacting the quality or safety of the IP, active comparator, or placebo).

According to ServBltnNo104, the IP manufacturing process must also meet the criteria and recommendations described in the ICH guidelines, as applicable, according to the phase of clinical development. In addition, COPEC technical experts require DDCM petitions and substantial quality modifications to meet ServBltnNo104 criteria and be accompanied by the documentation required in ResNo9. COPEC will then analyze: the results of stability studies under accelerated and long-term conditions that support the proposed expiration date for the IP and, where applicable, for the modified placebo and comparator, when the storage recommendation is at room temperature (between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius); and the sample IP label for DDCM petitions.

In the event of non-compliance, COPEC will conduct a non-simplified analysis per ResNo9. ServBltnNo104 further explains that ANVISA may also at any time analyze all the documents required by ResNo9 relating to the IP risk analysis. Refer to the Submission Content section for DDCM petitions and substantial quality modifications documentation requirements.

See also BRA-19 and BRA-90 for guidance on scheduling pre-submission meetings with COPEC to discuss the clinical development of a drug (e.g., DDCM, an amended DDCM (secondary petition), or DEEC), or a meeting to discuss a clinical trial application previously submitted to ANVISA. BRA-90 also provides the items required for scheduling each type of meeting and the corresponding request form to be submitted.

Priority Submissions

In addition to the previously stated DDCM requirements, ResNo204 establishes a priority category to register, amend previously registered, or request prior approval for drug submissions. ResNo204 states that the priority submission may be submitted as a DDCM or DEEC. A priority DDCM submission is required to meet one (1) or more of the following criteria: new drug trial in any phase to be carried out in Brazil, the drug is part of the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s National Immunization Program, or the product is determined to be of strategic public health interest and included under the MOH’s Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS)) (BRA-53). A priority DEEC submission is required to comply with the following: the drug is to be used for neglected, emerging, or reemerging diseases, health emergencies, or serious debilitating conditions for which there is no alternative; the trial is to be conducted exclusively with the pediatric population; or the drug will be used in a Phase I trial only to be manufactured in Brazil. The sponsor should specify at the time of submission that the new or amended protocol is a priority category request. If not confirmed prior to the technical review phase, the request for approval may be denied. ANVISA is required to first issue a written opinion letter within 45 calendar days from the first business day following protocol submission, a final opinion in 120 days for new drug registration requests, and a final opinion 60 days for post-registration petitions. See the Timeline of Review section detailed timeline information. Refer to ResNo204, ResNo811 (which partially amends ResNo204), and BRA-14 for detailed information on priority submission requirements.

See also BRA-2, BRA-1, and BRA-42 for additional information on priority submission.

New Drugs for Rare Diseases

ResNo205 sets forth specific approval procedures for clinical trials to be conducted to register new drugs to treat, diagnose, or prevent rare diseases. The applications may be submitted as an initial DDCM, a secondary petition linked to the original DDCM, or a DEEC either linked to the original DDCM or for a new process. The sponsor must delineate at the time of submitting a new drug submission (DDCM), an amended DDCM (secondary petition), or DEEC, whether the DDCM is pertaining to a rare disease drug. If not confirmed prior to the technical review phase, the request for approval may be denied.

In addition, per ResNo763, which modifies ResNo205, ANVISA has suspended the requirement for the sponsor to hold a pre-submission meeting to present a rare disease DDCM or amended DDCM. The pre-submission meeting is optional, if the sponsor deems necessary, and ANVISA should hold the meeting within 60 days following this request. Refer to ResNo205 and ResNo811 (which partially amends ResNo205) for additional submission documentation requirements. BRA-2 also provides a helpful summary of ResNo204 and ResNo205.

Equivalent Foreign Regulatory Authority Submissions

ResNo741 provides general criteria for the admissibility of the Equivalent Foreign Regulatory Authority (Autoridade Regulatória Estrangeira Equivalente (AREE)) regulatory documentation that ANVISA requires to conduct a technical evaluation using the “optimized analysis procedure”. ANVISA defines the optimized analysis procedure as a technical evaluation mechanism that uses the AREE’s documentation, which includes reports, opinions, or technical/legal documents used to issue an opinion, as a sole or complementary reference. The optimized analysis procedure is facilitated by regulatory trust practices that are based on collaborative work and recognition, mutual or unilateral, among regulatory authorities or international entities. Among other requirements, in order for ANVISA to adopt the optimized analysis procedure, the health product covered in the AREE’s documentation must be essentially identical to the one submitted for ANVISA’s evaluation; and the products authorized for distribution should also have been adequately evaluated, and meet recognized standards of quality, safety, and efficacy. The specific criteria and procedures for defining the AREEs will be established in normative acts in a phased approach, according to each type of health surveillance process or product category. RegNo289 and RegNo292 are the initial normative acts adopted by ANVISA to define these processes/categories.

In accordance with ResNo741, ANVISA approved RegNo289, which establishes the criteria and procedures for ANVISA’s technical evaluation, known as the optimized analysis procedure, of one (1) or more AREE assessments to analyze registration and post-registration authorization requests for medicines, vaccines, biological products, and their active substances that are already approved in the reference country. ANVISA will issue a Letter of Adequacy of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Dossier (Carta de Adequação de Dossiê de Insumo Farmacêutico Ativo (CADIFA)) to certify the AREE has regulatory practices aligned with those of ANVISA and has ensured that products authorized for distribution have been adequately evaluated and meet recognized standards of quality, safety, and effectiveness. Additionally, RegNo289 also provides procedures for regulatory authorities to be designated as AREEs and a list of the currently approved AREEs.

Pursuant to RegNo289, ANVISA has designated the following foreign agencies as AREEs:

Refer to RegNo289 for detailed requirements on submitting a request for ANVISA authorization via the optimized analysis procedure. See also BRA-26 for additional background information on RegNo289. See ResNo741 for additional information on the optimized analysis procedure and AREE related requirements. See also the Manufacturing & Import section for additional information on RegNo292.

Conducting a Clinical Trial in Brasil
Priority Review, Rare Diseases, and ANVISA Review in Parallel with Ethics Process
Introduction and Regulatory Framework
3.1, 3.5, and 3.10
1, 2, and Annexes 1-2
5.1, 7, and 9
Preamble, Chapter I (Articles 1-2), Chapter III (Articles 3-4), and Chapter IV (Articles 6-7)
Title VII (Article 134)
Articles 1, 3-6, and 10-13
Articles 5-11 and 22-23
Chapters I (Articles 1, 2, and 4), II (Article 7), and III-IV
Chapters I (Articles 1-3 and 6), III (Articles 33-38), IV (Article 43), and X (Article 78)
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024


In accordance with GenHlthLaw, Reg-COFEPRIS, HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, and COFEPRIS-GCP, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) is the regulatory authority responsible for reviewing, evaluating, and approving all requests for research protocol authorization in human beings and/or their biological samples using registered or unregistered investigational products (IPs). Per NOM-257-SSA1-2014, COFEPRIS requires biotechnological drugs used in clinical research studies to follow the same protocol authorization procedure as is required for all IPs. COFEPRIS-GCP and HlthResRegs specify that the scope of COFEPRIS’s assessment includes all clinical trials (Phases I-IV).

As indicated in HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, COFEPRIS’s review and approval of a protocol authorization request is dependent upon obtaining a favorable decision from the health institution’s Research Ethics Committee (REC) and Research Committee where the study is being conducted, and when applicable, the Biosafety Committee. Therefore, the COFEPRIS and EC reviews may not be conducted in parallel. In addition, per NOM-012-SSA3-2012, the REC’s favorable decision is only later submitted to COFEPRIS with the protocol authorization request. Refer to the Ethics Committee section for detailed information on the REC, and the Initiation, Agreements & Registration section for additional information on the Research Committee and Biosafety Committee.

Clinical Trial Review Process

As delineated in Reg-COFEPRIS and MEX-53, COFEPRIS’s Sanitary Authorization Commission (Comisión de Autorización Sanitaria (CAS)) is responsible for recording, evaluating, and issuing opinions on requests for human research protocol authorizations. According to MEX-104, CAS’s work is performed by its protocols area. Per MEX-15, CAS’s technical/protocols area conducts its work via COFEPRIS’s Comprehensive Service Center (Centro Integral de Servicios (CIS)) (MEX-37), a public service system established by the Mexican government to facilitate the processing of the agency’s standardized procedures and services.

As indicated in G-HumResProt and G-ResProtocolAmd, the applicant must submit an application to the CIS (MEX-37) to request protocol authorization or modification/amendment of a protocol authorization, and the application is then forwarded to CAS’s technical/protocols area for evaluation. (Note: COFEPRIS refers to applications as requests or procedures). Per G-HumResProt, the designated evaluator reviews and evaluates the information, comparing the information presented to assess whether it complies with current Mexican legislation on the matter. The information is also evaluated for completeness and accuracy and is reviewed to detect deficiencies or anomalies in the documentation or in the study process. Once the evaluator issues a resolution of authorization or a prevention letter, it is forwarded to the head of CAS for signature.

Following its review of the application documentation, per G-HumResProt and G-ResProtocolAmd, CAS’s technical/protocols area issues an official resolution of authorization or a prevention letter (in which additional or missing information is requested). If authorized, the clinical study may begin. However, if a prevention letter is received, the applicant must respond to what is stated in the letter and resubmit a request for continued processing after addressing all of the issues raised. CAS’s technical/protocols area will issue a final resolution following resubmission of the application for protocol authorization or modification/amendment. G-HumResProt also indicates that for in-person submissions, applicants can go to the CIS (MEX-37) to obtain the resolution.

G-ResProtocolAmd specifies that protocol modifications may be submitted to amend the research protocol, amend the informed consent/assent form, update the clinical and/or preclinical sections of the investigator’s brochure (also known as investigator’s manual in Mexico), remove or add research center(s)/research institution(s), or provide updated clinical and/or preclinical security/safety IP information. Refer to G-ObsrvStdies information on submitting applications to conduct risk-free research (observational studies), and G-BioequivStud for information on submitting applications to conduct bioequivalence studies.

Additionally, as indicated in G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, once an official authorization from COFEPRIS is obtained, some of the data provided by the applicant via COFEPRIS’s digital procedures and services platform, DIGIPRiS: Online Regulation (MEX-86), will be migrated to the CIS (MEX-37) and to the National Registry of Clinical Trials (Registro Nacional de Ensayos Clínicos (RNEC)) database (MEX-68). According to MEX-109, the G-RNECManual is useful for information on registering with RNEC for clinical trial applications submitted in person at the CIS (MEX-37). See also G-DIGIPRiS-DocComp for instructions on validating and comparing resolutions issued through DIGIPRiS (MEX-86) for research protocols). See Submission Process section for detailed DIGIPRiS (MEX-86) submission requirements.

Reg-HlthProd further explains that applicants must submit a request to COFEPRIS to obtain a sanitary registration for biosimilar biotechnological drug products. The specific requirements for the approval of each biosimilar biotechnological drug (e.g., in vitro studies, preclinical study reports, and comparative pharmacokinetic study reports) will be determined by the Ministry of Health, who will take into consideration the opinion of the Committee of New Molecules. When there is no relevant information in the Pharmacopoeia of the United Mexican States (Farmacopea de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (FEUM)) and its supplements, nor in national guides or monographs, the Ministry may evaluate biosimilar tests using clinical data obtained from biosimilar biotechnological drug studies conducted in other countries. However, clinical trials are required to be conducted in Mexico when an applicant requests the renewal of an approval for a biosimilar biotechnological drug product. According to MEX-91, COFEPRIS’s acceptance of data produced abroad will accelerate the introduction of biosimilar drug products into Mexico. Additionally, per MEX-120, COFEPRIS has implemented modifications to NOM-177-SSA1-2013, the standard which establishes the tests and procedures to demonstrate that generic drugs or biosimilar biotechnological drugs comply with established interchangeability tests and delineates requirements for the authorized third parties that perform these tests. Pursuant to NOM-177-SSA1-2013-Mod, the modification expands the standard to include studies that are carried out in Mexico as well as in other countries to demonstrate interchangeability and biocomparability. MEX-120 also notes the modifications in NOM-177-SSA1-2013-Mod are designed to expedite the registration of generic and biosimilar biotechnological drugs. See NOM-177-SSA1-2013 and NOM-177-SSA1-2013-Mod for details.(Note: In Mexico, biosimilar is also referred to as biocomparable.)

UHAP Evaluations

Per HlthResRegs, prior to submitting an authorization request, applicants may also obtain a pre-assessment evaluation by an authorized third party that helps to facilitate COFEPRIS’s review. MEX-21 and MEX-10 explain that rather than submitting the application directly to the CIS, the applicant has the option of first choosing to obtain a pre-assessment (third party) evaluation of the application through an Enabled Pre-Assessment Support Unit (Unidad Habilitada de Apoyo al Predictamen (UHAP)) (MEX-69) within the Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health and High Speciality Hospitals (Comisión Coordinadora de Institutos Nacionales de Salud y Hospitales de Alta Especialidad (CCINSHAE)) (referred to as the UHAP-CCINSHAE) or a UHAP within the Mexican Social Security Institute (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS)). MEX-9 states that the CCINSHAE oversees (12) UHAPs. According to MEX-90, the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (Facultad de Medicina de Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL)) UHAP is another third-party unit authorized by COFEPRIS to assist in the evaluation and assessment of human research protocols. Refer to MEX-19, MEX-69, and MEX-70 for detailed information on the CCINSHAE, the IMSS, and the UANL UHAP application submission requirements and evaluation process. See also HlthResRegs for information on the third party authorization process by the Secretariat, and MEX-10 and MEX-121 for additional information on authorized third parties. See Timeline of Review section for timeline information on submitting UHAP applications.

According to MEX-10, the UHAP has a maximum of 30 calendar days to respond to an evaluation request. See the Scope of Assessment and Submission Process sections for detailed UHAP information.

In More Detail
What is a Comprehensive Service Center?
“Process for handling procedures 04-010 and 09-012 in DIGIPRiS”
XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (IX and XI-XIII)
Requirements and Steps
Requirements (13-15, 26, and 40), Validity, and Steps
Preamble, 1.3, 1.7, and 2
Title II (Chapter II, Article 17 Bis), Title III (Chapter III, Article 41 Bis), Title V (Chapter I, Articles 98 and 102), and Title XVI (Chapter III, Article 391 Bis)
Chapter I (Articles 1-3) and Chapter IV (Article 14)
Article 177
Title II (Chapter I, Article 14), Title III (Chapter I, Article 62) and (Chapter II, Articles 65-66, and 69), and Title V (Chapter I, Articles 99, 102, and 109-111)
4.2, 5.2, 6.3, 9.2, and 10.3

Regulatory Fees

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)

As set forth in ResNo9 and ResNo857, the sponsor is responsible for paying a Health Surveillance Inspection Fee (Taxa de Fiscalização de Vigilância Sanitária (TFVS)) to submit a clinical trial application (Clinical Drug Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM))) to the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)). As per ResNo857 and BRA-47, once the sponsor has completed the process of submitting a DDCM request (“petition” in Portuguese), ANVISA’s Solicita Electronic Petition Request System (BRA-56) generates a document known as the Union Collection Guide (Guia de Recolhimento da União (GRU)). According to ResNo857, ANVISA uses the GRU as its primary method to generate TFVS fees. In addition to ResNo857, see also BRA-51 for detailed information on the GRU, BRA-69 for information on the TFVS fee, and BRA-10 for additional information on TFVS requirements. See BRA-38 for additional information on accessing ANVISA’s electronic petitioning request systems.

Per BRA-69, ANVISA determines the TFVS fee based on the company’s size and the subject code assigned to the application request. Per the TFVS fee table provided in ResNo857 and BRA-11, the fees range from 983.85 Brazilian Reals to 19,677 Brazilian Reals to obtain clinical research approval. BRA-8 further notes that ANVISA charges a fee for substantial amendments to the clinical protocol. Additionally, per BRA-69, users can also obtain their petition fee prior to submission by searching ANVISA’s Consultation System webpage (BRA-44) using the “Subject Consultation” (Consulta de Assuntos) tool. BRA-44 provides the fee value based on the petition description subject code. See BRA-69 for further information.

Payment Instructions

As described in ResNo857, the TFVS fee must be paid by GRU; the Federal Revenue Collection Document (Documento de Arrecadação de Receitas Federais (DARF)) (BRA-111), which is a document used to pay taxes, fees, or contributions; PagTesouro (BRA-114); or other methods that may be established. BRA-43 also states that bank payments may be completed at any financial institution participating in the bank clearing system, via the Internet, self-service (ATM) terminals, or directly at the cashier’s window. Per ResNo857 and BRA-43, payment must be made within 30 days after the GRU has been issued.

Per BRA-115, for payments made using ANVISA’s Solicita Electronic Petition Request System (BRA-56), users can select payment through the PagTesouro online payment system (BRA-114). As explained in BRA-115, PagTesouro (BRA-114) is programmed to allow the payment of all fees related to ANVISA petitions in the Solicita system (BRA-56). As per BRA-47, users choosing to pay via PagTesouro (BRA-114) may do so by credit card, or by Pix, which is an instant payment method where a QR Code is generated to complete the payment. Per BRA-47 and BRA-115, users may also choose the “Generate Boleto” option in the Solicita system (BRA-56) to generate the GRU payment slip that can be used to pay via conventional banking methods, with confirmation within two (2) business days. See BRA-47 for further guidance on how to complete the payment process via the Solicita system (BRA-56). See also BRA-115 for additional information on PagTesouro (BRA-114).

Annex I (4.7)
5. Creating a Draft of a Primary Petition and 7. Payment Tab
Subject Consultation tool
1-5, and 9
2 and 5
Chapters I-II, Chapter III (Article 35), and Annex I
Chapter III (Article 38)
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS)

As indicated in G-HumResProt, G-BioequivStud, G-ObsrvStdies, G-ResProtocolAmd, MEX-84, G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, the applicant is responsible for paying a non-refundable fee (also referred to as “Proof of Payment of Rights”) to submit a request for protocol authorization to the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)).

According to MEX-37 and MEX-15, applicants may obtain the fee information for a specific procedure or service using COFEPRIS’s Comprehensive Service Center (Centro Integral de Servicios (CIS)) (MEX-37). Per MEX-15, CIS is a public service system established by the Mexican government to facilitate the processing of the agency’s standardized procedures and services. MEX-15 and MEX-37 indicate that applicants may call CIS (MEX-37) or schedule an appointment for assistance with determining the COFEPRIS procedure code to obtain the correct processing instructions and fees and for help with submitting the payment. See MEX-37 and MEX-15 for information on scheduling an appointment with CIS.

G-HumResProt, G-BioequivStud, G-ObsrvStdies, G-ResProtocolAmd, and MEX-11 provide requirements and corresponding costs to submit requests to COFEPRIS for protocol authorizations or amendments/modifications. The costs linked to these procedures are as follows:

  • Request for authorization of research protocol in humans for medicines, biological, and biotechnological: 7,553.00 Mexican Pesos (G-HumResProt and MEX-11)
  • Authorization of research protocol in humans (bioequivalence studies): 7,553 Mexican Pesos (G-BioequivStud)
  • Authorization of research protocol without risk (observational) in humans: 7,553.00 Mexican Pesos (G-ObsrvStdies)
  • Amendment or modification to the research protocol or inclusions to the protocol: 5,665 Mexican Pesos (G-ResProtocolAmd and MEX-11)

In addition, per G-UnregDrugImprts, the fee to request a health permit to import investigational products for research purposes is 6,727.65 Mexican Pesos.

As indicated in MEX-10, the fee for requesting a pre-assessment application evaluation through an Enabled Pre-Assessment Support Unit (Unidad Habilitada de Apoyo al Predictamen (UHAP)) (MEX-69) within the Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health and High Speciality Hospitals (Comisión Coordinadora de Institutos Nacionales de Salud y Hospitales de Alta Especialidad (CCINSHAE)) (referred to as the UHAP-CCINSHAE) is 60,000 Mexican Pesos. The cost is the same for obtaining a review from any of the UHAPs within CCINSHAE. In addition, if the applicant selects a scientific committee within an institution that has a UHAP, the cost is 40,000 Mexican Pesos. The cost for each amendment is 3,500 Mexican Pesos, and corrections to the pre-assessment document are free.

Payment Instructions

As explained in MEX-50, G-HumResProt, G-BioequivStud, G-ObsrvStdies, and G-ResProtocolAmd, applicants should make payments for these procedures and services through an authorized credit institution using E5cinco (MEX-52). (See also MEX-52 for a link to participating financial institutions). Per MEX-50 and MEX-52, E5cinco is an electronic scheme created to enable users to submit the Payment of Rights, Products and Benefits (Derechos, Productos y Aprovechamientos (DPAs)) to a participating credit institution through its Internet portal or banking window. See also MEX-51 and MEX-6 for detailed DPA payment instructions via E5cinco (MEX-52).

In addition, G-HumResProt, G-BioequivStud, G-ObsrvStdies, G-ResProtocolAmd, and MEX-84 provide a website link, Help Sheet for the Generation of the Fee Payment Format, for users to generate a payment form for fees based on their procedure in order to make a payment at the banking institution of their choice. Refer to G-HumResProt, G-BioequivStud, G-ObsrvStdies, G-ResProtocolAmd, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts for additional information on this process.

Requirements (32) and Cost
2. General Requirements (2.2 Proof of Payment of Fees)
Other Permits or Authorizations - Supplies for Health (p.10)
Where can I go to submit my paperwork to COFEPRIS? and What is a Comprehensive Service Center?
XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (III)
Requirements (2) and Cost
Requirements (2) and Cost
Requirements (2) and Cost

Ethics Committee

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024


As per ResNo466, ResNo446, and OSNo001, Brazil has a centralized registration process for research ethics committees (ECs) (Comitês de Ética em Pesquisas (CEPs)) and requires institutional level EC (CEP) approval for each trial site. The National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)) is the central body responsible for coordinating the network of institutional ECs (CEPs), and for registering and accrediting the ECs (CEPs). ResNo466, ResNo446, and OSNo001 state that CONEP is a collegiate advisory body directly linked to the National Health Council (Conselho Nacional de Saúde (CNS)), a permanent body within the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS)) (BRA-53).

Both the ECs (CEPs) and CONEP are responsible for evaluating the ethical aspects of all research involving human beings and for approving the research protocols when applicable, as explained in ResNo466, ResNo446, OSNo001, and ResNo706. ResNo466 further notes that institutions conducting research involving human participants may establish one (1) or more ECs (CEPs) according to their particular requirements. For those institutions lacking an EC (CEP), or in the case of an investigator without an institutional affiliation, CONEP is required to suggest an EC (CEP) to conduct the protocol review. Together, the ECs (CEPs) and CONEP represent the ethical review system in Brazil, known as the CEP/CONEP System, as described in ResNo466, OSNo001, G-ClinProtocols-FAQs, and ResNo706. See also BRA-50, BRA-16, and BRA-49 for useful information on CONEP and the CNS.

Ethics Committee Composition

National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP)

As per OSNo001 and ResNo446, CONEP is an independent and multidisciplinary organization consisting of 30 appointed members and five (5) alternate members. The members represent a balanced gender composition; eight (8) members must equally represent various segments of the CNS. In addition, according to BRA-16, five (5) members must have a background in ethical research and health, and eight (8) members must represent the theological, legal, health management, and other related professions. Per ResNo446, CONEP also has an Executive Secretary appointed by the MOH’s Secretariat for Science, Technology and Strategic Inputs and an Assistant Secretary appointed by the CNS to coordinate CONEP’s work and to manage the technical and operational work to be carried out by the Executive Secretary. See ResNo466, OSNo001, ResNo446, and BRA-16 for detailed information on CONEP composition and responsibilities. See also BRA-50 for useful information on CONEP.

Research Ethics Committees (CEPs)

As per the PANDRH-GCPs, an institutional EC (CEP) must have at least five (5) members who collectively encompass the qualifications and experience required to review and evaluate the scientific, medical, and ethical aspects of a proposed clinical trial. By comparison, the OMREC requires the EC (CEP) to be composed of a minimum of seven (7) members having proven expertise in research. ResNo706, in turn, states the EC (CEP) must be composed of at least nine (9) members with at least two (2) Research Participant Representatives (Representantes de Participante de Pesquisa (RPPs)).

The PANDRH-GCPs, the OSNo001, OMREC, and ResNo706 also indicate that the EC (CEP) should be multidisciplinary, represent a balanced gender and age composition, and consist of members embodying community interests and concerns. The OMREC and ResNo706 further state that not more than half of its members should belong to the same professional category. ResNo706 also notes that at least half of members must demonstrate experience in research. In addition, as per the PANDRH-GCPs, in communities where minority ethnic populations predominantly reside, the EC (CEP) should include a member, alternate, or consultant from that group. The EC (CEP) may also designate alternate members whose functions are delineated in the EC’s (CEP’s) standard operating procedures (SOPs). Per ResNo706, any changes to the infrastructure, composition of members or administrative employees must be communicated to CONEP. When there is a change in CEP member composition, at least one third of the members of the previous composition must be maintained. Changes in CEP coordination must also be communicated and approved by CONEP. See ResNo706 for additional information. Additional criteria for EC (CEP) membership is also available in Section 3.2 of the PANDRH-GCPs and Section 2 of OMREC.

ResNo647 establishes standards and mandatory requirements for all ECs (CEPs) in Brazil to include RPPs who represent the interests of research participants. RPPs must be at least 18 years old; have a history of participation in a social and/or community movement in which the participation is not limited to health areas and can cover all segments of social movement activity; and must be able to express the viewpoints and interests of individuals and/or groups of research participants in order to represent the collective interests of different audiences in the CEP/CONEP System. See ResNo647 for detailed information on RPPs. See also BRA-29 for additional information.

Terms of Reference, Review Procedures, and Meeting Schedule

As set forth in the PANDRH-GCPs and OMREC, each EC (CEP) must have written SOPs, including a process for conducting reviews. The SOPs should include information on EC (CEP) composition, meeting schedules, frequency of reviews, requirements for initial and ongoing evaluation of the research study, and requirements for notifying the investigator and the institution of results related to the study’s initial and ongoing evaluation. ResNo706 further specifies the EC (CEP) is responsible for the following:

  • Maintaining adequate composition
  • Choosing, for coordination, an EC (CEP) member that does not present a potential conflict of interest, by vote of the absolute majority (50% plus one) of the total number of full members
  • Issuing opinions and sending CONEP reports on its activities within regulatory deadlines
  • Maintaining confidentiality of all information regarding research protocols and the content of EC (CEP) meetings
  • Preparing the internal regulations
  • Analyzing research protocols of the proposing institutions, located only in the same Federative Unit as the EC (CEP) registration
  • Ensuring periodic training of its members, through a permanent training plan on ethics in research involving human beings, including content targeted and accessible to RPPs
  • Promoting educational activities in the area of research ethics involving human beings, with its members and the community in general
  • Maintaining regular and effective communication with CONEP
  • Receiving complaints and investigating ethical infractions, especially those that involve risks to research participants, communicating the facts to the competent bodies for investigation and, when appropriate, to the public prosecutor's office

Also, as noted in ResNo706, an EC (CEP) is responsible for receiving and considering, from an ethical point of view, the research protocols indicated by CONEP. However, the committee may also refuse the ethical assessment of research protocols indicated by CONEP, upon justification.

Per the PANDRH-GCPs, OMREC, and ResNo706, the majority of committee members must be involved in the review and approval process, and the necessary quorum must be obtained to approve or deny permission to conduct a study as specified in each EC’s (CEP’s) SOPs. As per ResNo706, the term of office of EC (CEP) members is valid for four (4) years, with the possibility of reappointment, at the discretion of the CEP. At the end of the term of office, an EC (CEP) member may remain in this role up to 90 days, until a replacement or reappointment takes place.

The PANDRH-GCPs also state that the EC (CEP) must retain all relevant records (e.g., SOPs, member lists, member affiliations and occupations, documents presented, meeting minutes, and correspondence) for three (3) years after the study’s conclusion, and make them available to the regulatory authorities upon request.

For detailed EC (CEP) procedures and information on other administrative processes, see Sections 3.3 and 3.4 of the PANDRH-GCPs and the OMREC. Also, see CLNo1-2022 for instructions on submitting administrative documents via email to CONEP to speed up EC (CEP) accreditation and renewal processes and maintain regular functioning of ECs (CEPs), and CLNo25 for guidance on conducting virtual CEP/CONEP system meetings.

Chapter I
The Representation of Research Participants in the CEP and CONEP and The Role of RPP in the CEP
Introduction, 6, and Summary Chart
Sections 2, 3, and 18
1, 2.1, 2.3, and 3
Preamble, Articles 1 and 16
Preamble, Chapters I, IV, V (Article 15), and VIII
Preamble, Chapters I-III, and Chapter VII
Sections VI-X
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024


As delineated in GenHlthLaw, HlthResRegs, REC-Op, REC-Op-Ref, G-RECs-Op-2018, and NOM-012-SSA3-2012, Mexico has a decentralized process for the ethics review and approval of clinical trial research. Accordingly, every health care institution which carries out research activities in human beings is required to have a Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)) that is responsible for evaluating and ruling on research protocols in human beings. RECs are subject to current legislation and the criteria established by the National Bioethics Commission (Comisión Nacional de Bioética (CONBIOÉTICA)).

RECs must also comply with guidelines for the ethical evaluation of research involving human beings as delineated in GenHlthLaw, G-RECs-Op-2018, HlthResRegs and NOM-012-SSA3-2012. Pursuant to G-RECs-Op-2018, RECs must adhere to international guidelines relevant to research with human beings including the Declaration of Helsinki (MEX-76) and the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (MEX-22)).

In addition, per GenHlthLaw, HlthResRegs, and NOM-012-SSA3-2012, every health institution where research is conducted is required to establish a Research Committee and a Biosafety Committee. Per HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, REC and Research Committee approval is required for each trial site where a study is being conducted, and when applicable, Biosafety Committee approval is required as well.

GenHlthLaw further notes that in addition to establishing an REC, public, social, or private sector health care establishments of the National Health System must have a Hospital Bioethics Committee for the resolution of problems arising from medical care along with engaging in other bioethical and ethical related activities.

As per HlthResRegs, REC-Op, REC-Op-Ref, G-RECs-Op-2018, and NOM-012-SSA3-2012, Hospital Bioethics Committees also operate through CONBIOÉTICA. MEX-47 specifies that CONBIOÉTICA is responsible for registering RECs and Hospital Bioethics Committees. See the Oversight of Ethics Committees section for details on ethics committee registration.

Ethics Committee Composition

Research Ethics Committee Composition

As indicated in GenHlthLaw, RECs must be interdisciplinary gender-balanced groups composed of medical personnel from different specialties; professionals from psychology, nursing, social work, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, or law fields who have bioethics training; and community representatives affected by the health condition under study or other health services users who may or may not be attached to the health unit or institution. In addition to the previously stated criteria, G-RECs-Op-2018 indicates that these professionals should have a professional license and accredited training and experience in research ethics, good clinical practice, bioethics, and have experience related to the research area they will be evaluating. HlthResRegs further notes that the REC must consist of at least three (3) scientists including both genders and recommends that at least one (1) of them be based outside the health institution. The medical professionals should also represent the moral, cultural, and social values of the research groups. By comparison, NOM-012-SSA3-2012 states that REC health professionals should have expertise in the subjects investigated at the institution, regardless of whether the professionals have experience in the scientific methodology applied to the research. Further, the community representatives should embody the moral, cultural, and social values of the research participants.

Per REC-Op and REC-Op-Ref, the REC members must also be recognized and able to document their professional excellence in research/research bioethics, have personal records that prove ethical suitability and conduct, and advanced knowledge in qualitative and quantitative methodology. Additionally, GenHlthLaw, G-RECs-Op-2018, and NOM-012-SSA3-2012 state that REC members may or may not be based at the associated institution where the study is being conducted.

Additionally, NOM-012-SSA3-2012 specifies that the REC should be composed of a minimum of three (3) scientists, plus community representatives, as deemed necessary, with a total of at least six (6) members and a maximum of 20. G-RECs-Op-2018, REC-Op, and REC-Op-Ref note that the REC should comprise a president, at least four (4) members, one (1) of whom will serve as secretary, a representative from the affected study group or other health services users, with at least one (1) member who has expertise in bioethics and research ethics, and internal or external specialists to be included on an as needed basis. G-RECs-Op-2018 also notes that the member acting as a representative is not required to have a professional license in research or medical care and may include individuals with basic education or technical training.

Hospital Bioethics Committee Composition

Per GenHlthLaw and G-CHBs-Op, Hospital Bioethics Committees must be multidisciplinary, diverse, gender-balanced groups composed of medical personnel from different specialties and the health team; professionals from psychology, nursing, social work, sociology, anthropology, and philosophy fields; lawyers with knowledge in health matters, and community representatives affected by the health condition under study or other health services users who may or may not be attached to the health unit or institution. G-CHBs-Op notes that the members must have previous bioethics training or receive the training within the six (6) months after joining the Committee. Administrative personnel, directors of institutions, or people who occupy managerial positions in the institution should not be included, in order to promote an environment of equity.

In addition, per G-CHBs-Op, the Hospital Bioethics Committee should be composed of a president and a minimum of four (4) members with assistance from a secretary, to be appointed from among the members by the president. At least one (1) member not assigned to the health establishment must be included.

Terms of Reference, Review Procedures, and Meeting Schedule

Research Ethics Committees

Per NOM-012-SSA3-2012, the constitution and operation of the REC will be subject to the provisions of current legislation and, where appropriate, to the criteria referred to in article 41 Bis of the GenHlthLaw. REC-Op, G-RECs-Op-2018, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, and COFEPRIS-GCP specify that RECs should operate within written standard operating procedures (SOPs) to conduct their reviews. REC-Op and G-RECs-Op-2018 indicate that the health institution owner must approve the SOPs and issue a certificate of appointment to each of the REC members. HlthResRegs, G-RECs-Op-2018, and NOM-012-SSA3-2012 note that members must hold office for three (3) years and may be approved for an equal period.

Per REC-Op, G-RECs-Op-2018, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, and COFEPRIS-GCP, the following minimum requirements must be met (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • RECs must meet at least six (6) times a year, and at least once every two (2) months
  • The minimum number of members required to complete a quorum must be greater than 50% of the members, and the president and/or secretary must be present to form a quorum
  • In the evaluation of multicenter studies and when otherwise warranted, the REC may meet jointly with other RECs that belong to other establishments in the country, for the assessment and opinion for these protocols
  • Minutes must be prepared for legal and administrative purposes in meetings
  • An annual report of activities should be presented to the institutional head in the first 30 calendar days of the year
  • Avoid conflicts of interest in protocol evaluations or be declared disqualified for that particular review
  • Participation is required in initial training and bioethics continuing education
  • Liaisons with other RECs within and outside the country to better carry out its functions
  • A general policy on the confidentiality of information for protocols reviewed must be established and implemented
  • A code of conduct for REC members must be established and implemented
  • Members must refrain from participating in the evaluation and opinion of their own research
  • Members will remain in office for the time established in each committee’s installation act and may be ratified at the end of each period, if applicable. Members may be replaced in a staggered manner, for which documentary evidence must be kept
  • The committee will designate the person who will occupy the position of president and who will be responsible to the head of the institution or establishment and for the committee’s activities
  • In the committee sessions, members of external committees may participate or have the support of external advisors, who will have a voice but no vote. In these cases, researchers from the institution or establishment itself may also participate as long as they work in areas related to the subject of the project or research protocol in the opinion phase
  • It is the responsibility of the committee to issue the technical opinion on ethics, according to the nature of the proposed investigations

For detailed REC procedures and information on other administrative processes, see REC-Op, G-RECs-Op-2018, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, and COFEPRIS-GCP. See also MEX-72 for information on CONBIOÉTICA’s REC follow-up monitoring reports.

As per G-RECs-Op-2018, the REC should also keep documentation related to its integration, operation, and registration activities for up to three (3) years after the conclusion of the committee’s activities. The committee should also define the procedure for transferring the files and appoint the responsible person at the institution where the REC registration was granted. In addition, the REC will keep all the essential documents reviewed and related to each evaluated investigation, up to five (5) years following the end of the investigation or during the period established in the applicable provisions.

See G-RECs-Op-2018 for additional REC recordkeeping requirements.

Hospital Bioethics Committees

As indicated in G-CHBs-Op, Hospital Bioethics Committees must establish operating rules, which specify member functions as well as the internal mechanisms and procedures for operations during the sessions. In newly created Committees and during the first six (6) months, the members must be trained in bioethics on an ongoing basis. Per G-CHBs-Op and GenHlthLaw, the Committee will also promote, with the head of the hospital, the dissemination, elaboration and implementation of institutional bioethical guidelines and guides for medical care and teaching. It will also promote the ongoing the bioethical education of its members and hospital staff. GenHlthLaw also notes the Hospital Bioethics Committees must comply with current legislation and CONBIOÉTICA guidelines.

G-CHBs-Op further explains that Hospital Bioethics Committees must meet in an ordinary manner, at least six (6) times a year, and in an extraordinary way, at any time, at the President’s request, or when requested by the majority of its members. Quorum requirements to review and decide on a request must include attendance of at least half the number of committee members and the president. Minutes will also be prepared for each of the Committee sessions. The resolutions issued by the Committee are the result of the analysis and deliberation of the members present at the session and must be communicated through a letter addressed to the applicant who presented the case. The recommendations issued by the Committee must not be incorporated into the clinical file. The Committee President is responsible for safeguarding the files. For detailed Hospital Bioethics Committee procedures and information on other administrative processes, see G-CHBs-Op.

XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (XI-XIII)
Requirements (11)
1.2-1.3, 2-3, 3.1, 3.3, 4.1, 4.3, 5.1-5.2, 6.1-6.2, 8.1, 9, 11, and Annexes 1 and 2
Integration, Operation, Sessions, Minutes, Quorum, Issuance of Recommendations, and Information and Files
Title III (Chapter III, Article 41 Bis) and Title V (Chapter I, Articles 98 and 100)
Preamble, Fourth, Sixth-Tenth, and Twelfth
Preamble, Article One (Twelfth, Twelfth Bis 1, Twelfth Bis 2, and Sixteenth)
Title II (Chapter I, Articles 13-14), Title V (Chapter I, Articles 99-102, 104, and 108-109)
0-1 and 9

Scope of Review

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

New Info Not Yet Covered in Profile

Effective January 1, 2025, ANVISA’s clinical trials regulation, RDC No. 945, and the corresponding regulatory instruction, IN No. 338, are in force, and ResNo9 and ResNo449 are revoked. See the News tab at the top of the page for related ANVISA technical note and forms.


As set forth in ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, ResNo251, and the G-ClinProtocols-FAQs, the primary scope of information assessed by research ethics committees (ECs) (Comitês de Ética em Pesquisas (CEPs)) and the National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)), jointly known as the CEP/CONEP System, relates to maintaining and protecting the dignity and rights of research participants and ensuring their safety throughout their participation in a clinical trial.

Per ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, ResNo251, and OSNo001, the CEP/CONEP System members must pay special attention to reviewing informed consent and to protecting the welfare of certain classes of participants deemed to be vulnerable (See the Vulnerable Populations; Children/Minors; Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates; Prisoners; and Mentally Impaired sections for additional information about these populations). ResNo304 further establishes specific ethical requirements for research studies involving indigenous populations. Detailed information on documentation and consent requirements for studies involving indigenous populations is available in the Documentation Requirements, Vulnerable Populations, and Consent for Specimen sections.

The CEP/CONEP System members are also responsible for ensuring an independent, timely, and competent review of all ethical aspects of the clinical trial protocol as stated in ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, and OSNo001. It must act in the interests of the potential research participants and the communities involved, evaluating the possible risks and expected benefits to participants, confirming the suitability of the investigator(s), facilities, and methods, and verifying the adequacy of confidentiality and privacy safeguards. Refer to ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, and OSNo001 for detailed ethical review guidelines that govern the CEP/CONEP System.

National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP)-Designated Protocol Reviews

Per ResNo580, the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Secretary of Science, Technology and Strategic Inputs refers protocols to CONEP that are determined to be of strategic public health interest for the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS)) (BRA-53). ResNo580 recognizes strategic research protocols as those studies that may contribute to public health, justice, reduction of social inequalities and technological dependencies, and those that address public health emergencies. Refer to the Oversight of Ethics Committees section for additional information on CONEP’s review requirements for this type of protocol. A working group was also created to support the MOH’s assessment of research involving human beings when carried out in the SUS sphere, per OrdNo552. The interagency working group includes National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)), CONEP, and the National Health Council (Conselho Nacional de Saúde (CNS)), and is coordinated by an MOH representative.

In addition to conducting public health and international project reviews, per ResNo466, ResNo446, and ResNo340, CONEP is required to review certain studies involving human genetics, human reproduction, invasive therapeutic procedures, indigenous populations, genetically modified organisms, embryonic stem cells, and the establishment and operation of biobanks for research. Refer to ResNo466, ResNo446, and ResNo340 for specific details on CONEP protocol review requirements. See also CLNo172 for additional guidance on classifying protocol thematic areas that require CONEP review (e.g., protocols on the constitution and operation of biobanks for research purposes); CLNo34 for guidance on processing biobank development protocols electronically, and; CLNo041 for CONEP specimens consent instructions. See also ResNo506 for information on the role of CEP/CONEP System members in reviewing protocols submitted for clinical trials with advanced therapy products in Brazil (i.e., medicines for human use based on genes, tissues, or cells).

Review Pathways

ResNo674 provides review criteria and corresponding timelines to classify research and the processing of research protocols involving human beings in the CEP/CONEP System based upon study type and level of intervention in the human body. The regulation divides research into two (2) groups: 1) studies seeking to describe or understand phenomena that has happened or happen in the research participant’s daily life; and 2) studies that aim to verify the effect of an investigational product (IP) or technique used in research, deliberately applied to the participant, prospectively monitored, and which may or may not involve a control group. The studies are further characterized according to procedure and whether it involves intervention in the human body and if it is invasive.

Classification by study design and procedure is as follows: Type A – observational research; Type B – observational research with human body intervention; and Type C – investigational research designed to verify the effect of an IP (including a medicine, drug, biological product, or health device) or an investigational technique used in research, deliberately applied to the participant, prospectively monitored, with or without a control. Type C studies are further divided into two (2) subtypes: C1 studies, in which the object of investigation is not an IP in the health area, and C2 studies, in which the object of investigation is an IP in the health area.

EC analysis varies according to the type of research and modulation factors (i.e., consent process, confidentiality, and/or research methods), and requires the reviewer to verify the documentation the investigator submits in Plataforma Brasil (BRA-34). Per BRA-93, Plataforma Brasil is a national and unified database of human subjects research records that represents the entire CEP/CONEP System. The platform is also used to track research applications from submission to final approval by the EC (CEP), and when necessary, by CONEP. See BRA-33 for the most current Plataforma Brazil CEP and investigator manuals.

