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Regulatory Authority

Regulatory authority(ies), relevant office/departments, oversight roles, contact information
Regulatory review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, appeals, termination
Regulatory fees (e.g., applications, amendments, notifications, import) and payment instructions

Ethics Committee

Ethics review landscape, ethics committee composition, terms of reference, review procedures, meeting schedule
Ethics committee review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, termination
Ethics review fees and payment instructions
Authorization of ethics committees, registration, auditing, accreditation

Clinical Trial Lifecycle

Submission procedures for regulatory and ethics reviews
Essential elements of regulatory and ethics submissions and protocols
Regulatory and ethics review and approval timelines
Pre-trial approvals, agreements, clinical trial registration
Safety reporting definitions, responsibilities, timelines, reporting format, delivery
Interim/annual and final reporting requirements


Sponsor role and responsibilities, contract research organizations, representatives
Site and investigator criteria, foreign sponsor responsibilities, data and safety monitoring boards, multicenter studies
Insurance requirements, compensation (injury, participation), post-trial access
Protocol and regulatory compliance, auditing, monitoring, inspections, study termination/suspension
Electronic data processing systems and records storage/retention
Responsible parties, data protection, obtaining consent

Informed Consent

Obtaining and documenting informed consent/reconsent and consent waivers
Essential elements for informed consent form and other related materials
Rights regarding participation, information, privacy, appeal, safety, welfare
Obtaining or waiving consent in emergencies
Definition of vulnerable populations and consent/protection requirements
Definition of minors, consent/assent requirements, conditions for research
Consent requirements and conditions for research on pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates
Consent requirements and conditions for research on prisoners
Consent requirements and conditions for research on persons who are mentally impaired

Investigational Products

Description of what constitutes an investigational product and related terms
Investigational product manufacturing and import approvals, licenses, and certificates
Investigator's Brochure and quality documentation
Investigational product labeling, blinding, re-labeling, and package labeling
Investigational product supply, storage, handling, disposal, return, record keeping


Description of what constitutes a specimen and related terms
Specimen import, export, material transfer agreements
Consent for obtaining, storing, and using specimens, including genetic testing

Regulatory Authority

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Clinical research in Kenya is regulated and overseen by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) and the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI).

Pharmacy and Poisons Board

As per the PPA, the CTRules, and the G-KenyaCT, Kenya’s PPB is the regulatory authority responsible for clinical trial approvals, oversight, and inspections. As described in KEN-21, the PPB and its Expert Committee on Clinical Trials (ECCT) evaluate all matters relating to clinical trials and grant permission for clinical trials to be conducted in Kenya. See KEN-20, KEN-21, and KEN-16 for more information about PPB.

Per the PPA and the CTRules, the PPB is authorized to undertake various mandated duties regarding regulation of medicines including (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Advise the government in all matters relating to the safety, packaging, labelling, distribution, and disposal of medicines
  • Ensure that all medicinal products manufactured in, imported into, or exported from the country conform to prescribed standards of quality, safety, and efficacy
  • Ensure that the personnel, premises, and practices employed in the manufacture, storage, marketing, distribution, and sale of medicinal substances comply with the defined codes of practice and other prescribed requirements
  • Grant or revoke licenses for the manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution, and sale of medicinal substances
  • Maintain a register of all authorized medicinal substances
  • Publish, at least once every three (3) months, lists of authorized or registered medicinal substances and lists of products with marketing authorizations
  • Regulate narcotic, psychotropic substances, and precursor chemical substances
  • Consider applications for approval and alterations of dossiers intended for use in marketing authorization of medical products and health technologies
  • Inspect and license all manufacturing premises, importing and exporting agents, wholesalers, distributors, pharmacies (including those in hospitals and clinics), and other retail outlets
  • Prescribe a system for sampling, analysis, and other testing procedures of finished medicinal products released into the market to ensure compliance with the labeled specifications
  • Conduct post-marketing surveillance of safety and quality of medical products
  • Monitor the market for the presence of illegal or counterfeit medicinal substances
  • Regulate the promotion, advertising, and marketing of medicinal substances in accordance with approved product information
  • Approve the use of any unregistered medicinal substance for purposes of clinical trials, compassionate use, and emergency use authorization during public health emergencies
  • Approve and regulate clinical trials on health products
  • Disseminate information on medical products to health professionals and to the public to promote their rational use
  • Collaborate with other national, regional, and international institutions on medicinal substances regulation
  • Advise the Cabinet Secretary on matters relating to control, authorization, and registration of medicinal substances
  • Implement any other function relating to the regulation of medicinal substances

Please note: Kenya is party to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (KEN-3), which may have implications for studies of investigational products developed using certain non-human genetic resources (e.g., plants, animals, and microbes). For more information, see KEN-15.

National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation

As delineated in the STI-Act and G-ECBiomedRes, in addition to obtaining the PPB’s permission to conduct research in Kenya, the principal investigator or the head of a research institution must obtain a favorable opinion from an ethics committee accredited by NACOSTI and a NACOSTI research license prior to initiating a study. NACOSTI’s role is to regulate and ensure quality in the science, technology, and innovation sector, and to advise the Kenyan government on related matters. According to Part II of the STI-Act, NACOSTI has specific research coordination and oversight functions, and it liaises with the National Innovation Agency and the National Research Fund to ensure funding and implementation of prioritized research programs. In addition per the STI-Act and KEN-39, NACOSTI is mandated to register and accredit research institutions in Kenya. The objective of registration and accreditation is to uphold the standard of research in the country and secure public confidence in the national research system. See KEN-32 for more information about NACOSTI’s mandate and functions.