There are four (4) ways of processing protocols in the CEP/CONEP System: express, simplified, collegiate, and special collegiate; the modulation factors per Annex II of ResNo674 provides additional characteristics to further modify the protocol processing method to be used. See ResNo674, BRA-4, and BRA-5 for additional information on the CEP/CONEP System’s protocol research classification and processing procedures. (Please note: Per BRA-9, the protocol classification and processing system has not yet been implemented in BRA-34. The ClinRegs team will continue to monitor the Plataforma Brasil webpage for any developments.)

Role in Clinical Trial Approval Process

As delineated in ResNo9, ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, and OSNo001, ANVISA and the EC (CEP) (and CONEP, if applicable) must approve a clinical trial application before a trial is permitted to commence. However, ResNo205 repealed the ResNo9 requirement that EC (CEP) approval must be submitted as part of the Clinical Drug Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM)) submission to ANVISA. Therefore, as explained in BRA-2 and BRA-1, regulatory and ethics reviews may be conducted in parallel.

In addition, as indicated in ResNo9, and also noted in BRA-2, CONEP’s approval is not a requirement for ANVISA to approve the DDCM. However, the PANDRH-GCPs, ResNo9, and OSNo001 state that the EC (CEP) must review and approve any protocol amendments prior to those changes being implemented. According to BRA-1, when a protocol amendment is submitted to ANVISA, CONEP approval is not mandatory, but may be requested. In these cases, only the EC (CEP) is required to approve the amended protocol prior to implementation and ANVISA should be notified. Per ResNo9, the EC (CEP) is required to approve substantial protocol amendments prior to implementation. See ResNo9 and the G-DDCMManual for additional information on preparing DDCMs, and CLNo038 for the criteria CONEP uses to process protocol amendments.

ResNo466 and OSNo001 specify that the development and submission of research, as well as the implementation and disclosure of EC (CEP) and CONEP opinions, must occur via BRA-34. Also see the Timeline of Review section for additional EC timeline information. There is no stated expiration date for an EC (CEP) approval in ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, ResNo9, or OSNo001. However, in the event that an EC (CEP) revokes its approval of a clinical protocol, it must record its reasons for doing so and immediately communicate this decision to the investigator and ANVISA.

Per CLNo29, in the case of an appeal, only the researcher responsible for the protocol, which had a substantiated opinion of non-approval, may submit a request to the CEP/CONEP System via Platforma Brasil (BRA-34). The appeal must be filed within 30 calendar days, counting from the first day following the issuance of the substantiated opinion of non-approval. Appeals submitted to the EC (CEP) will be reviewed and a substantiated opinion analyzing the appeal will be issued within 30 calendar days following receipt. If the EC (CEP) considers the requirements and justifications presented in the appeal to be appropriate in order to continue the ethical analysis, the appeal will be approved, or pending approval, if the protocol requires adjustments prior to approval. However, if the appeal is not approved by the EC (CEP), the researcher may appeal to CONEP. CONEP, in turn, has a deadline of up to 45 days after receiving the appeal to issue a substantiated opinion of approved, pending, or not approved, when evaluating the appeal in relation to the substantiated opinion issued by the EC (CEP). If CONEP does not approve the appeal, the researcher, upon receiving the non-approval opinion from CONEP, may file an appeal directly to CONEP itself. From an analysis of the resources submitted to the EC (CEP) and/or CONEP, CONEP may issue an “Approve with Recommendation” opinion to the EC (CEP), when applicable. If CONEP does not approve the appeal, the processing of the appeal is terminated, the research protocol is archived, and no other appeal requests will be permitted.

Following the review process, the PANDRH-GCPs also states that the sponsor must receive the following information prior to the trial’s commencement:

  • EC (CEP) member profiles (names and addresses)
  • Documented approval of EC (CEP)’s favorable opinion
  • Copy of EC (CEP) recommendations in case it has based its approval on change(s) in any aspect of the study (e.g., protocol modifications, written informed consent form, (ICF) or any other written information or other procedures)

Per the PANDRH-GCPs, the sponsor should also obtain documentation and dates relating to any EC (CEP) re-evaluations, re-approvals, withdrawals, or suspensions of approval from the investigator. (See the Submission Content section for additional details on the EC review process).

Additionally, CONEP has published a number of circular letters to clarify protocol review and processing procedures, submission instructions, and investigator responsibilities related to the following:

  • Classifying protocol thematic areas requiring CONEP review (CLNo172)
  • Processing protocol amendments (CLNo038)
  • Providing general clinical trial guidelines (CLNo24 and CLNo24-Note)
  • Presenting documentation required for CONEP analysis (CLNo062)
  • Conducting virtual CEP/CONEP System meetings (CLNo25)
  • Updating the informed consent form (ICF) (CLNo17)
  • Additional clarifications on ICF text (CLNo51)
  • Obtaining consent for human specimens (CLNo041)
  • Using medical records data for research purposes (CLNo039)
  • Submitting requests for research center inclusion/exclusion (CLNo046)
  • Processing biobank development protocols electronically (CLNo34)
  • Linking investigator/institutions to the responsible EC in submissions (CLNo183)
  • Standardizing consent and electronic assent for research participants and biobanks (CLNo23)
  • Submitting research protocols with human bodies and/or anatomical parts (CLNo26)
  • Processing adverse events for Brazil and abroad (CLNo13)
  • Submitting the Serious Adverse Event (SAE) form and instructions (CLNo008)
  • CEP protocol processing timeline and responsibility to researchers/research participants in the event of a temporary strike or institutional recess (CLNo10)
  • Submitting appeals to the CEP/CONEP System (CLNo29)
  • Obtaining consent from research participants under 18 years old and people with “absence of autonomy” (CLNo11)

The above circulars are described in more detail where appropriate across the Brazil profile.

Foreign Research

As delineated in ResNo292, ResNo446, and ResNo466, applications with coordination and/or sponsorship originating outside of Brazil require additional EC review by CONEP. Per ResNo446, an exception to the required CONEP review applies to studies that have been fully carried out abroad and have been approved by an EC or equivalent body in the country of origin. ResNo580 also amends the ResNo466 requirements related to co-sponsored research projects and those involved with shipping human biological materials. This regulation states that when the MOH’s Secretariat of Science, Technology and Strategic Health Inputs issues an official agreement for a specific research project, the EC (CEP) for the proposing institution may conduct its review without the need for additional review by CONEP.

ResNo292 also explains that the scope of research from abroad or with foreign participation includes: collaboration between public or private foreign individuals or legal entities; sending and/or receiving biological materials from humans; sending and/or receiving data and information collected to aggregate research results; and international multicenter studies. For protocols within this thematic area, per ResNo292, special attention should be given to insuring the EC or equivalent institution within the originating country has issued an approval. If not, the Brazilian EC (CEP) and CONEP must approve the protocol. Refer to ResNo292 and the G-ClinProtocols-FAQs for additional guidance on research studies submitted from abroad.

Multicenter Research

ResNo346 establishes the submission process for multicenter research protocols and indicates that the coordinating center’s EC (CEP) should initially review the protocol and forward it to CONEP for review. Per OSNo001, the principal investigator is also required to submit a list of the participating institutions and associated protocols, the coordinating center, and the EC (CEP) designated to monitor the study’s progress as part of the research protocol package sent to the EC (CEP) for review. ResNo346 further notes that CONEP will only evaluate the first protocol submitted and then send its final opinion to the original EC (CEP) and the other participating institutions. ResNo674 similarly explains that the initial analysis of the research protocol using the research classification procedure will occur at the EC (CEP) of the coordinating center or the accredited EC (CEP), when applicable, and will be subsequently forwarded for analysis by the EC (CEP) of the other co-participating centers and/or institutions, after approval.

See ResNo346 for additional multicenter protocol processing information and OSNo01 for detailed information on the coordinating center’s role in this process.

Exemption from Review

Pursuant to Article 26 of ResNo674, CLNo12 provides further guidance on research that is exempt from ethical assessment by the CEP/CONEP system. Research that is exempt includes protocols that fall exclusively into the following categories: public opinion surveys with unidentifiable participants; research that uses publicly accessible information; research that uses public domain information; census research carried out by government agencies; research carried out exclusively with information or data already available in aggregate form, without the possibility of individual identification; research carried out exclusively with scientific texts to review the scientific literature; research that aims at the theoretical deepening of situations that emerge spontaneously and contingently in professional practice, as long as it does not reveal data that can identify the individuals; activity carried out with the sole purpose of education, teaching, extension or training, without the purpose of scientific research, of undergraduate students, technical course, or professionals in specialization; market research; scientific research carried out with cells, tissues, organs and organisms of nonhuman origin, including their biological products, provided there is no interaction with research participants or imply the collection or use of human biological material to obtain them; and, activity whose purpose is to describe or analyze the productive or administrative process exclusively for organizational development purposes.

Regulatory Submission Process and Conducting a Clinical Trial in Brasil
Priority Review, Rare Diseases, and ANVISA Review in Parallel with Ethics Process
Chapters 2 (2.3), 3 (3.1 and 3.3-3.4), 4 (4.3), 5 (5.5-5.6), 6 (6.10-6.11 and 6.23), and 9
Introduction, 6, and Summary Chart
1, 2.1, and 3
Chapters I-VII, Chapter IX (Article 26), Chapter X (Article 28), and Annexes I and II
Preamble, I, and VII-VIII
Preamble and Articles 1 and 16
I and III-V
Articles 1-2
IV and VI
Articles 1 and 11-12
Article 9
Chapter I (Articles 1, 2, and 4), II (Articles 7 and 15), III (Article 26)
Chapter III (Articles 35-36 and 38) and Chapter V (Articles 46-47)
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024


According to HlthResRegs, REC-Op, and G-RECs-Op-2018, the primary scope of information assessed by the Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)) relates to maintaining and protecting the dignity and rights of human research participants and ensuring their safety throughout their participation in a clinical trial. Per HlthResRegs and G-RECs-Op-2018, RECs must also pay special attention to reviewing informed consent and protecting the welfare of certain classes of participants deemed vulnerable. (See Vulnerable Populations; Children/Minors; Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates; Prisoners; and Mentally Impaired sections for additional information about these populations.)

HlthResRegs and G-RECs-Op-2018 also state that RECs must ensure an independent, timely, and competent review of all ethical aspects of the clinical trial protocol. They must act in the interests of the potential research participants and the communities involved by evaluating the possible risks and expected benefits to participants, and they must verify the adequacy of confidentiality and privacy safeguards. See HlthResRegs and G-RECs-Op-2018 for detailed ethical review guidelines.

Role in Clinical Trial Approval Process

Per HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, the applicant must obtain a favorable decision from the REC and the Research Committee at the health institution where the study is being conducted, and when applicable, a favorable decision from the Biosafety Committee. As per COFEPRIS-GCP, HlthResRegs, and NOM-012-SSA3-2012, the REC must provide a favorable decision for the research protocol and informed consent form prior to the applicant submitting a request for protocol authorization to the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)). Consequently, the REC and COFEPRIS reviews may not be conducted in parallel.

HlthResRegs, GenHlthLaw, and G-HumResProt explain that the REC provides ethics recommendations on protocols for research in human beings, including a review of the research risks and benefits, and per G-HumResProt, assesses the technical quality and scientific merit of the protocol. HlthResRegs further notes that RECs also prepare ethics guidelines for conducting research in humans.

As delineated in G-RECs-Op-2018, the REC agenda and documents corresponding to each session should be delivered at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. It is then recommended that the REC’s decision be sent within a period not exceeding five (5) working days after the committee has met, or if applicable, not to exceed 30 calendar days from the review request date. G-RECs-Op-2018 and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts also state that the approval of a new application is valid for one (1) year.

After obtaining a favorable opinion from the REC that validated the initial project or protocol, per NOM-012-SSA3-2012, the principal investigator (PI) must submit an amended protocol to the Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud) to request a new authorization for any amendments to be made to the methodological design of the initial research project. In those cases where the lives of research participants are endangered, amendments can be applied immediately, prior to approval by the REC and authorization by the Ministry of Health. However, in these situations, it will be necessary for the PI to provide documentary evidence following the event to the REC and the Ministry.

In addition, G-RECs-Op-2018 indicates that the REC should establish procedures for monitoring approved studies, from the point at which the decision was made until the completion of the investigation and reporting of results. Per NOM-012-SSA3-2012 and G-RECs-Op-2018, the REC must assess and approve the research protocol at the beginning of the project, and periodically throughout the project’s duration to ensure conformance with ethical principles and applicable regulations. NOM-012-SSA3-2012 further specifies that the REC must propose to the head of the institution or establishment where health research is carried out that the research be suspended or cancelled in the presence of any adverse effect that is an impediment from an ethical or technical point of view to continue with the study.

(See Submission Process and Timeline of Review sections for detailed REC submission process and timeline details.)

XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (XI-XIII)
Requirements (11)
3.1-3.3, 4.3-4.4, 7.2, 8.1-8.2, 11, and Annexes 5 and 6
Title V (Chapter I, Article 100)
Preamble and Fifth
Preamble, Title II (Chapter I, Article 13 and Chapter II, Article 29), Title III (Chapter I, Article 61-62), and Title V (Chapter I, Articles 99-102, 104, and 108-109)
0, 6.3, 8.4, 9.2, and 10.3

Ethics Committee Fees

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP)

According to ResNo466, OMREC, and ResNo706, the National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)) does not permit research ethics committees (ECs) (Comitês de Ética em Pesquisas (CEPs)), to charge a fee to review clinical trial protocols. OMREC further explains that financing to support ethical reviews should come from a specific scientific committee budget designated within each institution.

Chapter V (Article 15)
Section VII
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

As set forth in G-RECs-Op-2018, COFEPRIS-GCP, and REC-Op, Research Ethics Committees (RECs) (Comités de Ética en Investigación (CEIs)) do not charge sponsors/investigators for their review. Rather, the health institution must finance REC operating expenses, without this causing any conflict of interest in the committee’s functions.

G-RECs-Op-2018 further states that the institution may also receive support from external sources for evaluating protocols. However, this funding should not be given directly to any of the REC members, and the contributions should not lead to a conflict of interest between the funding source and the REC’s functions. Similarly, the committee’s evaluations should not result in financial gains as a result of these contributions.

Per G-RECs-Op-2018, REC financial support should not be used for purposes other than for its operation, and all activities should be handled with full transparency. Support is provided for the following activities:

  • Time for participation in committee meetings
  • Work recognition for their performance in the REC
  • Support for training in bioethics and research ethics inside and outside the institution
  • Physical space for the REC headquarters, both for meetings and receipt of documents, and safeguarding of documentation protocols, opinions, and minutes
  • Administrative assistance for REC activities

No information is available on Hospital Bioethics Committee fees.

Seventh, Ninth, and Eleventh

Oversight of Ethics Committees

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024


As per ResNo466, OSNo001, and ResNo446, the National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)) is the central statutory body responsible for the registration, audit, and accreditation of research ethics committees (ECs) (Comitês de Ética em Pesquisas (CEPs)). CONEP was created by the Ministry of Health (MOH) to provide ethical oversight of clinical research and to safeguard the rights and welfare of human participants involved in clinical studies. CONEP reports to the National Health Council (Conselho Nacional de Saúde (CNS)), the advisory body to the MOH.

As delineated in ResNo466, OSNo001, and ResNo446, CONEP’s core responsibilities center on:

  • Examining the ethical aspects of research involving human participants
  • Analyzing and monitoring research protocols and issuing opinions on applications with coordination or sponsorship originating outside Brazil, unless the co-sponsor is the Brazilian Government and applications are related to specialized thematic areas (i.e., human genetics, human reproduction, vaccines, and human biological materials)
  • Preparing and updating relevant ethical standards
  • Registering, auditing, accrediting, and training ECs (CEPs)
  • Monitoring EC (CEP) processes
  • Promoting and participating in educational EC (CEP) activities

See also the Scope of Review section for detailed EC (CEP) and CONEP review requirements associated with protocols originating outside of Brazil.

LawNo14.874, which comes into force on August 27, 2024, establishes the National System of Ethics in Research with Human Beings (Sistema Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos), which consists of a national research ethics body and an ethical analysis research body, represented by the ECs (CEPs). The national research ethics body, an interdisciplinary and independent collegiate body that is part of the MOH, is responsible for the following:

  • Issuing regulatory standards on ethics research
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the National System of Ethics in Research with Human Beings
  • Accrediting and certifying the ECs (CEPs) so that they are able to perform the function of ethical analysis in research, according to the degree of risk involved
  • Monitoring, supporting, and supervising the ECs (CEPs) in relation to the analysis of research protocols and compliance with the pertinent standards
  • Promoting and supporting the training of EC (CEP) members, with special emphasis on ethical and methodological aspects
  • Acting as an appeals court for decisions made by ECs (CEPs)

The ClinRegs team will provide additional information on the implementation of LawNo14.874 as it becomes available. See also BRA-117 for additional information.

Registration, Auditing, and Accreditation

As per ResNo466, SP006REC, OSNo001, ResNo446, and ResNo706, all ECs (CEPs) must be registered and accredited by CONEP. CONEP’s Executive Secretariat who performs a documentation review to ensure compliance with the requirements delineated in ResNo446 carries out accreditation. ResNo706 further states that CEP registration and accreditation may only be requested by health, teaching, or research institutions headquartered in Brazil, without potential conflict of interest, and in good standing with competent bodies. The granting of EC (CEP) registration and accreditation is prohibited to research centers maintained or linked to Representative Clinical Research Representative Organizations (Organização Representativa de Pesquisa Clínica (ORPCs)) and professional category associations.

CNSResNo506 states that accreditation is valid for three (3) years. ResNo706, in turn, indicates that the term of validity of EC (CEP) accreditation is four (4) years.

ResNo706 specifies that registration and accreditation of the EC (CEP), as well as its renewal, will be carried out upon submission of the following documents:

  • Application sent by the supporting institution, signed by its legal guardian, containing the description of this institution and the commitment to ensure the minimum operating conditions of the EC (CEP)
  • Proof of the minimum operating requirements of the supporting institution, in accordance with specific standards
  • Request form, according to the model provided by CONEP
  • Letters of appointment of Research Participant Representatives (RPPs), in accordance with the specific resolution
  • Act of designation of the EC (CEP)
  • EC (CEP) internal regulations

Additionally, per ResNo706, to begin activities, the EC (CEP) must, within 90 days after the announcement of registration and accreditation approval, prove the adequate training of its members. The approval of registration and accreditation of the EC (CEP) that does not begin its activities will be revoked within 120 days after approval of its registration. The renewal of the EC (CEP) accreditation must be initiated 90 days before the expiration date of its validity and be completed before it expires. An extension of the deadline for renewal may be requested once for a maximum period of 90 days when justified.

CNSResNo506, by comparison, states that to apply for accreditation, as well as renewal, an EC (CEP) is required to submit the following documentation along with a proposal for accreditation:

  • Formal application justifying the EC (CEP)'s accreditation request
  • Current EC (CEP) internal regulations
  • Description of the EC (CEP)’s current functioning and infrastructure
  • Proposal of the minimum number of high-risk protocols of other institutions that the EC (CEP) undertakes to evaluate on an individual basis, after obtaining the accreditation certificate
  • Report of EC (CEP) activities for the three (3) years prior to the date of publication of the public call

See CNSResNo506 for additional documentation requirements.

As noted in CNSResNo506 and SP006REC, the renewal application must be submitted within the window of 60 days before to 60 days after the accreditation’s expiration date. Once the deadline has elapsed, and no renewal has been requested, the accreditation certificate will be canceled automatically. Additionally, per CNSResNo506, the accreditation certificate may be canceled, at any time, at the request of the EC (CEP), upon presentation in writing, without prejudice to the loss of its registration. In the absence of compliance with current CNS norms, CONEP will cancel the accreditation certificate, consubstantiating its decision in opinion. In case of cancellation of the accreditation by CONEP, the EC (CEP) may appeal. During the review period, the accredited CEP will maintain the rights conferred by the accreditation certificate. SP006REC also notes that if communication with CONEP during the pending renewal process is interrupted by the EC (CEP) for more than 60 days, the EC (CEP) registration will be automatically cancelled and the EC (CEP) will be notified by official letter.

See SP006REC, CNSResNo506, and ResNo706 for additional details on CONEP’s accreditation process. See CLNo1-2022 for instructions on submitting administrative documents via email to CONEP to speed up EC (CEP) accreditation and renewal processes and maintain regular functioning of ECs (CEPs).

High-Risk Research Protocols

In addition to being accredited by CONEP per the earlier stated requirements, CNSResNo506 explains that ECs (CEPs) may also be certified for their role in the ethical analysis of high-risk research protocols. As per ResNo674, the CNS has published protocol risk classification and processing guidelines to be used in the CEP/CONEP System to provide criteria to assess the risk level of research protocols.

Per CNSResNo506, until ResNo674 becomes operational, CONEP has determined that protocols falling within the special thematic areas of human genetics, human reproduction, indigenous populations, genetically modified organisms, and the establishment and operation of biobanks must be considered high risk. Refer to ResNo466, ResNo446, and ResNo340 for a complete listing of the special thematic areas. See also CLNo172 for additional guidance on classifying protocol thematic areas that require CONEP review (e.g., including protocols on the constitution and operation of biobanks for research purposes); CLNo34 for guidance on processing biobank development protocols electronically; and CLNo26 for information on submitting research protocols with human bodies and/or anatomical parts.

CNSResNo506 further states that at the time of obtaining accreditation, the EC (CEP) should submit a statement signed by the EC coordinator that commits the EC (CEP) to evaluating high-risk protocols at least equal to the protocol submitted to CONEP. This process also supports CONEP’s plan to decentralize the CEP/CONEP System and delegate more high-risk protocol reviews to certified ECs (CEPs). If the number of high-risk protocols exceeds the EC’s (CEP’s) operational capacity to review, then CONEP will evaluate the outstanding protocols. BRA-2 also provides helpful information on this process.

Additionally, ResNo674 notes CONEP will be solely responsible for the registration of biobank development protocols, and the research classification and modulation factors used to further characterize the protocols in BRA-34 will not be applicable. (Note: Per BRA-9, the protocol classification and processing system has not yet been implemented in BRA-34. The ClinRegs team will continue to monitor the Plataforma Brasil webpage for any developments.)

Suspension and Cancellation of Accreditation

As indicated in ResNo706, an EC (CEP) or the supporting institution may request suspension of the EC’s (CEP’s) accreditation for a maximum period of 90 days, upon reasoned justification, and the suspension may be extended once, for an additional 90-day period.

Per ResNo706, the suspension of EC (CEP) accreditation consists of the temporary interruption of the receipt of new research protocols for ethical assessment. The suspended EC (CEP) must maintain monitoring of the protocols under its responsibility, whether approved or in progress, while the suspension remains. New protocols, submitted for consideration by the suspended EC (CEP), will be directed to another EC (CEP), as indicated by CONEP. CONEP’s decision to suspend the EC (CEP)'s accreditation may be appealed to CONEP within 30 days. An extension of the deadline for appeal may be requested, once, for a maximum period of 30 days, upon justification.

ResNo706 further explains that the cancellation of EC (CEP) accreditation consists of revoking the registration and removing the EC (CEP) in the CEP/CONEP System. If cancelled, CONEP will transfer the protocols to another EC (CEP) for due monitoring. Cancellation, at the request of the supporting institution, will be assessed by means of a request addressed to the CONEP Coordination, containing the reasons for the request. The cancellation decision may be appealed to CONEP within 30 days. An extension of the deadline for appeal may be requested once, for a maximum period of 30 days, upon justification. In case of cancellation, requests for new registration by the supporting institution within a period of 12 months are prohibited. See ResNo706 for detailed information on EC (CEP) accreditation suspensions and cancellations.

Local Accreditation
Chapter I (Articles 1 and 2 (XXVI)) and Chapter II (Articles 5 and 8)
Chapter X (Articles 29-30, and 32)
Preamble and Sections I, V, and VII
Chapters I, II, IV, and VI-VIII
Chapters I, III, and VI-VII
IV and VI
Sections VII, IX, and XIII
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024


The National Bioethics Commission (Comisión Nacional de Bioética (CONBIOÉTICA)) was established as a decentralized entity of the Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud) in 2005, as specified in D-CONBIOETICA. According to D-CONBIOETICA and MEX-55, the agency has technical and operational autonomy in defining and establishing national bioethics policies in medical care and health research. Per D-CONBIOETICA, GenHlthLaw, G-RECs-Op-2018, and MEX-57, CONBIOÉTICA is also responsible for promoting the organization and operation of Research Ethics Committees (RECs) (Comités de Ética en Investigación (CEIs)) and Hospital Bioethics Committees in public and private health institutions, for establishing and disseminating criteria to support development of REC activities, and for providing committee member training support.

In addition, per D-CONBIOETICA, CONBIOÉTICA’s other roles include:

  • Exercising the Commission’s legal authority and head Commission operations
  • Presiding over the Commission’s Advisory Council
  • Issuing positions on bioethical issues relevant to society
  • Establishing links with federal entities to promote the creation and operation of state bioethics commissions
  • Signing and implementing collaborative agreements with organizations and opportunities that favor the development and consolidation of bioethical culture
  • Carrying out activities assigned by the Secretary of Health
  • Providing information and technical cooperation required by the Ministry of Health’s administrative units and other dependencies/entities within the Federal Public Administration

Registration, Auditing, and Accreditation

Research Ethics Committees

As delineated in HlthResRegs, REC-Op, REC-Op-Ref, REC-Op-Amd, G-RECs-Op-2018, G-RECReg, and MEX-57, all RECs are required to register with CONBIOÉTICA in order to conduct health research in humans.

G-RECs-Op-2018, and G-RECReg further state that CONBIOÉTICA has 10 working days from the business day following application receipt to accept the application, or require the applicant to correct omissions in the application within 15 working days from the business day following the date when the applicant is notified. If the applicant fails to respond within this timeframe, the application must be deemed not filed. Once the application has been admitted for processing, the Commission has 30 working days to notify the applicant of receipt, and if appropriate, to issue the corresponding registration certificate, which will be valid for three (3) years. The registration record must also be visibly displayed in the institution where REC operations occur and on its website, if applicable. Additionally, the registration number must be included in all official committee communications.

Per REC-Op-Amd, MEX-58, and G-RECReg, the REC registration form (MEX-29) is available for completion or download via MEX-58 or G-RECReg, and should be submitted in person according to the requirements outlined in REC-Op-Amd, MEX-58, and G-RECReg. The application must include the REC’s health institution identification data, an email address in order to receive Commission notifications, and the name and signature of the responsible person heading the REC. G-RECReg specifies that the applicant may request an appointment by phone or email to deliver all the documentation in printed form to CONBIOÉTICA, or send the application documentation via certified mail.

Refer to REC-Op-Amd, G-RECs-Op-2018, MEX-58, and G-RECReg for detailed registration application instructions and documentation requirements. See also MEX-57 for a list of registered RECs.

As delineated in REC-Op-Amd, G-RECs-Op-2018, and G-RECRegRenew, a registration renewal application must be submitted by the principal or owner of the health establishment or by the legal representative to CONBIOÉTICA within 45 working days prior to the expiration of the validation period covered by the registration certificate. From this point, the timing requirements are the same as for the initial application. See REC-Op-Amd, G-RECs-Op-2018, and G-RECRegRenew for detailed registration renewal application requirements and the application form.

In addition to CONBIOÉTICA’s REC registration requirement, per GenHlthLaw, G-RECs-Op-2018, REC-Op, and REC-Op-Ref, RECs must be installed under the responsibility of the head of the health institution where the study is taking place. They are required to sign a REC Installation Certificate (MEX-27), which stipulates its characteristics and functions. Refer to G-RECs-Op-2018 for detailed certificate requirements. See also MEX-72 for information on CONBIOÉTICA’s REC follow-up monitoring reports.

According to NOM-012-SSA3-2012, the research institution owner must also register the REC with the Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud), and report on the modification, designation, or substitution of any of its members. Additionally, an annual report documenting the integration and activities of these committees must be submitted to the Ministry during the first 10 business days of June each year.

Hospital Bioethics Committees

G-CHBs-Op and G-CHBReg indicate that Hospital Bioethics Committees must also register with CONBIOÉTICA, who is, in turn, required to issue a registration record within a maximum of 15 business days. CONBIOÉTICA’s registration is valid for three (3) years. Per G-CHBs-Op, the Hospital Bioethics Committee registration form must be submitted electronically through CONBIOÉTICA’s website. The application for registration renewal can be submitted one (1) month prior to the registration’s expiration date. Refer to G-CHBs-Op, MEX-56, MEX-59, and G-CHBReg for additional Hospital Bioethics Committee registration information.

Registration Process of Research Ethics Committees (CEI) and List of Registered CEI
Preamble, Articles One-Three, and Seven
Requirements, Who Can Apply?, Legal Basis, Steps, Response Time, Validity, and Additional Information
Requirements, Who Can Apply?, Legal Basis, Steps, Response Time, Validity, and Additional Information
Requirements, Who Can Apply?, Legal Basis, Steps, Response Time, Validity, and Additional Information
5.3, 11, and Annex 4
Registry of the Hospital Bioethics Committees, Proof of Registration, Validity of the Registration, Renewal of the Registration, and Appendix 1
Title III (Chapter III, Article 41 Bis) and Title V (Chapter I, Article 98)
Preamble, Article One (Twelfth and Twelfth Bis 1), and Transients (Third)
Preamble, Fourth, Sixth-Tenth, Twelfth, and Annex 1
Article One (Seventh, Twelfth, Twelfth Bis 2, and Sixteenth), and Annex 1
Title V (Chapter I, Articles 99-102, 104, and 108-109)
4.8 and 9.1.4

Submission Process

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

New Info Not Yet Covered in Profile


As stated in ResNo9, the G-DDCMManual, and BRA-8, the sponsor, the designated contract research organization (CRO), or the sponsor-investigator must apply to the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)) to obtain approval for a clinical trial application (Clinical Drug Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM))) for a drug to be registered in Brazil that will have all or part of its development in Brazil. Per ResNo9, ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, and OSNo001, the principal investigator (PI) must also obtain approval from the research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP)). Applications with coordination or sponsorship originating outside of Brazil require additional EC review by the National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)), unless the co-sponsor is the Brazilian Government. ResNo205 repealed the ResNo9 requirement that EC (CEP) approval must be submitted as part of the DDCM submission to ANVISA. Therefore, as explained in BRA-2 and BRA-1, regulatory and ethics reviews may be conducted in parallel.

Regulatory Submission

Per ResNo9, the G-DDCMManual, and BRA-8, the DDCM must contain at least one (1) Specific Clinical Trial Dossier (Dossiê Específico de Ensaio Clínico (DEEC)) in order for the DDCM to be approved. ResNo9 and the G-DDCMManual define a DEEC as a collection of documents submitted as part of the Experimental Drug Development Plan in the DDCM, also known as the Experimental Drug Dossier. Per the G-DDCMManual, the DEEC may be linked as a new process to the DDCM being submitted or as a process that modifies a previously submitted DDCM. ResNo9 further notes that DDCM submissions to ANVISA can only be made by a CRO when the sponsor has no headquarters or subsidiary in Brazil. See also BRA-42 for additional information on ANVISA protocol filing requirements.

As indicated in the G-DDCMManual and BRA-8, ANVISA recommends that the DDCM and associated documents (including the protocol, investigator’s brochure, informed consent form, and sponsor and institutional declarations) be translated into Portuguese. If a translated version of the submission is not provided, ANVISA’s technical area reviewer may issue a requirement for the sponsor to provide a free translation of the submitted documentation.

For substantial protocol modifications, the sponsor must submit a secondary petition to ANVISA, as stated in ResNo9 and the G-DDCMAmdmts. These modifications may be made at any time after initial DDCM submission. If the modification has occurred following ANVISA’s issuance of the authorizing document known as a Special Notice (Comunicado Especial (CE)), per BRA-8, ANVISA will send the sponsor an updated CE to reflect the most current approved protocol version. While sponsors are required to submit all amendments to ANVISA, per ResNo9 and the G-DDCMAmdmts, they are only required to submit substantial protocol amendments via a secondary petition whereas non-substantial DDCM protocol amendments should be submitted as part of the annual clinical trial report. Non-substantial amendments that do not impact the protocol should be presented to ANVISA as part of the drug development safety update report. See BRA-13 for updated ANVISA application forms.

See ResNo742, BRA-8, BRA-6, and BRA-7 for requirements associated with submitting DEECs for comparative bioavailability studies and comparative pharmacokinetic studies for biosimilars.

As described in the G-DDCMManual and BRA-8, all DDCM petitions (both initial and secondary) should be submitted electronically to ANVISA via the Solicita Electronic Petition Request System (BRA-56). Per BRA-58, once the DDCM has been submitted, the sponsor is then required to electronically file all the documents corresponding to the initial DDCM petition’s subject code checklist. As explained in BRA-75, the sponsor must electronically attach all the documents required in the related DDCM checklist (accessed online via BRA-56) that corresponds to one (1) of the following related subject codes: 10748, 10749, 10750, 10751, 10752, 10753, 10754, and 10755. BRA-59 provides detailed instructions for submitting the DDCM checklist documents via BRA-56.

As per ResNo857, BRA-47, and BRA-43, once the sponsor has completed the process of submitting a DDCM request (“petition” in Portuguese), ANVISA’s Solicita Electronic Petition Request System (BRA-56) generates a document known as the Union Collection Guide (Guia de Recolhimento da União (GRU)). The GRU is the primary method used to generate the Health Surveillance Inspection Fee (Taxa de Fiscalização de Vigilância Sanitária (TFVS)) fees. ResNo857 explains that petitions subject to TFVS will only be eligible for filing after confirmation of full corresponding payment. Once the full TFVS payment is confirmed, the electronic petitions will be automatically filed. (See the Regulatory Fees section for detailed information on the payment process.)

ResNo857 further states that if a petition is filed without due payment of the TFVS fee, the request and the documentation will be returned to the sponsor. BRA-43 specifies that ANVISA will accept the following documents as proof of payment from the sponsor:

  • Presentation of the original GRU receipt collected electronically, which must be accompanied by the original electronic banking network payment receipt
  • Presentation of the original GRU receipt collected from the banking network, which must contain the original receipt stamp for authentication
  • The transaction number issued by ANVISA’s Solicita Electronic Petition Request System (BRA-56)

BRA-59 explains that once the fee is paid, a reference (transaction) number is generated that will be required for the subsequent submission of the associated checklist documents. The processing of this request can take up to two (2) days, which is the time given to the banking network to clear the payment. Refer to BRA-59 for additional instructions. See also BRA-47 for step-by-step instructions on how to submit the initial DDCM petition and TFVS fee, and BRA-21 for the DDCM Petition Request Form. See BRA-38 for additional information on accessing ANVISA’s electronic petitioning request systems.

Per the G-DDCMManual, all of the other documentation associated with the original DDCM including the secondary petitions and the DEEC(s) should be submitted electronically via BRA-56. ResNo204 and BRA-14 further note that DEECs may be submitted as priority requests to ANVISA to register, amend previously registered, or request prior consent for drug submissions. For detailed information on priority petition requirements, see the Scope of Assessment and Timeline of Review sections. The G-DDCMManual also specifies that for the electronic submission of secondary petitions and DEECs, the sponsor should append at least one (1) PDF file for each item contained in the petition checklist to enable text searching. It is possible to attach up to five (5) files of 750 kb each. BRA-8 also provides an example of an electronic submission in Annex 1.

Refer to the Submission Content section for detailed DDCM petitions content requirements and substantial protocol modification documentation requirements.

See also BRA-19 and BRA-90 for guidance on scheduling pre-submission meetings with ANVISA’s Coordination of Clinical Research in Medicines and Biological Products (Coordenação de Pesquisa Clínica em Medicamentos e Produtos Biológicos (COPEC)) to discuss the clinical development of a drug (e.g., DDCM, secondary petition, or DEEC), or a meeting to discuss a clinical trial application previously submitted to ANVISA. BRA-90 also provides the items required for scheduling each type of meeting and the corresponding request form to be submitted.

Ethics Review Submission

Per ResNo9, ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, and OSNo001, the PI must also obtain approval from the EC (CEP). The PI is responsible for submitting the EC (CEP) application online via Plataforma Brasil (BRA-34). If applicable, the PI must also submit the application to CONEP for additional review and approval via BRA-34. Applications with coordination or sponsorship originating outside of Brazil require additional EC review by CONEP, unless the co-sponsor is the Brazilian Government. See BRA-33 for the most current Plataforma Brazil CEP and investigator manuals. Please refer to Scope of Review and Oversight of Ethics Committee sections for detailed information on CONEP responsibilities and other studies requiring CONEP approval. See also CLNo183 for instructions on linking investigator/institutions to the responsible EC in submissions; CLNo062 for guidance on submitting documentation required for CONEP analysis; and CLNo046 for instructions on submitting requests for inclusion/exclusion of research center(s).

Per OSNo001, the investigator is required to submit the research protocol in Portuguese to the CEP/CONEP System via BRA-34, and when applicable, accompanied by the originals in the foreign language.

In addition, per OSNo001, in the event of a multicenter clinical trial, the PI is required to submit a list of the participating institutions and the associated protocols as part of the research protocol package sent to the EC (CEP) for review.

Regulatory Submission Process and Conducting a Clinical Trial in Brasil
Priority Review, Rare Diseases, and ANVISA Review in Parallel with Ethics Process
3.1-3.2, 4, and 7.1 (Annex 1)
1, 2, and Annexes 1-2
Annexes I and II
1-4 and 10
2.3, 3.1, 3.3, 4.3, 5.5-5.6, 6.10-6.11, and 6.23
5 and 7-9
5-6, 10 (Annexes), and 11
2.1 and 3
Chapter I, Chapter II (Articles 1-6), and Chapter III (Articles 32 and 35)
Articles 1, 3-6, and 10-13
Articles 5-11 and 22-23
Chapters I (Articles 1-3 and 6), II (Article 8), III (Articles 32-39), IV-V, and X (Article 78)
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024


In accordance with GenHlthLaw, Reg-COFEPRIS, HlthResRegs, and NOM-012-SSA3-2012, Mexico requires the applicant to obtain research protocol authorization from the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)). Per HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, the applicant must also obtain a favorable decision from the Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)) and the Research Committee at the health institution where the study is being conducted, and when applicable, a favorable decision from the Biosafety Committee. Because COFEPRIS’s review and approval of a protocol authorization request is dependent upon obtaining a favorable decision from the REC and Research Committee, the COFEPRIS and ethics committee (REC and Research Committee) reviews may not be conducted in parallel.

Regulatory Submission

MEX-15 states that applicants may submit research authorization requests or protocol modification/amendment requests in person or by mail to COFEPRIS at the Comprehensive Service Center (Centro Integral de Servicios (CIS)) (MEX-37), a public service system established by the Mexican government to facilitate the processing of the agency’s standardized procedures and services. According to G-HumResProt, G-ResProtocolAmd, MEX-109, and MEX-37, however, requests should be submitted to the CIS (MEX-37) in person or electronically via COFEPRIS’s digital procedures and services platform, DIGIPRiS: Online Regulation (MEX-86). (Note: COFEPRIS refers to applications as requests or procedures).

Pre-submission Registrations

As delineated in G-DIGIPRiS-Regis and G-DIGIPRiS-SystAccess, prior to submitting a request for research protocol authorization via DIGIPRiS (MEX-86), an applicant must first register in (MEX-86) using an e.signature (also known as e.firma) digital certificate. MEX-49 explains that the signature is a secure, encrypted digital file that identifies an applicant, and can be used to carry out procedures electronically with various government agencies. An e.signature can be obtained from the Tax Administration Service (Servicio de administración tributaria (SAT)) as described in MEX-105. G-DIGIPRiS-Regis and G-DIGIPRiS-SystAccess further explain that an e.signature is used to validate the natural person or legal entity registering in MEX-86. DIGIPRiS’s Terms of Use, which is accessible via MEX-86, also notes that the applicant is required to be registered with the Federal Taxpayer Registry (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC)). See G-DIGIPRiS-Regis, G-DIGIPRiS-SystAccess, and DIGIPRiS’s Terms of Use for details on registering in MEX-86. See also MEX-106 for an instructional tutorial on registering in MEX-86, and see G-DIGIPRiS-FAQs for frequently asked questions on using MEX-86.

DIGIPRiS Submissions

DIGIPRiS’s Terms of Use further explains that the application process is carried out entirely electronically via DIGIPRiS (MEX-86), unless the user is required to present printed documents with a handwritten signature or a physical inspection is required. The application request will be considered active when the documentation is signed and submitted, otherwise it will only remain in the system for 90 calendar days. When the request is active, the user receives a “Procedure Entry Receipt” through which COFEPRIS assigns a procedure number and the entry date and time is recorded. Once the procedure has begun, the user will be notified in MEX-86 of all request related administrative acts (e.g., requirements, actions, preventions or missing information, and resolutions). Authorizations issued via MEX-86 will take effect on the date and time indicated in the corresponding document. The email address the user provides during registration will be used to send notices of notification availability related to submitted applications. Refer to DIGIPRiS’s Terms of Use for detailed information on the administrative act notification process via MEX-86. See also G-DIGIPRiS-SystAccess for instructions on registering and updating emails in MEX-86.

Pursuant to G-DIGIPRiS-SystAccess and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, users can view the flow and status of the entire application process (application, evaluation, verification, signature and resolution) in DIGIPRiS (MEX-86), as well as view previously authorized applications. Additionally, multiple requests and procedures can be in process simultaneously in MEX-86. See also G-DIGIPRiS-DocComp for instructions on validating and comparing documents issued through MEX-86 for research protocols. Refer to MEX-96, MEX-97, and MEX-108 for additional background information on MEX-86. Per G-HumResProt, electronic submissions via MEX-86 are tracked via the applicant’s e.signature (MEX-105). See also G-DIGIPRiS-Reqs&Amdts for instructions on submitting requests for protocol amendment/modification via MEX-86.

CIS Submissions

As indicated in MEX-37 and MEX-15, applications submitted in person at the CIS (MEX-37) can be tracked via a CIS assigned reference number in the COFEPRIS Electronic Procedures Portal (MEX-103). MEX-109 specifies that the Electronic Procedures Portal (MEX-103) is only to be used for procedures submitted in person at the CIS (MEX-37) while procedures submitted via DIGIPRiS (MEX-86) should be tracked through the DIGIPRiS platform.

As per MEX-15, and MEX-71, applications as well as technical inquiries, or those inquiries requiring an official response, should be submitted to the CIS (MEX-37) at:

Centro Integral de Servicios
Oklahoma No. 14
Colonia Nápoles
Del. Benito Juárez
CP 03810, Ciudad de México

COFEPRIS Call Center Phone: 01-800-033-5050 (toll free within Mexico) or 55 53 40 09 96 (international calls) (per MEX-37)
Foreign Processing Area Phone (for entry and/or tracking number of procedure): 01-800-420-4224 (toll free within Mexico) (per MEX-25)
Email: (per MEX-71 and MEX-37)

Per G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, all documents uploaded to DIGIPRiS (MEX-86) must be in “.pdf” format (unrestricted text file), unless another format is specified.

Per G-HumResProt, G-ResProtocolAmd, and MEX-18, the Authorizations, Certificates and Visits form (MEX-25) should also be included in the application submission, as well as the original proof of payment of rights with two (2) copies of the receipt for protocol authorization and protocol modification/amendment requests. See the Submission Content section for detailed submission documentation requirements.

G-HumResProt and G-ResProtocolAmd state that all documentation related to submitting applications for research protocol authorization and protocol modification/amendment is required to be in Spanish. MEX-84 also specifies that the protocol, investigator’s brochure (known as the researcher’s manual in Mexico), and the informed consent forms should be in Spanish.

Enabled Pre-Assessment Support Unit (UHAP) Evaluation Submissions

Per MEX-21 and MEX-10, rather than submitting the application directly to the CIS, the applicant has the option of first choosing to obtain a pre-assessment evaluation of the application through an Enabled Pre-Assessment Support Unit (Unidad Habilitada de Apoyo al Predictamen (UHAP)) (MEX-69) within the Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health and High Speciality Hospitals (Comisión Coordinadora de Institutos Nacionales de Salud y Hospitales de Alta Especialidad (CCINSHAE)) (referred to as the UHAP-CCINSHAE) or a UHAP within the Mexican Social Security Institute (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS)). See Scope of Assessment section for detailed information on UHAPs.

Ethics Review Submission

As earlier stated, per HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, all requests for research protocol authorization in human beings and/or their biological samples in Mexico require the applicant to obtain a favorable decision from the REC and the Research Committee, and when applicable, a favorable decision from the Biosafety Committee. Because the submission process at individual institutional RECs will vary, applicants should review and follow their institution’s specific requirements.

1. Homoclave, name and modality of procedure (Homoclaves COFEPRIS-04-010-A, COFEPRIS-04-010-B, and COFEPRIS-04-010-D)
Access with Electronic Signature of the SAT and Terms of Use
Introduction, Access to the system creation of the profile, Register an email to receive notifications from the platform, and Abbreviations
Introduction, XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (IX and XI-XIII)
Requirements (31-32 and 11) and Additional Information
Requirements (1-2) and Additional Information
Title II (Chapter II, Article 17 Bis) and Title III (Chapter III, Article 41 Bis), and Title V (Chapter I, Article 98)
Chapter I (Articles 1 and 3) and Chapter IV (Article 14)
Title III (Chapter II, Article 65) and Title V (Chapter I, Articles 99, and 109-111)
5.2, 6.3, and 9.2

Submission Content

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

Regulatory Authority Requirements

As delineated in ResNo9 and the G-DDCMManual, to complete the clinical trial application (Drug Clinical Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM))), the sponsor, the designated contract research organization (CRO), or the sponsor-investigator is required to submit the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA))’s DDCM Petition Request Form (BRA-21) along with the following documentation (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Health Surveillance Inspection Fee (Taxa de Fiscalização de Vigilância Sanitária (TFVS)) as per ResNo857 (fee required by individuals and companies engaged in clinical research)
  • Drug development plan (known as experimental drug dossier) (See the G-BioIProdManual for instructions on completing a biological products dossier and the G-SynthDrugProdManual for completing a synthetic/semi-synthetic products dossier)
  • Certified copy of the clinical agreement (contract or statement) that has been written, dated, and signed by the sponsor or the CRO
  • Clinical research protocol
  • Investigator’s Brochure (IB)
  • Summary of the investigational product (IP)’s safety aspects based on previous research in humans
  • Information on any discontinued development or withdrawal of IP
  • IP dossier
  • Specific dossier for each clinical trial to be conducted in Brazil
  • Proof of clinical trial registration in a registry listed on the World Health Organization (WHO)’s International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (BRA-52) or any other registry recognized by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (Note: the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos (ReBEC) (BRA-45) is a primary registry in the ICTRP network.) Per ResNo449, which amends ResNo9, if a registration receipt is not available to submit with the DDCM, it must be provided with the Start of Clinical Trial Notification Form in Brazil (BRA-25). Note that per ResNo205, the ResNo9 requirement to include the research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP)) approval in the initial DDCM or in any protocol amendment submission has been revoked.

Substantial Protocol Modifications

For substantial protocol modifications, the sponsor must submit a secondary petition to ANVISA using the DDCM Petition Request Form (BRA-21), as stated in ResNo9 and the G-DDCMAmdmts. These modifications may be made at any time after initial submission of the DDCM. Per BRA-8, if the modification has occurred following ANVISA’s issuance of the authorizing document known as the Special Notice (Comunicado Especial (CE)), ANVISA will send the sponsor an updated CE to reflect the most current approved protocol version.

While the sponsor is required to submit all amendments to ANVISA, per ResNo9 and the G-DDCMAmdmts, they are only required to submit substantial protocol amendments via a secondary petition whereas non-substantial DDCM protocol amendments should be submitted as part of the annual clinical trial report. Non-substantial amendments that do not impact the protocol should be presented to ANVISA as part of the drug development safety update report. See ResNo9 and the G-DDCMManual for detailed ANVISA application submission requirements, BRA-22 for the clinical trial submission form, and BRA-13 for updated ANVISA application forms. See also BRA-95 for instructions on providing expiration date information for imported IPs to be used during the trial and which the sponsor must include in its submission in BRA-22.

In order to fulfill the DDCM and the substantial quality modification requirements delineated in ServBltnNo104, the sponsor or the legal representative (also known as CRO in some sources) must provide all of the documentation required in ResNo9 and the following:

  • An official document issued by at least one (1) of the regulatory authorities from one (1) International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) member country to prove the clinical trial or the substantial quality modification is authorized to be carried out
  • A declaration of compliance with the ServBltnNo104 Form Attachment criteria regarding the IP to be administered in the trial to be conducted in Brazil: that it is identical to the one (1) administered in the ICH authorized country; is registered in at least one (1) ICH member country; contains the same substantial quality changes as the IP, active comparator, or placebo, if applicable, as those approved in at least one (1) ICH member country; complies with ICH manufacturing guidelines, where applicable, to the clinical development phase

Per ServBltnNo104, in the absence of the previously described official document, a justification must be presented showing that the conduct of the clinical trial or the substantial quality modification has been authorized.

In addition, ServBltnNo104 states that the previously listed documentation must be presented using the subject code of “11634 – ENSAIOS CLÍNICOS – Análise Simplificada de Dossiê de Qualidade” (11634 – CLINICAL TRIALS – Simplified Analysis of the Quality Dossier) to be linked to the DDCM petition or the substantial quality modification of interest, while the petition is in the queue waiting for ANVISA’s Coordination of Clinical Research in Medicines and Biological Products (Coordenação de Pesquisa Clínica em Medicamentos e Produtos Biológicos (COPEC))’s technical analysis to begin. The status of the petition code will remain as the subject code of simplified analysis if all of the documentation requirements are met. In the event of non-compliance with the ServBltnNo104 criteria, COPEC will proceed with the non-simplified analysis per ResNo9. These provisions may be applied to DDCM and substantial quality modification petitions submitted prior to the publication of ServBltnNo104, upon request using the subject code of “11634 – ENSAIOS CLÍNICOS – Análise Simplificada de Dossiê de Qualidade” (11634 – CLINICAL TRIALS – Simplified Analysis of the Quality Dossier), as long as the relevant petition is still in the queue waiting for the technical analysis to begin. The ServBltnNo104 provisions do not presuppose prioritizing the analysis of these petitions. Furthermore, ANVISA may at any time analyze all of the documents required in items VII, art. 38 and item III, art. 43 of ResNo9 based on the risk analysis related to the IP. See ServBltnNo104 for detailed information.

Ethics Committee Requirements

As per OMREC and OSNo001, the CONEP requires sponsors to submit the following documentation online via BRA-34 (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements)):

  • Cover Sheet for Research Involving Human Beings (BRA-20)
  • Clinical research protocol (in Portuguese)
  • Background, justification, and registration in the country of origin for drug and device health products
  • Description of materials, methods, rationale, expected results, and bibliography
  • Critical risk and benefit analysis
  • Duration
  • Responsibilities of investigator, institution, and sponsor
  • Criteria for project suspension or termination
  • Location of implementation of various project steps
  • Necessary infrastructure and agreement of the institution
  • Statement of Commitment from the principal investigator (PI)
  • Informed consent form (ICF) (See Informed Consent topic for additional information)
  • Detailed research financial budget and investigator remuneration
  • Ownership of information
  • Characteristics of the participant population, and justification for the use of vulnerable groups
  • Number of participants locally and globally (multicenter)
  • Description of methods that affect research participants
  • Sources of material and details of the specific collection
  • Recruitment plans, inclusion and exclusion criteria
  • PI/investigator(s) Curriculum Vitaes (CVs)
  • Research project schedule
  • Foreign Research or Foreign Cooperation documentation (commitments and advantages for research participants and the country; identification of the national investigator and co-responsible institution; EC approval document in the country of origin or justification; response to the need for personnel training in Brazil; and lists of participating centers abroad and in Brazil)
  • Research with new drug, vaccine, and diagnostic test document requirements (current clinical trial phase and demonstration of compliance with previous clinical trial phases; drug substance registration in the country of origin and status of research; IB; clinical information from previous trial phases; justification for using placebo or wash out period; access to the drug, if its superiority is proven; investigator’s statement to agree to comply with BRA-20; justification for inclusion of healthy participants; forms of recruitment)

See OMREC and OSNo001 for detailed CEP/National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)) System submission requirements. See also BRA-33 for the most current Plataforma Brazil CEP and investigator manuals.

Clinical Protocol

As delineated in the PANDRH-GCPs, OMREC, and OSNo001, the clinical protocol should include the following elements:

  • Protocol summary
  • Sponsor or authorized representative name and contact information
  • PI CV and contact information
  • PI statement of responsibility
  • IP description (See Investigational Products topic for detailed coverage of this subject)
  • Form, dosage, route, method, and frequency of administration; and treatment period
  • Summary of potential risks and known benefits to research participants
  • Trial objectives and purpose
  • Trial design, random selection method, and blinding level
  • Participant selection/withdrawal
  • Participant treatment
  • Safety evaluation
  • Adverse event reporting requirements (See Safety Reporting section for additional information)
  • Statistics and methods to track trial data
  • Sponsor specifications for direct access to source data/documents
  • Quality control/quality assurance procedures and practices
  • Ethical considerations
  • Data management and record maintenance
  • Financing and insurance details
  • Publication policy

For complete protocol requirements, refer to the PANDRH-GCPs, OMREC, and OSNo001.

Annexes I and II
Chapters 2 (2.3), 3 (3.1 and 3.3), 4 (4.3), 5 (5.5-5.6), 6 (6.10-6.11 and 6.23), and 8
5-6, 10 (Annexes), and 11
9.1 and Annex C
2.1 and 3
Chapter I, Chapter II (Articles 1-6), and Chapter III (Article 35)
Articles 5-11
Article 1
Chapters I (Articles 1-2 and 6), III (Articles 33-38), and IV (Article 43)
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

Regulatory Authority Requirements

As specified in GenHlthLaw, HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, COFEPRIS-GCP, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, the following documentation must be submitted to the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) as part of the approval process (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Authorizations, Certificates and Visits form (original and two (2) copies) (MEX-25)
  • Proof of payment of rights (original and two (2) copies)
  • Request letter (in editable format (.docx) containing study data (title, investigator’s name, etc.), description of study risk level and duration (including estimated start and end dates (DD/MM/YYYY), and documents submitted for research protocol authorization (original)
  • Response to COFEPRIS prevention letter requesting missing or additional information should be submitted in a new request letter
  • Research protocol (original and one (1) copy)
  • Acceptance letter from research institution head and responsible principal investigator (PI)
  • Sponsor letter of acceptance of position and delegation of responsibilities (must include at least sponsor contact information, description of obligations and protocol rights, sponsor legal representative/authorized person signature, protocol number, when applicable, a certified copy of the apostilled, notarized, and translated power of attorney) (one (1) copy)
  • Letter of No Conflict of Interest from the sponsor (one (1) copy)
  • Document proving applicant’s legal identity (e.g., health license, operating notice or, where appropriate, the Federal Taxpayer Registry (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC)) (one (1) copy)
  • Follow-up letter from sponsor providing monitoring/auditing plan
  • Model letter of informed consent in Spanish
  • Informed consent of the research participant or, where appropriate, the legal representative (original and one (1) copy)
  • Study schedule (original and one (1) copy)
  • Health warehouse license for operation of storage and distribution warehouse for biological products for human use, with handling of medications: narcotics, psychotropics, vaccines, toxoids, serums and antitoxins of animal origin and/or blood derivatives (one (1) copy)
  • Letter of acceptance of responsibility from the importer (signed by legal representative of the importer)
  • Importer name, license number, and address
  • Sanitary license of the warehouse for storage and distribution of the research product (only narcotics, psychotropics, biologicals, radiopharmaceuticals, and vaccines)
  • Letter of import supplies providing approximate total quantity and description of investigational products (IPs) requiring importation at each stage of the study; letter serves as acknowledgement of information, not authorization (original and one (1) copy)
  • IP route of administration
  • Insurance policy or current document from the financial fund that covers all study participants at the local level (one (1) copy)
  • Current Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)) and Research Committee registration and Biosafety Committee registration, where applicable (one (1) copy)
  • Favorable opinion of REC, Research Committee, and where appropriate, Biosafety Committee (original and one (1) copy)
  • REC member list
  • REC member letters recusing themselves if on research team (one (1) copy)
  • REC letter describing study follow-up monitoring process (one (1) copy)
  • Letter of No Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality signed by REC members (one (1) copy)
  • Institution’s or establishment’s sanitary license or notice of operation (one (1) copy)
  • Letter of authorization to carry out the research, signed by institutional head or health institution owner (must include protocol title/number, PI name, institution/establishment head signature and position, research center name/address) (original and one (1) copy)
  • Where applicable, copy of agreement between research centers that have agreements for emergency medical care with other institutions
  • Acceptance letter from the head of the institution or establishment describing resources available for emergency management (original and one (1) copy)
  • Health license of the establishment to carry out medical emergency care
  • Agreement or contract of the establishment for the care of medical emergencies of the research (must include at least title/protocol number; PI name; scope, clauses, and validity; signature of holders and legal representatives of both institutions; statement establishing the care of medical emergencies)
  • Agreement or contract with institution or establishment to provide care for research related medical emergencies (one (1) copy)
  • Letter of acceptance, confidentiality, and commitment to report suspected adverse reactions and events signed by the PI (original and one (1) copy)
  • Summary of PI’s professional record/official professional documentation issued and registered by competent educational authorities (original and one (1) copy)
  • Professional background of the PI (one (1) copy)
  • Summary of academic preparation and experience of medical personnel, paramedics, and other experts involved in study (include updated Curriculum Vitae (CV), dated and signed, for each member; include a copy of documentation issued and registered by competent educational authorities accrediting academic preparation) (original and one (1) copy)
  • Express letter of No Conflict of Interest to conduct the research, signed by the PI and research team
  • PI letter describing research team’s delegation of responsibilities (must including protocol title/number, detailed description of activities, PI name/signature, team member signatures) (one (1) copy)
  • Investigator’s Brochure (IB) (original and one (1) copy) (also known as investigator’s manual in Mexico)
  • Letter describing the sponsoring institution’s or establishment’s resources for the study’s development (include institution/establishment name, PI name, protocol title/number, type of support required (e.g., human, material, financial, advisory information, equipment, auxiliary laboratory services, cabinets, and other resources), and how support will be provided and distributed) (original and one (1) copy)
  • Document indicating drugs used in study comply with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and have the expected quality characteristics for IPs to be used in study, or letter documenting GMPs (one (1) copy)
  • Status of stability studies, or letter documenting IP stability studies comply with applicable regulations (one (1) copy)
  • Basic pharmacological and preclinical product information
  • Additional study information (countries where research will be conducted, health conditions/problems, public consultation contact, scientific consultations contact)
  • Optional pre-assessment evaluation opinion (See Scope of Assessment and Submission Process sections for details on pre-assessment evaluations)

See also Scope of Assessment and Timeline of Review sections for additional COFEPRIS review process and timeline information.

Refer to GenHlthLaw, HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, and MEX-18 for more detailed submission information. See also MEX-36 for information on obtaining a certificate of GMPs.

Ethics Committee Requirements

As indicated in MEX-84 and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, the following documentation should be submitted to obtain the favorable opinion of the REC, the Research Committee, and where appropriate, the Biosafety Committee:

  • Full title and number of the research protocol
  • Research protocol with the version and date in Spanish
  • IB with the version and date in Spanish
  • Full name of the IP corresponding to the research center
  • Research center company name and address
  • Informed consent forms with the version and date in Spanish
  • Protocol summary
  • Detailed description of the documents evaluated and approved in Spanish, citing version and date
  • Validity of the approval opinion (not greater than one (1) year)
  • Name, position, and signature of the person responsible who supports the opinion
  • Confirmation of the evaluation of aspects of a scientific nature, the risk/benefit of the protocol as well as the guarantee and well-being of the participants

Additionally, a signed opinion issued on letterhead should be submitted that includes:

  • Committee name and address (in accordance with its current registration)
  • Date the opinion was issued
  • PI name
  • Company name and address of the research center
  • Title of the study and protocol number
  • Status/result of the evaluation of the documents (must be approved)
  • Date of issue of the opinion (day, month, and year)
  • Name and position of the signatory who supports the opinion (must be the President or the Secretary Member)

G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, also notes that only the opinions with the signature of the President of the REC (or, where appropriate, the Secretary-Vocal) will be accepted with a letter attached stating “NO VOTE” or a justification for the absence of the president. See MEX-84 and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts for additional ethics committee requirements.

Clinical Protocol

As set forth in MEX-84 and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, which are in compliance with the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2) (MEX-22), and NOM-012-SSA3-2012, the research protocol should include the following elements (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Title, acronym, and protocol number (corresponds to the opinion of the committee(s) evaluators)
  • Document version and date, and amendments (if applicable) (corresponds to the opinion of the committee(s) evaluators)
  • Sponsor name/address and monitor, if different from sponsor
  • Theoretical framework (IP name/description, preclinical findings summary, etc.)
  • Definition of problem
  • Participant selection and withdrawal criteria
  • Statement that the clinical trial will be conducted in accordance with the protocol, good clinical practices, and local regulatory requirements
  • Background
  • Rationale
  • Hypotheses (if applicable, includes statistical hypotheses)
  • General objective (if applicable, includes specific, primary, secondary, or exploratory objectives)
  • specific objectives)
  • Materials and methods
  • Study design (e.g., inclusion/exclusion and elimination criteria; information input, processing, analysis, and interpretation)
  • Phase and type of study
  • Study duration
  • Sample size (global and local, as appropriate)
  • Countries where the research will be carried out
  • Health conditions or problems studied
  • Capture, processing, analysis, and interpretation of the information obtained
  • Route of administration, dose, dosing regimen, and treatment period(s) and justification
  • Accountability procedure for handling the IP and placebo (if applicable)
  • Mechanisms for maintaining randomization and blinding (if applicable), and codes for breaking them (e.g., criteria for premature unblinding, etc.)
  • Statistical considerations
  • Ethical considerations
  • Efficacy and safety assessments
  • Study schedule (document detailing activities to be carried out during the investigation)
  • Bibliographic references and relevant trial data
  • Names and signatures of PI and associate researchers (no more than five (5), classified according to their involvement in the research project)
  • Other documents related to the research project or protocol
  • Optional pre-assessment evaluation opinion (See Scope of Assessment and Submission Process sections for details on pre-assessment evaluations)

In addition to the protocol submission, per NOM-012-SSA3-2012, an additional letter should accompany the application. Please refer to NOM-012-SSA3-2012 for more specific letter instructions. See also MEX-84 and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts for more detailed protocol requirements.

1. Homoclave, name and modality of procedure (Homoclaves COFEPRIS-04-010-A, COFEPRIS-04-010-B, and COFEPRIS-04-010-D)
6. Clinical Trial Protocol and Protocol Amendment(s)
Change Control, V, X. Sections that Make Up a Request for Protocols of Research in Human Beings, and XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (I - XV)
2 and 10.1
Title V (Chapter I, Article 102)
Title III (Chapter I, Article 62) and (Chapter II, Article 69)

Timeline of Review

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024


ResNo205 repealed the ResNo9 requirement that research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP)) approval must be submitted as part of the clinical trial application to the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)). Therefore, as explained in BRA-2 and BRA-1, the regulatory and ethics reviews may be conducted in parallel.

Regulatory Authority Approval

As specified in ResNo9, upon receipt of the clinical trial application (Drug Clinical Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM))), ANVISA has 90 calendar days to evaluate the application. If the agency fails to issue a response within 90 days of receipt, clinical development can begin as long as all of the ethical approvals have been obtained. ResNo9 further notes that ANVISA will conduct a technical review within 180 days following receipt of DDCMs that fall into at least one (1) of the following categories: national development, biological product clinical development including vaccines, and Phase I or II clinical development studies. For DDCMs in one (1) of these categories, ANVISA’s technical area only evaluates the clinical study technical reports.

Timeline information for ANVISA’s simplified analysis of DDCMs that meet the criteria for ServBltnNo104 is not available. (See Scope of Assessment section for details on the criteria for the DDCM to undergo a simplified analysis.) See also BRA-60 for details on the median analysis timelines for ANVISA to complete its technical review of prioritized and ordinary petitions.

Priority Submissions

As delineated in ResNo204, ANVISA is required to issue a final decision on applications for registration and post-registration of drugs classified as a priority within 120 days for new drug registration requests and in 60 days for post-registration petitions. The deadlines will be counted from the date of submission, and any requests for clarification or additional technical requirements will result in suspending the counting of deadlines until the requests have been met. See also BRA-40 for additional information on ANVISA drug registration requirements.

In addition, per ResNo204, ANVISA must first issue a written opinion letter within 45 calendar days from the first working day following protocol submission for priority petitions in the following categories:

  • Prior consent petitions in the clinical development dossier process
  • Prior consent petitions in the drug research process
  • Secondary petitions referring to the prioritized primary process

Refer to ResNo204 and ResNo811 (which partially amends ResNo204) for detailed information on Specific Clinical Trial Dossier (Dossiê Específico de Ensaio Clínico (DEEC)) submissions.

In addition, as set forth in ResNo205, for a clinical trial with medicines for rare diseases to be conducted in Brazil, ANVISA must evaluate a DDCM, DEEC, or substantial modification due to inclusion of a clinical trial protocol within 30 days after submission, with an issuance of a notification of requirement or a manifestation of conclusion. ANVISA will evaluate secondary petitions referring to a DDCM, DEEC, or substantial modification due to inclusion of a clinical trial protocol according to the same timeline. Refer to ResNo205 for detailed submission requirements and deadlines.

See also ResNo811 (which partially amends ResNo205), BRA-8, and BRA-14 for additional information on priority petitions. See the Scope of Assessment section for further information on priority submissions.

Ethics Committee Approval

As set forth in LawNo14.874, which comes into force on August 27, 2024, a research ethics review carried out by the EC (CEP), with the issuance of the opinion, may not exceed 30 business days from the date of acceptance of all research documents, and the EC (CEP) must accept or deny these documents within 10 business days from the date of submission. Additionally, before issuing the opinion, the EC (CEP) may request additional information or documents from the researcher or research sponsor or make adjustments to the research documentation, for up to 20 business days. See the Scope of Review section for details on the EC (CEP) review processes.

The ClinRegs team will provide additional information on the implementation of LawNo14.874 as it becomes available. See also BRA-117 for additional information.

As delineated in OSNo001 and BRA-91, the institutional EC (CEP) is required to issue an initial report in 30 days from the date the principal investigator (PI) submits an application for review. The CEP’s review of the protocol documentation for completeness should be accomplished within 10 days following submission. Per BRA-91, the review period must be counted from the date the project entered “Ethical Assessment” (i.e., after going through the validation of documents which takes around 10 days and when the Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Assessment (Certificado de Apresentação de Apreciação Ética) (CAAE)) is issued). In addition, per BRA-91, if the project needs to be reviewed by CONEP, the deadline is 15 days for document validation, and 45 days for ethical assessment. If these deadlines have expired, BRA-91 further suggests that the investigator responsible for the research project, contact the CEP to request explanations and, in parallel, send a notification to CONEP ( requesting a case investigation.

CLNo040 further explains that new investigational brochure (IB) versions to be uploaded to the CEP/CONEP System via Plataforma Brasil (BRA-34) are often limited to updates pertaining to the investigational product’s efficacy and safety data and research team instructions. Updates should not alter research that has already been approved and must be processed as notifications in BRA-34. However, CLNo040 specifies that if the IB changes result in modifications to the detailed protocol and/or the informed consent form (ICF), it is necessary to submit a protocol amendment. In this case, the EC (CEP) will analyze the IB together with the other documents pertaining to the amendment, and, if necessary, the required amendments and/or clarifications will be requested. If the project needs to go through CONEP’s appraisal, the deadline for Document Validation is 15 days and for Ethical Review, 45 days.

Per CLNo10, in the event that EC (CEP) activities are temporarily suspended due to a strike or institutional recess, the EC (CEP) must notify CONEP of measures to be adopted to ensure the continuity of protocol processing for ethical assessment according to the deadlines delineated above per OSNo001, specifically, 10 days for document checking for completeness and 30 days to release the opinion.

See the Submission Process section for CEP/CONEP System submission requirements.

Regulatory Submission Process and Conducting a Clinical Trial in Brasil
Priority Review, Rare Diseases, and ANVISA Review in Parallel with Ethics Process
Process of Processing Projects in the CEP
3.3 Clinical Trials (DEECs) - Regulatory Times
3.1 and 3.5
1 and 3
2.1 and 3
Chapter II (Article 14)
Articles 1, 3-6, and 10-13
Articles 10-11
Chapters I (Articles 1-3 and 6), 3 (Articles 33-36 and 38), and X (Article 78)
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024


As delineated in HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS))’s review and approval of a protocol authorization request is dependent upon obtaining a favorable decision from the health institution’s Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)) and the Research Committee, and where applicable, the Biosafety Committee. Therefore, COFEPRIS and ethics committee (REC, Research Committee, and Biosafety Committee) reviews may not be conducted in parallel. However, per HlthResRegs, the REC, the Research Committee, and the Biosafety Committee may meet together to decide whether to authorize a protocol to conduct research on humans, as appropriate.

Regulatory Authority Approval

Pursuant to HlthResRegs, COFEPRIS must approve a request for research protocol authorization within 30 working days from the day following an application’s filing. However, according to G-HumResProt, COFEPRIS is required to complete its review of a research protocol authorization request and notify the applicant within three (3) months.

According to Reg-COFEPRIS and MEX-53, COFEPRIS’s Sanitary Authorization Commission (Comisión de Autorización Sanitaria (CAS)) is responsible for recording, evaluating, and issuing opinions on requests for human research protocol authorizations. Per G-HumResProt, the evaluator in CAS issues a resolution of authorization or a prevention letter, and it is forwarded to the head of the area (CAS) for signature. If a prevention letter is issued in which additional or missing information is requested, the applicant is required to address the issues within 30 calendar days. See Submission Process section for details on tracking submitted procedures via the Comprehensive Service Center (Centro Integral de Servicios (CIS)) (MEX-37) or COFEPRIS’s digital procedures and services platform, DIGIPRiS: Online Regulation (MEX-86).

Per G-ResProtocolAmd, G-ObsrvStdies, and G-BioequivStud, COFEPRIS’s review deadlines (three (3) months or 90 calendar days) to notify applicants are also applicable to requests for authorization of protocol amendments or modifications and requests for authorization to conduct risk-free research (observational studies) and bioequivalence studies. Refer to G-ResProtocolAmd, G-ObsrvStdies, and G-BioequivStud for details. See Submission Process section for detailed submission requirements.

Additionally, per Reg-HlthProd and G-UnregDrugImprts, COFEPRIS has 10 days to approve import requests for investigational drug products. If COFEPRIS does not respond within this timeframe, the request is deemed approved. G-UnregDrugImprts also notes that COFEPRIS has four (4) business days to send the applicant a prevention notification regarding missing or additional information required. The applicant, in turn, has five (5) business days to respond.

Per HlthResRegs and G-RNECManual, once the applicant obtains an official authorization from COFEPRIS, the applicant has a maximum of five (5) working days to enter this information into the National Registry of Clinical Trials (Registro Nacional de Ensayos Clínicos (RNEC)) database (MEX-68). The RNEC is in charge of the CAS’s Clinical Trials technical area and serves as the interface through which applicants are required to submit their application documentation in order to maintain an updated national inventory of clinical studies involving humans and/or their biological samples.

Enabled Pre-Assessment Support Unit (UHAP) Evaluations

Per HlthResRegs, prior to submitting an authorization request, applicants may also obtain a pre-assessment evaluation by an authorized third party that helps to facilitate COFEPRIS’s review. MEX-21 and MEX-10 explain that rather than submitting an application directly to the CIS, the applicant has the option of first choosing to obtain a pre-assessment (third party) evaluation of the application through an Enabled Pre-Assessment Support Unit (Unidad Habilitada de Apoyo al Predictamen (UHAP)) (MEX-69) within the Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals (Comisión Coordinadora de Institutos Nacionales de Salud y Hospitales de Alta Especialidad (CCINSHAE)) (referred to as the UHAP-CCINSHAE) or a UHAP within the Mexican Social Security Institute (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS)). According to MEX-10, the UHAP has a maximum of 30 calendar days to respond to an evaluation request. See MEX-10 and MEX-121 for additional information on authorized third parties. See the Scope of Assessment and Submission Process sections for detailed UHAP information.

Ethics Committee Approval

As delineated in G-RECs-Op-2018, the REC agenda and documents corresponding to each session should be delivered at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. It is then recommended that the REC’s decision be sent within a period not exceeding five (5) working days after the committee has met, or if applicable, not to exceed 30 calendar days from the date of request for its review. G-RECs-Op-2018 and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts also state that the approval of a new application is valid for one (1) year.

In addition, G-RECs-Op-2018 indicates that the REC should establish procedures for monitoring approved studies, from the point at which the decision was made until the completion of the investigation and reporting of results. RECs should conduct at least one (1) review a year.

XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (XI-XIII)
Requirements (11), Response Time, and Steps
Response Time and Steps
Response Time and Steps
Validity of the Resolution
3.3, 6.2, 8.1, and 8.2
Response Time and Steps
Chapter IV (Article 14)
Title VI (Chapter IV, Article 196)
Title III (Chapter I, Articles 62 and 74a) and (Chapter II, Articles 65 and 69) and Title III bis
5.2, 6.3, 9.2, and 10.3

Initiation, Agreements & Registration

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024


In accordance with ResNo9, the PANDRH-GCPs, and the G-DDCMManual, a clinical trial can only commence after the sponsor, the designated contract research organization (CRO), or the sponsor-investigator receives clinical trial application (Drug Clinical Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM))) approval from the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)). Per ResNo9, ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, and OSNo001, the principal investigator (PI) must also obtain approval from the research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP)). Applications with coordination or sponsorship originating outside Brazil require an additional review and approval by the National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)), unless the co-sponsor is the Brazilian Government. Please refer to Scope of Review and Oversight of Ethics Committees sections for detailed information on CONEP responsibilities and other studies requiring CONEP approval. No waiting period is required following the sponsor’s receipt of these approvals.

In addition, per ResNo9, the sponsor or the designated CRO is required to obtain an import license from ANVISA for the shipment of the investigational product (IP) to be used in the trial. (See the Manufacturing & Import section for additional information). The trials should be conducted in compliance with the PANDRH-GCPs, ResNo466, and ResNo9. Clinical trials must also be conducted in a laboratory complying with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s Principles on Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) (BRA-15) as mandated by Brazil’s National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO). Refer to BRA-15 and BRA-48 for additional information on GLP requirements.

ResNo9 further states that the sponsor should register the clinical trial start and end dates within 30 calendar days of each date by submitting a secondary petition to the corresponding DDCM (see BRA-21 for the DDCM Petition Request Form).

Clinical Trial Agreement

As delineated in the PANDRH-GCPs, the sponsor or the CRO must sign an agreement or contract with the participating institution(s) and the investigator. In addition, if a sponsor decides to engage a CRO to conduct the trial, a letter of agreement should also be submitted to ANVISA as specified in the PANDRH-GCPs and ResNo9.

Clinical Trial Registration

As delineated in ResNo9, the sponsor must register the clinical trial in a registry listed on the World Health Organization (WHO)’s International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (BRA-52) or any other registry recognized by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). According to BRA-52, the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos (ReBEC)) (BRA-45) is a primary registry in the ICTRP network. See also BRA-45 and BRA-46 for further information about ReBEC. Per ResNo449 which amends ResNo9, if a registration receipt is not available to submit with the DDCM, it must be provided with the Start of Clinical Trial Notification Form in Brazil (BRA-25).

In addition, per BRA-32, ANVISA has developed a clinical trials search tool to obtain detailed information about scientific/academic research or clinical trials authorized by the agency to support the registration of medicines since 2015. The Clinical Trials (Ensaios Clínicos) tool may be accessed via ANVISA’s Consultation System webpage (BRA-44). BRA-44 provides public information about the status of each clinical trial, the trial location, and the researchers responsible for conducting the trial. See BRA-32 for additional instructions on searching BRA-44.

Clinical Trials tool
2.3, 3.1, 4.3, 5.5-5.6, 6.2, and 6.10-6.11
2.1 and 3
Article 1
Chapter I (Articles 1-3 and 6) and Chapter III (Articles 33, 35-36, 38, and 40)
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024


In accordance with GenHlthLaw, Reg-COFEPRIS, HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, COFEPRIS-GCP, G-HumResProt, and MEX-84, a clinical trial can only commence after an applicant receives authorization from Mexico’s Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)). Per HlthResRegs, G-HumResProt, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, the applicant must also obtain a favorable decision from the Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)) and the Research Committee at the health institution where the study is being conducted, and when applicable, a favorable decision from the Biosafety Committee. No waiting period is required following the applicant’s receipt of these approvals.

As per GenHlthLaw, an applicant must be a resident of Mexico and is required to obtain an import license from COFEPRIS for the shipment of an investigational product to be used in the trial. The applicant must be a resident of Mexico or have a legal representative submit the application on their behalf. (See the Manufacturing & Import section for additional information).

As set forth in NOM-220-SSA1-2016, the health record holder, principal investigator (PI), sponsor, or person responsible for a study authorized by COFEPRIS must also issue a notice of a study’s commencement (e.g., first visit of the first patient) and a notice of its completion (e.g., last visit of the last patient).

Clinical Trial Agreement

Prior to initiating the trial, as set forth in NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, if applicable, the sponsor must sign a letter of acceptance that serves as an agreement to assume the project obligations and rights stated in the letter. G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts also notes that the letter must include the sponsor’s delegation of activities to other institutions and/or companies duly authorized to accept the obligations, responsibilities, and rights imposed by the development and conduct of the study. Per G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts and NOM-012-SSA3-2012, in the case of corporate entities, this position must be accepted by an individual authorized to do so or by a corporation’s legal representative, according to its organizational structure or incorporation regime.

Additionally, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts state that the sponsor must sign a letter to ensure there are no conflicts of interest that could lead to the interruption of treatment for the research participant. NOM-012-SSA3-2012, further specifies that when the research is sponsored by a public or private organization, that it must be guaranteed that this will not generate conflicts of interest that could cause the interruption of treatment for the research participant. A detailed explanation of the resources available and the way in which they will be provided and distributed must also be attached in the research protocol.

According to COFEPRIS-GCP, COFEPRIS requires the sponsor or the contract research organization (CRO) to comply with the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32) for conducting clinical trials. COFEPRIS-GCP indicates that the sponsor must establish in writing each of the research team member functions and responsibilities, and the financial agreement with the PI. The sponsor or the CRO must also establish a declaration of financing, sponsorship, affiliations, contracts of agreements with other institutions involved, and procedures for handling any conflict(s) of interest, and a system for providing incentives and quantity/payments to research participants. MEX-32 specifies that the financial aspects of the trial should be documented in an agreement between the sponsor and the investigator and the institution.

Further, per MEX-32, prior to entering into an agreement with the investigator(s) and the institution(s) to conduct a study, the sponsor should provide the investigator(s) with the protocol and an investigator’s brochure and should provide sufficient time for the investigator and institution to review the protocol and the information provided.

COFEPRIS-GCP further states that in the case of delegating investigation-related activities to a CRO, the sponsor must also establish in writing each of the activities that are delegated. However, the ultimate responsibility for all CRO activities remains with the sponsor. Additionally, COFEPRIS-GCP indicates that the sponsor or the CRO must establish a declaration of financing, sponsorship, affiliations, contracts, or agreements with other institutions involved, handling of any conflict of interest, incentives, and quantity and payments to the research participants.

According to MEX-32, the sponsor or the CRO must also obtain the investigator(s)’s and the institution(s)’s agreement to:

  • Conduct the trial in compliance with MEX-32 and the protocol agreed to by the sponsor and approved by the ethics committee
  • Comply with data recording and reporting procedures
  • Permit monitoring, auditing, and inspection
  • Retain essential documents until the sponsor informs them that they are no longer needed

Per MEX-32, the sponsor and the investigator/institution should sign the protocol, or an alternative document, to confirm this agreement.

Clinical Trial Registration

Per G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, once an official authorization from COFEPRIS is obtained, some of the data provided by the applicant in COFEPRIS’s digital procedures and services platform, DIGIPRiS: Online Regulation (MEX-86), will be migrated to COFEPRIS’s Comprehensive Service Center (Centro Integral de Servicios (CIS)) (MEX-37) and to the National Registry of Clinical Trials (Registro Nacional de Ensayos Clínicos (RNEC)) database (MEX-68). According to MEX-109, the G-RNECManual is useful for information on registering with RNEC for clinical trial applications submitted in person at the CIS (MEX-37).


Per GenHlthLaw, HlthResRegs, and NOM-012-SSA3-2012, every health institution where research is conducted is required to establish a Research Committee and a Biosafety Committee. Per HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, REC and Research Committee approval is also required for each trial site where a study is being conducted, and when applicable, Biosafety Committee approval is required as well.

HlthResRegs explains that the Research Committee evaluates the technical quality and scientific merit of the proposed research, and its opinion must contain the REC opinion and, where applicable, the Biosafety Committee opinion. The Biosafety Committee, in turn, is responsible for determining and regulating the use of ionizing radiation or genetic engineering techniques within the health institution as indicated in HlthResRegs, GenHlthLaw, and NOM-012-SSA3-2012. Pursuant to HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, and G-HumResProt, the Biosafety Committee issues a technical opinion on the biosafety aspects of the proposed research and ensures that research study staff, research participants, the community, and the environment are protected against radiological risks.

Additionally, per MEX-47, COFEPRIS is responsible for registering Research Committees and Biosafety Committees. Refer to MEX-47, G-BiosafetyReg, and G-ResCommReg for detailed Research Committee and Biosafety Committee registration requirements. See MEX-26 for COFEPRIS’s Research Committee and Biosafety Committee registration form.

2, 4.1, 4.5, and 9.2
4.9, 5.6, and 5.9
XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (IX and XI-XIII)
Requirements (2-3 and 11)
Preamble, 2, 4.1, 4.9-4.11, 4.13, and 5.7
Title V (Chapter I, Article 98), Title XII (Chapter I, Articles 194 and 194 bis) and (Chapter XIII, Articles 238-239 and 283-285), and Title XVI (Chapter I, Articles 368-369 and 371-372)
Chapter I (Articles 1 and 3) and Chapter IV (Article 14)
Title I (Chapter I, Articles 9 and 10), Title III (Chapter I, Article 62) and (Chapter II, Articles 65 and 69), Title V (Chapter I, Articles 99-102 and 110-111), and Title VI (Chapter I, Articles 113 and 117)
5.2, 6.3, 7.4, and 9.1-9.2

Safety Reporting

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

Safety Reporting Definitions

In accordance with the PANDRH-GCPs, ResNo9, the AESafetyManual, and CLNo13, the following definitions provide a basis for a common understanding of Brazil’s safety reporting requirements (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Adverse Event/Experience (AE) – Any adverse medical occurrence in a research participant to whom a drug product was administered, and which does not necessarily bear a causal relationship to the treatment
  • Adverse Drug Reaction or Adverse Reaction (ADR) – All harmful unintended responses to a medicinal product related to any dose
  • Serious Adverse Event (SAE) or Serious Adverse Drug Reaction (SADR) – Any unfavorable occurrence that at any dose results in death, is life-threatening, requires or extends patient hospitalization, results in persistent or significant disability or permanent damage, or is a birth defect or congenital anomaly; significant medical occurrence, which based on appropriate medical judgment, may harm the participant and/or require medical or surgical intervention to prevent any of the other occurrences mentioned
  • Unexpected Adverse Drug Reaction – One whose nature or severity is inconsistent with the applicable product information (i.e., the investigator’s brochure for an unapproved investigational product (IP), or package insert/summary of the characteristics of an approved product)

Safety Reporting Requirements

Investigator Responsibilities

As specified in ResNo9 and the AESafetyManual, the investigator must inform the sponsor within 24 hours of all SAEs/SADRs occurring during the study. The PANDRH-GCPs also states that the immediate reports should be followed promptly by detailed, written reports in which the participants are identified by unique code numbers. AEs/ADRs identified in the protocol as critical to safety evaluations should also be reported to the sponsor. Per the AESafetyManual, the investigator(s) should treat all participants who incur AEs/ADRs and assist them until the situation is resolved. In the event of a participant’s death, the investigator must provide the sponsor and the research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa) (CEP)) with any additional requested information (e.g., autopsy reports and terminal medical reports).

Sponsor Responsibilities

The AESafetyManual states that the sponsor should classify all AEs/ADRs and SAEs/SADRs according to the World Health Organization’s Uppsala Monitoring Centre (WHO-UMC)’s standardized causality assessment system (BRA-31). The recommended criterion to categorize each event is as follows: Certain, Probable/Likely, Possible, Unlikely, Conditional/Unclassified, and Unassessable/Unclassifiable.

As per ResNo9 and the AESafetyManual, the sponsor should ensure all relevant information pertaining to fatal or life-threatening SAEs/SADRs occurring in Brazil is documented and electronically reported to the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)) no more than seven (7) days after first knowledge. ResNo9 also indicates that any additional information should be included in the assessment up to eight (8) calendar days from the notification date. Additionally, per ResNo9 and the AESafetyManual, all other unexpected SAEs/SADRs whose causality is possible, probable, or certain for the products under investigation should be reported to ANVISA within 15 calendar days from the date of first knowledge by the sponsor.

Per the AESafetyManual, AEs/ADRs and SAEs/SADRs do not need to be reported to ANVISA under the above timelines when they occur outside of Brazil or are defined in the protocol as a primary or secondary outcome. Additionally, SAEs/SADRs that are categorized as Unlikely, Conditional/Unclassified, or Unassessable/Unclassifiable do not need to be reported under the above timelines. Per ResNo9 and the AESafetyManual, for events occurring within Brazil, this information should be included in the annual drug development safety update report (DDSUR), which must be filed within a maximum of 60 calendar days of the yearly anniversary of the date that ANVISA approves the clinical trial application (Drug Clinical Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM))). Per ResNo9, in the case of international trials, within 12 months of the study in all countries, the sponsor must submit a final report, which must include information on AEs/ADRs and SAEs/SADRs occurring in other countries.

ResNo9 requires the sponsor to notify investigators of AEs/ADRs and SAEs/SADRs for which the causality has been assessed as possible, probable, or certain. The sponsor must adopt procedures for updating the Investigator’s Brochure (IB) and reassess the risk and benefits to study participants. The PANDRH-GCPs states that the sponsor is also required to notify all concerned investigator(s), institution(s), and ANVISA of findings that could adversely affect participant safety, impact the conduct of the trial, or alter the EC (CEP)’s approval of the trial.

In addition, ResNo9 and the G-DDCMAmdmts state that in cases where the sponsor temporarily suspends a clinical trial or DDCM as an immediate safety measure, they must notify ANVISA within seven (7) consecutive days from the suspension date. Per ResNo9, the reasons for suspension, the scope, the interruption of treatment, and the suspension of participant recruitment must be clearly explained in the notification of temporary suspension. See also BRA-8 for additional information on ANVISA’s AE reporting requirements.

Per BRA-73, Brazil has implemented the ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting (E2A) (BRA-66) and the ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Development Safety Update Report (E2F) (BRA-72).

See ResNo506 for detailed information on AE and SAE safety reporting requirements involving investigational advanced therapy products.

Ethics Committee Responsibilities

CLNo13 establishes specific CEP/National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)) System processing requirements for SAEs occurring in Brazil and outside the country. As delineated in CLNo13, only SAEs should be reported to the CEP/CONEP System; it is optional for the investigator or sponsor to report an AE. SAE ethical analysis is the exclusive responsibility of CEPs, and CONEP prefers not to be involved in the review, except when at the CEP’s discretion, it is deemed necessary.

Per CLNo13, CEPs must present SAE notifications about a participant’s SAE index (initial SAE) and subsequent events in a single document, in tabular format, and submit it online to the CEP/CONEP System via Plataforma Brasil (BRA-34) using the “notification” function. This document must also be updated with each occurrence of a subsequent SAE. The document must contain the study identification research title and Certificate of Presentation of Ethical Appreciation (Certificado de Apresentação de Apreciação Ética) (CAAE)) number, name of the research center, name of the responsible investigator, coded identification of the participant and description of the index and subsequent events. Per BRA-91, the CAAE is the number generated by Plataforma Brasil (BRA-34) to identify the research project when it is received by CEP for ethical review.

CLNo13 explains that each SAE must be characterized according to the following:

  • Date of SAE occurrence
  • Participant number or code
  • SAE number or code
  • SAE classification (index or subsequent)
  • Breakdown of the occurrence (e.g., febrile neutropenia, pneumonia, etc.)
  • SAE type (death, life threatening, need for hospitalization, prolonged hospitalization, significant damage, permanent damage, congenital anomaly, at the investigator’s discretion, others)
  • Participant status on the date of the last update (in progress, recovered without sequelae, recovered with sequelae, and death)
  • Description of research participant withdrawal(s)

Additionally, in the case of multicenter studies, the investigator at the coordinating center must prepare the consolidated report (partial and final reports) containing information on SAEs from all of the participating research centers and submit it to the CEP to which it is linked via Plataforma Brasil (BRA-34) using the “notification” functionality. CLNo13 also explains that for SAEs occurring outside the country, it is the responsibility of the coordinating research center investigator to prepare the consolidated SAEs report. If the CEP is linked to the coordinating center, CONEP will also evaluate the SAEs if the protocol is included in item IX.4 of ResNo466.

Refer to CLNo008 for detailed instructions and the CONEP form to report SAEs to the CEP/CONEP System for review, and CLNo13 for information on processing AEs for Brazil and abroad.

Other Safety Reports

For investigational advanced therapy products, SAEs must be reported through the Online Adverse Event Notification Form for Advanced Therapy Products (BRA-101).

Form Completion & Delivery Requirements

As per BRA-37, VigiMed (BRA-83) is ANVISA’s online system for citizens, health professionals, drug registration holders, and study sponsors to report unexpected SAEs related to drugs and vaccines. Upon registration with BRA-83, BRA-37 indicates that companies (sponsors) must submit SAE notifications exclusively via BRA-83. See also BRA-85 for additional information on VigiMed.

Per BRA-78 and BRA-37, sponsors must email notifications of unexpected SAEs to BRA-78 indicates that the title of the email must state “EVENTO ADVERSO GRAVE INESPERADO [NOME DO MEDICAMENTO]” (Unexpected Serious Adverse Event [Name of the medication]). BRA-78 and BRA-37 specify that the email must include the ANVISA Serious Adverse Event Notification Spreadsheet (BRA-84) containing all of the information that was previously registered with ANVISA. BRA-37 states that ANVISA advises sponsors of clinical research with medicines and biological products that have not yet been registered in VigiMed (BRA-83) to also include the following information for the company’s registration in the system:

  • Corporate name
  • Sender identifier (the official name should be used, if possible, since it will be used to identify the company in VigiMed)
  • CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities (Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Jurídicas), which serves as tax identification
  • Short name: company name abbreviation [the company name abbreviation will be used in the Notification Identification, following the structure: BR-Company Name-Notification Number (Data element C.1.1 Sender’s (case) Safety Report Unique Identifier, from the ICH E2B (R3) (Electronic Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports) (BRA-88)
  • Data of users to be registered in VigiMed: name and e-mail of two (2) notifiers, who will be registered to enter data from notifications of SAEs occurring in clinical trials
Submission of Research Projects (Step 5 - Other Information - *Multicentric Projects)
Introduction, VigiMed-Clinical Research, and Registration in VigiMed-Clinical Research
Chapters 5 (5.11), 6 (6.5 and 6.16-6.17), and 9
Chapter V
Chapters I (Article 6), VI (Article 52), and VII
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

Safety Reporting Definitions

In accordance with NOM-220-SSA1-2016, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-ClinResPV, and G-PharmPerSafRpt, the following definitions provide a basis for a common understanding of Mexico’s safety reporting requirements (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Adverse Event/Experience (AE) – Any undesirable medical event that may occur in a research participant during the clinical investigation stage of a drug/vaccine, but does not necessarily have a causal relationship to it
  • Adverse Drug Reaction or Adverse Reaction (ADR) – An unwanted response to a drug, in which the causal relationship with it is, at least, reasonably attributable
  • Unexpected Adverse Drug Reaction – One whose nature or severity is inconsistent with the applicable product information, or in the documentation presented for its sanitary registration
  • Suspected Adverse Drug Reaction (SRAM) – Any clinical or laboratory manifestation that occurs after administration of one (1) or more drugs

Safety Reporting Requirements

As specified in NOM-220-SSA1-2016-Mod, for clinical study related incidents involving health professionals (public and private) or institutions conducting health research, notifications to the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS))’s National Pharmacovigilance Center (CNFV) must be submitted according to the following timelines:

  • Serious SRAMs or serious AEs/ADRs must be reported within a maximum of seven (7) calendar days, if fatal, and within a maximum of 15 days, if not fatal (severe cases from abroad should only be included in the final study safety report, if the study has a research center in Mexico)
  • Not serious SRAMs or AEs/ADRs must be reported at the end of the study
  • Two (2) or more serious cases, in the same place with the same drug and the same batch, must be reported immediately, and no later than 48 hours
  • When a review of scientific literature shows a safety issue, it should be reported within a maximum of 30 calendar days from first knowledge of the AE/ADR

HlthResRegs and NOM-012-SSA3-2012 state that the institution must notify and provide a report to the Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud) within a period of 15 days after the suspension or cancellation of the research has been agreed upon. The report should specify the effect(s) detected, all medical care steps adopted, and the consequences produced. A detailed report on the research participant(s) physical condition should also be included. NOM-012-SSA3-2012 indicates that all serious or deadly adverse reactions or effects must be immediately reported to the Ministry. Per NOM-012-SSA3-2012, the principal investigator (PI), the Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)), the institutional head(s), or the Ministry of Health must also suspend or cancel the research as soon as any AE representing an ethical impediment to research is identified.

Additionally, per NOM-220-SSA1-2016, institutions must notify the CNFV of a study’s suspension or cancellation within a maximum of 15 days. If the study is resumed, the CNFV must also be notified within a maximum of 15 working days following the study’s recommencement.

Per MEX-2, COFEPRIS has also implemented the following International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) guidelines:

  • Guideline E2B (R3) on Electronic Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) – Data Elements and Message Specification – Implementation Guide (MEX-79)
  • ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting (E2A) (MEX-80)
  • ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Pharmacovigilance Planning (E2E) (MEX-82)

Investigator Responsibilities

As specified in HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, and COFEPRIS-GCP, the PI must report to the REC all probable AEs or any AEs directly related to the research study. Per NOM-012-SSA3-2012, the investigator is also responsible for submitting safety reports to the CNFV.

Other Safety Reports

As indicated in NOM-220-SSA1-2016, a pharmacovigilance study protocol should be prepared and submitted to the Executive Director of Pharmacopeia and Pharmacovigilance through COFEPRIS’s Comprehensive Service Center (Centro Integral de Servicios (CIS)) (MEX-37).

Per NOM-220-SSA1-2016, a clinical safety report is also required to be submitted to the CNFV for all trials, sponsored or not, that have at least one (1) site or research center in Mexico. In addition, G-ClinResPV explains that a final safety report must be submitted to the CNFV in the following circumstances:

  • A study is completed that has included at least one (1) research center in Mexico
  • A study has been cancelled, discontinued, or definitively suspended
  • A bioequivalence, bioavailability, and pharmacokinetics study is concluded

Refer to G-ClinResPV and G-PharmPerSafRpt for additional report writing instructions and criteria that align with the safety reporting requirements delineated in NOM-220-SSA1-2016 and NOM-220-SSA1-2016-Mod. See also G-PharmRptReq for detailed pharmacovigilance reporting guidelines and to extend sanitary registrations for drug products.

Form Completion & Delivery Requirements

G-ClinResPV specifies that clinical safety reports must be written in Spanish and submitted electronically (in PDF format) to the CNFV. In addition, reports should be submitted by either the health record holder or the sponsor or the legal representative to avoid sending duplicate information to the CNFV. G-PharmPerSafRpt states, in turn, that the safety report must be written in Spanish in the sections delineated in Annex 1 of G-PharmPerSafRpt and submitted electronically via CD or USB in editable PDF format. As indicated in G-ClinResPV and G-PharmPerSafRpt, the annual safety report submission date is determined by the date of the study’s first national authorization by COFEPRIS.

As per MEX-117, the E-Reporting Industry platform, which is linked to VigiFlow (MEX-43), was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO)’s Uppsala Monitoring Centre for the pharmaceutical industry to manage individual case safety reports at the national level. Reports are submitted by pharmaceutical industry professionals including health registration holders or their legal representatives and institutions/establishments where research is conducted as well as contract research organizations, distributors, and marketers. MEX-117 also specifies the CNFV is responsible for granting access to the E-Reporting Industry tool, and requests can be made via email: Refer to MEX-117 for details. Additionally, per MEX-77, state centers, institutional coordinating centers, institutional centers, and pharmacovigilance units of the National Health System should also report AE/ADRs, SRAMs, ESAVIs, and other safety issues via MEX-43.

MEX-78, in turn, provides patients, consumers, and health professionals instructions on reporting ADRs via VIGIRAM (MEX-118). See MEX-12 for instructions on using MEX-118, see MEX-30 for the form to be completed via MEX-118, and see MEX-119 for additional information on MEX-118. See also G-ADR-PatientRpt for information on how patients, consumers, and/or family members report suspected ADRs.

Refer to NOM-220-SSA1-2016 for detailed reporting requirements, and the G-AENotif, MEX-44, and MEX-117 for submitting safety reports via VigiFlow (MEX-43). See also MEX-54 for additional CNFV issued pharmacovigilance guidelines and requirements.

1. Generalities, 3. Content Development (3.1), and 5. Annex A
XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (IX)
1, 4, 6, Table 1, and Annex 1
Title III (Chapter I (Article 64))
4.21, 4.44-4.45, 4.53, 4.55-4.56, 4.59, 4.72, 7.5, 7.7, and 8.1-8.3
8.1.2, 8.1.11, and 8.2.1-8.2.10
4.5, 8.7-8.10, and 10.9

Progress Reporting

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

Interim and Annual Progress Reports

As per ResNo9 and the G-CTReptsManual, the sponsor must file a progress report, known as an annual clinical trial protocol monitoring report, to the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)) in the form of a secondary petition electronically attached to the respective protocol to which it is linked. ResNo9 indicates that the annual report should contain the following information for each clinical trial protocol, in tabulated form, exclusively from Brazilian centers:

  • Trial title
  • Protocol code
  • Participant(s) status
  • Number of participants recruited by center
  • Number/description of deviations and protocol violations by center
  • Description of all adverse events/adverse drug reactions occurring by center

The report should be filed within 60 calendar days from the annual anniversary date of the trial’s commencement in Brazil. BRA-8 further explains that currently ANVISA does not require a template to be used to complete the annual clinical trial protocol monitoring report since the information should be based on the ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports (E3) standardized report format (BRA-27). See BRA-23 for the annual/final report form that may be used.

The PANDRH-GCPs state that the investigator or institution must submit written summaries on the status of the trial to the research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP)) in Brazil) annually, or more frequently, if requested by the EC (CEP).

Final Report

ResNo9 and the G-CTReptsManual state that the sponsor should submit a final report to ANVISA in the form of a secondary petition electronically attached to the respective protocol to which it is linked. The final report must be filed within 12 months of the clinical trial end date. Per ResNo9 the final report should contain at least the following:

  • Trial title
  • Protocol code
  • Breakdown of the number of participants recruited or removed from the trial
  • Description of participants included in each statistical analysis and those who were excluded from the efficacy analysis
  • Participant demographics and statistics
  • Number/description of protocol deviations and violations
  • All adverse events/laboratory abnormalities with causality assessment occurring in participants
  • Results obtained in the measurement of outcomes for each participant
  • Rationale for early termination in Brazil or elsewhere in the world, where applicable

Per G-CTReptsManual, the annual and final reports for each clinical protocol shall contain the minimum requirements set forth in Articles 68 and 69 of ResNo9, or they may be submitted using the ICH E3 format (BRA-27). See BRA-23 for the annual/final report form.

As specified in the PANDRH-GCPs, upon the trial’s completion, the investigator or the institution should also provide the sponsor with all required reports, present the EC (CEP) with a summary of the trial’s outcome, and supply any additional report(s) required by ANVISA.

Other Reporting Requirements

As stated in ResNo9 and the G-CTReptsManual, in addition to submitting a final report, the sponsor is also responsible for submitting clinical trial start and end date forms for trials conducted in Brazil. The forms with the trial start and end dates must be filed as a secondary petition to the corresponding trial dossier within 30 calendar days after each start and end date. The secondary petition should be submitted to ANVISA using the Clinical Drug Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM)) Petition Request Form (BRA-21). See BRA-56 to access ANVISA’s Solicita Electronic Petition Request System website that allows users to submit these forms electronically, and BRA-25 and BRA-24 for links to the notification forms. See also BRA-38 for additional information on accessing ANVISA’s electronic petitioning request systems.

5.10 and 5.13
3 and 5-7
Articles 40, 68, and 69
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

Interim and Annual Progress Reports

Per HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, and MEX-28, the principal investigator (PI) must prepare and submit a progress report (also referred to as a partial technical or technical-descriptive report) (MEX-31) to the Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud) at any time, but at least once a year, to communicate progress and partial research study results. In addition, per NOM-012-SSA3-2012, information related to any investigation that the PI submits to the Ministry of Health must be classified as confidential. NOM-012-SSA3-2012 further states that the PI must also provide a copy of every report to the head of the Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)) and the Research Committee, and if applicable, the Biosafety Committee of the institution where the research takes place.

NOM-012-SSA3-2012 specifies that the progress reports should describe the results obtained and at a minimum should include the following elements:

  • Identification data
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliographic references
  • Any relevant exhibits

In accordance with NOM-012-SSA3-2012, a report should be submitted annually to the Ministry of Health on the integration and activities of the REC, the Research Committee, and, if applicable, the Biosafety Committee, during the first 10 business days of June.

Final Report

As set forth in HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, and MEX-28, the PI is also required to submit a final report to the Ministry of Health in order to communicate the final results of a research protocol or project as well as the major findings obtained throughout the course of the study. Additionally, per NOM-012-SSA3-2012, the PI must deliver a copy of this report to the research team members, the REC, the Research Committee, and the Biosafety Committee, as applicable, where the study was conducted.

As per NOM-012-SSA3-2012, the final reports should describe the results obtained and at a minimum should include the following elements:

  • Identification data
  • Summary
  • Introduction
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliographic references
  • Any relevant exhibits/Annexes

See section 7.4 of NOM-012-SSA3-2012 for additional required report information.

HlthResRegs further states that the PI is also required to submit a final report to the Research Committee at the institution where the study was conducted. Refer to MEX-31 for the reporting form.

Title VI (Chapter I (Articles 116 and 119-120))
4.8-4.10, 7.1, 7.4, 10.10, and 12.1

Definition of Sponsor

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

New Info Not Yet Covered in Profile

Effective January 1, 2025, ANVISA’s clinical trials regulation, RDC No. 945, and the corresponding regulatory instruction, IN No. 338, are in force, and ResNo9 and ResNo449 are revoked. See the News tab at the top of the page for related ANVISA technical note and forms.

As per ResNo466, ResNo9, and the PANDRH-GCPs, a sponsor is defined as an individual, company, institution, or organization that supports research through the initiation, management, or financing of a clinical trial.

ResNo9 states that a sponsor can authorize a contract research organization (CRO) to carry out certain work and obligations regarding the trial. As delineated in ResNo9, any trial-related responsibilities to be transferred and assumed by a CRO should be specified in a written agreement or contract.

As delineated in ResNo9, when a clinical trial is developed by a sponsor-investigator, the institution with which the individual is linked is the primary sponsor. The primary sponsor may delegate responsibilities to the investigator, who will be responsible for conducting the clinical trial at the institution, and the sponsor-investigator will serve as the secondary sponsor. See also BRA-79 for additional information on sponsor and CRO requirements in Brazil.

Sponsor and Contract Research Organizations
Chapter 9
II (11)
Articles 6, 20, and 27
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

As set forth in NOM-012-SSA3-2012, COFEPRIS-GCP, and MEX-84, a sponsor is defined as an individual or corporation willing to undertake responsibilities to participate and finance a research project or protocol, in full or in part.

According to COFEPRIS-GCP, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) requires the sponsor or the contract research organization (CRO) to comply with the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32) for conducting clinical trials. Per COFEPRIS-GCP and MEX-32, a sponsor is an individual, company, institution, or organization which takes responsibility for the initiation, management, and/or financing of a clinical trial. A sponsor may also hire a CRO to conduct one (1) or more of the activities related to health research that are sponsored in the country. The sponsor must specify in writing any trial-related duty and function that is transferred to and assumed by a CRO. However, the ultimate responsibility for all CRO activities remains with the sponsor. Additionally, MEX-32 notes the ultimate responsibility for the quality and integrity of the trial data always resides with the sponsor, and any trial-related duties and functions not specifically transferred to and assumed by a CRO are retained by the sponsor. COFEPRIS-GCP also indicates that CROs of foreign origin must also have a registered address in Mexico, and an authorization to carry out clinical research activities in the country.

1.53 and 5.2
1.5-1.6, 4.1-4.2, and 4.15

Site/Investigator Selection

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024


As set forth in the PANDRH-GCPs, the sponsor is responsible for selecting the investigator(s) and the institution(s) for the clinical trial while taking into account the appropriateness and availability of the study site and facilities. The sponsor must also ensure that the investigator(s) are qualified by education, training, and experience to assume responsibility for the proper conduct of the trial. Investigator(s) should also provide evidence of all the qualifications specified by the applicable regulatory requirements through up-to-date curriculum vitae(s) (CVs) and/or other relevant documentation requested by the sponsor, the research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP)), and/or the regulatory authority(ies).

Prior to entering into an agreement with the investigator(s) and the institution(s) to conduct a study, the sponsor should provide the investigator(s) with the protocol and an investigator’s brochure. Additionally, the sponsor must define and allocate all study related duties and responsibilities to the relevant parties participating in the study. See the Submission Content section for additional information on clinical trial application requirements. See also CLNo046 for the National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)) guidance on submitting requests for inclusion/exclusion of research center(s).

Foreign Sponsor Responsibilities

As specified in the PANDRH-GCPs and ResNo9, the sponsor may transfer any or all of the sponsor’s study related duties and functions to a contract research organization (CRO). However, the sponsor is ultimately responsible for the study data’s quality and integrity. Any study related duties, functions, or responsibilities transferred to and assumed by a local representative or CRO must be specified in writing. Other duties, functions, or responsibilities not specifically transferred shall be deemed as retained by the sponsor. However, as per ResNo9, a CRO can only submit a clinical trial application on the sponsor’s behalf when the sponsor has no headquarters or subsidiary in Brazil.

Data Safety and Monitoring Board

According to ResNo9, an Independent Safety Monitoring Committee (ISMC) should be established to systematically evaluate aggregate adverse event/adverse drug reaction data.

Multicenter Studies

Per the PANDRH-GCPs, in the event of a multicenter clinical trial, the sponsor or the CRO should ensure that all investigators conduct the trial in strict compliance with the protocol as well as with the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA))’s and the EC (CEP)’s requirements. The sponsor must also organize a coordinating committee or select coordinating investigators.

5.1, 5.6, 6.2, 6.5-6.6, and 6.23
Articles 6, 20, 37, and 56
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024


According to COFEPRIS-GCP, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) requires the sponsor or the contract research organization (CRO) to comply with the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32) for conducting clinical trials. COFEPRIS-GCP states the sponsor or the CRO is responsible for selecting each research center and ensuring that COFEPRIS has authorized its operation as well as the human and material resources needed to conduct research. MEX-32 indicates the sponsor should ensure the investigator(s) have adequate resources to properly conduct the trial for which they are selected. Additionally, MEX-32, explains the investigator should have available an adequate number of qualified staff and adequate facilities for the foreseen duration of the trial to conduct the trial properly and safely.

Per COFEPRIS-GCP, the sponsor must establish in writing each of the research team member functions and responsibilities, and the financial agreement with the principal investigator (PI). G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts also note the sponsor or the CRO must specify in a letter the human and material resources that will be allocated for the research and the way in which they will be provided and distributed to the research sites.

As stated in the HlthResRegs and NOM-012-SSA3-2012, all investigators must possess appropriate qualifications, training, and experience. Per COFEPRIS-GCP, the PI is also responsible for selecting a research team with knowledge, education, and training in MEX-32, and in the process of the investigation in which the investigator is involved. Per MEX-32, the sponsor must ensure each investigator is qualified by education, training, and experience to assume responsibility for the proper conduct of the trial; meets all the qualifications specified by the applicable regulatory requirement(s); and provides evidence of such qualifications through updated curriculum vitae (CV) and/or other relevant documentation requested by the sponsor, the ethics committee (EC), and/or COFEPRIS. G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts also indicate the PI should provide legally issued and registered documentation delineating appropriate academic training and experience appropriate to the research to be conducted, which includes academic preparation, representative scientific production, and clinical practice.

G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts also indicate that institutions in charge of providing medical care for study related medical emergencies are required to sign an agreement or contract to provide these services, and a provide letter stating the institution’s acceptance, authorization, and description of the available resources.

Foreign Sponsor Responsibilities

COFEPRIS-GCP indicates that foreign CROs must have a registered address in Mexico, and an authorization or notice specifying the activities to be carried out in the country.

Data Safety Monitoring Board

According to COFEPRIS-GCP, the sponsor or the CRO is responsible for the continuous monitoring of the study which should be established based on the nature of the study, and must ensure study monitoring is carried out in compliance with MEX-32. Per MEX-32, the sponsor or the CRO may consider establishing an independent data monitoring committee to assess the progress of a clinical trial, the safety data, the critical efficacy endpoints, and to recommend to the sponsor whether to continue, modify, or stop a trial. The committee should have written operating procedures and maintain written records of its meetings.

Multicenter Studies

As delineated in MEX-32, in the event of a multicenter clinical trial, the sponsor or the CRO must ensure that:

  • All investigators conduct the trial in strict compliance with the protocol agreed to by the sponsor, and, if required, by COFEPRIS, and given ethics committee approval
  • The case report forms (CRFs) are designed to capture the required data at all multicenter trial sites
  • Investigator responsibilities are documented prior to the start of the trial
  • All investigators are given instructions on following the protocol, complying with a uniform set of standards to assess clinical and laboratory findings, and completing the CRFs
  • Communication between investigators is facilitated
4.6, 7.2-7.3, and 8.2
1.25, 4.1-4.2., 5.5-5.7, and 5.23
XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (IV, VIII, and IX)
Requirements (4, 19-20, and 24)
Preamble, 3.8, 4.14.7, 4.10-4.11, 4.13, and 4.15
Title III (Chapter I, Article 62) and Title VI (Chapter I, Articles 113 and 117)
0 and 1

Insurance & Compensation

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024


As set forth in the PANDRH-GCPs, the sponsor is responsible for providing insurance coverage for any unforeseen injury to research participants. Before the clinical trial begins, the sponsor should also provide insurance or indemnify the investigator and the institution against claims arising from malpractice or negligence.

In addition, according to BRA-1, in the event that National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)) asks for additional information to assess insurance and indemnity coverage for injures related to the study, the sponsor must provide a Medical Assistance Letter. See BRA-79 for additional information on sponsor/contract research organization (CRO) insurance coverage requirements in Brazil.


Injury or Death

As specified in the PANDRH-GCPs and ResNo466, the sponsor is responsible for providing compensation to research participants and/or their legal heirs in the event of trial-related injuries or death. The sponsor must also ensure that participants who suffer any trial-related injuries are provided with free medical treatment for such injuries.

Trial Participation

As specified in ResNo466 and the G-ClinResSubjectRts, compensation to participants is only provided for transportation costs and meals for the participants or legal representative/guardian during the trial.

See also BRA-29 for additional information on participant compensation rights.

Post-Trial Access

According to ResNo563, for protocols involving research participants diagnosed with ultra-rare diseases, the sponsor must ensure free access to the best prophylactic, diagnostic, and therapeutic methods that have proven to be effective at the end of the study, for a period of five (5) years after obtaining ANVISA registration. In addition, per ResNo466, at the end of the study, the sponsor much ensure free and indefinite access to the best prophylactic, diagnostic, and therapeutic methods that have proven to be effective. Access must also be guaranteed to participants between the time they stop their participation in the trial and the end of the study.

Furthermore, ResNo311, which amends ResNo38, states that the sponsor/CRO should guarantee access to the post-study drug supply program for research participants enrolled in a clinical study in accordance with the Resolutions of the National Health Council (Conselho Nacional de Saúde (CNS)). The free supply of medicines should also be made available to participants when the study is terminated early. The sponsor is required to complete the Sponsor’s Responsibility and Commitment Statement Form for Expanded Access, Compassionate Use, or Post-Study Medicine Supply Programs (see Annex VI of ResNo38). See also BRA-79 for additional information on sponsor/CRO insurance coverage.

Documentation Required
Financing the Clinical Trial and Supply of Products to the Research Participants
Request Compensation for Damages, Receive Reimbursement for Expenses, Free Post-study Access, and Free Access to Contraceptive Methods
4, 10, 15, 18, and Annex VI
Sections II-V
Articles 1, 3, and 4
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024


As set forth in COFEPRIS-GCP, the sponsor or the contract research organization (CRO) must establish a financial fund or have insurance to cover serious adverse events that result from the medication or the research study.

Additionally, per COFEPRIS-GCP, which requires the sponsor or the CRO to comply with the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32), the sponsor should provide insurance or should indemnify (legal and financial coverage) the investigator/institution against claims arising from the trial, except for those claims arising from malpractice and/or negligence. Per MEX-32, if required by the applicable regulatory requirement(s), the sponsor should provide insurance or should indemnify (legal and financial coverage) the investigator and the institution against claims arising from the trial, except for claims that arise from malpractice and/or negligence.


As specified in COFEPRIS-GCP, the sponsor or the designated CRO must establish a statement of funding and describe the quantity and payments to be allocated for research participants.

Per MEX-32, the ethics committee (EC) should review both the amount and method of payment to participants to ensure that neither presents problems of coercion or undue influence on the trial participants. Payments to a participant should be prorated and not wholly contingent on the completion of the trial by the participant.

Injury or Death

Although NOM-012-SSA3-2012 does not specifically ascribe responsibility to the sponsor, it indicates that the research budget must include the availability of a financial fund as well as mechanisms to guarantee continuity of medical treatment and indemnity of the research participant, in the event of trial-related injuries. Additionally, the head of the institution or establishment, the, Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)), Research Committee, or Biosafety Committee, the PI, and, where applicable, the sponsor, must be responsible, in accordance with their area of ​​competence, for the damage to health resulting from the development of the research as well as damage resulting from the interruption or early suspension of treatment for reasons not attributable to the research participant.

Per HlthResRegs and GenHlthLaw, the health care institution and the sponsor or the CRO must provide medical attention to injured participants, and where appropriate, legally required compensation, if the injuries are directly related to the study. Medical attention that is provided to such participants will not prejudice the compensation that may be legally due from the study.

In addition, per COFEPRIS-GCP, the sponsor or the CRO is also responsible for ensuring that research institutions provide urgent care resources, or where appropriate, have a written agreement with the health institution that will handle the emergencies. The agreement must comply with NOM-206-SSA1-2002, which establishes the criteria for the operation and attention in providing emergency services in health care institutions

MEX-32 explains the sponsor's policies and procedures should address the costs of treatment of trial subjects in the event of trial-related injuries in accordance with the applicable regulatory requirement(s). In addition, when study participants receive compensation, the method and manner of compensation should comply with applicable regulatory requirement(s).

In addition, per G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts and G-HumResProt, the sponsor should provide the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) with a copy of the financial fund or current insurance policy, which guarantees the continuity of the medical treatment and the compensation to which the participant will be legally entitled in the event of suffering damages directly related to the development of the research. MEX-84 specifies that the insurance policy or current document from the financial fund should cover all study participants at the local level. The document guarantees coverage to the participant in case of any injury or damage related to the research. The insurance policy and certificate must indicate the number of participants that will be covered, study title, protocol number, and must be on behalf of the license holder and the sponsor.

Trial Participation

Per COFEPRIS-GCP, the sponsor or the CRO must ensure that each and every treatment, clinical analysis procedure, and other study procedures are delivered in a timely manner, in good condition, and free of charge to the research participant.

3.1 and 5.8
XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (IV)
Requirements (6)
Preamble, 4.1, 4.8, and 4.13-4.14
Title V (Chapter I, Article 100)
Title II (Chapter I, Article 14) (Chapter II, Article 21), and (Chapter V, Article 58)
5.14 and 7.2

Risk & Quality Management

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

Quality Assurance/Quality Control

As stated in ResNo9, the sponsor or the contract research organization (CRO) must ensure that quality assurance and quality control be implemented in all areas of the institution’s development of the investigational drug in accordance with the PANDRH-GCPs and the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH)’s Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (BRA-28). The PANDRH-GCPs and BRA-28 specify that the sponsor is responsible for implementing and maintaining quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) systems with written standard operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure that trials are conducted and data are generated, recorded, and reported in compliance with the protocol, good clinical practices (GCP), and other applicable requirements.

Per the PANDRH-GCPs and BRA-28, the sponsor is responsible for obtaining agreement from all involved parties to ensure direct access to all trial related sites, source data/documents, reports for monitoring and auditing purposes, and inspection by domestic and foreign regulatory authorities. QC should be applied to each stage of data handling to ensure that all data are reliable and have been correctly processed.

Additionally, the PANDRH-GCPs and BRA-28 state that the sponsor must also obtain the investigator(s) and the institution(s) agreement to:

  • Conduct the trial in compliance with GCP, applicable regulatory requirement(s), and the protocol agreed to by the sponsor and approved by the research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP))
  • Comply with data recording and reporting procedures
  • Permit monitoring, auditing, and inspection
  • Retain essential documents until the sponsor indicates they are no longer needed

Monitoring Requirements

As part of its QA system, the PANDRH-GCPs, and BRA-28, note that the sponsor or the CRO should ensure the trial is adequately monitored. The PANDRH-GCPs and BRA-28, also explain that if or when the sponsor performs audits as part of implementing QA, the following should be considered:

· The purpose of the audit should be to evaluate trial conduct and compliance with the protocol, SOPs, GCP, and other applicable regulatory requirements.

· The sponsor should appoint auditors to review the clinical trial who are independent of the clinical trial/data collection system(s).

· The sponsor should ensure that the auditors are qualified by training and experience, and the auditor’s qualifications should be documented. The sponsor must also verify that the audit is conducted in accordance with their own SOPs, the auditor observations are documented, and data is available as needed for the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA))’s review.

No specific timeframe is provided for the audit process. Refer to the PANDRH-GCPs and BRA-28 for detailed audit requirements.

In addition, per ResNo449, which amends ResNo9, ANVISA is allowed to use remote GCP inspection mechanisms for temporary and emergency use in lieu of in-person inspections. Remote inspections are carried out by means of videoconferencing and data transmission technologies for GCP verification. Remote inspections replace the need for in-person inspectors in the establishment. Establishments under inspection may be inspected remotely at any time by ANVISA.

RegNo122 provides further guidance on ANVISA inspection procedures to ensure drug clinical trials are conducted in compliance with the GCPs delineated in ResNo9, the PANDRH-GCPs, and the BRA-28. Per BRA-30, ANVISA’s administrative unit, the Coordination of Clinical Research on Medicines and Biological Products (Coordenação de Pesquisa Clínica em Medicamentos e Produtos Biológicos (COPEC)), requires all clinical trial inspections to be conducted in accordance with BRA-28.

In the event of a routine inspection, RegNo122 states that ANVISA will notify the institution at least 15 calendar days in advance of the visit. Both the sponsor and/or the CRO are responsible for preparing for the inspection. ANVISA shall also notify the principal investigator (PI) of the scheduled visit to the center to be inspected, when applicable, by means of a GCP Inspection Notification Letter. For more detailed information on ANVISA’s inspection process, refer to RegNo122.

ANVISA has also published GuideNo35-2020 and GuideNo36-2020 to provide guidance on the procedures for conducting GCP inspections in clinical trial centers, and provide guidance for sponsors and CROs respectively for clinical trials involving medicines and biological products. Both guides describe ANVISA’s compliance with the GCP inspection requirements set forth in RegNo122 with the goal of guiding those involved in the inspection procedures to ensure a unified standard and the safety of all involved parties.

GuideNo35-2020 and GuideNo36-2020 explain that GCP inspections of sponsors and CRO representatives and in clinical trial centers may be carried out before, during, or after a clinical trial has been conducted and will be classified as either a routine inspection or complaint/suspected irregularity, per RegNo122. In addition, per GuideNo35-2020 and GuideNo36-2020, the inspections will involve at least two (2) ANVISA inspectors, one (1) of whom will be the lead inspector and the focal point for communication with either the clinical trial center or the sponsor/CRO(s). The inspections for both entities will take place over a maximum period of five (5) working days unless the period is altered with due justification. See GuideNo35-2020 and GuideNo36-2020 for additional details.

See ResNo620 for information on the Certification of Good Practices for conducting bioavailability/bioequivalence drug studies and requirements for which bioavailability/bioequivalence drug studies must be carried out in certified research centers.

Premature Study Termination/Suspension

As set forth in ResNo9, the sponsor may cancel or suspend a clinical trial application (Clinical Drug Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM))) or a clinical trial, at any time, provided that the appropriate technical-scientific justifications are submitted to ANVISA along with a plan to monitor the research participants in clinical trial(s) that have already begun. Per ResNo9 and the G-DDCMManual, DDCM or clinical trial suspensions and cancellations must be submitted to ANVISA in the form of a secondary petition attached to the previously submitted DDCM or Specific Clinical Trial Dossier (Dossiê Específico de Ensaio Clínico (DEEC)). Refer to the Submission Content section for instructions on submitting a secondary petition to suspend or cancel a DDCM or clinical trial.

ResNo9 and the G-DDCMAmdmts state that the sponsor must notify ANVISA within a maximum period of 15 consecutive days following a decision to suspend or cancel a clinical trial or DDCM. In cases of the temporary suspension of a clinical trial or DDCM as an immediate safety measure, the sponsor must notify ANVISA within seven (7) consecutive days from the suspension date. Per ResNo9, the reasons for suspension, the scope, the interruption of treatment, and the suspension of participant recruitment must be clearly explained in the notification of temporary suspension. As per the G-DDCMAmdmts, in the case of a temporary suspension of a DDCM or a clinical trial protocol, the suspension can be reversed with the submission of a secondary petition to ANVISA. ResNo9 specifies that these requests must be accompanied by due justification so that the trial(s) can be restarted. The clinical trial(s) or DDCM may be reactivated only after approval is obtained by ANVISA. The timeline for ANVISA’s review of these cases is not delineated in ResNo9 or in the G-DDCMAmdmts.

Regarding DDCM cancellations, the G-DDCMAmdmts emphasizes that cancellations, under the terms of ResNo9, are definitive, with no possibility of further reactivation, and that once a DDCM is cancelled, no clinical trial related to it can be continued in the country. In the specific case of a voluntary request to cancel a DDCM, the sponsor must follow the requirements detailed in the AESafetyManual when submitting the follow-up plan and the risk minimization/mitigation measures to protect the participants of clinical trials already underway. A DDCM cancellation can occur even if it has not yet been evaluated. Similarly, clinical trial cancellations are also definitive under ResNo9, with no possibility of further reactivation. The cancellation only applies to clinical trial protocols that have already been initiated by the sponsor. If the protocol is provided for in the DDCM, but has not yet been started, the protocol must be deleted.

In addition, ResNo9 states that ANVISA may, at any time, cancel or suspend a DDCM or any related clinical trial if it believes that the approval conditions have not been met or if there are safety or efficacy reports that significantly affect either the trial participants or scientific validity. In this case, ANVISA will inform the sponsor of the reasons for this cancellation or suspension. Per ResNo9, the sponsor must immediately inform those involved in a clinical trial when it is prematurely cancelled or suspended for any reason. The PANDRH-GCPs and BRA-28 also explain that if a trial is prematurely terminated or suspended, the sponsor should promptly inform the investigators/institutions, and the regulatory authority(ies) of the termination or suspension and the reason(s) for the termination or suspension. The EC should also be informed promptly and provided the reason(s) for the termination or suspension by the sponsor or by the investigator/institution, as specified by the applicable regulatory requirement(s). Additionally, per the PANDRH-GCPs and BRA-28, if the investigator terminates or suspends a trial without the sponsor’s prior agreement, the investigator should inform the institution where applicable, and the investigator/institution should promptly inform the sponsor and the EC, and should provide the sponsor and the EC a detailed written explanation of the termination or suspension.

4.12 and 5
1, 2, 4, and 5
1, 2, 4, and 5
5.12, 6.1, 6.6, 6.18-6.19, and 6.21
7 and 11
Articles 1-2 and 12
Article 1
Chapters I (Article 6), II (Articles 8-10, 18-20, and 27), VI, and VIII (Article 71)
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

Quality Assurance/Quality Control

According to COFEPRIS-GCP, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) requires the sponsor or the contract research organization (CRO) to comply with the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32), and to ensure and control the quality of the research during a study. Per COFEPRIS-GCP and MEX-32, the sponsor or the CRO is also responsible for establishing written standard operating procedures (SOPs) for each stage of the investigation. In addition, the sponsor or the CRO must implement and maintain quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) systems to make certain the trial is conducted, and data are generated, recorded, and reported in compliance with the protocol.

MEX-32 further delineates the sponsor or the CRO is required to obtain agreement from all involved parties to ensure direct access to all trial related sites, source data/documents, reports for monitoring and auditing purposes, and inspection by domestic and foreign regulatory authorities. The sponsor and investigator(s) agreement should be confirmed in writing prior to the trial. QC should be applied to each stage of data handling to ensure that all data are reliable and have been correctly processed.

Monitoring Requirements

According to COFEPRIS-GCP, the sponsor or the CRO must ensure and control the quality of the research through periodic monitoring visits and audits to ensure compliance with the protocol and the SOPs, and if necessary, compliance with reports derived from inspections or verifications by COFEPRIS. The principal investigator (PI) is responsible for reporting and guaranteeing the quality and validity of the data obtained during the investigation. MEX-32 indicates the sponsor should ensure that the trials are adequately monitored and determine the appropriate extent and nature of monitoring, which should be based on considerations such as the objective, purpose, design, complexity, blinding, size, and endpoints of the trial.

Additionally, per MEX-32, the sponsor should also appoint the monitors who should be appropriately trained, and have the scientific and/or clinical knowledge needed to monitor the trial adequately. A monitor’s qualifications should be documented. Monitors should also be thoroughly familiar with the investigational product(s), the protocol, written informed consent form, and any other written information to be provided to research participants, the sponsor’s SOPs, COFEPRIS-GCP, and the applicable regulatory requirement(s).

MEX-32 further indicates the sponsor should appoint individuals, who are independent of the clinical trials/systems, to conduct audits and ensure the auditors are qualified by training and experience to conduct audits properly. An auditor’s qualifications should be documented. The sponsor should also ensure the auditing of clinical trials/systems is conducted in accordance with the sponsor's written procedures on what to audit, how to audit, the frequency of audits, and the form and content of audit reports. The sponsor's audit plan and procedures for a trial audit should be guided by the importance of the trial to submissions to regulatory authorities, the number of study participants, the type and complexity of the trial, the level of risks to the study participants, and any identified problem(s). Auditor(s) observations and findings of the auditor should be documented.

Pursuant to MEX-32, noncompliance with the protocol, SOPs, good clinical practice, and/or applicable regulatory requirement(s) by an investigator/institution, or by member(s) of the sponsor's staff should lead to prompt action by the sponsor to secure compliance. If the monitoring and/or auditing identifies serious and/or persistent noncompliance on the part of an investigator/institution, the sponsor should terminate the investigator's/institution’s participation in the trial and notify promptly the regulatory authority(ies). Also, upon the request of the monitor, auditor, ethics committee (EC), or COFEPRIS, the investigator/institution should also make available for direct access all requested trial-related records. See MEX-32 for detailed monitoring and auditing requirements.

Per NOM-012-SSA3-2012, the institutional head, the Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)), Research Committee, or Biosafety Committees, the PI, and, where applicable, the sponsor, must be responsible, in accordance with their area of competence, for monitoring the research. NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts further require the sponsor or the CRO to provide a follow-up letter to COFEPRIS describing the monitoring and auditing plan to be carried out during the investigation. G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts specify the letter must contain the following (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Type of plan: audit or monitoring
  • Frequency of application
  • Responsibility for monitoring, and where appropriate, cite the third party to carry out the activity
  • Objective and scope of monitoring
  • Evaluation tools and methodology implemented
  • Methodology to carry out the scientific, technical, and ethical monitoring
  • Communication and notification strategies between investigator, sponsor, ECs, and COFEPRIS
  • Profile of the monitor or auditor
  • Classification of findings and decision-making
  • Decision-making derived based on severity classification
  • Notification mechanism to the PI, ECs, and COFEPRIS
  • Design of the Action Plan: Corrective, Improvement, or Preventive
  • Reporting results through the partial and annual technical report (See MEX-31 for the partial reporting form)

COFEPRIS-GCP also states that the PI is responsible for reporting and guaranteeing the quality and validity of the data obtained during the investigation.

Premature Study Termination/Suspension

Per HlthResRegs the PI, the REC, the institutional head or other authorized institutional officers, or the Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud) must order the immediate suspension or cancellation of a research study as soon as any adverse effect is identified that might become an ethical or technical impediment to continuing with the study. The health care institution will submit a report to the Secretariat within 15 business days following the day in which the suspension or cancellation of the study was agreed, specifying the effect noticed, the measures adopted, and consequences produced. NOM-012-SSA3-2012 similarly states the head of the institution or establishment, the REC, the Research Committee, the Biosafety Committee, or PI must order the immediate suspension or cancellation of research, in the presence of any severe adverse effects, which become an ethical or technical impediment to continue with the study and notify the Secretariat in detail. The institutional head must notify the Secretariat of any adverse effect resulting from the experimental research within a maximum period of 15 working days from the event occurrence, including the care measures adopted, the identified sequelae, as well as a detailed report on the physical condition of the patient, which mentions whether the patient is free of any risk at the time of notification. In such case, the resumption of the research will require a new authorization. The investigator is also responsible for suspending the investigation if there is a risk of serious injury, disability, or death of the research subject in accordance with GenHlthLaw. Additionally, per NOM-220-SSA1-2016, institutions must notify the National Pharmacovigilance Center (CNFV) of a study’s suspension or cancellation within a maximum of 15 days. If the study is resumed, the CNFV must also be notified within a maximum of 15 working days following the study’s recommencement. The investigator is responsible for submitting safety reports to the CNFV.

MEX-32 delineates if a trial is prematurely terminated or suspended, the sponsor should promptly inform the investigators/institutions and the regulatory authority(ies) of the termination or suspension and the reason(s) for the termination or suspension. The EC should also be informed promptly and provided the reason(s) for the termination or suspension by the sponsor or by the investigator/institution, as specified by the applicable regulatory requirement(s). The EC should also be provided with a detailed written explanation of the termination or suspension.

MEX-32 further indicates that if the trial is prematurely terminated or suspended for any reason, the investigator/institution should promptly inform the trial participants, ensure appropriate therapy and follow-up for the participants, and, where required by the applicable regulatory requirement(s), inform the regulatory authority(ies). If the investigator terminates or suspends a trial without prior agreement of the sponsor, the investigator should inform the institution where applicable, and the investigator/institution should promptly inform the sponsor and the EC and provide the sponsor and the EC with a detailed written explanation of the termination or suspension. If the EC terminates or suspends its approval/favorable opinion of a trial, the investigator should inform the institution where applicable, and the investigator/institution should promptly notify the sponsor and provide the sponsor with a detailed written explanation of the termination or suspension.

4.9, 4.12, 5.1, 5.12, and 5.18-5.21
XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (IV)
Requirements (5)
Preamble, 3.5, 4.1, 4.6, 4.9, and 4.13
Title V (Chapter I, Article 100)
Title III (Chapter I, Article 64)
7.2, 8.7-8.8, 9.2, and 10.5

Data & Records Management

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

Electronic Data Processing System

Per the PANDRH-GCPs, when using electronic trial data processing systems, the sponsor or the contract research organization (CRO) must ensure that the system conforms to the sponsor’s established requirements for completeness, accuracy, reliability, and consistency of intended performance, and that standard operating procedures (SOPs) are maintained when using these systems. Refer to the PANDRH-GCPs for detailed information on electronic trial data systems.

Records Management

As set forth in ResNo9, the sponsor or the CRO should maintain the clinical trial data on file in physical or digital format for a period of five (5) years after the last approval of a request for registration in Brazil. ResNo9 and the PANDRH-GCPs also state that the sponsor should retain clinical trial data in physical or digital format for at least two (2) years in case of the following instances: the investigational product’s clinical development is discontinued, completion of the registration application is not achieved, a marketing application receives the last approval, or there are no pending or contemplated marketing applications. Per the PANDRH-GCPs, the sponsor should inform the investigator(s) and the institution(s) in writing when trial-related records are no longer needed.

Chapters I (Article 6) and II (Article 11)
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

Electronic Data Processing System

According to COFEPRIS-GCP, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) requires the sponsor or the contract research organization (CRO) to comply with the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32) for conducting clinical trials. Per MEX-32, the sponsor should utilize appropriately qualified individuals to supervise the overall conduct of the trial, to handle the data, to verify the data, to conduct the statistical analyses, and to prepare the trial reports.

In addition, per MEX-32, when using electronic trial data processing or handling systems or remote electronic trial data systems, the sponsor should:

  • Ensure and document that the electronic data processing system(s) conform(s) to the sponsor's established requirements for completeness, accuracy, reliability, and consistent intended performance
  • Maintain standard operating procedures (SOPs) for using these systems
  • Ensure that the systems are designed to permit data changes in such a way that the data changes are documented and that there is no deletion of entered data
  • Maintain a security system that prevents unauthorized access to the data
  • Maintain a list of the individuals who are authorized to make data changes
  • Maintain adequate backup of the data
  • Safeguard the blinding, if any

See MEX-32 for additional data processing requirements.

Records Management

As indicated in MEX-32, the sponsor, or other owners of the data, should retain all of the sponsor-specific essential documents pertaining to the trial (see section 8 of MEX-32). The sponsor should retain all sponsor-specific essential documents in conformance with the applicable regulatory requirement(s) of the country(ies) where the investigational product (IP) is approved, and/or where the sponsor intends to apply for approval(s). If the sponsor discontinues the clinical development of an IP (i.e., for any or all indications, routes of administration, or dosage forms), the sponsor should maintain all sponsor-specific essential documents for at least two (2) years after formal discontinuation or in conformance with the applicable regulatory requirement(s).

MEX-32 also states the essential documents should be retained until at least two (2) years after the last marketing approval or at least two (2) years have elapsed since the formal discontinuation of clinical development of the IP. These documents should be retained for a longer period, however, if required by the applicable regulatory requirement(s) or if needed by the sponsor. The sponsor should inform the investigator(s)/institution(s) in writing of the need for record retention and should notify the investigator(s)/institution(s) when trial-related records are no longer needed.

In addition, as delineated in COFEPRIS-GCP, the principal investigator (PI) is responsible for preparing, integrating, using, filing, and ensuring the safekeeping of the research participant’s clinical file for a minimum of five (5) years in accordance with NOM-004-SSA3-2012, MEX-32, and Good Documentation Practices per NOM-164-SSA1-2015.

Per NOM-004-SSA3-2012, clinical records are the property of the institution or the medical services provider that generates them. However, the patient/participant has ultimate ownership rights over this information to protect their health and the confidentiality of their data. Consequently, because the documents are prepared in the interest and benefit of the patient/participant, they must be kept for a minimum period of five (5) years, which is calculated from the date of the last medical procedure/visit.

4.9, 5.5, and 8
3.7 and 4.1
4.1, 5.1, and 5.2

Personal Data Protection

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

New Info Not Yet Covered in Profile

Responsible Parties

For the purposes of data protection requirements, the LGPD delineates that the sponsor acts as the “controller” who is responsible for decisions regarding the processing of personal or sensitive personal research data. Within this context, the controller (sponsor) may carry out studies as a research body, guaranteeing, whenever possible, the anonymization of personal data.

Per CD-ANPD-No18, which regulates the performance of the person responsible for processing data, the person in charge is appointed by the controller and operator to act as a communication channel between the controller, data subjects, and the National Data Protection Authority (Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD)). The person in charge may be a natural person, member of the organizational structure of the processing agent or external to it, or a legal entity, and must be able to communicate with the holders and with the ANPD, clearly and precisely and in Portuguese. Additionally, the exercise of activity of the person in charge does not presuppose registration with any entity or any specific certification or professional training. See CD-ANPD-No18 for details on the activities and duties of the person in charge and how conflicts of interest are handled. See also BRA-116 for additional information.

Data Protection

As set forth in C-AmndtNo115, the protection of personal data is a guaranteed fundamental right in Brazil. The LGPD further delineates data protection principles (e.g., purpose, adequacy, necessity, free access, data quality, transparency, security, prevention, non-discrimination, and accountability) with which the controller must comply.

Per the LGPD, the data quality principle is fulfilled when the controller can guarantee to the data subjects that their personal data is processed with accuracy, clarity, and relevance, and is updated as required to meet the compliance requirements for the stated purpose. The controller must keep a record of the personal data processing operations carried out, especially when the processing operation is for an official purpose. The controller must also provide instructions to the operator, the person responsible for processing the personal data on the controller’s behalf, to check compliance with the specified instructions and rules. Additionally, the controller is required to protect the confidentiality of the personal data holder and their background. The holder is defined as the person whose personal data are being processed.

The LGPD also provides a definition for sensitive personal data or information that encompasses health related considerations. Sensitive personal data refers to personal data about racial or ethnic origin; religious belief; political opinion; union membership or organization of a religious, philosophical, or political nature; data relating to health or sexual life; and genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.

Pursuant to the LGPD, the controller may implement a privacy governance program that, at a minimum:

  • Demonstrates the controller’s commitment to adopt internal processes and policies that ensure comprehensive compliance with the rules and good practices regarding the protection of personal data
  • Is applicable to the entire set of personal data that are under its control, regardless of the way it was collected
  • Be adapted to the structure, scale, and volume of its operations, as well as to the sensitivity of the processed data
  • Establish adequate policies and safeguards based on a systematic assessment of impacts and risks to privacy
  • Has the objective of establishing a relationship of trust with the holder through transparent action and that ensures participation mechanisms exist for the holder
  • Is integrated into its general governance structure and establishes and applies internal and external supervisory mechanisms
  • Counts on incident response and remediation plans
  • Is constantly updated based on information obtained from continuous monitoring and periodic evaluations

See the LGPD and BRA-76 for detailed information on data protection requirements in Brazil.

As per OrdNo1.184, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)) has established a personal data protection policy to comply with the provisions in Article 23 of the LGPD, which define personal data processing requirements for legal entities governed by public law. OrdNo1.184 specifically delineates internal guidelines for ANVISA for the protection of personal data, and for compliance with legislation, standards, guidelines, and other acts related to privacy, personal data protection, transparency, access to public information, and the protection of freedoms and fundamental rights of individuals. The guidelines are applicable to employees, collaborators, outsourced workers, interns, suppliers, service providers, and everyone who carries out activities that involve, directly or indirectly, the processing of personal data held by ANVISA. See OrdNo1.184 for details, and BRA-77 for additional background information.

Additionally, per ResNo738, which aims to standardize the use of databases for the purpose of scientific research involving human beings, database information is protected to preserve the dignity and fundamental rights of research participants, especially as it relates to their informational self-determination, freedom, privacy, honor, and image. Researchers, sponsors, and institutions involved in the creation and use of databases must act with integrity and responsibility when processing data, and are responsible for:

  • Respecting the rights of participants
  • Guaranteeing the confidentiality of information
  • Preserving the freedom, privacy, intimacy, honor and image of participants, especially when there is identifying or sensitive data
  • Applying information security measures
  • Keeping the database in a safe place, where access is restricted, controlled, and traceable
  • Adopting measures to reduce the risk of damage, tampering, or loss of data
  • Respecting the principles of research integrity

ResNo738 further explains that research protocols, which involve the creation of a database or the use of existing databases, must be processed in accordance with the type of research and the modulation factors established in ResNo674. The research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP))/National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)), jointly known as the CEP/CONEP System, is responsible for this review process. (See Scope of Review section for detailed information on research classification and protocol review pathways.) Personal data processing may be carried out to execute studies by a research body that guarantees, whenever possible the anonymization and security of personal data. Unless the participant or legal representative/guardian provides a signed consent that is approved by the CEP/CONEP system, personal identifying data must also be removed when the data is deposited, partially or completely, in national or international banks, with public or restricted access. Refer to ResNo738 for additional details on the management and use of database information for research purposes.

In the event of a security incident, per CD-ANPD-No15, the controller must communicate to the ANPD and the data holder the occurrence of a security incident that could cause significant risk or damage to the holders in compliance with Article 48 of the LGPD. CD-ANPD-No15, which defines a security incident as any confirmed adverse event, related to the violation of the confidentiality, integrity, availability and authenticity properties of personal data security, involves at least one (1) of the following criteria:

  • Sensitive personal data
  • Data on children, adolescents, or elderly people
  • Financial data
  • Authentication data in systems
  • Data protected by legal, judicial, or professional secrecy
  • Large-scale data

Per CD-ANPD-No15, the controller must communicate the incident to the ANPD and to the personal data holder within three (3) working days from the date of first awareness. The controller must also keep a record of the security incident for a minimum of five (5) years, counting from the date of registration, unless additional obligations are established that require a longer period of record maintenance. See CD-ANPD-No15 for detailed reporting requirements. See also BRA-61 and BRA-62 for additional background information.

Consent for Processing Personal Data

Per LGPD, the processing of personal data can only be carried out in the following cases:

  • By providing consent by the holder
  • For the fulfillment of a legal or regulatory obligation by the controller
  • By the public administration, for the treatment and shared use of data necessary for the implementation of public policies provided for in laws and regulations or supported by contracts, agreements, or similar instruments per Chapter IV (LGPD)
  • To carry out studies by a research body, guaranteeing, whenever possible, the anonymization of personal data
  • When necessary for the execution of a contract or preliminary procedures related to a contract to which the holder is a party, at the request of the data subject
  • For the regular exercise of rights in judicial, administrative, or arbitration proceedings

The LGPD further specifies that the processing of sensitive personal data may only be carried out when the holder or the holder’s legal guardian consents, in a specific and obvious way, for the purpose of processing sensitive personal data. The consent must be provided in writing or by another means that demonstrates the holder’s intention. If the consent is provided in writing, it must be included in a separate clause of the other contractual clauses. The sponsor bears the burden of proving that the consent was obtained in accordance with the provisions of this law. The processing of personal data is prohibited by the absence of consent. The consent must refer to specific purposes; generic authorizations for the processing of personal data will be voided. The consent can be revoked at any time by express statement of the holder, by a free and facilitated procedure. If the information is changed, the sponsor must inform the holder and specifically highlight the content of the amendments. In cases where the holder’s consent is required, the holder can revoke consent if opposed to the changes.

Further, per the LGPD, the processing of sensitive personal data may occur without the holder’s consent in those cases where it is indispensable for:

  • Compliance with legal or regulatory obligations by the controller
  • Shared processing of data necessary for the execution, by the public administration, of public policies provided for in laws or regulations
  • Carrying out studies by a research body, guaranteeing, whenever possible, the anonymization of sensitive personal data
  • Regular exercise of rights, including in contract and in judicial, administrative, and arbitration proceedings
  • Protection of the life or physical safety of the holder or third party
  • Guardianship of health, exclusively, in a procedure performed by health professionals, health services, or health authority
  • Guarantee of fraud prevention and security of the holder, in the processes of identification and registration authentication in electronic systems, safeguarding the rights mentioned in Article 9 of this law, and, except in the event that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the holder prevail that require the protection of personal data

Data holders also have the right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal data. The data holder is entitled to obtain from the sponsor access to their treated data at any time and upon request. Treatment is defined as any operation performed with personal data. See Chapter III of the LGPD for additional information on the rights of data holders.

See CLNo1-2021 for CONEP guidelines for investigators and CEPs related to contact with research participants (e.g., obtaining informed consent and ensuring confidentiality) and/or data collection at any phase of a research study in a virtual environment. See also CLNo039 for CONEP guidance on accessing and using a participant’s medical records for research purposes while ensuring compliance with privacy and confidentiality standards. The guideline also states that all participants should be treated with dignity, respect for their autonomy, and ensure protection for vulnerable populations. See also BRA-29 for additional resources on participant rights to data privacy. Refer to the G-PDP-Acad for recommendations and good practices to support the processing of personal data for academic purposes and for performing studies and research in compliance with the LGPD.

In addition, as indicated in ResNo738, participants in research databases are the owners of their data and must be guaranteed fundamental rights to access their stored information at any time. Participants may request corrections or updates to their database information that they believe to have been entered incorrectly. They may request the partial or total removal of their information, with the cancellation valid from the date they first communicated their concern. Participants also have the right to request compensation if there is damage resulting from the misuse or breach of security or confidentiality of their stored data.

ResNo738 further explains in research that proposes the creation of a database, the informed consent form (ICF) (also known as the Free and Informed Consent Form (Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE)) in Brazil) must contain the following:

  • Research justification and objectives, risks and benefits of data storage including information about the future use of data, when applicable
  • Description of the procedures adopted to guarantee the secrecy and confidentiality of information, ensuring the preservation of the intimacy, honor, and image of the participants
  • Description of strategies for controlling access to data and information
  • Information about the future use of data and information for research, in a specific and highlighted way, when there is this intention, presenting alternatives that indicate the need or not for new consent
  • Justification for sharing bank data and information, in a specific and prominent way, when there is this intention, presenting alternatives that indicate the participant's authorization or not
  • Information on the irreversible anonymization of data, when any, with explanations of the consequences of such a procedure
  • Information about the right to request correction, partial withdrawal, or complete removal of the participant’s data and information

Consent for Processing Personal Data of Children/Adolescents

Per the LGPD, the processing of personal data of children and adolescents must be carried out in their best interest with specific and highlighted consent given by at least one (1) of the parents or the legal guardian. However, the sponsors are permitted to collect personal data from children without the consent of a parent or legal guardian when collection is necessary to contact the parent or legal guardian, used only once and without storage, or for their protection, and in no case may be passed on to a third party without the consent of at least one (1) parent or the legal guardian.

The sponsor must make all reasonable efforts to verify that the consent was given by the individual responsible for the child, considering the available technologies. Additionally, information on the processing of the personal data of children and adolescents must be provided in a simple, clear, and accessible manner, considering the physical-motor, perceptual, sensory, intellectual, and mental characteristics of the user, using audiovisual resources when appropriate, in order to provide the necessary information to the parents or legal guardian, and that is appropriate to the child’s level of understanding.

To facilitate the processing of personal data of children and adolescents, the ANPD-No1 states that processing may be based on the legal hypotheses delineated in Article 7 (personal data) or in Article 11 (sensitive personal data) of the LGPD, provided that the best interest of the children and adolescents prevails, as evaluated in the specific case.

Data Security and Privacy
Article 1
Chapter I (Articles 1-2 and 5), Chapter II (Articles 7-9, 11, and 14), Chapter III, Chapter IV (Article 23), Chapter VI (Articles 37 and 39), and Chapter VII (Articles 48 and 50)
Chapters I, II (Article 3 (XII)), III (Articles 4-6 and 9), and IV (Article 10)
Chapter I (Article 2 (V)) and Chapter III (Articles 12-14)
Preamble, Chapters I-III, VI, and IX
Chapter I
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

Responsible Parties

According to the PDP-PrivateLaw, the PDP-Reg, the PDP-Public, and MEX-4, a private entity that processes personal data is called the “responsible person or entity” or “controller.” Federal, state, or local authorities are referred to as “obliged subjects” and make decisions about the processing of personal data. The private and public entities must protect personal data in accordance with the above laws and regulations.

Data Protection

PDP-PrivateLaw, PDP-Reg, and PDP-Public provide the requirements, responsibilities, and restrictions for handling personal data in the public and private sectors. The PDP-Public regulates the processing of personal information in the public sector by “obliged subjects”. The PDP-PrivateLaw and the PDP-Reg regulate the processing of personal information in the private sector by an individual or legal entity of a private nature.

Per the PDP-PrivateLaw, the PDP-Reg, and the PDP-Public, the sponsor or the sponsor’s representative(s) must comply with the principles of data protection: legality, purpose, loyalty, consent, quality, proportionality, information, and responsibility in the processing of personal data.

According to the PDP-PrivateLaw, the PDP-Reg, and the PDP-Public, the sponsor is also required to protect the confidentiality of the owner of the personal data and their background. The PDP-PrivateLaw further notes that this obligation will remain in place even after the data processing activities have been completed and the relationship between the sponsor or the sponsor’s representative(s) and the data owner has concluded.

Additionally, the PDP-PrivateLaw and the PDP-Public provide definitions to address health related data. Sensitive personal data refers to the most intimate sphere of its owner, whose improper use may result in discrimination, or carries a serious risk of resulting in discriminatory activities. More specifically, data considered to be sensitive may reveal personal information such as racial or ethnic origin, present or future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical, and moral beliefs, political opinions, and sexual preferences.

Per the PDP-PrivateLaw, the PDP-Reg, and the PDP-Public, data owners have the right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal data. Per the PDP-Reg, the person responsible must also inform the information owner regarding the existence and main characteristics of the treatment to which their personal data will be subjected through the consent document, known as the “privacy notice,” in accordance with the provisions of the PDP-PrivateLaw and the PDP-Reg.

Please refer to the PDP-PrivateLaw, the PDP-Reg, and the PDP-Public for detailed information on the principles guiding the protection and handling of personal data. See also MEX-3 and MEX-4 for additional information on data protection requirements.

Consent for Processing Personal Data

As explained in the PDP-PrivateLaw and the PDP-Public, the consent document or “privacy notice” is a physical document, electronic, or any format generated by the sponsor, that is made available to the data owner prior to processing the owner’s personal data. The PDP-Reg further explains that the privacy notice must be characterized as simple, with necessary information expressed in clear and understandable language, and with a structure and design that facilitates the owner’s understanding.

The PDP-PrivateLaw states that in the case of sensitive data, the sponsor is required to obtain the express and written consent of the data owner for the sponsor’s use, through a written or electronic signature, or any authentication mechanism established for that purpose. In cases where sensitive personal data is being processed, the sponsor must make reasonable efforts to limit processing to the minimum period necessary to complete the goal as delineated in the privacy notice. Moreover, databases containing sensitive personal data may not be created without justifying their creation for legitimate, concrete purposes, and if they are not in accordance with the specified activities delineated and pursued by the sponsor. The PDP-Reg also notes that sponsors may only create databases containing sensitive personal data when they obey a legal mandate; are justified pursuant to the territorial scope of the regulation; or are required by the sponsor for legitimate, concrete purposes, and in accordance with the activities or explicit purposes indicated in the privacy notice.

The PDP-Reg, whose focus is on regulating the process of personal data held in physical or electronic media, further indicates that the sponsor must obtain prior consent to process the data when acquired personally or directly from its owner. Whether tacit or express, the consent process must be:

  • Free: without error, bad faith, violence, or intent, which may affect the manifestation of the owner’s will
  • Specific: referring to one (1) or more specific purposes that justify the treatment, and
  • Informed: the owner has knowledge of the privacy notice prior to granting consent to the processing of their data

The sponsor must obtain the owner’s express consent when their data is deemed sensitive. The express consent must also be unequivocal; that is, there are elements that indisputably demonstrate its granting.

As delineated in the PDP-Public, the sponsor will not be required to obtain consent when processing sensitive data in the following cases:

  • When an applicable law authorizes such processing, and is consistent with and does not contravene the bases, principles, and provisions set forth in the PDP-Public
  • When sensitive personal data transfers are made between those responsible, the transfers are compatible with the original purpose that motivated the processing of personal data
  • When there is a judicial order, resolution, or well-founded and motivated mandate of the competent authority
  • For the recognition or defense of the owner's rights before the competent authority
  • When personal data is required to exercise a right or fulfill obligations derived from a legal relationship between the owner and the person in charge
  • When there is an emergency that could potentially harm an individual or the individual’s property
  • When personal data is necessary to carry out a treatment for the prevention, diagnosis, or provision of health care
  • When the personal data appear in publicly accessible sources
  • When personal data is subject to a prior dissociation procedure
  • When the owner of the personal data is a person reported missing under the terms of the law on the matter

Please refer to the PDP-PrivateLaw, the PDP-Reg, and the PDP-Public for detailed consent and privacy notice requirements.

Consent for Processing Personal Data of Minors

Per the PDP-Public, in processing the personal data of minors, the best interest of the children and adolescents must be prioritized in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. MEX-4 further states legal guardians must always give consent when processing children’s personal data. This applies to any individual younger than 18 years of age.

(See the Children/Minors section for additional information on consent requirements for children/minors.)

2.1, 6.1, and 8.2
Articles 1-3, 6, 8-9, 12-17, 21, and 23-25
Articles 1, 3, 7, 16, 22-23, 26, 31, and 59
Articles 1-4, 9-12, 15, 23-24, 36, and 56-57

Documentation Requirements

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

Obtaining Consent

In all Brazilian clinical trials, a freely given informed consent is required to be obtained from each participant in accordance with the requirements set forth in the PANDRH-GCPs, ResNo466, and the G-ClinResSubjectRts. Per OMREC and G-ClinResSubjectRts, the informed consent form (ICF) is also known as the Free and Informed Consent Form (Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE)) in Brazil.

As per the PANDRH-GCPs, ResNo466, the G-ClinResSubjectRts, and OMREC, the ICF is viewed as an essential document that must be reviewed and approved by an research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP)) and provided to the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)) with the clinical trial application (Drug Clinical Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM))). CLNo51 further clarifies that the ICF should be written as an invitation rather than as a statement as this may reduce the participant’s autonomy. Refer to CLNo51 for detailed information. See the Required Elements section for details on contents to be included in the form.

The PANDRH-GCPs, the G-ClinResSubjectRts, and OMREC state that the investigator, or their designated representative, must provide detailed research study information to the participant or legal representative/guardian. As delineated in ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, the G-ClinResSubjectRts, OMREC, and the G-ClinProtocols-FAQs, the ICF content should be presented in a clearly organized format using practical and non-technical language commensurate with the participant’s level of understanding. Per the PANDRH-GCPs and the G-ClinResSubjectRts, neither the investigator nor the research staff should coerce or improperly influence a potential participant to enroll in the clinical trial. The PANDRH-GCPs further explains that none of the oral and written information concerning the research study, including the written ICF, should contain any language that causes the participant or legal representative/guardian to waive or to appear to waive their legal rights, or that releases or appears to release the investigator(s), the institution, the sponsor, or their representatives from their liabilities for any negligence. ResNo466 and the G-ClinResSubjectRts further note that the investigator must bear in mind that the prospective participant’s ability to understand the information required to give consent depends on their maturity, ethics, intelligence, education, and cultural beliefs. Per the PANDRH-GCPs, the G-ClinResSubjectRts, and the G-ClinProtocols-FAQs, the information should be in both written and oral form, and the participant and the legal representative/guardian should also be given adequate time to consider whether to participate. See also BRA-29 for additional information on informed consent.


According to the PANDRH-GCPs and CLNo17, any change in the ICF due to a protocol modification or an alteration in treatment modality, procedures, or site visits, should be approved by the EC (CEP) and submitted to ANVISA before such changes are implemented. Per the PANDRH-GCPs, the G-ClinResSubjectRts, and CLNo51, the investigator must ensure that the participant or legal representative/guardian sign the revised ICF and any other updated information. CLNo17 further notes that changes made to the ICF through separate documents are not considered acceptable. The update requires the investigator to generate a single and complete version of the new document, free of addenda and/or other documents associated with it. The investigator or their delegated representative should also emphasize the changes contained in the updated ICF. The clarifications delineated in CLNo17 also apply to assent forms.

Language Requirements

As earlier stated, the PANDRH-GCPs and the G-ClinResSubjectRts require the ICF to be presented orally and in writing at a level that the participant is able to understand. Per the PANDRH-GCPs, the investigator should provide the ICF in the participant’s own language when they do not speak the language currently spoken in the country. The G-ClinProtocols-FAQs further notes that the ICF must be adequately adapted and be fully revised in Portuguese to ensure that the document is properly translated.

Documenting Consent

The PANDRH-GCPs, the G-ClinResSubjectRts, and OMREC state that the participant or legal representative/guardian, and the investigator(s) must sign and date the ICF. In addition, the PANDRH-GCPs explains that if the participant or legal representative/guardian is illiterate, an impartial witness should be present throughout the consent process. At this time, the participant or legal representative/guardian will give verbal, and, if possible, written consent, and the witness should sign and date the form, certifying that the written information was explained accurately and understood.

Before participating in the study, per the PANDRH-GCPs, OMREC, and the G-ClinResSubjectRts, the participant should receive a copy of the signed and dated ICF, and any other written information provided during the informed consent process. ResNo466 and the G-ClinProtocols-FAQs specify that two (2) original copies of the ICF should be prepared with all pages initialed and signed by the participant or legal representative/guardian, and the investigator(s) or person(s) overseeing the consent process.

Waiver of Consent

No information is available on consent waivers for research participants. See the Consent for Specimen section information on waivers pertaining a participant’s stored genetic materials.

Free and Informed Consent Form and Rights of Research Participants
2.6, 3.1, 4.1-4.3, 5.5, and Annex 3
Introduction (Chart 1), 1.1, 1.19-1.20, and Summary Chart
9 and Annexes C-D
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

Obtaining Consent

In all Mexican clinical trials, a freely given informed consent is required from each participant in accordance with the requirements set forth in HlthResRegs, GenHlthLaw, NOM-004-SSA3-2012, and COFEPRIS-GCP. Per COFEPRIS-GCP, the principal investigator (PI) is required to comply with the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32) in obtaining and documenting informed consent, and per G-RECs-Op-2018, the PI must also comply with consent requirements as delineated in the Declaration of Helsinki (MEX-76). (Note: Per MEX-2, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) is in the process of implementing the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (MEX-22)).

As per HlthResRegs and G-RECs-Op-2018, the informed consent form (ICF) is viewed as an essential document that must be reviewed and approved by a Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)) and provided to COEFPRIS with the request for research protocol authorization. (See the Required Elements section for details on what should be included in the form.)

HlthResRegs, COFEPRIS-GCP, and NOM-012-SSA3-2012 state that the PI must provide detailed research study information to the participant or legal representative/guardian. As delineated in HlthResRegs, G-RECs-Op-2018, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, MEX-32, and MEX-84, the ICF content should be presented with a clear explanation and provided in a format that facilitates understanding. Per NOM-012-SSA3-2012 and MEX-32, the participant or legal representative/guardian should also be given adequate time to consider whether to participate. GenHlthLaw and MEX-84 further note the ICF should be expressed in writing in an accessible, timely manner and in understandable language, using accurate and complete information, including the possible benefits and expected risks, and the treatment alternatives, to ensure that services are provided on the basis of free and informed consent. Once comprehension of the information is guaranteed through the necessary means and supports, individuals have the right to accept or reject consent. G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, MEX-84, and G-HumResProt indicate the ICF and/or assent form, as applicable, is a document through which the research participant agrees to voluntarily participate in a research study and to undergo experimental procedures when the information is presented in a sufficient, timely, clear and truthful manner regarding the expected risk and benefits.

As per HlthResRegs, G-RECs-Op-2018, and MEX-32, none of the oral and written information concerning the research study, including the written ICF, should contain any language that causes the participant or legal representative/guardian to waive or appear to waive their legal rights, or that releases or appears to release the investigator(s), the institution, the sponsor, or their representatives from their liabilities for any negligence.


According to G-RECs-Op-2018 and MEX-32, any change in the ICF that is relevant to the participant’s consent should be approved by the REC prior to implementing any changes. Per G-RECs-Op-2018 and MEX-32, the participant or legal representative/guardian should also be informed in a timely manner if new information becomes available that may be relevant to the participant’s willingness to continue participating in the trial. MEX-32 further states the communication of this information should be documented.

Language Requirements

G-HumResProt states that the applicant must submit the request for protocol authorization application and all associated documentation (including the protocol and the ICF) in Spanish.

Documenting Consent

As delineated in HlthResRegs, G-RECs-Op-2018, and MEX-32, the participant or legal representative/guardian, as well as two (2) witnesses, must sign the ICF. MEX-32 specifies that the ICF should be dated, and any updates must also be signed, and a copy of the amendments provided to the participant or legal representative/guardian. If the participant does not know how to sign, the participant will provide a fingerprint and will also need to designate someone to sign the participant’s name on their behalf. A copy of the signed ICF will be provided to the participant or legal representative/guardian. Per G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, which complies with MEX-22, the ICF version and date must coincide with what is recorded as approved in the opinions of the ethics committees (ECs). G-HumResProt further specifies the ICF should be signed by the PI, the participant and the participant’s family, or a legal representative and two (2) witnesses. The names of the witnesses, the addresses, and the relationships the witnesses have with the research participant must be indicated. MEX-84 also notes a section in the ICF should be provided for the participant or the legal representative to sign the document to indicate express acceptance. The section must include general data (full name, address, relationship with the participant) and signatures of two (2) witnesses.

Waiver of Consent

No information is currently available regarding waiver requirements.

1.28, 2.9, and 4.8
1.28, 2.9, and 4.8
Search for the Status of Implementation of ICH Guidelines by ICH Members
XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (V)
Requirements (9) and Additional Information
3.1 and 3.9
1.2, 3.3, 10, Annexes 5 and 6, and Glossary
Title III (Chapter IV, Article 51 Bis 2) and Title V (Chapter I, Article 100)
Title II (Chapter I, Articles 20-22)
0 (Introduction)
4.3 and 10.6

Required Elements

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

Based on the PANDRH-GCPs, ResNo466, and OMREC, the informed consent form (ICF) should include the following statements or descriptions, as applicable (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • The study purpose, the procedures, and duration of the trial
  • The participant’s responsibilities
  • Experimental aspects of the study
  • The approximate number of participants in the study
  • Any expected risks or discomforts to the participant, and when applicable, to an embryo, fetus, or nursing infant
  • Any expected benefits to the participant; if no benefit is expected, the participant should be informed of this point
  • Treatments available to participants, how they are administered, and the probability of receiving every treatment
  • Compensation and/or treatment available for the participant in the case of trial-related injury
  • The disclosure of specific appropriate alternative procedures or therapies available to the participant
  • The probability for random assignment to each treatment
  • Any expenses the participant needs to pay to participate in the trial
  • Confidentiality of records identifying the participant will be maintained, and permission given to monitors, auditors, the ethics committee(s), and the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)) to access the participant’s medical records to verify the procedures or trial data without violating the participant’s confidentiality, insofar as the applicable laws and regulations permit
  • That participation is voluntary, and that the participant can withdraw from the study at any time without penalty or loss of benefits, including medical treatment, to which the participant is otherwise entitled
  • Contact information for the sponsor and investigator in the event of participant problems or trial-related injuries
  • Foreseeable circumstances under which the investigator(s) may remove the participant without consent
  • The consequences of a participant’s decision to withdraw from the research, and procedures for orderly withdrawal by the participant
  • That the participant or legal representative/guardian will be notified in a timely manner if significant new findings develop during the course of the study which may affect the participant’s willingness to continue

See the Vulnerable Populations and Consent for Specimen sections for further information.

2.6, 3.1.8, 4.3, 5.5, and Annex 3
9 and Annex C
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

As delineated in G-RECs-Op-2018 and MEX-84, the informed consent form (ICF) should include the following statements or descriptions, as applicable (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Identification data (Title, protocol number, version, version date, research institution data, principal investigator (PI) name, medical emergency establishment data, and Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)), and this data must coincide with the opinions of the ethics committees)
  • The study rationale and objectives
  • Purpose and procedures, including all invasive procedures
  • Identification of experimental aspects of the study
  • Trial duration
  • Participant’s responsibilities
  • Investigator responsibilities
  • Approximate number of participants
  • Circumstances that may terminate the study
  • Duration of study
  • Any expected risks or discomforts to the participant
  • Any expected benefits to the participant; if no benefit is expected, the participant should be informed of this point (physical examination, laboratory tests and imaging should not be considered as benefits to the participant)
  • Alternative treatments that may be beneficial to the participant
  • Trial treatment(s) and the probability for random assignment to each treatment
  • Explains the blinding of the study (if applicable) and what it consists of
  • Allocation method
  • Compensation and/or treatment available for the participant by the health care institution in the case of trial-related injury
  • All drugs, products, and procedures are free
  • That participation is voluntary, and that the participant can withdraw from the study at any time without penalty or loss of benefits, including medical treatment, to which the participant is otherwise entitled
  • Assurance that the participant will not be identified and that their confidential information relating to their privacy will be maintained
  • Confidentiality of records identifying the participant will be maintained (including sensitive personal data and data derived from the study), and permission given to monitors, auditors, the REC, and the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) to access the participant’s medical records to verify the procedures or trial data, without violating the participant’s confidentiality, insofar as the applicable laws and regulations permit
  • Contact information for the sponsor and PI in the event of participant problems or trial-related injuries
  • Communication channels and data to request clarification and to guarantee a response to questions and clarification of concerns about procedures, risks, benefits, and other matters related to the investigation and treatment of the participant
  • Foreseeable circumstances under which the PI(s) may remove the participant without their consent
  • Commitment to provide updated information throughout the study although this may affect the participant’s willingness to continue
  • Notification that any additional research study expenses will be absorbed by the research budget

The Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32) also mentions the following required elements:

  • Any expected risks or discomforts, when applicable, to the embryo, fetus, or nursing infant
  • Any anticipated prorated payment to the participant for participating in the trial
  • Any expenses the participant needs to pay to participate in the trial

Additionally, per NOM-012-SSA3-2012, the investigator must ensure that the ICF explicitly states the compensation to which the research participant is entitled in the event of suffering damage to their health directly attributable to the research, and the availability of free medical treatment, even in the event the participant decides to withdraw from the study before it is concluded.

See HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-RECs-Op-2018, and MEX-32 for additional details related to ICF requirements. (Note: Per MEX-2, COFEPRIS is in the process of implementing the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2) (MEX-22)).

Also, see the Vulnerable Populations and Consent for Specimen sections for further information.

Search for the Status of Implementation of ICH Guidelines by ICH Members
Annex 5
Title II (Chapter I, Article 21)
4.3, 4.6, 9.29, 10.6-10.7, 11.2-11.3

Participant Rights

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024


In accordance with ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, and OMREC, Brazil’s ethical standards promote respect for all human beings and safeguard the rights of research participants, including rights to their autonomy, culture, beliefs, and values. A participant’s rights must also be clearly addressed in the informed consent form (ICF) and during the informed consent process. (See the Required Elements; Vulnerable Populations; Children/Minors; Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates; Prisoners; and Mentally Impaired sections for additional information regarding requirements for participant rights.)

See CLNo1-2021 for National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)) guidelines for investigators and research ethics committees (ECs) (Comitês de Ética em Pesquisas (CEPs)) related to contact with research participants (e.g., obtaining informed consent and ensuring confidentiality) and/or data collection at any phase of a research study in a virtual environment. See also CLNo039 for CONEP guidance on accessing and using a participant’s medical records for research purposes while ensuring compliance with privacy and confidentiality standards. The guideline also states that all participants should be treated with dignity, respect for their autonomy, and ensure protection for vulnerable populations. See also BRA-29 for additional information on participant rights during the informed consent process.

The Right to Participate, Abstain, or Withdraw

As set forth in the ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, the G-ClinResSubjectRts, and OMREC, the participant or legal representative/guardian, should be informed that participation is voluntary, that they may withdraw from the research study at any time, and that refusal to participate will not involve any penalty or loss of benefits to which the participant is otherwise entitled.

The Right to Information

As delineated in the ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, the G-ClinResSubjectRts, and OMREC, a potential research participant or legal representative/guardian has the right to be informed about the nature and purpose of the research study, its anticipated duration, study procedures, any potential benefits or risks, any compensation for participation or injury/treatment, and any significant new information regarding the research study.

The Right to Privacy and Confidentiality

As per the ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, and OMREC, all participants must be afforded the right to privacy and confidentiality, and the ICF must provide a statement that recognizes this right. The PANDRH-GCPs also states that it is the responsibility of the investigator(s) to safeguard the confidentiality of research data to protect the identities and records of research participants.

The Right of Inquiry/Appeal

The PANDRH-GCPs, OMREC, and the G-ClinResSubjectRts explain that the research participant or legal representative/guardian, should be provided with contact information for the sponsor and the investigator(s) to address trial-related inquiries and/or to appeal against a violation of their rights.

The Right to Safety and Welfare

ResNo466 and PANDRH-GCPs clearly state that a research participant’s right to safety and the protection of the participant’s health and welfare must take precedence over the interests of science and society.

Rights of Research Participants, Receive Information Clearly, Opportunity to Clarify your Doubts, Respect for your Decision-making Autonomy, Receive Free Damage Assistance, Request Compensation for Damages, Have Access to the Results of Exams Carried Out During the Study, Data Security and Privacy, Have Access to a Full Copy of TCLE, and Important Contacts
Chapters 2 and 4
9 and Annex C
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024


In accordance with HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-RECs-Op-2018, and the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32), Mexico’s ethical standards promote respect for all human beings and safeguard the rights of research participants. (COFEPRIS-GCP requires the principal investigator (PI) to comply with MEX-32). HlthResRegs and MEX-32 state that a participant’s rights must also be clearly addressed in the informed consent form (ICF) and during the informed consent process. (Note: Per MEX-2, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) is in the process of implementing the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2) (MEX-22)).

The Right to Participate, Abstain, or Withdraw

As stated in HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-RECs-Op-2018, MEX-32, and MEX-84, the participant or legal representative/guardian should be informed that participation is voluntary, that the participant may withdraw from the research study at any time, and that refusal to participate will not involve any penalty or loss of benefits to which the participant is otherwise entitled.

The Right to Information

As per HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-RECs-Op-2018, MEX-32, and MEX-84, a potential research participant or legal representative/guardian has the right to be informed about the nature and purpose of the research study, its anticipated duration, study procedures, any potential benefits or risks, any compensation or treatment in the case of injury, and any significant new information regarding the research study.

The Right to Privacy and Confidentiality

According to G-RECs-Op-2018, MEX-32, and MEX-84, all participants must be afforded the right to privacy and confidentiality, and the ICF must provide a statement that recognizes this right. In addition, per NOM-004-SSA3-2012, although clinical records are the property of the institution or the medical services provider that generates them, the participant has ultimate ownership rights over this information to protect their health and the confidentiality of their data.

The Right of Inquiry/Appeal

MEX-32 states that the research participant or legal representative/guardian should be provided with contact information for the individual responsible for addressing trial-related inquiries and/or their rights. G-RECs-Op-2018 further specifies that the names and contact information of the PI and the Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI))’s president, including a 24-hour telephone number in case of emergency, should be provided.

The Right to Safety and Welfare

HlthResRegs, NOM-012-SSA3-2012, G-RECs-Op-2018, COFEPRIS-GCP, and MEX-32 that upholds the Declaration of Helsinki (MEX-76), clearly state that a research participant’s right to safety and the protection of their health and welfare must take precedence over the interests of science and society.

See the Required Elements and Vulnerable Populations sections for additional information regarding requirements for participant rights.

Introduction and 4.8
Introduction and 4.8
Search for the Status of Implementation of ICH Guidelines by ICH Members
Preamble and 3.1
1.1, 1.2, 3.2, and Annex 5
Title II (Chapter I, Articles 13 and 21)
0, 5.3, and 11.3
Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

As per the PANDRH-GCPs, in an emergency, if the signed informed consent form (ICF) cannot be obtained from the research participant, the consent of the legal representative/guardian should be obtained. If the prior consent of the participant or legal representative/guardian cannot be obtained, the research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP)) must provide documented approval in order to protect the participant’s rights, safety, and well-being, pursuant to the applicable regulations. The participant or legal representative/guardian should provide consent as soon as possible. OMREC and ResNo251 similarly state that the EC (CEP) is responsible for approving the conditions or limits in which the informed consent should be approved in an emergency situation, and the investigator should inform the research participant in a timely manner about participation in the study.

Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

The HlthResRegs and the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32) make provisions to protect the rights of a research participant during the informed consent process when the procedure is complicated by medical emergencies (COFEPRIS-GCP requires the principal investigator (PI) to comply with MEX-32). (Note: Per MEX-2, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) is in the process of implementing the International Council for Harmonisation’s Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2) (MEX-22)).

According to HlthResRegs, in an emergency, when it is deemed necessary to use an investigational drug, or a known drug with indications, doses, or routes of administration other than the established uses, the treating physician must obtain the favorable opinion of the Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)) and the Research Committee, and an informed consent form (ICF) signed by the research participant or legal representative/guardian. The terms under which this documentation is obtained must meet the following requirements:

  • The REC and Research Committee will be informed of the use of the investigational drug in advance if the researcher can anticipate the need for use in emergency situations. If this is not possible, an opinion must be obtained after the situation occurs. In both cases, the committees will issue an opinion in favor or against approving the planned or recurring unintended use of the drug.
  • A signed ICF must be obtained from the participant or legal representative/guardian unless the participant’s condition prevents them from signing the form, the legal representative/guardian are not available to sign the form, or stopping use of the drug constitutes an almost absolute risk of death to the participant.

Per MEX-32, in emergency situations, when prior consent of the participant is not possible, the consent of the legal representative/guardian, if present, should be requested. When prior consent of the participant or legal representative/guardian cannot be obtained, the ethics committee must provide documented approval in order to protect the participant’s rights, safety, and well-being, pursuant to the applicable regulations. The participant or legal representative/guardian should be informed about the trial as soon as possible, and consent to continue and other consent should be requested, as appropriate.

In addition, per GenHlthLaw, in cases of medical emergency, and when the terminally ill patient is unable to express their consent, and in the absence of family members, a legal representative, guardian or trusted person, the specialist doctor and/or the institution’s Bioethics Committee will make the decision to apply a necessary surgical medical procedure or treatment.

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Title V (Chapter I, Article 100) and Title VI (Chapter II, Article 166 Bis 8)
Title III (Chapter II, Article 71)

Vulnerable Populations

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024


As per the PANDRH-GCPs and the G-ClinResSubjectRts, in all Brazilian clinical trials, research participants selected from vulnerable populations must be provided additional protections to safeguard their health and welfare during the informed consent process. The PANDRH-GCPs, ResNo466, and the G-ClinResSubjectRts characterize vulnerable populations as those who are relatively (or absolutely) incapable of protecting their own interests due to a lack of autonomy, intelligence, education, resources, strength, or other necessary attributes. These participants may include those with incurable diseases, people in convalescent homes, the unemployed or indigent, patients in emergency situations, ethnic minorities, homeless people, seasonal workers, refugees, minors, and those who cannot give their consent.

The G-ClinResSubjectRts further notes that in general, all individuals including healthy research participants should be seen as intrinsically vulnerable. These participants may currently be exposed to or are at risk of being exposed to an investigational product of unknown safety and efficacy, or one that is not fully understood, which could affect their overall health. In addition, other social, cultural, economic, psychological, or medical factors may adversely affect a participant’s ability to make rational and objective decisions that protect their own interests; however, this factor(s) may not be easily perceptible to the investigator.

The ResNo466 and PANDRH-GCPs specify that research ethics committees (ECs) (Comitês de Ética em Pesquisas (CEPs)) must pay special attention to protecting participants who are from vulnerable populations. If the EC (CEP) regularly evaluates studies involving vulnerable populations, it should consider including members or consultants who know or have had experience working with the group in question. ResNo466 and the G-ClinResSubjectRts also state that vulnerable groups should not be included unless the research is necessary to promote the health of the population represented, and this research cannot instead be performed on legally competent participants.

See CLNo1-2021 for National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)) guidelines for investigators and ECs (CEPs) related to contact with research participants (e.g., obtaining informed consent and ensuring confidentiality) and/or data collection at any phase of a research study in a virtual environment. See also CLNo039 for CONEP guidance on accessing and using a participant’s medical records for research purposes while ensuring compliance with privacy and confidentiality standards. The guideline also states that all participants should be treated with dignity, respect for their autonomy, and ensure protection for vulnerable populations.

Indigenous Peoples

As delineated in ResNo304, special attention should be paid when conducting a study involving indigenous peoples in Brazil. Studies involving this population should comply with ethical requirements while also considering the unique qualities of each community. The benefits and advantages resulting from conducting a study with indigenous peoples must also meet the needs of individuals or groups targeted by the study or of related societies, and/or the country as a whole. Investigators should take into account the need to promote and maintain the well-being of participants while protecting and preserving their biological, cultural, individual, and collective health while also contributing to the development of the participants’ knowledge and abilities. Refer to ResNo304 for detailed information on research and protection requirements when conducting a study with this population.

See the Children/Minors; Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates; Prisoners; and Mentally Impaired sections for additional information about these vulnerable populations.

Chapter 3 (3.1-3.2) and Chapter 9
III and V
II-III (2) and IV (6(a))
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024


As delineated in G-RECs-Op-2018, in all Mexican clinical trials, research participants selected from vulnerable populations must be provided additional protections to safeguard their health and welfare during the informed consent process. G-RECs-Op-2018 characterizes vulnerable populations as individuals or groups experiencing diminished autonomy due to imposing social, political, and/or economic situations that prevent them from having control over their quality of life. Populations traditionally viewed as vulnerable include minors, women, persons with disabilities, the elderly, those suffering from mental illness, immigrants, those who are illiterate, those belonging to ethnic or racial minorities, the unemployed, the homeless, and reclusive individuals.

As per COFEPRIS-GCP, the principal investigator (PI) is required to comply with the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32), which similarly characterizes vulnerable populations as those who may be unduly influenced by the expectation, whether justified or not, of benefits associated with participation, or of a retaliatory response from not participating. Examples are members of a group with a hierarchical structure, such as medical, pharmacy, dental, and nursing students; subordinate hospital and laboratory personnel; employees of the pharmaceutical industry; members of the armed forces; and persons kept in detention. Other vulnerable subjects include patients with incurable diseases, persons in nursing homes, unemployed or impoverished persons, patients in emergency situations, ethnic minority groups, homeless persons, nomads, refugees, minors, and those incapable of giving consent. (Note: Per MEX-2, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) is in the process of implementing the International Council for Harmonisation’s Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2) (MEX-22)).

G-RECs-Op-2018 specifies that Research Ethics Committees (RECs) (Comités de Ética en Investigación (CEIs)) should ensure that additional security mechanisms are implemented to minimize the specific risks for each group. MEX-32 similarly states that ethics committees must pay special attention to protecting participants who are from vulnerable populations.

See the Children/Minors; Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates; and Mentally Impaired sections for additional information about these vulnerable populations. Information on the other vulnerable populations specified in HlthResRegs is provided below.

Persons in Dependent Groups

As indicated in HlthResRegs, for clinical trials involving participants who are involved in subordinate or dependent relationships, the REC must ensure the following:

  • Participation or refusal of individuals to participate or withdrawal of consent during the study, will not affect their school, work, military status, or that which is related to the judicial process and any conditions of compliance with a sentence, if applicable
  • Research results are not used to the detriment of the individuals involved
  • The health institution and sponsors take responsibility for dangers associated with medical treatment, and where appropriate, provide legally required compensation for the harmful consequences of the investigation

Per G-RECs-Op-2018, the following criteria must also be met to conduct a study with a subordinate population:

  • The PI must clearly define the reasons for planning to recruit a subordinate population
  • Protocol approval must also be obtained in which a written statement from the immediate boss or corresponding authority of the subordinate participant(s) verifying that no coercion has existed
  • If resident doctors or partners are recruited for the study, the program director must provide the REC with a letter of support issued by a person without ties to the study
  • Confidentiality of research data for the group of subordinate and student participants is important to consider to avoid negatively impacting the participants’ employment possibilities, professional development, study plans, or social relationships. The REC will also need to pay special attention to the PI’s plans to safeguard data security

The HlthResRegs and G-RECs-Op-2018 further specify that these relationships include participants who are in junior or subordinate positions in hierarchically structured groups, such as students, employees, workers in laboratories and hospitals, members of the armed forces, prisoners, social rehabilitation centers, and other members of special population groups in which informed consent can be influenced by some authority.

Persons in Local Communities

As per HlthResRegs, clinical trials involving participants in local communities must meet the following requirements:

  • Research will be permitted when the expected benefit is reasonably assured, and when previous studies carried out on a small scale have not produced conclusive results
  • The PI must obtain the approval of the health authorities and other civil authorities of the community to be studied, in addition to obtaining informed consent from individuals who are included in the trial
  • In the case of vulnerable communities due to their economic or social conditions, such as indigenous communities, the REC is also required to issue a favorable opinion
  • Experimental investigations in communities may only be carried out by establishments that have the Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud)’s prior authorization
  • The experimental design should offer practical measures of protection for research participants, and ensure that valid results will be obtained, involving the minimum number of participants
  • The most pertinent ethical considerations applicable to research on participants must be extrapolated to the communal context

Terminally Ill Persons

As stated in GenHlthLaw, if a terminally ill patient is a minor, or is incapable of expressing their consent, consent should be provided by the patient’s parent(s) or guardian(s), and in their absence, by their legal representative(s).

Search for the Status of Implementation of ICH Guidelines by ICH Members
Annex 5
Title VI Chapter II (Article 166 Bis 8)
Title II (Chapters II and V)


Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

LawNo8.069 (also known as the Statute of Children and Adolescents) states that a child is a person up to 12 years of age, and a teenager is one between 12 and 18 years of age.

As per PANDRH-GCPs, ResNo466, and OMREC, when the research participant is a child, the child’s parent/legal guardian must sign the informed consent form. However, all pediatric participants should be informed to the fullest extent possible about the study in language and terms that they are easily able to understand.

As stated in the G-ClinResSubjectRts, children should only participate in clinical studies when their participation is necessary to promote the health of the population represented.

In addition, per CLNo11, the National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)) has established guidelines related to the process of obtaining consent from research participants under 18 years of age. The process of consent to participate is essential and should be addressed to those who exercise parental responsibility or guardianship, without prejudice to listening to the participant under 18 years of age.

Per BRA-73, Brazil has also implemented the ICH Harmonised Guideline Addendum to ICH E11: Clinical Investigation of Medicinal Products in the Pediatric Population E11 (R1) (BRA-74).

Assent Requirements

ResNo466 indicates that an assent form should be used to obtain informed consent from minors or those legally incapable of giving their own consent. The form should be prepared in a language that is accessible to minors or those legally incapable of giving their own consent. After the form is explained and the research study is clarified, the child participants should provide their consent to participate in the study, without the influence of their parent or legal guardian.

CLNo11 further states that researchers must ensure the assent is made in the form of an invitation without any degree of pressure or coercion, and written in simple, easy-to-understand language to ensure adequate comprehension of the research. The assent process must consider the understanding capacity of the participant under 18 years of age. Pursuant to LawNo8.069 which upholds the principle that the full protection of children and adolescents is the duty of everyone including public authorities and society in general, CLNo11 delineates that seven (7) years is the minimum age for the obligation to obtain the term or registration of consent. The guideline also recommends an assessment of each research participant’s needs, capabilities, and emotional maturity for the presentation of different terms or records of assent according to the age group (from childhood and adolescence), complexity of the research, and for analysis by the CEP/CONEP system. See CLNo11 for additional details.

See the Personal Data Protection section for requirements on processing personal data of children and adolescents.

Title I (Articles 2 and 4)
II and IV
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

Per ChildRts, a child is defined as under 12 years of age, and adolescents are those between 12 and 18 years of age. When there is doubt as to whether the person is over 18 years of age, it should be presumed that the person is an adolescent. When there is doubt as to whether the person is over or under 12 years of age, it should be presumed that the person is a child.

Additionally, per HlthResRegs, in all cases, a written informed consent must be obtained from those exercising parental authority, or the legal guardian(s) of the minor, except in the case of emancipated minors over 16 years of age. Moreover, when the mental capacity or psychological state of the minor or incapacitated person permits, their acceptance must also be obtained after the investigator(s) have explained what they intend to do in the study. However, the Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)) may waive compliance with these requirements for justified reasons.

As set forth in G-RECs-Op-2018 and HlthResRegs, a research study involving minors must ensure that similar studies have been previously done in older people and in immature animals, except when it comes to studying conditions that are specific to the neonatal stage or specific conditions associated with certain ages.

Per G-RECs-Op-2018, research studies classified as risky and likely to benefit the minor directly, will be admissible when the following requirements are met:

  • The risk is justified by the importance of the benefit that the minor will receive
  • The benefit is equal to or greater than other alternatives already established for its diagnosis and treatment
  • When the mental capacity and psychological state of the minor allow, the informed assent must also be obtained, after explaining what is intended to be done. The REC may waive compliance with these requirements for justified reasons
  • The informed consent information provided is appropriate for the understanding of minors

Per G-RECs-Op-2018 and HlthResRegs, when two (2) persons exercise the parental authority of a minor, only the consent of one (1) of them must be permitted if there is irrefutable or manifest proof that the other is unable to provide it, proof of the parental authority’s negligence, or imminent risk to the minor’s health or life.

HlthResRegs indicates that investigations classified as risky, and with a probability of direct benefit for the minor, will be permitted in the following circumstances:

  • The risk is justified by the importance of the benefit that the minor will receive, and
  • The benefit is equal to or greater than other alternatives already established for diagnosis and treatment

Per HlthResRegs, investigations classified as risky and without direct benefit to the minor, will be allowed in the following circumstances:

  • When the risk is minimal: The intervention or procedure must represent a reasonable experience for minors, and comparable with those characteristics of their current or expected medical, psychological, social, or educational situation. Also, the intervention or procedure should have high probability of obtaining generalizable knowledge about the condition or illness of the minor to benefit others with this disorder as well
  • When the risk is greater than the minimum: The research should offer a good chance of understanding, preventing, or alleviating a serious problem affecting the health and well-being of children. Also, the head of the health institution should establish strict supervision to evaluate the magnitude of the risks anticipated or others that may arise, and immediately suspend the investigation when the risk could affect the biological, psychological, or social welfare of the minor

Assent Requirements

The applicable regulatory requirements do not specify the age of assent required for minors.

Per G-RECs-Op-2018, assent must also be obtained from a minor who is deemed capable of providing assent, and the minor must be informed about the study in a manner tailored to their emotional and intellectual maturity level, considering at all times the seriousness of the decision.

Article 5
Annex 5
Title II (Chapter III)

Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

As per ResNo466, the PANDRH-GCPs, and the G-ClinResSubjectRts, any Brazilian clinical studies involving women of childbearing age or who are pregnant, require additional safeguards to ensure that the participants are fully aware of the risks and that the research assesses the risks and benefits as well as any potential impact on fertility, pregnancy, the embryo or fetus, labor, lactation, and the newborn. ResNo466 further states that research on pregnant women should be preceded by research on women outside the gestational period, except when pregnancy is the fundamental purpose of the study. The investigator(s) should also ensure that female participants have the right to participate in the research without the use of compulsory contraceptives—if they have expressly indicated that they are free from the risk of pregnancy and sexual practices, or they are sexually active in a non-reproductive way.

Annex 3
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

As per HlthResRegs, studies involving women of childbearing age; women who are in any stage of pregnancy or are postpartum; or studies involving treatments or procedures using embryos, fetuses, or newborns, are required to obtain an informed consent form (ICF) from the woman and her spouse or partner. In addition, HlthResRegs and G-RECs-Op-2018 note that consent from the spouse or partner may only be waived in the case of their incapacity (or irrefutable or manifest inability) to provide it, or when there is imminent risk to the health or life of the woman, embryo, fetus, or newborn. All studies must also comply with the general ethics requirements that must be fulfilled prior to research involving humans as delineated in HlthResRegs.

HlthResRegs and G-RECs-Op-2018 further state that research in pregnant women will only be permitted if it is for therapeutic benefit, and represents an opportunity to understand, prevent, or alleviate any serious pathology. HlthResRegs and G-RECs-Op-2018 indicate that these studies are allowed when they are aimed at improving a pregnant woman’s health with minimal risk to the embryo or fetus, or per HlthResRegs, seek to increase the fetus’s viability, with minimal risk to a pregnant woman. G-RECs-Op-2018 adds that the ICF should mention the possible risk to the fetus.

According to HlthResRegs, investigations to be carried out on pregnant women should be preceded by studies carried out on non-pregnant woman to demonstrate the study’s safety, with the exception of studies requiring the specific condition. Those investigations classified as higher than minimum risk and will be conducted using women of childbearing age should implement the following measures:

  • Certify the women are not pregnant prior to their acceptance as research participants, and
  • Decrease the chances of pregnancy as much as possible during the development of the investigation

Per HlthResRegs and G-RECs-Op-2018, during studies conducted with pregnant women, the following requirements must be met:

  • The investigators will not have the authority to decide on the time, method, or procedure used to terminate the pregnancy, nor will they participate in decisions regarding the viability of the fetus
  • The Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI))’s authorization is required prior to any modification of the method used to terminate the pregnancy. These modifications mean that there will be minimal risk to the mother’s health and do not represent any risk to the survival of the fetus, and
  • In any case, it is strictly forbidden to grant monetary or other incentives to interrupt the pregnancy, for the interest of the investigation or for other reasons

As set forth in HlthResRegs and G-RECs-Op-2018, investigators must comply with the following additional criteria when conducting studies with women who are in any stage of pregnancy or are postpartum:

  • Research without therapeutic benefit in pregnant women, whose objective is to obtain general knowledge about pregnancy, should not represent a risk greater than the minimum for the woman, the embryo, or the fetus
  • Investigations in pregnant women that imply an intervention or experimental procedure not related to pregnancy, but with therapeutic benefit for women (e.g., cases of toxemia gravidarum, diabetes, hypertension, and neoplasms, etc.) should not expose the embryo or the fetus to a greater than minimum risk, except when the use of the intervention or procedure is justified to save the life of the woman
  • For investigations during labor, the informed consent must be obtained prior to initiating the study and must expressly state that consent may be withdrawn at any time during labor
  • Investigations in women during the puerperium will be allowed when they do not interfere with the health of the mother and the newborn
  • Research on women during lactation will be authorized when there is no risk for the infant, or when the mother decides not to breastfeed, she ensures her feeding by another method and provides informed consent

Per HlthResRegs, studies involving treatments or procedures using embryos, fetuses, or newborns must meet the following requirements:

  • Fetuses will be permitted to be subjects of investigation only if the techniques and means used provide maximum security for them and the pregnant woman
  • Newborns will not be used as subjects of investigation until it has been established with certainty whether or not they are live births, except when the research is aimed at increasing their probability of survival until the viability phase, the study procedures do not cause the cessation of their vital functions or when, without adding any risk, they seek to obtain important generalizable knowledge that cannot be obtained in any other way
  • Live births may be used as subjects of investigation if the investigator(s) obtain consent from the woman and her spouse or partner

In addition, HlthResRegs indicates that investigations involving embryos, deaths, fetuses, still births, macerated fetal matter, cells, tissues and the use of biological materials extracted from them, must comply with GenHlthLaw. GenHlthLaw specifically prohibits the use, for any purpose, of embryonic or fetal tissues caused by induced abortions. G-RECs-Op-2018, by comparison, states that for investigators to use biological materials derived from abortions, the informed consent must be independent from the consent granted for an abortion, and will not include financial compensation.

Annex 5
Title XIV (Chapter I, Article 318 and Chapter III, Article 330)
Title II (Chapter IV, Articles 41-55)
Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

According to the PANDRH-GCPs, prisoners are considered vulnerable because incarceration could affect their ability to make a voluntary decision regarding participation in research. ResNo466 also states that freedom of consent must be guaranteed to those research participants who are fully competent but are exposed to specific constraints or have restricted autonomy. These participants must have the freedom to decide whether to participate without any fear of reprisal.

Chapter 9
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

No applicable requirements

Mentally Impaired

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

According to ResNo466 and the G-ClinResSubjectRts, the research ethics committee (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP)) must approve the participation of research participants who are mentally or physically incapable of giving consent, and sufficient justification must be provided for involving this population in a study. As delineated in the PANDRH-GCPs, consent should only be provided once the participant is informed about the study, to the extent that the participant is able to understand it, and if able, the participant should sign and date the written informed consent in person. The participant’s legal representative/guardian must also be present during the informed consent process and sign and date the informed consent form.

Per CLNo11, the National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)) has also established guidelines related to the process of obtaining consent from research participants people with a "lack of autonomy", permanent or temporary, to consent. The process of consent to participate is essential and should be addressed to those who "lack of autonomy", permanent or temporary, to consent.

CLNo11 further states researchers must ensure the assent is made in the form of an invitation without any pressure or coercion, and written in simple, easy-to-understand language to ensure adequate comprehension of the research. The assent process must consider the discernment of the research participant with a "lack of autonomy", whether permanent or temporary, to consent. See CLNo11 for additional information.

Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

The Mexican government has updated the GenHlthLaw to prioritize mental health with the development of health policies required to be in accordance with the provisions of the MexConstitution and international treaties on human rights. For the purposes of this law, mental health is understood as a state of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being determined by the individual's interaction with society and linked to the full exercise of human rights. Refer to GenHlthLaw for details on consent requirements for the treatment of the mental health services user population.

Per HlthResRegs, when the mental capacity and psychological state of the participant permits, their acceptance must also be obtained after the investigator(s) explain what they intend to do during a clinical study. The Research Ethics Committee (REC) (Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEI)) may waive compliance with these requirements for justified reasons. All studies must also comply with the general ethics requirements that must be fulfilled prior to research involving humans as delineated in HlthResRegs.

As indicated in HlthResRegs, investigations classified as risky, but with a probability of direct benefit for the mentally incompetent participant, will be allowed when:

  • The risk is justified by the importance of the benefit that the incompetent participant will receive, and
  • The benefit is equal to or greater than other alternatives already established for diagnosis and treatment

In addition, per HlthResRegs, investigations classified as risky and without direct benefit to the mentally incompetent, will be allowed in the following circumstances:

  • When the risk is minimal: The intervention or procedure must represent a reasonable experience for the incompetent participant and be comparable with those characteristics of their current or expected medical, psychological, social, or educational situation. The intervention or procedure should also have a high probability of obtaining generalizable knowledge about the condition or illness of the mentally incompetent participant to benefit others with this disorder
  • When the risk is greater than the minimum: The research should offer a good chance of understanding, preventing, or alleviating a serious problem affecting the health and well-being of the mentally incapacitated. In addition, the head of the health institution should establish strict supervision to evaluate the magnitude of the risks anticipated or others that may arise, and immediately suspend the investigation when the risk could affect the biological, psychological, or social welfare of the mentally incompetent participant.
Title III (Chapter VII, Articles 72 and 75)
Title I (Chapter I, Article 1)
Title II (Chapter I, Article 14 and Chapter III, Articles 34, 36-39)

Definition of Investigational Product

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

New Info Not Yet Covered in Profile

Effective January 1, 2025, ANVISA’s clinical trials regulation, RDC No. 945, and the corresponding regulatory instruction, IN No. 338, are in force, and ResNo9 and ResNo449 are revoked. See the News tab at the top of the page for related ANVISA technical note and forms.

As delineated in the PANDRH-GCPs, an investigational product (IP) is defined as a dosage form of an active ingredient or placebo that is being tested or used as a reference in a clinical trial. ResNo9, the G-BioIProdManual, and the G-SynthDrugProdManual add that the IP may also be referred to as an experimental drug, comparator, or any other product to be used in a trial. According to BRA-8, the definition of an IP in ResNo9 differs from that of the PANDRH-GCPs because when ResNo9 was adopted, an IP was mainly thought of in relation to the imports required to carry out each clinical trial. For this reason, the definition of “product under investigation” encompasses all products to be used in a trial, including medicine comparators, equipment, and laboratory kits. In addition, the PANDRH-GCPs definition further states that an IP may include a product with a marketing authorization when it is used or assembled (formulated or packaged) in a different way from the approved form, or when it is used to gain further information about an approved use. Note: The terms experimental drug and IP are used interchangeably throughout the profile.

Chapter 9
Article 6
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

As delineated in COFEPRIS-GCP and the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32), an investigational product (IP) is defined as any pharmaceutical form containing an active ingredient or placebo, or a product of biological or biotechnological origin that is used or tested in a clinical trial, including a registered product when used or packaged in a different way with for which it was authorized, or when it is tested for indications that have not been authorized, or when it is used to obtain more information about its authorized use. COFEPRIS-GCP also notes this definition also applies to new chemical and biological entities, generics, new formulations, combination products, and biosimilars, and medical devices with or without the release of some active ingredient.

NOM-012-SSA3-2012 similarly states that investigational medicines or devices are used or applied to humans for scientific research purposes, for which there is insufficient scientific evidence to demonstrate its preventative, therapeutic, or rehabilitative effectiveness, or is intended to modify the therapeutic indications of already known products.

NOM-059-SSA1-2015 further defines an IP as a drug or biological product for which there is no previous experience in the country, has not been registered by the Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud), and therefore, has not been distributed commercially. This definition also encompasses medicines registered and approved for sale, when they are being investigated for an unapproved indication, dose, or route of administration, including their use in combination with other products that are different from the approved use.

(Note: In Mexico, IPs are also referred to as “drugs/products in research”).

1 and 4.16

Manufacturing & Import

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

New Info Not Yet Covered in Profile


As stated in ResNo9, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)) is responsible for authorizing the manufacture of investigational products (IPs) in Brazil. ANVISA approves the manufacture of an IP as part of its review and approval of the clinical trial application (Drug Clinical Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM))).

ANVISA has also released ServBltnNo104 to expedite the evaluation of clinical drug research development in Brazil without compromising the quality of the technical analysis. (See Scope of Assessment section for details on the criteria for the DDCM to undergo a simplified analysis.) According to ServBltnNo104, the IP manufacturing process must meet the criteria and recommendations described in the current International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH)’s guidelines, as applicable, according to the phase of clinical development. In addition, the technical experts in ANVISA’s Coordination of Clinical Research in Medicines and Biological Products (Coordenação de Pesquisa Clínica em Medicamentos e Produtos Biológicos (COPEC)) require DDCM petitions and substantial quality modifications to meet ServBltnNo104 criteria and be accompanied by the documentation required in ResNo9. COPEC will then analyze the following:

  • The results of stability studies under accelerated and long-term conditions that support the proposed expiration date for the IP and, where applicable, for the modified placebo and comparator, when the storage recommendation is at room temperature (between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius)
  • The sample IP label for DDCM petitions

In the event of non-compliance, COPEC will conduct a non-simplified analysis per ResNo9. ServBltnNo104 further explains that ANVISA may also at any time analyze all the documents required by ResNo9, related to the IP risk analysis. Refer to the Submission Content section for DDCM petitions and substantial quality modifications documentation requirements.

In addition, per BRA-55, ANVISA is a member of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S). Per BRA-100, as a PIC/S member, ANVISA meets internationally harmonized good manufacturing practice (GMP) inspection standards and quality systems of inspectorates in the field of medicinal products for human or veterinary use. Refer to BRA-55 for additional information.

Per BRA-73, Brazil has also implemented the ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (Q7) (BRA-112).


Per ResNo9 and the G-DDCMManual, ANVISA is responsible for authorizing the import of IPs. The sponsor may request approval to import/export IPs for study purposes at the same time that a DDCM is submitted to ANVISA, as indicated in ResNo9. Following DDCM analysis and approval, ANVISA issues an authorizing document known as a Special Notice (Comunicado Especial (CE)) that may also be used for IP import/export requests for the trial. ANVISA may also issue either a Specific Special Notice (Comunicado Especial Específico (CEE)) to permit the sponsor to import/export an IP while their DDCM is still awaiting review and is within ANVISA’s 90-day approval window, or a Document for Importation of Product(s) under Investigation in the case of non-manifestation of the DDCM. The sponsor is required to present one (1) of these ANVISA documents at the location where IPs for import/export are unloaded. (See Submission Process and Submission Content sections for additional application requirements). See also BRA-103 for detailed instructions on obtaining a drug import license authorization. See ANVISA’s Consultation System (BRA-44) to check on the status of a petition submission using the “Document Status” (Situação de Documentos) tool.

BRA-95 also provides instructions to sponsors or the legal representatives in Brazil on completing the expiration date information for imported IPs in the clinical trial submission form (BRA-22). The expiration date is frequently updated, and is, therefore, often linked to inconsistencies and requests for clarification of requirements by those responsible for importing drugs and products for clinical trials. See BRA-95 for detailed information on stability requirements and instructions on completing the form.

ResNo208 (amending ResNo81) and ResNo613 (amending ResNo172) delineate the procedures associated with importing IPs for clinical research purposes following ANVISA’s approval of a DDCM. Pursuant to ResNo74 and BRA-108, the import petition must be submitted electronically. Per the G-LPCOImprtPetition, the first step in initiating ANVISA’s import protocol process is applying for an import license (Licença de Importação (LI)) via the Integrated Foreign Trade System (SISCOMEX)’s Single Foreign Trade Portal (BRA-80). As indicated in BRA-108, the electronic petition must include the documentation specified in ResNo208 (amending ResNo81) and other relevant legislation. ResNo208 (amending ResNo81) explains that the following documentation must be included with the petition:

  • Copy of the CE, CEE, and Document for Importation of Product(s) under Investigation from DDCM
  • Knowledge of cargo on board
  • Commercial invoice
  • In cases of imports carried out by others than the DDCM holder, document of delegation of import responsibilities

BRA-108 also indicates that in the case of documents already in electronic form, they should be attached as individual files for each LI request in BRA-80. The documents must be attached, preferably, in the order indicated in the checklist of the procedure specified in ResNo208 (amending ResNo81). Refer to BRA-108 for detailed documentation presentation requirements. See also ResNo208 and ResNo81 for detailed import documentation requirements. See also BRA-8 for frequently asked questions on importation requirements.

Additionally, per the G-LPCOImprtPetition, once the LI is registered, the user must make a request in the Licenses, Permissions, Certificates and Other Documents (Licença, Permissão, Certificado e Outros Documentos (LPCO)) module in the SISCOMEX Single Foreign Trade Portal (BRA-80). The G-LPCOImprtPetition explains how the LPCO registration will eventually be integrated with the LI registration, however, at this time, it is necessary for the user to link the LI with the LPCO in order to initiate the import petition protocol in ANVISA’s Solicita Electronic Petition Request System (BRA-56). Refer to the G-LPCOImprtPetition for detailed instructions on registering the LI and the LPCO in BRA-80. See also BRA-106 for additional information on using BRA-80 and obtaining an LI, and See also BRA-109, for additional background on linking imported medicinal products and controlled substances to BRA-80.

As described in BRA-47 and the G-LPCOImprtPetition, users are required to complete the company registration process prior to submitting an import petition via ANVISA’s Solicita Electronic Petition Request System (BRA-56). BRA-47 provides step-by-step instructions on company registration along with the information provided in BRA-105. BRA-107 also provides additional information on registering a company with the National Register of Legal Entities (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ)).

ANVISA has also adopted a new protocol for requests for authorization to import medicines and substances subject to special control in compliance with ResNo81, as indicated in BRA-57. Per ResNo81, the import of goods and products subject to special control are referenced in OrdNo344 (Lists A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C3, D1, E, and F). OrdNo344 and BRA-110 define the substances included in these lists as follows: "A1" and "A2" (permitted narcotics), "A3”, "B1", and "B2" (permitted psychotropics), "C3" (immunosuppressants), "D1" (permitted precursors), "E" (plants that can originate narcotic and/or psychotropic substances), and "F" (substances for prohibited use in Brazil). See BRA-57 for details. Per ResNo172, investigators accredited by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development ((Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) (CNPq)) and whose tax regime is exempt, will be automatically granted an import license via BRA-80.

ResNo172 specifies that imports intended for clinical trials whose objective is registration or alteration of product registration will be analyzed within five (5) days after protocol approval and compliance with legal requirements.

Other requirements delineated in ResNo81 and ResNo172 include, but are not limited to, a prohibition on imports with accompanied and unaccompanied baggage; compliance with packaging, transportation, and storage standards provided by manufacturer or supplier; and a mandate that once research is completed, the investigator or institution authorize final destination of the materials in accordance with the legal provisions of environmental control.

LawNo10.742 (amending LawNo6.360) also notes that new drugs, intended exclusively for experimental use and under medical supervision, may be imported with the express authorization of the Ministry of Health (MOH) and are exempted from registration. This exemption will only be valid for up to three (3) years. Following this period, the product must be registered or be subject to a penalty of seizure to be determined by the MOH.

In addition, per ResNo102, in the case of a company requesting a global transfer of ownership for product registration or the updating of company operation and certification data as a result of corporate transactions or business operations, the CE, CEE, or Document for Importation of Product(s) under Investigation will be issued in the name of the new company. Company registration updates should include any changes to the company operating authorization, Good Manufacturing Practices Certificate (CBPF), or Good Distribution and Storage Practices Certificate (CBPDA). Please refer to ResNo102 for detailed instructions on submitting appropriate documentation for these updates. See also the Submission Process section for detailed information on documentation to be submitted.

Per BRA-96, ANVISA has also modified the global transfer of responsibility request process for a clinical trial or assistance program for medicines and biological products. The requests must be carried out electronically by the company that has requested the transfer via ANVISA’s Solicita Electronic Petition Request System (BRA-56) using the DDCM petition’s subject code 12130 for medicines and 11795 for advanced therapy products. See BRA-96 for additional information.

Advanced Therapy Products

Per BRA-86 and BRA-94, ANVISA has also initiated a project for applicants to request an import license for advanced therapy products to be used for clinical research or commercial/industrial purposes. The process involves obtaining an LI via the steps discussed earlier in this section followed by making a request through the LPCO module of BRA-80, and linking the LI to the LPCO registration. The user will then be able to initiate an import petition via ANVISA’s Solicita Electronic Petition Request System (BRA-56). See G-LPCOImprtPetition for additional information on registering an LI and LPCO for an advanced therapy products via BRA-80, and then initiating an import petition via BRA-56. Per ResNo506, advanced therapy products refer to medicines for human use that are based on genes, tissues, or cells. Refer to ResNo506 for information on ANVISA’s role in reviewing and approving clinical trial applications submitted for studies using advanced therapy products.

Per ResNo172, ANVISA will analyze and release imported goods and products intended for use in human subjects research within 48 hours after arrival in Brazil, provided that the legal requirements are met and that the purpose of the research is not to register or change the registration of a product. Also specified in ResNo208 (amending ResNo81) and ResNo613 (amending ResNo172), is the requirement that the investigator and institution submit the imported products through one (1) of the following methods: BRA-80 or Express Shipping. As indicated earlier in this section, the import petition must be submitted electronically and should comply with the documentation submission requirements discussed above and include the information provided in ResNo74 and BRA-108. While each import option has different documentation requirements, they all require the submission of an electronic petition for import, a commercial invoice, a signed statement of responsibility (see ResNo81 (Chapter XXVII) and ResNo172 (Annex I)), research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP)) approval, and where applicable, National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)) approval. See ResNo172 and ResNo81 for additional information on the required items based on the import method used. See BRA-38 for additional information on accessing ANVISA’s electronic petitioning request systems.

Please note: Brazil is party to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (BRA-63), which may have implications for studies of IPs developed using certain non-human genetic resources (e.g., plants, animals, and microbes). For more information, see BRA-81.

1-2 and 13
What is PIC/S?
Document Status tool
3-4 and 6
1-2 and 4-6
1-11 and Tables 21 and 24.1
Article 24
Article 24
Articles 1 and 61
Articles 3-4 and 16
Chapters I, II (Sections II and III), and IV, and Annex I
Chapters I (Article 1), II, III (Section III), and V, and Annex I
Chapter I (Articles 1, 2, and 4), II (Articles 7 and 15), and III-IV
Chapters I (1.32 and 1.9), II (1.2), III (Sections I-III), XXII, XXVII, XXXI, and XXXIX (Sections I and II)
Chapters I (Article 6), III (Articles 34-36 and 38), IV (Article 43), and IX
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024


According to GenHlthLaw, Reg-COFEPRIS, and Reg-HlthProd, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) is responsible for authorizing the manufacture of all drug products for human use, including investigational products (IPs), in Mexico. Pursuant to GenHlthLaw, COFEPRIS, acting on behalf of the Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud), also issued NOM-059-SSA1-2015 and NOM-164-SSA1-2015 to provide standards delineating the minimum requirements necessary for the manufacture of drugs or active ingredients to be marketed in the country or used in clinical research. See NOM-059-SSA1-2015-Annexes to access the annexes to NOM-059-SSA1-2015.

As indicated in GenHlthLaw and Reg-HlthProd, drug manufacturers must submit a request to COFEPRIS to obtain a sanitary registration prior to initiating any drug manufacturing activities. Reg-HlthProd states that COFEPRIS must complete its review in 60 days, or the application will be deemed approved. Per GenHlthLaw, the sanitary registration is valid for five (5) years. The sanitary registration may be extended for an additional five (5) years if the extension is requested prior to the expiration of the current authorization, or the registration will be cancelled or revoked. See also GenHlthLaw and Reg-HlthProd, for detailed drug manufacturer registration submission requirements. In addition, per MEX-110, COFEPRIS is recognized as a National Regulatory Authority of Regional Reference of Medicines and Biological Products by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/World Health Organization (WHO), and per MEX-111, is also a member of Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S). Per MEX-2, COFEPRIS has also implemented the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH)’s Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (Q7) (MEX-81).


As delineated in GenHlthLaw, Reg-COFEPRIS, Reg-HlthProd, and G-UnregDrugImprts, COFEPRIS is also responsible for authorizing the import of IPs. According to Reg-HlthProd, G-UnregDrugImprts, and G-UnregDrugImprts, an applicant or the legal representative may submit a request to import an IP after COFEPRIS has approved the sanitary authorization request for those drugs that are neither narcotic nor psychotropic, that do not have sanitary registrations, and that are intended to be used for human research. As per GenHlthLaw, the applicant must be a resident of Mexico or have a legal representative submit an import request on the applicant’s behalf. Additionally, per MEX-84 and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, the following documentation is required for submission to COFEPRIS:

  • Letter of delegation of responsibility to the importer signed by the sponsor
  • Letter of acceptance of responsibility from the importer signed by the importer’s legal representative

Per Reg-HlthProd, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, foreign manufacturers must submit a license, a good manufacturing practices (GMP) certificate, or a document issued by the competent authority in the country of origin that proves the company has permission to manufacture drugs. See MEX-36 for additional information on obtaining a GMP certificate.

Reg-HlthProd further states that COFEPRIS may grant permission to import raw materials or finished products without sanitary registration only in the following cases:

  • When a contingency arises
  • When required by health policy
  • For purposes of scientific research, registration, or personal use, or
  • For laboratory tests

In addition, Reg-HlthProd indicates that three (3) types of sanitary import permits may be issued:

  • Definitive import – authorizes the entry of products to remain in the national territory for an unlimited time
  • Temporary import – authorizes the entry of products for a limited time and with a specific purpose, with the understanding that they must return to the country of origin in a period not exceeding one (1) year
  • Import in transit – authorizes the entry of products for their transfer from one (1) national office to another, for their departure to leave the country, within a period not exceeding 30 days, and for sale or temporary distribution. The sale or distribution is authorized exclusively for medicines to be used for strategic purposes

Reg-HlthProd, G-UnregDrugImprts, and G-UnregDrugImprts state that an import request may be submitted to COFEPRIS’s Comprehensive Service Center (Centro Integral de Servicios (CIS)) (MEX-37) once the agency has authorized the protocol for research to be conducted on human beings. The following documentation should be included (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Authorizations, Certificates and Visits Form (see MEX-25) (Original)
  • Proof of payment of fees (original and two (2) copies)
  • Health License
  • Notice of Operation (original and one (1) copy)
  • Approval from the research protocol office authorized by COFEPRIS and its amendments, (only in the case of research on human beings) (original and one (1) copy)
  • Technical and scientific information demonstrating the identity and purity of its components in accordance with Pharmacopoeia of the United Mexican States (Farmacopea de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (FEUM)) and its supplements; the stability of the finished product in accordance with the corresponding standards, and; therapeutic efficacy and safety according to the corresponding scientific information
  • Prescribing information (broad and reduced versions)
  • Sample label
  • Free sale certificate issued by the health authority of the country of origin
  • Certificate that the company has permission to manufacture medicines and proof of good manufacturing practices issued by the corresponding authority of the country of origin
  • Letter of representation, when the laboratory that manufactures import product abroad is not a subsidiary or parent company of the laboratory requesting the registration

In addition, Reg-HlthProd requires documents originating from a foreign country to be presented in Spanish, or if in another language, with a Spanish translation made by an expert translator.

Per Reg-HlthProd and G-UnregDrugImprts, COFEPRIS has 10 days to approve the request. If COFEPRIS does not respond within this timeframe, the request is deemed approved. G-UnregDrugImprts also notes that COFEPRIS has four (4) business days to send the applicant a prevention notification regarding missing or additional information required. The applicant, in turn, has five (5) business days to respond. Reg-HlthProd and G-UnregDrugImprts further states that the maximum validity of import authorizations is 180 days, which may be extended for an equal period, provided the conditions in which they have been granted have not changed.

As set forth in Agrmnt_RegHlthSup, COFEPRIS published an agreement that recognizes the requirements, tests, and evaluation procedures carried out by an approved list of regulatory authorities specified in this agreement to be equivalent to those conducted in Mexico for the purposes of evaluating and approving allopathic drug products for sale, distribution, and use. Per Agrmnt_RegHlthSup, COFEPRIS will also permit the regulatory authorities referenced in this agreement to import raw materials or finished drug products, aimed at any disease or condition, whether the products are registered or unregistered in Mexico, and even if the products do not meet COFEPRIS’s quality, safety, efficacy, and GMP standards. The imported products or raw materials must be registered by the approved regulatory authorities, be prequalified by the WHO, or be registered with a regulatory agency that is a PIC/S member like COFEPRIS. See NOM-059-SSA1-2015-Annexes for additional information on COFEPRIS’s compliance with PIC quality risk management and master file preparation requirements that are included as annexes to NOM-059-SSA1-2015.

Per Agrmnt_RegHlthSup, the Ministry of Health may only grant permission for these unregistered drug products to be imported from regulatory authorities approved by COFEPRIS if the drugs are required by necessity in accordance with Reg-HlthProd, as described earlier in this section. Agrmnt_RegHlthSup requires the manufacturer to initiate the sanitary registration process with COFEPRIS within five (5) business days following the import of an unregistered drug product. COFEPRIS will then have a maximum of 60 business days to issue its decision.

As discussed in detail in Agrmnt_RegHlthSup, imported drugs must comply with the legal and technical provisions laid down in GenHlthLaw and Reg-HlthProd. MEX-13 further notes that COFEPRIS is allowed to purchase medicines anywhere in the world with the fundamental goal of avoiding a drug shortage in Mexico. The agreement also guarantees the quality of imported drugs through the regulatory measures COFEPRIS established mandating the analysis of all drug batches that enter the country to go through the Analytical Control and Coverage Expansion Commission, the laboratory that will then carry out a corresponding analysis. The imported drugs must also originate from countries with a regulatory standard equivalent to COFEPRIS and from those manufacturers that can provide health records from the country of origin demonstrating that the drugs have already been used in their population.

Refer to Agrmnt_RegHlthSup for detailed information and documentation requirements to register drugs and biological products. See also MEX-42 for additional background information on this agreement.

D-CargoTransprt bars exclusive cargo shipments to the Mexico City International Airport (AICM). See D-CargoTransprt and D-ModCargoTransprt for more details regarding the relocation of cargo shipments to other airports in Mexico.

Please note: Mexico is party to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (MEX-5), which may have implications for studies of IPs developed using certain non-human genetic resources (e.g., plants, animals, and microbes). For more information, see MEX-35.

4.4, 5.1, and 10.1
Introduction (Box 1)
XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (VI and XIV)
Requirements (29)
Requirements, Response time, Validity of the Resolution, and Steps
Title V (Chapter I, Article 102), Title XII ((Chapter I, Articles 194, 194 Bi., 195, 197, 198, and 200-204), (Chapter IV, Articles 221-222), (Chapter VII, Articles 257-258), and (Chapter XIII, Articles 285 and 295)), and Title XVI ((Chapter I, Articles 368-376, 376 Bis, and 378) and (Chapter III, Article 391 Bis))
Preamble, First-Third, Section II (Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifteenth), and Section IV
Chapter I (Article 3)
Title IV ((Chapter I, Articles 99-100) and (Chapter II, Article 113)), Title V (Chapter I, Article 132), Title VI ((Chapter I, Articles 160-161), (Chapter II, Articles 162-163), (Chapter III, 167-171, 185-186, 190-bis 1, 190-bis 2, 190-bis 5, 190-bis 6), and (Chapter IV, Articles 193-194 and 196)), and Title VII
1 and 16
1 and 10.9

Quality Requirements

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

Investigator's Brochure

In accordance with ResNo9, the PANDRH-GCPs, and the G-DDCMManual, the sponsor is responsible for providing investigators with an Investigator’s Brochure (IB). ResNo9 and the G-DDCMManual state that the IB must provide coverage for the following areas:

  • Experimental drug
  • Formulation
  • Pharmacological and toxicological effects of the experimental drug in animals and in humans, where applicable
  • Information on safety and efficacy in humans obtained from clinical trials that have already been carried out
  • Possible risks and adverse events related to experimental medications, based on past experience, as well as precautions or special procedures to be followed during development

The sponsor should also update the IB as significant new information becomes available.

Quality Management

The G-DDCMManual, the G-BiolProdManual, and BRA-8 further explain that the sponsor must include manufacturing process information in the Experimental Drug Dossier as part of the clinical trial application (Drug Clinical Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM))) submission as described in ResNo9. Please refer to ResNo9, the G-DDCMManual, and the G-BiolProdManual for additional experimental drug dossier requirements.

As specified in ResNo9 and the PANDRH-GCPs, the sponsor must also ensure that the products are manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) as laid down in ResNo658. In addition, per ResNo205, the DDCM submitted to National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)) to conduct a clinical trial using investigational products for rare diseases should also be accompanied by a request for GMP certification. See ResNo205 and ResNo811 (which partially amends ResNo205) for detailed submission information.

International GMP Compliance

Per BRA-55, ANVISA is a member of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S). Per BRA-100, as a PIC/S member, ANVISA meets internationally harmonized GMP inspection standards and quality systems of inspectorates in the field of medicinal products for human or veterinary use. Refer to BRA-55 for additional information.

Additionally, in accordance with ResNo741, RegNo292 establishes specific criteria and procedures for defining Equivalent Foreign Regulatory Authorities (Autoridades Reguladoras Estrangeiras Equivalentes (AREEs)) for the purposes of the health inspection and Certification of Good Manufacturing Practices (Certificação de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (CBPF)) of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), cannabis products for medicinal purposes, medicines, and biological products. To comply with health inspection and CBPF criteria, AREEs must be regulatory authorities or international entities that are members of the PIC/S and the International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) (See Annex in RegNo292 for list of approved AREEs). See RegNo292 for detailed information on AREEs for the purposes of health inspections and GMP certificates. Also, see BRA-64 for additional information. See the Scope of Assessment section for additional information on AREE requirements.

What is PIC/S?
3.1 and 3.3
Chapter 6 (6.6.3, 6.12.2, 6.13-6.14) and Annex 5 (1)
2 and 5.3
Preamble, Chapter I (Articles 1-2), Chapter III (Articles 3-4), and Chapter IV (Articles 6-7)
Chapter II
Articles 1 and 12-13
Articles 14, 38, 43, and 72
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

Investigator’s Brochure

As indicated in MEX-2, COFEPRIS is in the process of implementing the ICH Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2) (MEX-22). G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts are in compliance with the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2) (MEX-22), regarding investigational product (IP) quality/manufacturing and investigator’s brochure (IB) requirements (also known as investigator’s manual in Mexico), while COFEPRIS-GCP complies with the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32).

As set forth in GenHlthLaw, and G-HumResProt, MEX-84, and G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, which are in compliance with (MEX-22), the applicant or sponsor is responsible for providing the investigators with an investigator’s brochure (IB). MEX-22 specifies that the sponsor is generally responsible for ensuring that an updated IB is made available to the investigator(s), and the investigators are responsible for providing the updated IB to the responsible ethics committees (ECs). The sponsor should also update the IB as relevant new information becomes available. According to MEX-84, G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, and MEX-22, the IB should include the following elements (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Title
  • Confidentiality statement
  • Table of Contents
  • Summary
  • Introduction
  • Investigational product (IP) identification data (IP number, generic name of the drug or device, international nonproprietary name, trade name, if applicable)
  • Collection of clinical and preclinical IP data relevant to the study of IP(s) in human participants
  • Preclinical information (includes non-clinical pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and metabolism in animals, toxicology)
  • Clinical information (includes pharmacokinetics and metabolism in humans, safety and efficacy, experience during commercialization)
  • Data summary and guide for the investigator
  • Document version and version date (coinciding with the approving opinions of the ECs)
  • For drug authorization requests: (include IP physicochemical and pharmaceutical properties, formulation, presentation, manufacturing, labeling, storage, packaging and stability, when applicable, etc.)
  • For COFEPRIS-04-010-D modality (risk-free research (observational studies)) authorization requests: include prescribing information

MEX-84 further notes the purpose of the IB is to provide researchers and others involved in the trial with information to facilitate their understanding of the rationale for and compliance with key protocol features such as: dose, dose frequency/interval, administration methods, and safety monitoring. The IB also provides information to support the design of the clinical phase of the study subjects over the course of the clinical trial. The information in this document must be presented in a concise, objective, and balanced manner which allows the principal investigator, as well as the other parties involved in the trial, to assess the suitability of the proposed trial, emphasizing the relevant and updated scientific information on the IP to monitor participant safety.

See MEX-84, G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, and MEX-22 for detailed IB guidelines.

Quality Management

As specified in COFEPRIS-GCP, GenHlthLaw, Reg-HlthProd, NOM-059-SSA1-2015, NOM-164-SSA1-2015, NOM-176-SSA1-1998, NOM-073-SSA1-2015, G-HumResProt, MEX-84, G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, and MEX-22, the sponsor must verify that the products are manufactured in accordance with the current codes of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). See NOM-059-SSA1-2015-Annexes to access the annexes to NOM-059-SSA1-2015.

In accordance with the GenHlthLaw, Reg-HlthProd, NOM-059-SSA1-2015, NOM-164-SSA1-2015, NOM-176-SSA1-1998, G-HumResProt, G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, and MEX-22, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) requires that drug manufacturers ensure IPs meet the required safety, efficacy, and quality characteristics and are manufactured, handled, and stored in accordance with applicable GMPs and provide the following additional information (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Issue the corresponding certificate of analysis signed by the health officer to verify the drugs comply with the quality specifications indicated in the current edition of the Pharmacopoeia of the United Mexican States (Farmacopea de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (FEUM)) and its supplements, or those specified in the pharmacopeias from other countries, if applicable (per NOM-176-SSA1-1998)
  • In case of foreign manufacture, the manufacturer must have a GMP certification, license, or document proving that the manufacturer has permission to manufacture medicines, issued by the competent authority in the country of origin (per Reg-HlthProd)

MEX-84 further specifies that the following IP documentation is required to demonstrate compliance with GMPs:

  • Letter under oath, declaring that the IP and placebo are manufactured under standards that ensure a product is safe for use and that it has the ingredients and potency it claims to have in accordance with established quality requirements, or
  • Certificate of good practices for the IP, or
  • Certificate of pharmaceutical product

Additionally, per GenHlthLaw, verification of GMP compliance must be conducted by the Ministry of Health (Secretaría de Salud) or the Ministry’s authorized third parties, or if necessary, recognition of the respective certificate issued by the competent authority of the country of origin, provided there are recognition agreements in place between the competent authorities from both countries. See MEX-36 for additional information on obtaining a GMP certificate.

NOM-059-SSA1-2015 also notes that the manufacture of IPs for use in clinical studies presents greater complexity than marketed drug products due to the lack of systematic procedures resulting from the variety of clinical trial designs. In addition to applying basic GMP principles, drugs for research use in Mexico must also be released in accordance with good clinical practices, and the personnel involved in IP production and control must be experienced in handling drugs in the clinical research phase and be familiar with GMPs.

In addition, per MEX-110, COFEPRIS is recognized as a National Regulatory Authority of Regional Reference of Medicines and Biological Products by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/World Health Organization (WHO), and per MEX-111, is also a member of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S).

3.2 and 10.1
2.12, 5.6, 7, and 8.2-8.3
2.12, 5.6, 7, and 8.2-8.3
XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (V-VI)
Requirements (28-29)
Title V (Chapter I, Article 102) and Title XII (Chapter IV, Article 222)
Title II (Chapter I, Articles 7-9), Title IV (Chapter II, Article 113), Title V (Chapter II, Article 168 and 170), and Title VII
0, 1.2, 3.14, and 16
1-3, 6.1, and 9
Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

Investigational product (IP) labeling in Brazil must comply with the requirements set forth in ResNo9, the PANDRH-GCPs, and the G-BiolProdManual. As described in the G-BiolProdManual, the following labeling information must be included on the primary package label (or any intermediate packaging), and the outer packaging:

  • Sponsor name
  • Pharmaceutical form, route of administration, quantity of dosage units, and the drug name and concentration in the case of open studies
  • Batch or product identification code
  • Clinical trial reference code
  • Clinical trial participant identification code
  • Instructions for use (reference may be made to an explanatory pamphlet or other document that guides the trial participants or person administering the IP
  • Storage conditions
  • Expiration date
  • Warning phrases in capital letters such as: “EXCLUSIVE USE IN CLINICAL TRIALS” and “KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN”

In addition, per the G-BiolProdManual, all of the text labeling must be written in Portuguese. Symbols, pictograms, and warnings may also be included on both the primary and outer packaging. The G-BiolProdManual further notes it is not necessary to include the primary contact’s address and telephone number on the label to obtain IP or clinical trial information, or to break the blinding code. The trial participant receives a leaflet or card containing contact information in the case of trial-related concerns or adverse events. If the expiration date changes, additional labeling may be superimposed on the previous label to update the shelf life so that the new information does not conflict with the original batch number. The G-BiolProdManual mentions that the labeling of the other study IPs should also follow the same model as the experimental product, and when any field(s) is not applicable, justification should be provided.

The PANDRH-GCPs further indicates that the IP should be coded and labeled in a manner that protects the blinding, if applicable, and be suitably packaged to prevent contamination and unacceptable deterioration during transport and storage. BRA-8 adds that while a label template is requested for each clinical trial application (Clinical Drug Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM))) submission, if the label template differs between studies in a multicenter clinical trial, a note should be included in the DDCM to explain that separate templates will be provided for the specific dossiers.

As described in ResNo9, the following external packaging information must also be provided with the IP to be imported into Brazil:

  • Special Notice (Comunicado Especial (CE)), Specific Special Notice (Comunicado Especial Específico (CEE)), or Document for Importation of Product(s) under Investigation
  • IP quantity
  • Special storage precautions (e.g., temperature, humidity, and brightness)
  • IP physical/pharmaceutical form
  • Period of validity of the IP
  • Batch number or serial number
  • The following IP packaging requirements are also delineated in the G-BiolProdManual:
  • Provide technical specifications for primary, and where applicable, outer packaging
  • Include an assessment of possible interaction between the active substance and primary packaging, if applicable
  • Describe how the tamper resistance of the packaging will be guaranteed until the time of IP use
Chapter 6 (6.13) and Annex 5 (1)
6.3 and 10
Articles 6, 14, 38, and 75
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

Investigational product (IP) labeling in Mexico must comply with the requirements set forth in COFEPRIS-GCP, NOM-164-SSA1-2015, NOM-059-SSA1-2015, and the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R1) (MEX-32).

As delineated in COFEPRIS-GCP and NOM-059-SSA1-2015, the IP label must be written in Spanish and contain, at a minimum, the following information (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Name, address, and telephone number of the sponsor or main contact
  • Protocol identification number
  • Pharmaceutical form and route of administration
  • Manufacturer name and address
  • Lot number, identification code, and dosage form
  • Statements: “For clinical studies only” or "Permitted use only investigation ", "Forbidden marketing", and "Keep away from the reach of children"
  • Symbol or pictograms warning, if applicable
  • Expiration date
  • Storage conditions

NOM-164-SSA1-2015 also states that the IP label must indicate it is material under investigation.

In addition, MEX-22 indicates the sponsor should verify the IPs are coded and labeled in a manner that protects the blinding, if appropriate. In blinded trials, the IP coding system should include a mechanism that permits rapid identification of the product(s) in case of a medical emergency, but does not permit undetectable breaks of the blinding. A sample of the attached IP container label(s) should also be provided to document compliance with applicable labelling regulations and appropriateness of instructions provided to the study participants.

Per NOM-164-SSA1-2015 and NOM-059-SSA1-2015, IPs for use in clinical trials should be packaged in a way that protects the products from alteration, contamination, and damage during storage and shipment. Additionally, procedures or instructions for the control of packaging, labeling, and distribution operations should be prepared.

Per NOM-059-SSA1-2015, in the case of products packaged for blinded clinical studies, manufacturers must ensure that the unused products and supplies are completely (100%) retrieved.

5.13, 8.2.13 and 8.2.17

Product Management

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

Supply, Storage, and Handling Requirements

As delineated in ResNo9 and the PANDRH-GCPs, the sponsor must also supply the investigator(s)/institution(s) with the investigational product(s) (IP), including the comparator(s) and placebo, if applicable. The sponsor is responsible for importing the necessary IP amount to conduct the study, but should only distribute the IP to institutions that are listed in the approved clinical trial application (known as the Drug Clinical Development Dossier (Dossier de Desenvolvimento Clínico de Medicamento (DDCM))) as authorized by the research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP)) and the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA)). Following DDCM analysis and approval, ANVISA issues an authorizing document known as a Special Notice (Comunicado Especial (CE)) that may also be used for IP import/export requests for the trial. ANVISA may also issue either a Specific Special Notice (Comunicado Especial Específico (CEE)) to permit the sponsor to import/export an IP while their DDCM is still awaiting review and is within ANVISA’s 90-day approval window, or a Document for Importation of Product(s) under Investigation in the case of non-manifestation of the DDCM. The sponsor is required to present one (1) of these ANVISA documents at the location where IPs for import or export are unloaded. (See the Submission Process and Submission Content sections for detailed application requirements).

Per ResNo9 and the PANDRH-GCPs, the sponsor must ensure that the qualitative information and specifications include the following:

  • IP product quality and stability over the period of use
  • IP manufactured according to good manufacturing practice (GMP) as per ResNo9 and ResNo658
  • Proper coding, packaging, and labeling of the IP(s)
  • IP use record including information on the quantity, loading, shipment, receipt, dispensing, handling, reclamation, and destruction of the unused IP
  • Acceptable storage temperatures, conditions, and times for the IP
  • Written procedures including instructions for handling and storage of the IP, adequate and safe receipt, dispensing, retrieval of unused IP(s), and return of unused IP(s) to the sponsor
  • Timely delivery of the IP(s)
  • Establishment of management and filing systems for the IPs

See ResNo9 and PANDRH-GCPs for detailed sponsor-related IP requirements.

Record Requirements

Per the PANDRH-GCPs, the sponsor is required to maintain records that document shipment, receipt, disposition, return, and destruction of the IPs. The sponsor must also maintain a system for retrieving IPs and documenting this retrieval and maintain a system for the disposition of unused IPs. Additionally, the sponsor should maintain sufficient samples from each batch and keep a record of their analyses and characteristics for reference so that, if necessary, an independent laboratory could reconfirm the same data.

The sponsor should inform the investigator(s) and institution(s) in writing of the need for record retention and should notify the investigator(s) and institution(s) in writing when the trial-related records are no longer needed. Sponsor-specific essential documents should also be retained until at least two (2) years after the last approval of a marketing application, until there are no pending or contemplated marketing applications, or at least two (2) years have elapsed since the formal discontinuation of the IP’s clinical development.

Chapter 6 (6.12.2 and 6.13-6.14) and Annex 5 (1)
Chapter II
Articles 14-17 and 38
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

Supply, Storage, and Handling Requirements

COFEPRIS-GCP and the Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2) (MEX-22) state the sponsor is responsible for supplying investigators with the investigational products (IP(s)) while ensuring that only the quantity of products necessary to carry out the study is provided, and that none of the products will be marketed or used for purposes unrelated to the investigation.

MEX-22 further specifies that the sponsor is responsible for supplying the investigator(s)/institution(s) with the IP(s) and for ensuring the timely delivery of the IPs. However, the sponsor should not supply an investigator/institution with the IP(s)) until all the required documentation is obtained, such as the favorable opinion of the ethics committee (EC) and approval from the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)).

The sponsor should ensure written procedures include instructions that the investigator/institution should follow for the handling and storage of IP(s), adequate and safe receipt of the IP(s), dispensing of the IP(s), retrieval of unused IP(s), return of unused IP(s) to the sponsor, and disposal of unused IP(s) by the sponsor (or alternative disposition if authorized by the sponsor and in compliance with the applicable regulatory requirement(s)).

Additionally, MEX-22 indicates the IP should be manufactured, handled, and stored in accordance with applicable good manufacturing practice (GMP). The sponsor should determine acceptable storage temperatures, storage conditions (e.g., protection from light), storage times, reconstitution fluids and procedures, and devices for product infusion, if any, for the IPs, and inform all involved parties (e.g., monitors, investigators, pharmacists, storage managers) of these determinations. Additionally, the sponsor should:

  • Take steps to ensure that the IP(s) are stable over the period of use
  • Maintain sufficient quantities of the IP(s) used in the trials to reconfirm specifications, should this become necessary, and maintain records of batch sample analyses and characteristics. To the extent stability permits, samples should be retained either until the analyses of the trial data are complete or as required by the applicable regulatory requirement(s), whichever represents the longer retention period

Refer to MEX-22 for detailed sponsor-related IP requirements and MEX-36 for additional information on obtaining a GMP certificate.

COFEPRIS-GCP also delineates the sponsor is responsible for ensuring that IP manufacturing complies with NOM-073-SSA1-2015, which states that during the clinical trial, the manufacturer must validate the stability of the IP until the date of the last administration. The sponsor and the contract research organization (CRO) are responsible for ensuring that the research institution has a restricted storage area to protect the IPs and other products required for the investigation, including adequate temperature controls, humidity, and other conditions according to the manufacturer’s provisions. Additionally, the principal investigator is required to keep track of the receipt, storage, distribution, administration, destruction, or retrieval of the IP and other products required for the clinical study, in accordance with the research protocol provisions.

In addition, NOM-164-SSA1-2015 and NOM-059-SSA1-2015 indicate that there must be a procedure for the retrieval of IPs for clinical use that describes the responsibilities of all the members of the supply chain using the drug to include the manufacturer, the sponsor, the investigator, the clinical monitor, and the head of the research unit. NOM-164-SSA1-2015 further states that a system must be in place for the release of each lot of manufactured IPs and that a qualified person must approve the release. See NOM-059-SSA1-2015-Annexes to access the annexes to NOM-059-SSA1-2015.

According to MEX-84, the following IP documentation is also required to be submitted to COFEPRIS:

  • Letter under oath guaranteeing the shelf life (stability) of the IP from the date of manufacture to the date of the last administration that will be carried out as part of the investigational protocol, or a protocol and report of results of the accelerated and long-term stability study of the IP and placebo, guaranteeing its stability from the date of manufacture to the date of the last administration in the research protocol
  • Letter under oath, declaring that the IP and placebo are manufactured under standards that ensure a product is safe for use and that it has the ingredients and potency it claims to have in accordance with established quality requirements; a certificate of good practices for the IP; or a certificate of pharmaceutical product
  • Letter of description of import inputs that expresses the approximate quantity of the IP

MEX-84 further notes that compliance with GMP and product stability are not equivalent. In the case of a letter under oath, it is valid to declare together compliance with GMP and that the shelf life of the IP is guaranteed at least until the date of the last administration of the IP and/or placebo.

In addition, per G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts, a letter of import supplies should be provided to COFEPRIS that clearly establishes the quantity and description of supplies that will be imported during each stage of the study. The letter should include the IP or placebo (when applicable), pharmaceutical form, presentation, concentration, and number of participants to be enrolled in Mexico. A letter of the stability studies should also be provided to support the IP and the placebo comply with the physical, chemical, and biological parameters which must be complied with throughout its useful life, and to maintain established quality specifications during storage and use.

Record Requirements

As indicated in the MEX-22, the sponsor should:

  • Maintain records that document shipment, receipt, disposition, return, and destruction of the IP(s)
  • Maintain a system for retrieving IPs and documenting this retrieval (e.g., for deficient product recall, reclaim after trial completion, expired product reclaim)
  • Maintain a system for the disposition of unused IP(s) and for the documentation of this disposition

MEX-22 further states the investigator/institution and/or a pharmacist, or other appropriate individual who is designated by the investigator/institution, should maintain records of the IP's delivery to the trial site, the inventory at the site, the use by each participant, and the return to the sponsor or alternative disposition of unused product(s). These records should include dates, quantities, batch/serial numbers, expiration dates (if applicable), and the unique code numbers assigned to the IP(s) and trial participants. Investigators should maintain records that document adequately that the participants were provided the doses specified by the protocol and reconcile all IP(s) received from the sponsor.

Per NOM-059-SSA1-2015, the sponsor is also responsible for storing files related to the manufacture and control of the IP for at least five (5) years after product registration has been granted. Additionally, the sponsor must ensure that this documentation is safeguarded, and that the files are stored at the sponsor’s facilities or in specific facilities contracted for this purpose.

4.7 and 10.1-10.2
2.12, 4.6, 5.13-5.14, and 8.2.14-8.2.15
XIII. Specific Sections of the Procedure on the Platform (VI)
3.4, 4.3, 4.5, and 4.12
3.24, 10.2, and 16.10

Definition of Specimen

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

As per OrdNo2201, ResNo504, ResNo441, and the G-BiolMatTransprt, a specimen is defined as any human biological material such as organs, tissues, cells, body fluids, excreta, and other fluids of human origin obtained from a single participant at a particular time. ResNo836 adds that these biological samples are intended to be used for laboratory or quality control tests.

In addition, the G-BiolMatTransprt states that these materials are not considered hazardous if they are unlikely to cause disease in humans or animals. However, they are considered infectious substances, therefore dangerous materials, if through exposure to them, these substances can spread diseases.

Article 3
Chapter I (Article 6)
Article 1 (1)
Chapter I (Article 3)
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024

In Mexico, a specimen is referred to as a “product of human beings.” According to GenHlthLaw and Reg-HumSpecDisp, products of human beings include any tissues or substances, excreted or expelled by the human body as a result of normal physiological processes.

GenHlthLaw and Reg-HumSpecDisp also provide more specific definitions for specimens including germ cells, stem cells, blood and derivatives, plasma, tissue, cellular concentrates, and organs. Please refer to these sources for more detailed information.

Additionally, G-RECs-Op-2018 states that human biological material includes organs, tissues, tissue components, cells, and products and cadavers of human beings.

Chapter I (Article 6)
Title XIV (Chapter I, Article 314)

Specimen Import & Export

Last content review/update: August 23, 2024

ResNo208 (amending ResNo81) and ResNo613 (amending ResNo172) delineate the procedures associated with importing human biological materials for clinical research purposes. Pursuant to ResNo74, and BRA-108, the import petition must be submitted electronically. Per the G-LPCOImprtPetition, the first step in initiating ANVISA’s import protocol process is applying for an import license (Licença de Importação (LI)) via the Integrated Foreign Trade System (SISCOMEX)’s Single Foreign Trade Portal (BRA-80). As indicated in BRA-108, the electronic petition must include the documentation specified in ResNo81 and other relevant legislation. BRA-108 also indicates that in the case of documents already in electronic form, they should be attached as individual files for each LI request in BRA-80. The documents must also be attached, preferably, in the order indicated in the checklist of the procedure specified in ResNo81. Refer to BRA-108 for detailed documentation presentation requirements.

To obtain an import license through BRA-80, ResNo208 (amending ResNo81), and ResNo613 (amending ResNo172) specify that the documentation required to be submitted by the investigator and institution should include the following:

  • Declaration from the importer with information on the Notice number (Special Notice (Comunicado Especial (CE)), Specific Special Notice (Comunicado Especial Específico (CEE)), Document for Import of Product(s) under investigation in the Medicines Clinical Development Dossier (DDCM), or Dossier of Medical Device Clinical Investigation (DICD) issued by ANVISA
  • Bill of lading cargo
  • Commercial invoice
  • Research ethics committee (EC) (Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP)) approval, and where applicable, National Research Ethics Commission (Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP)) approval

See ResNo208 (amending ResNo81) and ResNo613 (amending ResNo172) for detailed import documentation requirements.

Per ResNo208 (amending ResNo81), the import of biological materials will take place through SISCOMEX, express shipping or postal shipping. See also BRA-8 for frequently asked questions on importation requirements.

Additionally, per the G-LPCOImprtPetition, once the LI is registered, the user must make a request in the Licenses, Permissions, Certificates and Other Documents (Licença, Permissão, Certificado e Outros Documentos (LPCO)) module in SISCOMEX’s Single Foreign Trade Portal (BRA-80). The G-LPCOImprtPetition explains how the LPCO registration will eventually be integrated with the LI registration, however, at this time, it is necessary for the user to link the LI with the LPCO in order to initiate the import petition protocol in ANVISA’s Solicita Electronic Petition Request System (BRA-56). Refer to the G-LPCOImprtPetition for detailed instructions on registering the LI and the LPCO in BRA-80. See also BRA-106 for additional information on using BRA-80 and obtaining an LI.

As described in BRA-47 and the G-LPCOImprtPetition, users are required to complete the company registration process prior to submitting an import petition via users ANVISA’s Solicita Electronic Petition Request System (BRA-56). BRA-47 provides step-by-step instructions on company registration along with the information provided in BRA-105. BRA-107 also provides additional information on registering a company with the National Register of Legal Entities (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ)). See BRA-38 for additional information on accessing ANVISA’s electronic petitioning request systems. ResNo172 further notes that an import license may be automatically granted via BRA-80 to investigators accredited by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development ((Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) (CNPq)) and whose tax regime is exempt.

ResNo172 also states that ANVISA will analyze and release human biological samples intended for use in clinical research within 48 hours after arrival in Brazil, provided that the legal requirements are met. Refer to ResNo81 and ResNo172 for additional required items depending on the import method used.

Other requirements described in ResNo81 and ResNo172 include, but are not limited to, compliance with packaging, transportation, and storage standards provided by manufacturer or supplier; a mandate that the investigator or institution provide a final destination for the materials in accordance with the legal provisions of environmental control; and in ResNo172, a prohibition on imports with accompanied and unaccompanied baggage.

As explained in ResNo504 and the G-BiolMatTransprt, the procedures for the import and export of human biological material should be determined by the biological material type and the mode of transport. Regardless of the mode of transport or material type, transport operations are required to be recorded and standardized through regularly updated written instructions. All documents and records of activities relating to human biological material transport equipment should be readily available to the health authorities, upon request. The biological material must be packed in a form that will preserve its integrity and stability and must be validated and approved by the supervisory technician.

According to ResNo504, human biological material is classified as Category A or B infectious biological material, or Category Risk Minimum. Category A includes materials where exposure can cause permanent disability or fatal disease to humans and animals. Category B includes those materials not listed in Category A such as samples suspected or known to contain infectious agents causing diseases in humans. Category Risk Minimum or “exempt human specimens” include biological materials from healthy individuals. Human biological materials must also be classified according to the World Health Organization (WHO)’s risk classification diagram available in the WHO’s Guidance on Regulations for the Transport of Infectious Substances (BRA-54). Labeling should conform to the material type, risk classification, and specific requirements of the biological materials to be transported. The label for imported materials must be legible, understandable, and in English and Portuguese.

In addition to complying with ResNo504 and the G-BiolMatTransprt, human biological material transport should be conducted in accordance with legislation from applicable regulatory bodies including the Ministry of Infrastructure, the National Land Transportation Agency, the National Civil Aviation Agency, and the National Waterway Transport Agency. Refer to the G-BiolMatTransprt for detailed import and export transport requirements.

Refer to ResNo504 and the G-BiolMatTransprt for detailed instructions on shipping biological materials within these categories. See also ResNo836 for detailed transport requirements relating to human cells and advanced therapy products, and BRA-97 for preparing reports on biobanking for research purposes.

1-2, and 13
3-4 and 6
Article 16 (Sections III-IV)
Articles 1 and 2
Chapters I (Article 1), II (Sections III and VI), and IV (Articles 20-21 and 23), and Annex I
Chapter I (Articles 3 and 7) and Chapter III (Section VIII)
Chapter I (Sections I and II) and II-VI
Chapters I (1.9), II (1.2), III (Sections I-III), XXIII (Sections I, III-V), XXV, XXVI (Sections IV and V), and XXVII
Last content review/update: November 8, 2024


As delineated in GenHlthLaw, Reg-COFEPRIS, and Reg-HumSpecDisp, the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)) is responsible for authorizing the import of specimens (referred to as “products of human beings” in Mexico).

According to G-ImprtPermit, institutions that import products of human beings including tissues, cells, blood and its components or derivatives intended for research, diagnosis, teaching, or treatment for therapeutic purposes, must comply with specific COFEPRIS documentation submission requirements to apply for an import permit. The documentation required to obtain an import permit specifically for research purposes is as follows (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Import or Export of Products of Human Beings form (original) (see MEX-24)
  • Proof of payment of rights (one (1) original; G-ImprtPermit also specifies that in terms of the Federal Rights Law, proof of payment of rights is applicable only to the application for a permit for the hospitalization of blood units, their components, and hematopoietic progenitor cells)
  • Document certifying the operation of the foreign establishment issued by the health authority of the country of origin (original)
  • Health license for the corresponding line of business (original)
  • Notice of operation for the corresponding line of business (original)
  • Authorization document issued by COFEPRIS for the protocol when it is intended for humans, or a summary of the study when in vitro is being carried out, where appropriate (original)
  • Letter of acceptance in which the establishment that will receive the samples indicates the reason and use of the samples (original)
  • Shipping letter in which the foreign establishment indicates the reason and use of sending the samples (original)
  • Power of attorney (accreditation of the legal representative)

G-ImprtPermit further notes that COFEPRIS has 45 business days to respond to the import request, and 15 business day to notify the applicant of missing or additional information required in a prevention letter. The applicant, in turn, has five (5) business days to respond COFEPRIS’s prevention letter. The import permit approval is valid for 180 business days. Refer to G-ImprtPermit for detailed information necessary to obtain import permits for teaching, diagnosis, and therapeutic purposes including the use of human blood (i.e., umbilical cord blood or hematopoietic progenitor cells) and corneas.

D-CargoTransprt bars exclusive cargo shipments to the Mexico City International Airport (AICM). See D-CargoTransprt and D-ModCargoTransprt for more details regarding the relocation of cargo shipments to other airports in Mexico.


According to G-ExprtPermit, institutions that dispose of or export products of human beings including tissues, cells, blood and its components or derivatives that are intended for diagnosis, treatment, research, or teaching purposes must also submit documentation to COFEPRIS to apply for an export permit.

G-ExprtPermit indicates the following general documentation must be provided to export cells, tissues, and products of human beings and their components (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Import or Export of Products of Human Beings form (see MEX-24)
  • *Proof of payment of fees (original and two (2) legible copies)
  • *Letter of acceptance of the establishment abroad (original)
  • Authorization letter issued by COFEPRIS for the protocol when it is intended for humans, or a summary of the study when in vitro is being carried out, where appropriate (original)
  • Notice of operation of health establishment (original)
  • Health license (original)
  • Power of attorney (original)

*G-ExprtPermit indicates this requirement is only applicable to exports for blood units, their components and hematopoietic progenitor cells.

G-ExprtPermit further notes that COFEPRIS has 45 business days to respond to the export request, and 15 business days to notify the applicant of missing or additional information required in a prevention letter. The applicant, in turn, has five (5) business days to respond to COFEPRIS’s prevention letter. The permit approval is valid for 180 business days.

In addition, G-ExprtPermit outlines the following required documentation to be submitted to COFEPRIS to export umbilical cord blood or hematopoietic progenitor cells, for cryopreservation, research, or therapeutic purposes:

  • Import or Export of Products of Human Beings form (original) (see MEX-24)
  • Proof of payment of fees (one (1) original and two (2) legible copies (per G-ExprtPermit); G-ExprtPermit also specifies that in terms of the Federal Rights Law, proof of payment of rights is applicable only to the application for a permit for the hospitalization of blood units, their components and hematopoietic progenitor cells)
  • Letter of acceptance of the establishment abroad (original)
  • Health license (original)
  • Notice of operation of health establishment (original); G-ExprtPermit indicates this is only applicable to permits to export cells, tissues, products of human beings and their components
  • Document issued by the health authority of the destination country that certifies the operation of the establishment (original)
  • Power of attorney (original)

See also G-ExprtPermit for detailed documentation to be submitted to export cells, tissues, and products of human beings and their components intended for scientific research.

Import/Export Permit Submission Procedures

MEX-24 indicates that an applicant may submit a request to obtain a permit to import or export specimens in print, in person via COFEPRIS’s Comprehensive Service Center (Centro Integral de Servicios (CIS)) (MEX-37), or electronically via the Mexican Digital Window for Foreign Trade (Ventanilla Única de Comercio Exterior Mexicano (VUCEM)) (MEX-114). Per G-ImprtPermit and G-ExprtPermit, the application should be submitted electronically via MEX-114 (Refer to MEX-114 for submission instructions). G-ImprtPermit and G-ExprtPermit state that to submit an application online, it is necessary to obtain an e.signature (also known as e.firma). MEX-49 explains that the e.signature is a secure, encrypted digital file that identifies an applicant, and can be used to carry out procedures electronically with various government agencies. An e.signature can be obtained from the Tax Administration Service (Servicio de administración tributaria (SAT)) as described in MEX-105.

See MEX-116 for instructions on completing MEX-24. See also G-ImprtPermitMod for the required documentation and submission procedures to modify an import/export permit for products of human beings including tissues, cells, and blood and its components or derivatives.

Chapter VI (Articles 89 and 100)
Requirements, Form, Term, Validity of Resolution, and Steps
Requirements, Form, Term, Validity of Resolution, and Steps
Title I (Chapter I, Article 3), Title II (Chapter II, Articles 17 Bis), Title XII (Chapter XIII, Articles 283-286 Bis), and Title XVI (Chapter I, Article 375)
Chapter I (Article 3)


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Federative Republic of Brazil
(Legislation) Law No. 10.742 of October 6, 2003 (LawNo10.742 - Portuguese) (Effective October 6, 2003)
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Legislation) Law No. 14,874, of May 28, 2024 (LawNo14.874 - Portuguese) (Effective August 27, 2024)
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Legislation) Law No. 6.360 of September 23, 1976 (LawNo6.360 - Portuguese) (Effective December 27, 1976)
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Legislation) Law No. 8,069, of July 13, 1990 (LawNo8.069 – Portuguese) (Effective October 11, 1990)
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Legislation) Law No. 9.782 of January 26, 1999 (LawNo9.782 - Portuguese) (Effective January 26, 1999)
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Regulation) CD/ANPD Resolution No. 15, of April 24, 2024 (CD-ANPD-No15 – Portuguese) (Effective April 26, 2024)
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(Regulation) CD/ANPD Resolution No. 18, Of July 16, 2024 (CD-ANPD-No18 - Portuguese) (July 17, 2024)
National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), Ministry of Justice and Public Security
(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 674, of May 6, 2022 (ResNo674 - Portuguese) (May 6, 2022)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 292 of July 8, 1999 (ResNo292 - Portuguese) (July 8, 1999)
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(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 304 of August 9, 2000 (ResNo304 - Portuguese) (English-ResNo304 – Official Translation) (August 9, 2000)
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(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 340 of July 8, 2004 (ResNo340 - Portuguese) (July 8, 2004)
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(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 346 of January 13, 2005 (ResNo346 - Portuguese) (January 13, 2005)
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(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 441 of May 12, 2011 (ResNo441 - Portuguese) (English-ResNo441 – Google Translation) (May 12, 2011)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 446 of August 11, 2011 (ResNo446 - Portuguese) (Effective August 29, 2011)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 466 of December 12, 2012 (ResNo466 - Portuguese) (English-ResNo466 – Google Translation) (Effective June 13, 2013)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 506 of February 3, 2016 (CNSResNo506 - Portuguese) (Effective March 23, 2016)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 563 of November 10, 2017 (ResNo563 - Portuguese) (November 10, 2017)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 580 of March 22, 2018 (ResNo580 - Portuguese) (March 22, 2018)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 706 of February 16, 2023 (ResNo706 – Portuguese) (February 16, 2023)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 738 of February 1, 2024 (ResNo738 – Portuguese) (February 1, 2024)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 251 of August 7, 1997 (ResNo251 - Portuguese) (August 7, 1997)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) CNS Resolution No. 647 of October 12, 2020 (ResNo647 - Portuguese) (October 12, 2020)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Ordinance No. 1,184, of October 17, 2023 (OrdNo1.184 – Portuguese) (Effective October 19, 2023)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Ordinance No. 2201 of September 14, 2011 (OrdNo2201 - Portuguese) (September 14, 2011)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Ordinance No. 344, of May 12, 1998 (OrdNo344 – Portuguese) (May 12, 1998)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Ordinance No. 552 of March 9, 2007 (OrdNo552 - Portuguese) (March 9, 2007)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Regulatory Instruction No. 122 of March 9, 2022 (RegNo122 – Portuguese) (Effective April 1, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Regulatory Instruction No. 289 of March 20, 2024 (RegNo289 – Portuguese) (Effective April 1, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Regulatory Instruction No. 292 of May 2, 2024 (RegNo292 – Portuguese) (Effective June 3, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 102 of August 24, 2016 (ResNo102 - Portuguese) (Effective December 22, 2016)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 204 of December 27, 2017 (ResNo204 - Portuguese) (Effective February 26, 2018)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 205 of December 28, 2017 (ResNo205 - Portuguese) (Effective February 27, 2018)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 208 of January 5, 2018 (ResNo208 - Portuguese) (Effective January 8, 2018)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 311 of October 10, 2019 (ResNo311 - Portuguese) (Effective October 16, 2019)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 38 of August 12, 2013 (ResNo38 - Portuguese) (Effective August 13, 2013)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 449 of December 15, 2020 (ResNo449 - Portuguese) (Effective December 17, 2020)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 504 of May 27, 2021 (ResNo504 - Portuguese) (Effective July 1, 2021)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 506 of May 27, 2021 (ResNo506 - Portuguese) (Effective July 1, 2021)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 74 of May 2, 2016 (ResNo74 - Portuguese) (Effective May 3, 2016)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 742 of August 10, 2022 (ResNo742 - Portuguese) (Effective July 3, 2023)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 763 of November 25, 2022 (ResNo763 - Portuguese) (Effective December 1, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 81 of November 5, 2008 (ResNo81 - Portuguese) (English-ResNo81 – Google Translation) (Effective November 6, 2008)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 811, of August 18, 2023 (ResNo811 – Portuguese) (September 1, 2023)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board - RDC No. 9 of February 20, 2015 (ResNo9 - Portuguese) (English-ResNo9 – Google Translation) (Effective March 3, 2015)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board – RDC No. 172 of September 8, 2017 (ResNo172 - Portuguese) (Effective October 12, 2017)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board – RDC No. 255, OF DECEMBER 10, 2018 (ResNo255 – Portuguese) (Effective December 11, 2018)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board – RDC No. 613 of March 9, 2022 (ResNo613 - Portuguese) (Effective April 1, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board – RDC No. 658 of March 30, 2022 (ResNo658 - Portuguese) (Effective May 2, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board – RDC No. 836 of December 13, 2023 (ResNo836 – Portuguese) (Effective December 18, 2023)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board – RDC No. 857 of May 6, 2024 (ResNo857 - Portuguese) (Effective June 3, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board of Directors - RDC No. 620 of March 9, 2022 (ResNo620 - Portuguese) (Effective April 1, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Resolution of the Collegiate Board RDC No.741 of August 10, 2022 (ResNo741 – Portuguese) (Effective September 1, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
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National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
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National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
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General Management of Medicines (GGMED), Coordination of Clinical Research in Medicines and Biological Products (COPEC), National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)
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General Management of Medicines (GGMED), Coordination of Clinical Research in Medicines and Biological Products (COPEC), National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)
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National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
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National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
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National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
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National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
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National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
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National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
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National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
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National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 041/2015 - Guidance on CNS Resolution 340 of 2004 (Item V.1.a) (CLNo041 - Portuguese) (March 27, 2015)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 046/2015 - Research Center Inclusion/Exclusion Requirements When Submitting Responses to Pending CONEP Issues (CLNo046 - Portuguese) (April 15, 2015)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 062/2011 - Documents Required for Center Inclusion; Center Exclusion; Change of Coordinating Center and Investigator; Transfer of Study Site; Change of Investigator; Cancellation; Suspension and Closure of the Study (CLNo062 - Portuguese) (July 19, 2011)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 1/2021 - Guidelines for Research Procedures with Any Step in a Virtual Environment (CLNo1-2021 - Portuguese) (English-CLNo1-2021 – Google Translation) (March 3, 2021)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), Executive Secretariat of the National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 1/2022 - Use of an Electronic Mail System (E-mail) to Send Administrative Documents from Research Ethics Committees (CEP) (CLNo1-2022 - Portuguese) (English-CLNo1-2022 – Google Translation) (February 7, 2022)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), Executive Secretariat of the National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 10/2024: Guidance on the Procedures to be Adopted in the Event of a Strike or Institutional Recess (CLNo10 – Portuguese) (English-CLNo10 – Google Translation) (April 9, 2024)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 11 – Guidelines Related to the Process of Obtaining Consent from Research Participants Under 18 Years of Age and People with a Permanent or Temporary “Lack of Autonomy” to Consent (CLNo11 – Portuguese) (English-CLNo11 – Google Translation) (July 26, 2023)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 13/2020 - CONEP Requirements for the Processing of Adverse Events in the CEP/CONEP System (CLNo13 - Portuguese) (English-CLNo13 – Google Translation) (June 2, 2020)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), Executive Secretariat of the National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 17/2017 - Informed Consent Form Update Requirements (CLNo17 - Portuguese) (July 26, 2017)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 172/2017 - Clarifications Regarding the Selection of Thematic Area (CLNo172 - Portuguese) (April 20, 2017)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 183/2017 – Linking the Investigator and Institutions to the CEP (CLNo183 – Portuguese) (May 8, 2017)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 23/2022 - Standardization of the Use of Consent and Electronic Assent for Research Participants and Biobanks (CLNo23 – Portuguese) (English-CLNo23 – Google Translation) (October 17, 2022)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), Executive Secretariat of the National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 24/2022 – General Guidelines for Conducting Clinical Trials (CLNo24 – Portuguese) (English-CLNo24 – Google Translation) (October 17, 2022)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), Executive Secretariat of the National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 25/2022 – Conducting CEP/CONEP System Meetings in a Virtual Environment (CLNo25 – Portuguese) (English-CLNo25 – Google Translation) (October 17, 2022)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), Executive Secretariat of the National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 26/2022 – Guidelines for Studies with Human Bodies or Anatomical Parts (CLNo26 – Portuguese) (December 1, 2022)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), Executive Secretariat of the National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 29 – Guidelines for Forwarding Appeals to the CEP/CONEP System Instances (CLNo29 – Portuguese) (English-CLNo29 – Google Translation) (December 22, 2023)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 34/2021 – New Guidelines for Processing Biobank Development Research Protocols through the Current Version of Plataforma Brasil (CLNo34 – Portuguese) (English-CLNo34 – Google Translation) (December 9, 2021)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), Executive Secretariat of the National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 39/2011 - Use of Medical Records Data for Research Purposes (CLNo039 - Portuguese) (September 30, 2011)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No. 51/2017 - Additional Clarifications on ICF Text (CLNo51 - Portuguese) (September 28, 2017)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Circular Letter No.008/2011 - Form to Submit Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) to CONEP (CLNo008 - Portuguese) (June 22, 2011)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Clarification Note on Circular Letter No. 24/2022 – General Guidelines for Conducting Clinical Trials (CLNo24-Note – Portuguese) (English-CLNo24-Note – Google Translation) (October 26, 2022)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), Executive Secretariat of the National Health Council (CNS)
(Circular) Guidelines for the Implementation of Article 26 of CNS Resolution No. 674 of May 6, 2022, which Provides for the Classification of Research and the Processing of Research protocols in the CEP/CONEP System (CLNo12 – Portuguese) (English-CLNo12 – Google Translation) (July 27, 2023)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Bulletin) Service Bulletin No. 104 - Document Analysis Procedures Required for DDCM Petitions and Modifications that Potentially Impact Experimental Drug, Active Comparator or Placebo Quality/Safety (ServBltnNo104 - Portuguese) (English-ServBltnNo104 – Google Translation) (Effective June 21, 2021)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Notice) Statement of the CD/ANPD No.1 of May 22, 2023 (ANPD-No1 – Portuguese) (Effective May 24, 2023)
National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), Ministry of Justice and Public Security
(Legislation) Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (PDP-PrivateLaw - Spanish) (English-PDP-PrivateLaw – Google Translation) (Effective July 6, 2010)
Congress of the United Mexican States
(Legislation) General Health Law (GenHlthLaw - Spanish) (Amended through June 7, 2024)
Congress of the United Mexican States
(Legislation) General Law of Protection of Personal Data Held by Obliged Subjects (PDP-Public - Spanish) (English-PDP-Public – Google Translation) (Effective January 27, 2017)
Congress of the United Mexican States
(Legislation) Political Constitution of the United Mexican States (MexConstitution - Spanish) (Amended through September 30, 2024)
Congress of the United Mexican States
(Regulation) Agreement Amending the Various Provisions by which the General Provisions for the Integration and Operation of Research Ethics Committees are Issued and the Hospital Units that Must Have Them in Accordance with the National Bioethics Commission Criteria, Published on October 31, 2012 (REC-Op-Amd - Spanish) (Effective December 11, 2020)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Agreement by which the Administrative Units and Decentralized Bodies of the Ministry of Health are Organized (MOH-Org - Spanish) (Amended July 28, 2024)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Agreement by which the General Provisions for the Integration and Operation of Research Ethics Committees are Issued and the Hospital Units That Must Have Them are Established in Accordance with the National Bioethics Commission Criteria (REC-Op - Spanish) (Effective November 1, 2012)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Agreement on Reforms and Additions to the General Provisions for the Integration and Operation of Research Ethics Committees and the Hospital Units That Must Have Them are Established in Accordance with the National Bioethics Commission Criteria, Published on October 31, 2012 (REC-Op-Ref - Spanish) (Effective January 12, 2016)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Agreement on Supplies and Importation with Authorized Regulatory Authorities [Abridged title] (Agrmnt_RegHlthSup - Spanish) (Effective January 28, 2020)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Regulation of Health Products (Reg-HlthProd - Spanish) (English-Reg-HlthProd – Google Translation) (Last Updated May 31, 2021)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Regulation of the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Reg-COFEPRIS - Spanish) (Effective April 14, 2004)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Regulation of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data held by Individuals (PDP-Reg - Spanish) (Effective December 22, 2011)
Congress of the United Mexican States
(Regulation) Regulation of the General Health Law in Health Research (HlthResRegs - Spanish) (English-HlthResRegs - Google Translation) (Effective April 3, 2014)
Congress of the United Mexican States
(Guidance) Application for Modification to the Permit to Import into the National Territory or the Export Permit for Cells and Tissues Including Blood, its Components and Derivatives, as well as Other Products of Human Beings (COFEPRIS-01-030) (G-ImprtPermitMod - Spanish) (Last Updated February 7, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Application for Registration of a Research Ethics Committee – A) Initial Registration (CONBIOETICA-00-003-A) (G-RECReg - Spanish) (Last Updated December 17, 2020)
National Bioethics Commission (CONBIOÉTICA), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Application for Registration of Hospital Bioethics Committee - New Registration (CONBIOETICA-00-001) (G-CHBReg - Spanish) (Last Updated January 24, 2023)
National Bioethics Commission (CONBIOÉTICA), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Application for Renewal of Registration of the Research Ethics Committee – B) Renewal (CONBIOETICA-00-003-B) (G-RECRegRenew - Spanish) (Last Updated December 17, 2020)
National Bioethics Commission (CONBIOÉTICA), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) DIGIPRiS Online Regulation: Frequently Asked Questions (G-DIGIPRiS-FAQs - Spanish) (English-G-DIGIPRiS-FAQs – Google Translation) (July 30, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) DIGIPRiS Online Regulation: Comparison of Documents (G-DIGIPRiS-DocComp - Spanish) (English-G-DIGIPRiS-DocComp – Google Translation) (July 30, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) DIGIPRiS User Manual: DIGIPRiS Registration (G-DIGIPRiS-Regis - Spanish) (English-G-DIGIPRiS-Regis – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) DIGIPRiS User Manual: System Access, Profile Creation and Roles (G-DIGIPRiS-SystAccess - Spanish) (English-G-DIGIPRiS-SystAccess – Google Translation) (December 1, 2023)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) DIGIPRiS: Research and Clinical Trials - Guide for Requesting New Protocols and Amendments (04-010 and 09-012) (G-DIGIPRiS-Reqs&Amdts - Spanish) (English-G-DIGIPRiS-Reqs&Amdts – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Guide for the Application of Human Research Protocols (COFEPRIS 04-010) on the “DIGIPRiS: Research and Clinical Trials” Platform (G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts - Spanish) (English-G-DIGIPRiS-ResProts – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice in Health Research (COFEPRIS-GCP - Spanish) (English-COFEPRIS-GCP – Google Translation) (Effective June 1, 2012)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Guidelines for Requesting the Pharmacovigilance Report (G-PharmRptReq - Spanish) (English-G-PharmRptReq – Google Translation) (May 3, 2021)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Health Permit for the Importation of Medicines that are not or do not Contain Narcotics or Psychotropic Substances, and that are not Registered (COFEPRIS 01-010-A) (G-UnregDrugImprts - Spanish) (Last Updated February 7, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) National Guide for Integration and Operation of the Research Ethics Committees (G-RECs-Op-2018 - Spanish) (English-G-RECs-Op-2018 - Google Translation) (6th Edition) (2018)
National Bioethics Commission, Ministry of Health
(Guidance) National Guide for the Integration and Operation of Hospital Bioethics Committees (G-CHBs-Op - Spanish) (English-G-CHBs-Op – Google Translation) (5th Edition) (2015)
National Bioethics Commission, Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Permission to Export Cells and Tissues from the National Territory including Blood, its Components and Derivatives, as well as Other Products of Human Beings (COFEPRIS 01-024) (G-ExprtPermit - Spanish) (Last Updated February 7, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Permission to Import Cells and Tissues into the National Territory, including Blood, its Components and Derivatives, a well as Other Products of Human Beings (COFEPRIS 01-025) (G-ImprtPermit - Spanish) (Last Updated February 7, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Pharmacovigilance Guide for Clinical Research (G-ClinResPV - Spanish) (English-G-ClinResPV – Google Translation) (May 20, 2020)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Pharmacovigilance Guide for Safety Notifications or Any Safety Problem Related to the Use of Medicines and Vaccines (G-AENotif - Spanish) (English-G-AENotif – Google Translation) (Version 1.1) (March 2020)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Pharmacovigilance Guide for the Preparation of the Periodic Safety Report (G-PharmPerSafRpt - Spanish) (English-G-PharmPerSafRpt – Google Translation) (February 10, 2021)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Registration Request for Committee Modality C. Biosafety Committee (COFEPRIS-05-038-C) (G-BiosafetyReg - Spanish) (Last Updated October 26, 2022)
Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Report of Suspected Adverse Drug Reactions (COFEPRIS-04-017) (G-ADR-PatientRpt - Spanish) (Last Updated August 6, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Request for Authorization of Research Protocols in Human Beings Modality A: Medicines, Biologics, and Biotechnologies (COFEPRIS-04-010-A) (G-HumResProt - Spanish) (Last Updated February 22, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Request for Authorization of Research Protocols in Human Beings Modality B: Medications (Bioequivalence Studies) (COFEPRIS-04-010-B) (G-BioequivStud - Spanish) (Last Updated February 22, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Request for Authorization of Research Protocols in Human Beings Modality D: Risk-Free Research (Observational Studies) (COFEPRIS-04-010-D) (G-ObsrvStdies - Spanish) (Last Updated February 22, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Request for Modification or Amendment to the Research Protocol Authorization (COFEPRIS-09-012) (G-ResProtocolAmd - Spanish) (Last Updated February 22, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Guidance) Request for Registration of Research Committee (COFEPRIS-05-038-B) (G-ResCommReg - Spanish) (Last Updated October 26, 2022)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS)
(Guidance) User Manual of the National Registry of Clinical Trials (RNEC) (G-RNECManual - Spanish) (English-G-RNECManual – Google Translation) (Version 1.0) (March 2013)
Sanitary Authorization Commission, Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Decree) Decree Amending the Various Provisions of the Decentralized Body Called the National Bioethics Commission (D-CONBIOETICA - Spanish) (Effective February 17, 2017)
Ministry of Health
(Decree) Decree Establishing the Closure of the Mexico City Benito Juárez International Airport, for the Operations of the Indicated Air Transportation Service to the Public (D-CargoTransprt - Spanish) (Effective February 3, 2023)
President of the Mexican United States
(Decree) Decree Issuing the General Law on the Rights of Girls, Boys and Adolescents, and Amending Various Provisions of the General Law on the Provision of Services for the Care, Attention and Comprehensive Development of Children (ChildRts - Spanish) (Effective April 13, 2014)
Ministry of Health
(Decree) Decree Modifying the Various Provisions that Establish the Closure of the Mexico City Benito Juárez International Airport, for the Operations of the Indicated Air Transportation Service to the Public, Published on February 2, 2023 (D-ModCargoTransprt - Spanish) (Effective July 7, 2023)
President of the Mexican United States
(Decree) Decree Reforming the Articles in the Regulation of the General Health Law in Matters of Sanitary Control of the Disposition of Human Organs, Tissues and Corpses (Reg-HumSpecDisp - Spanish) (Effective November 27, 1987)
Ministry of Health
(Standard) Annexes to the Official Mexican Standard NOM-059-SSA1-2015, Good Drug Manufacturing Practices (NOM-059-SSA1-2015-Annexes - Spanish) (English-NOM-059-SSA1-2015-Annexes – Google Translation) (January 11, 2017)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Standard) Mexican Official Standard NOM-012-SSA3-2012, MODIFICATION of the Mexican Official Standard NOM-177-SSA1-2013, which Establishes the Tests and Procedures to Demonstrate that a Drug is Interchangeable (NOM-177-SSA1-2013-Mod - Spanish) (Effective September 16, 2023)
Ministry of Health
(Standard) Mexican Official Standard NOM-012-SSA3-2012, which Establishes the Criteria for the Execution of Research Projects for Health in Human Beings (NOM-012-SSA3-2012 - Spanish) (Effective March 5, 2013)
Ministry of Health
(Standard) Mexican Official Standard NOM-059-SSA1-2015, Good Medicines Manufacturing Practices (NOM-059-SSA1-2015 - Spanish) (Effective August 3, 2016)
Ministry of Health
(Standard) Mexican Official Standard NOM-073-SSA1-2015, Stability of Drugs and Medicines, as well as Herbal Remedies (NOM-073-SSA1-2015 - Spanish) (Effective December 4, 2016)
Ministry of Health
(Standard) Mexican Official Standard NOM-164-SSA1-2015, Good Drug Manufacturing Practices (NOM-164-SSA1-2015 - Spanish) (Effective August 2, 2016)
Ministry of Health
(Standard) Mexican Official Standard NOM-176-SSA1-1998, Health Requirements for Manufacturers, Distributors and Suppliers of Drugs Used in the Manufacture of Medicinal Products for Human Use (NOM-176-SSA1-1998 - Spanish) (English-NOM-176-SSA1-1998 – Google Translation) (Effective January 16, 2002)
Ministry of Health
(Standard) Mexican Official Standard NOM-177-SSA1-2013, which Establishes the Tests and Procedures to Demonstrate that a Drug is Interchangeable (NOM-177-SSA1-2013 - Spanish) (Effective November 19, 2013)
Ministry of Health
(Standard) Mexican Official Standard NOM-206-SSA1-2002, which Establishes the Criteria of Operation and Attention in the Emergency Services of Health Care Facilities (NOM-206-SSA1-2002 - Spanish) (Effective November 14, 2004)
Ministry of Health
(Standard) Mexican Official Standard NOM-220-SSA1-2016, Pharmacovigilance Installation and Operation (NOM-220-SSA1-2016 - Spanish) (Effective January 15, 2018)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Standard) Mexican Official Standard NOM-257-SSA1-2014, Regarding Biotechnological Medicines (NOM-257-SSA1-2014 - Spanish) (Effective February 9, 2015)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Standard) Mexican Official Standard NOM-004-SSA3-2012, of the Clinical Record (NOM-004-SSA3-2012 - Spanish) (Effective December 14, 2012)
Ministry of Health
(Standard) Modification to the Mexican Official Standard NOM-220-SSA1-2016, Pharmacovigilance Installation and Operation (NOM-220-SSA1-2016-Mod - Spanish) (Effective October 1, 2020)
Ministry of Health

Additional Resources

(Article) ANVISA’s Personal Data Protection Policy is Released (BRA-77 – Portuguese) (English-BRA-77 – Official Translation) (October 30, 2023)
Monteiro, Felipe De Arau̒jo and Mezher, Verginelli Giovanna; Kaznar Leonardos
(Article) Advanced Research Therapy Product Imports: Pilot Project Migrates to Single Foreign Trade Portal (BRA-86 - Portuguese) (September 20, 2021)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Article) ANPD Approves Data Breach Notifying Regulation (BRA-62) (May 6, 2024)
Manzueto, Cristiane; Leal, Rodrigo; Allavato, Ana Leticia; Semeraro, Diego; Tauil & Chequer Advogados
(Article) ANPD Approves the Security Incident Reporting Regulation (BRA-61 - Portuguese) (April 29, 2024)
(Article) ANPD Publishes Resolution on the Role of the Person Responsible for Processing Personal Data (BRA-116 - Portuguese) (July 17, 2024)
Mattos Filho
(Article) Anvisa Informs about Changes in Administrative Procedures for Imports (BRA-109 - Portuguese) (July 3, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Article) ANVISA is Approved for Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme - PIC/S (BRA-55 - Portuguese) (Last Updated November 3, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Article) ANVISA Provides Guidance on Reporting Serious Adverse Events (BRA-78 - Portuguese) (Last Updated November 1, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Article) ANVISA Updates Import Authorization Request Procedure with Mandatory Pre-Boarding (BRA-57 - Portuguese) (Last Updated October 11, 2023)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Article) ANVISA will Use Analysis from Equivalent Foreign Authorities for the GMP Inspection and Certification Process (BRA-64 - Portuguese) (Last Updated May 3, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Article) ANVISA: An Introduction to a New Regulatory Agency with Many Challenges (BRA-1) (2018)
Huynh-Ba, Kim and Beumer Sassi, Alexandra; AAPS Open
(Article) Brazil’s Regulatory Environment Offers Positive Changes for Clinical Trials (BRA-2) (June 2018)
Fagundes, P., Dresel, P., and Miller, A.; Regulatory Focus
(Article) Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency Approves Normative Ruling for Admitting Assessments by Foreign Authorities (BRA-26) (March 28, 2024)
CGM Advogados; Lexology
(Article) Clinical Trials: New Workflow for Transferring Responsibility (BRA-96 - Portuguese) (Last Updated November 1, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Article) DDCM Petition Procedure Changed (BRA-58 - Portuguese) (Last Updated November 1, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Article) Do you Want to Know if a Clinical Trial is Authorized by ANVISA? (BRA-32 - Portuguese) (June 13, 2023)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Article) Draft Bill on Human Clinical Trials in Brazil (BRA-5) (June 7, 2022)
Maier, Camilla Mikaelian and Jambor, Daniela Guarita; SP Law
(Article) Evolution of DDCM Electronic Petitioning: Check It Out (BRA-75 - Portuguese) (Last Updated November 1, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Article) Import No. 046/2021 – Inclusion of Products in ANVISA’s Administrative Treatment (BRA-94 - Portuguese) (Last Updated March 31, 2022)
Siscomex, Government of Brazil
(Article) Improved Electronic Petition System (BRA-14 - Portuguese) (Last Updated November 3, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Article) New Legal Framework for Clinical Trial with Human Subjects Approved in Brazil (BRA-117 - Portuguese) (June 3, 2024)
Mattos Filho
(Article) The New Brazilian General Data Protection Law - A Detailed Analysis (BRA-76) (August 15, 2018)
Monteiro, Renato Leite; IAPP
(Article) Validity of the ICH E6(R2) Guide (BRA-30 - Portuguese) (Last Updated December 4, 2020)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Document) Annual Activity Report 2023 - Coordination of Clinical Research on Medicines and Biological Products - COPEC (BRA-60 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-60 – Google Translation) (7th Edition) (February 8, 2024)
Coordination of Clinical Research in Medicines and Biological Products (COPEC) Second Board of Directors, National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)
(Document) Clinical Trials Handbook Americas - Brazil (BRA-79) (2019)
Frizzo, Henrique Krüger, de Moraes, Carla Bacchin F., Marconi, Beatriz; Baker McKenzie
(Document) CONEP/CNS Internal Regulations (BRA-16 - Portuguese) (June 6, 2001)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Document) Guidance on Scheduling Meetings with COPEC (BRA-19 - Portuguese) (Last Updated December 10, 2020)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Document) Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (BRA-63) (2011)
Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations
(Document) New Procedure for Petitioning DDCM Documents (BRA-59 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-59 – Google Translation) (Version 07) (March 2020)
General Management of Medicines and Biological Products (GGMED), Coordination of Clinical Research in Medicines and Biological Products (COPEC), National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)
(Document) OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLPs) (as revised in 1997) (BRA-15) (1998)
Environment Directorate, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
(Document) Ordinance No. 45 - Annex I - Table of Discounts of the Health Surveillance Inspection Rate Values Currently Updated by the Interministerial Ordinance MF-MS-45/2017 (BRA-11 - Portuguese) (Effective February 9, 2017)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Document) Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) Brochure (BRA-100) (September 2023)
Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S)
(Document) Plataforma Brasil - Investigator User Manual (BRA-91 - Portuguese) (Version 3.2) (Last Updated August 5, 2021)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Document) Questions & Answers: Top Questions about RDC 09/2015 (Conduct of Clinical Trials) (BRA-8 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-8 - Google Translation) (2nd Edition) (January 31, 2018)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Document) Research Ethics: Note on CNS Resolution No. 674/2022 - CEP/CONEP System (BRA-4 - Portuguese) (May 21, 2022)
National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education (Anped)
(Document) Research Participants’ Rights Booklet (BRA-29 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-29 – Google Translation) (Version 1.0) (2020)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Document) Roadmap for Preparing Reports on Biobanks for Research Purposes (BRA-97 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-97 – Google Translation) (Version 02) (February 2022)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Document) Solicita User Manual (BRA-47 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-47 – Google Translation) (Version 3.6) (Last Updated July 5, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Document) Technical Note 008/2017 - Information on Updating the Health Surveillance Inspection Fee (TFVS) (BRA-10 - Portuguese)  (English-BRA-10 – Google Translation) (January 30, 2017)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Document) Technical Note 09/2015 - Clarifications on Relative Bioavailability Studies to Show Pharmacokinetic Interaction for Purposes of Registration of Fixed-Dose Combinations or Consent to Drug Clinical Development Dossier-DDCM (BRA-6 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-6 – Google Translation) (September 3, 2015)
Coordination of Therapeutic Equivalence (CETER), Coordination of Clinical Research in Drugs and Biological Products (COPEC), General Management of Medicines (GGMED), Superintendence of Drugs and Biological Products (SUMED), National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)
(Document) Technical Note 118/2016 - Clarifications on Comparative Pharmacokinetic Studies of Biological Products (BRA-7 - Portuguese) (April 15, 2016)
Coordination of Therapeutic Equivalence (CETER), Coordination of Clinical Research in Drugs and Biological Products (COPEC), General Management of Medicines (GGMED), National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)
(Document) Technical Note 12/2021 - Guidance for Scheduling Hearings with the Coordination of Clinical Research in Medicines and Biological Products (COPEC) (BRA-90 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-90 – Google Translation) (May 21, 2021)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Document) Technical Note No. 01/2022: Guidelines on Completing the Clinical Trial Submission Form (FAEC) Regarding the Expiration Date of Medicines and Products to be Imported for Conducting Clinical Trials in Brazil, Pursuant to RDC No. 9/2015 (BRA-95 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-95 – Google Translation) (January 28, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Document) The Use of the WHO-UMC System for Standardised Case Causality Assessment (BRA-31) (June 5, 2013)
The Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC), World Health Organization (WHO)
(Document) VigiMed: Adverse Drug Event Reporting System - Questions and Answers (BRA-85 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-85 – Google Translation) (Version 1.0) (July 2019)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(International Guidance) Guidance on Regulations for the Transport of Infectious Substances 2019-2020 (WHO/WHE/CPI/2019.20) (BRA-54) (Effective January 1, 2019)
World Health Organization
(International Guidance) ICH Guideline E2B (R3) on Electronic Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) - Data Elements and Message Specification - Implementation Guide (BRA-88) (Step 5 Version) (July 2013)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) ICH Harmonised Guideline Addendum to ICH E11: Clinical Investigation of Medicinal Products in the Pediatric Population E11 (R1) (BRA-74) (Final Version) (August 18, 2017)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting (E2A) (BRA-66) (Step 4 Version) (October 27, 1994)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Development Safety Update Report (E2F) (BRA-72) (Step 4 Version) (August 17, 2010)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (Q7) (BRA-112) (Step 4 Version) (November 10, 2000)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports (E3) (BRA-27) (Step 4 Version) (November 30, 1995)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) Integrated Addendum to ICH E6(R1): Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (BRA-28) (Portuguese-BRA-28 - Official Translation) (Step 5 Version) (Implemented November 1, 2019)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(Not Available Online) NIAID Communication with Fiocruz (February 2023) (BRA-9)
(Webpage) Addendum to ICH Guideline E6 to be Implemented within 2 Years (BRA-113 - Portuguese) (Last Updated March 11, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Adverse Event Reporting (BRA-37 - Portuguese) (Last Updated August 6, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Advisory Board (BRA-36 - Portuguese) (Last Updated October 6, 2023)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) ANVISA - Contact Us (BRA-68 - Portuguese) (Last Updated July 30, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) ANVISA - Who's Who (BRA-39 - Portuguese) (Last Updated September 29, 2020)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) ANVISA Consultation System (BRA-44 - Portuguese) (Current as of August 22, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Brazil Platform (BRA-93 - Portuguese) (Last Updated November 23, 2020)
Ministry of Education
(Webpage) Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (ReBEC) (BRA-45) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Health (DECIT/MS); Institute of Communication and Information Science and Technology in Health (Icict/Fiocruz); Pan American Health Organization (PAHO); Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences (Bireme)
(Webpage) Business Registration (BRA-105 - Portuguese) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Coordination of Clinical Research in Medicines and Biological Products (COPEC) (BRA-18 - Portuguese) (Last Updated November 21, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Country Profile: Brazil (BRA-81) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-house, Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations
(Webpage) Electronic Petition for Import (PEI) (BRA-108 - Portuguese) (Last Updated April 12, 2020)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Electronic Petitioning (BRA-38 - Portuguese) (Last Updated January 12, 2023)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Federal Revenue Collection Guide (BRA-51 - Portuguese) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
Ministry of Economy
(Webpage) Fees - General Information (BRA-69 - Portuguese) (Last Updated March 30, 2023)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) General Management of Medicines (GGMED) (BRA-12 - Portuguese) (Last Updated July 29, 2022)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) ICH Guideline Implementation (BRA-73) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(Webpage) ICH Members & Observers (BRA-65) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(Webpage) Import Authorization (BRA-110 - Portuguese) (Last Updated December 3, 2020)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Integrated Foreign Trade System (Siscomex) (BRA-106 - Portuguese) (Last Updated January 22, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (BRA-52) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
World Health Organization
(Webpage) Issue DARF for Payment of Federal Taxes (BRA-111 - Portuguese) (Last Updated March 21, 2024)
Federal Revenue Service, Government of Brazil
(Webpage) National Health Council - About Us (BRA-49 - Portuguese) (September 24, 2018)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) National Health Council - Plataforma Brazil (BRA-33 - Portuguese) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) (BRA-107 - Portuguese) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
Ministry of Finance
(Webpage) National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP) (BRA-50 - Portuguese) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
National Health Council (CNS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Obtain Authorization to Import Drug Substance (BRA-103 - Portuguese) (Last Updated May 17, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) PagTesouro – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (BRA-115 - Portuguese) (Last Updated January 19, 2021)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) PagTesouro (BRA-114 - Portuguese) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
National Treasury
(Webpage) Payment Method (BRA-43 - Portuguese) (Last Updated September 28, 2023)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Plataforma Brazil Login (BRA-34 - Portuguese) (Version 4.0.5) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Protocol Filing FAQs (BRA-42 - Portuguese) (Last Updated December 21, 2020)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Public Service Center (BRA-99 - Portuguese) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Recognition of GLP Compliance (BRA-48 - Portuguese) (Last Updated April 6, 2022)
Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Registration of New and Innovative Medicines (BRA-40 - Portuguese) (Last Updated March 1, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) SISCOMEX Single Foreign Trade Portal (BRA-80 - Portuguese) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
Siscomex, Government of Brazil
(Webpage) Solicita Electronic Petition Request System Login (BRA-56 - Portuguese) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Unified Health System (SUS) (BRA-53 - Portuguese) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
Ministry of Health
(Webpage) VigiMed (BRA-83 - Portuguese) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Article) COFEPRIS - Recognition of Marketing Authorizations from Reference Authorities - Updated 18th March (MEX-42) (Last Updated March 18, 2020)
Pharma Consulting
(Article) Communique 02/2024 - Cofepris will Consolidate Digital Transformation in the First Half of 2024 (MEX-108 - Spanish) (January 7, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Article) Communique 66/2024 - An Opinion Model is Presented that Optimizes and Makes Transparent the Evaluation of Clinical Trials, Promoting Research in our Country (MEX-96 - Spanish) (May 14, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Article) Legal Framework for the Protection of Personal Data in Service Companies Established in Mexico: Challenges and Compliance (MEX-3 - Spanish) (January-June 2018)
Enriquez, Olivia Andrea Mendoza; IUS Magazine
(Article) Mexico: Major Change to the Regulatory Approval System for Biosimilars, Medicines and Medical Devices (MEX-91) (June 5, 2021)
López-Silva, Christian, Campos-Carmona, David; Baker McKenzie
(Document) General Information on the Authorized Third Party Process (MEX-121 – Spanish) (English-MEX-121 – Google Translation) (Last Updated March 2013)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Document) Applicable Rates for Health Records, Health Licenses, Import Permits, Foreign Trade Export Procedures, and Other Permits or Authorizations - January 1 to December 31, 2024 (MEX-11 - Spanish) (English-MEX-11 – Google Translation) (December 29, 2023)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Document) Data Protection Laws and Regulations Mexico 2024 (MEX-4) (July 31, 2024)
Olivares, Abraham Diaz Arceo and Olivares, Giustavo Alcocer; ICLG
(Document) e-Reporting Industry User Manual (MEX-117 - Spanish) (Version 2.0) (February 2022)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Document) e-Reporting Instructions for Health Professionals and Patients/Consumers - Notification of Adverse Drug Reactions (MEX-12 - Spanish) (English-MEX-12 – Google Translation) (October 2021)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Document) E5cinco: Step by Step Help to Generate Payment (MEX-6 - Spanish) (Date Unavailable)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Document) Enabled Pre-Assessment Support Unit - General Notification Procedure (MEX-21 - Spanish) (English-MEX-21 – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals (CCINSHAE), Ministry of Health
(Document) Enabled Pre-Assessment Support Unit (UHAP - CCINSHAE) - Frequently Asked Questions (MEX-10 - Spanish) (English-MEX-10 – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals (CCINSHAE), Ministry of Health
(Document) Evaluation Document for the Request for Authorization of Research Protocols in Human Beings, COFEPRIS-04-010 Modalities A, C, and D (MEX-84 - Spanish) (English-MEX-84 – Google Translation) (Version 1.1) (July 30, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Document) Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS) and Comprehensive Service Center (CIS) (MEX-15 - Spanish) (Date Unavailable)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Document) General Information for Submitting UHAP-CCINSHAE Documentation (MEX-19 - Spanish) (English-MEX-19 – Google Translation) (2019)
Enabled Pre-Assessment Support Unit (UHAP), Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals (CCINSHAE), Ministry of Health
(Document) Informative Note 01/29/2020 (MEX-13 - Spanish) (January 29, 2020)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Document) Instructions for Filling Out the Authorizations, Certificates and Visits Form (MEX-18 - Spanish) (English-MEX-18 – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Document) Instructions for Filling out the Form for the Import or Export of Human Products (MEX-116 - Spanish) (English-MEX-116 – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Document) List of Enabled Pre-Assessment Support Units - UHAP (MEX-9 - Spanish) (English-MEX-9 – Google Translation) (July 27, 2018)
Sanitary Authorization Commission, Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Document) Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (MEX-5) (2011)
Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations
(Document) Regulatory System Strengthening in the Americas: Lessons Learned from the National Regulatory Authorities of Regional Reference (MEX-110) (2022)
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), World Health Organization
(Document) VigiRam: What Is It? (MEX-119 - Spanish) (English-MEX-119 – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(International Guidance) Declaration of Helsinki (MEX-76) (October 19, 2013)
World Medical Association
(International Guidance) Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R1) (MEX-32) (Step 4 Version) (June 10, 1996)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) ICH Guideline E2B (R3) on Electronic Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) – Data Elements and Message Specification – Implementation Guide (MEX-79) (Step 5 Version) (July 2013)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting (E2A) (MEX-80) (Step 5 Version) (October 27, 1994)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (Q7) (MEX-81) (Step 5 Version) (November 10, 2000)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Pharmacovigilance Planning (E2E) (MEX-82) (Step 5 Version) (November 18, 2004)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (MEX-22) (Step 4 Version) (November 9, 2016)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) International Declaration on Human Genetic Data (MEX-34) (October 16, 2003)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(Not Available Online) NIAID Communication with Mexico’s Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS) (August-September 2024) (MEX-109)
(Press Release) Press Release 105/2023 - Cofepris Transforms Regulatory Policy: Agility in the Registration of Generic and Biosimilar Drugs (MEX-120 - Spanish) (September 28, 2023)
Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Press Release) Joint Statement - Cofepris' New Digital Research and Clinical Trials Platform Sets the Standard for Regulation (MEX-97 - Spanish) (December 6, 2023)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Webpage) Adverse Reaction Reporting via VigiFlow by State Centers, Institutional Coordinating Centers, Institutional Centers, and Pharmacovigilance Units of the National Health System (MEX-77 - Spanish) (October 22, 2021)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Adverse Reaction Reporting via VIGIRAM by Patients/Consumers/Healthcare Professionals (MEX-78 - Spanish) (October 21, 2021)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Catalog of Procedures 2018. e.firma (MEX-49 - Spanish) (January 25, 2018)
Tax Administration Service (SAT), Ministry of Finance and Public Credit
(Webpage) Certification of Good Manufacturing Practices (MEX-36 - Spanish) (November 5, 2021)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) COFEPRIS - Comprehensive Service Center (CIS) (MEX-37 - Spanish) (March 18, 2022)
Comprehensive Service Center, Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) COFEPRIS - Contact (MEX-71 - Spanish) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) COFEPRIS - Health Authorizations (MEX-53 - Spanish) (November 5, 2021)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) COFEPRIS - National Registry of Clinical Trials (RNEC) (MEX-68 - Spanish) (v2.0) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) COFEPRIS Electronic Procedures Portal (MEX-103 - Spanish) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Country Profile: Mexico (MEX-35) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-house, Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations
(Webpage) DIGIPRiS Manuals: Self-management Procedures (MEX-106 - Spanish) (October 16, 2022)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) DIGIPRiS Research and Clinical Trials (MEX-104 - Spanish) (December 1, 2023)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) DIGIPRiS: Online Regulation (MEX-86 - Spanish) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) E5cinco (MEX-52 - Spanish) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
Ministry of Public Education
(Webpage) E5cinco: Payment of Rights, Products and Benefits (MEX-50 - Spanish) (January 1, 2018)
Ministry of the Interior
(Webpage) Enabled Pre-Assessment Support Unit (UHAP) (MEX-69 - Spanish) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS)
(Webpage) Get your e.signature (e.firma) Certificate (MEX-105 - Spanish) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
Tax Administration Service (SAT)
(Webpage) Hospital Bioethics Committee (MEX-56 - Spanish) (September 9, 2024)
National Bioethics Commission, Ministry of Health
(Webpage) ICH Guideline Implementation (MEX-2) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(Webpage) ICH Members & Observers (MEX-41) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(Webpage) List of PIC/S Participating Authorities - Mexico (MEX-111) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S)
(Webpage) Mexican Foreign Trade Single Window (VUCEM) (MEX-114 - Spanish) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
General Customs Administration
(Webpage) Monitoring of Research Ethics Committees (MEX-72 - Spanish) (Last Updated October 11, 2023)
National Bioethics Commission (CONBIOÉTICA), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) National Bioethics Commission - What Do We Do? (MEX-55 - Spanish) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
National Bioethics Commission, Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Pharmacovigilance Guides, Guidelines and Requirements (MEX-54 - Spanish) (May 14, 2021)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Procedure for Electronic Payment of DPAs (MEX-51 - Spanish) (May 25, 2015)
Secretary of Public Function (SFP)
(Webpage) Registration Procedure for Hospital Bioethics Committees (CHB) (MEX-59 - Spanish) (Last Updated November 29, 2023)
National Bioethics Commission, Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Registration Procedure for Research Ethics Committees (MEX-58 - Spanish) (September 9, 2024)
National Bioethics Commission, Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Research and Biosafety Committees Registration (MEX-47 - Spanish) (September 28, 2016)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Research Ethics Committees (MEX-57 - Spanish) (Last Updated August 13, 2024)
National Bioethics Commission, Ministry of Health
(Webpage) Submitting a "Pre-Assessment Request" to a UANL UHAP (MEX-70 - Spanish) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL)
(Webpage) To the Community that Executes Research Projects for Health in Human Beings: Compliance with NOM-012-SSA3-2012 (MEX-28 - Spanish) (July 30, 2020)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Webpage) UANL Enabled Pre-Assessment Support Unit (UHAP) (MEX-90 - Spanish) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL)
(Webpage) VigiFlow - Training and Guidance (MEX-44) (Last Updated February 22, 2024)
Uppsala Monitoring Centre, World Health Organization
(Webpage) VigiFlow Login (MEX-43) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
Uppsala Monitoring Centre, World Health Organization
(Webpage) VigiRam (MEX-118 - Spanish) (Current as of November 8, 2024)
Uppsala Monitoring Centre, World Health Organization


(Form) Annexes to the Manual for Submission of Modifications, Amendments, Suspensions and Cancellations - 5th Edition (BRA-13 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-13 – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Form) ANVISA Serious Adverse Event Notification Spreadsheet (BRA-84 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-84 – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Form) Clinical Trial Report – Annual or Final (BRA-23 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-23 – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Form) Clinical Trial Start Date Form in Brazil (BRA-25 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-25 – Google Translation) (Version 2.0) (Date Unavailable)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Form) Clinical Trial Submission Form (FAEC) (BRA-22 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-22 – Google Translation) (Version 4.0) (August 16, 2018)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Form) Cover Sheet for Research Involving Human Beings (BRA-20 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-20 – Google Translation) (January 2013)
National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), National Health Council (CNS)
(Form) End of Clinical Trial Notification Form in Brazil (BRA-24 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-24 – Google Translation) (Version 2.0) (Date Unavailable)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Form) Online Adverse Event Notification Form for Advanced Therapy Products (BRA-101 - Portuguese) (Current as of August 23, 2024)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Form) Petition Form for Approval in the Clinical Drug Development (DDCM) Dossier Process (BRA-21 - Portuguese) (English-BRA-21 – Google Translate) (Version 1.2) (Date Unavailable)
National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), Ministry of Health
(Form) Application for Committee Registration (FF-COFEPRIS-09) (MEX-26 - Spanish) (English-MEX-26 – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Form) Application for Research Ethics Committee Registration (MEX-29 - Spanish) (English-MEX-29 - Google Translation) (2020)
National Bioethics Commission (CONBIOÉTICA), Ministry of Health
(Form) Authorizations, Certificates and Visits (FF-COFEPRIS-01) (MEX-25 - Spanish) (English-MEX-25 – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Form) Example of Installation Record of the Research Ethics Committee (MEX-27 - Spanish) (English-MEX-27 – Google Translation) (December 11, 2019)
National Bioethics Commission (CONBIOÉTICA), Ministry of Health
(Form) Guide for the Presentation of Information in the Technical-Descriptive Reports (MEX-31 - Spanish) (English-MEX-31 – Google Translation) (June 1, 2017)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS)
(Form) Import or Export of Human Products (FF-COFEPRIS-04) (MEX-24 - Spanish) (English-MEX-24 – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
Federal Commission for Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
(Form) Notice of Suspected Adverse Drug Reactions (FF-COFEPRIS-11) (MEX-30 - Spanish) (English-MEX-30 – Google Translation) (Date Unavailable)
Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Ministry of Health
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Regulatory review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, appeals, termination
Regulatory fees (e.g., applications, amendments, notifications, import) and payment instructions
Ethics review landscape, ethics committee composition, terms of reference, review procedures, meeting schedule
Ethics committee review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, termination
Ethics review fees and payment instructions
Authorization of ethics committees, registration, auditing, accreditation
Submission procedures for regulatory and ethics reviews
Essential elements of regulatory and ethics submissions and protocols
Regulatory and ethics review and approval timelines
Pre-trial approvals, agreements, clinical trial registration
Safety reporting definitions, responsibilities, timelines, reporting format, delivery
Interim/annual and final reporting requirements
Sponsor role and responsibilities, contract research organizations, representatives
Site and investigator criteria, foreign sponsor responsibilities, data and safety monitoring boards, multicenter studies
Insurance requirements, compensation (injury, participation), post-trial access
Protocol and regulatory compliance, auditing, monitoring, inspections, study termination/suspension
Electronic data processing systems and records storage/retention
Responsible parties, data protection, obtaining consent
Obtaining and documenting informed consent/reconsent and consent waivers
Essential elements for informed consent form and other related materials
Rights regarding participation, information, privacy, appeal, safety, welfare
Obtaining or waiving consent in emergencies
Definition of vulnerable populations and consent/protection requirements
Definition of minors, consent/assent requirements, conditions for research
Consent requirements and conditions for research on pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates
Consent requirements and conditions for research on prisoners
Consent requirements and conditions for research on persons who are mentally impaired
Description of what constitutes an investigational product and related terms
Investigational product manufacturing and import approvals, licenses, and certificates
Investigator's Brochure and quality documentation
Investigational product labeling, blinding, re-labeling, and package labeling
Investigational product supply, storage, handling, disposal, return, record keeping
Description of what constitutes a specimen and related terms
Specimen import, export, material transfer agreements
Consent for obtaining, storing, and using specimens, including genetic testing