Contact Information

Pharmacy and Poisons Board

According to the G-KenyaCT and KEN-22, the PPB contact information is as follows:

Pharmacy and Poisons Board
P.O. Box 27663 - 00506
Lenana Road Opp. DOD
Nairobi, Kenya

Telephone: (+254) 709 770 100 or (+254) 709 770 xxx (where xxx represents the extension of the officer or office)
Email: or
For Clinical Trials Inquiries:

National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation

According to KEN-29, the NACOSTI contact information is as follows:

National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
off Waiyaki, Upper Kabete
P. O. Box 30623
00100 Nairobi, Kenya

Phone (landline): (+254) 020 4007000, (+254) 020 8001077
Phone (mobile): 0713 788 787 / 0735 404 245

Email: or

Forward and 1
Part I (3, 3A, and 3B), Part III (25A), and Part IV (44)
Part I (2), Part II, and Part IV
Part II (Section 4), Part IV (14), and Part V (23)

Scope of Assessment

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024


In accordance with the PPA, the CTRules, the G-KenyaCT, and KEN-21, Kenya’s Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB), together with its Expert Committee on Clinical Trials (ECCT), is responsible for reviewing, evaluating, and approving applications for clinical trials using registered or unregistered investigational products (IPs). The G-KenyaCT specifies that the scope of the PPB’s assessment includes all clinical trials (Phases I-IV). As delineated in the CTRules, the G-KenyaCT, and KEN-21, the PPB review and approval process may not be conducted in parallel with the ethics committee (EC) review. Rather, EC approval must be obtained prior to applying for PPB approval. As delineated in the STI-Act and G-ECBiomedRes, the principal investigator or the head of a research institution must obtain a favorable opinion from an EC accredited by the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) and a NACOSTI research license prior to initiating a study.

Clinical Trial Review Process

Pharmacy and Poisons Board

Per the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, the PPB, through the ECCT, communicates the decision to approve, request additional information, or reject the application to the sponsor or the representative in writing within 30 working days of receiving a valid application. The G-KenyaCT indicates that in the case of rejection, the applicant may appeal and provide additional information to satisfy PPB requirements. In specific cases, the PPB may decide to refer the matter to external experts for recommendation.

As specified in the G-KenyaCT, each ECCT member, prior to reviewing the application, will declare any conflict of interest in the study and should have no financial or personal interests, which could affect their impartiality. During the protocol review, the reviewers must use the standard criteria (including available clinical and non-clinical data etc.) defined by the PPB. Confidentiality must be maintained during the review. Per the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, the PPB/ECCT’s review must consider:

  • The reliability and robustness of the data generated in the clinical trial, taking into account statistical approaches, design of the clinical trial, and methodology, including sample size and randomization, comparator, and endpoints
  • Compliance with the requirements concerning the manufacturing and import of IPs and auxiliary medicinal products
  • Compliance with the labelling requirements
  • The completeness and adequateness of the investigator's brochure

Regarding protocol amendments, the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT stipulate that any new information affecting the conduct/management of the trial, safety of the participants, and manufacture of the IP necessitating changes to the protocol, consent form, and trial sites require immediate submission of the amended documents to PPB for review and approval. Arrangements must be in place to take appropriate urgent safety measures to protect participants against any immediate hazard where new events relating to the conduct of the trial, or the development of the IP are likely to affect the safety of the participants. A copy of a favorable opinion letter from the EC on record must be submitted with the request for approval of a proposed amendment to the PPB. PPB approval must be obtained for all substantial amendments. Minor amendments or administrative changes may be implemented after getting the EC’s approval, but a record of these amendments must be kept for possible inspection by the PPB. See Submission Process and Submission Content sections for additional details on amendment submissions. Also, see the G-KenyaCT for examples of substantial amendments.

In addition, per the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor or the representative is required to request approval annually from the PPB at least six (6) weeks prior to the expiration of the previous approval.

Per the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, the PPB may withdraw the authorization to conduct a clinical trial if it finds that the safety of the participants in the trial is compromised or that the scientific reasons for conducting the trial have changed. Additionally, per the CTRules, the PPB may revoke the approval if it determines that the IP has expired or is not usable.

As delineated in the G-KenyaCT, the PPB may inspect clinical trial sites to ensure that the generally accepted principles of good clinical practice (GCP) are met. The objectives of the inspection are to:

  • Ensure that participants are not subjected to undue risks and that their rights, safety, and wellbeing are protected
  • Validate the quality of the data generated
  • Investigate complaints
  • Verify the accuracy and reliability of clinical trial data submitted to the PPB in support of research or marketing applications
  • Assess compliance with PPB guidelines and regulations governing the conduct of clinical trials
  • Provide real-time assessment of ongoing trials

Per CRO-Inspect, the PPB is responsible for inspecting clinical trial and bioequivalence study sites that generate data for registration of medicines. The PPB requires that these sponsor and contract research organization sites comply with applicable good practices, including GCP, good laboratory practice (GLP), and good documentation practices. Based on risk assessments, the PPB will determine compliance with generally accepted good practice through inspections and, where appropriate, document reviews. In addition, see Cert-Emrgcy for information about GCP and good manufacturing practice certifications during emergencies.

Special Circumstances and Public Health Emergencies

The CTRules delineates that the PPB may, in special circumstances, authorize the conduct of a clinical trial under fast-track procedures or non-routine procedures. PPB may recognize and use clinical trial decisions, reports, or information from other competent authorities authorizing fast-track clinical trials. The special circumstances may include:

  • A public health emergency
  • The rapid spread of an epidemic disease
  • Any other circumstance as may be determined by the PPB

The G-KenyaCT outlines PPB’s scope of assessment of a clinical trial application during a public health emergency. The PPB will conduct an expedited review and liaise with relevant stakeholders (including relevant ECs and other oversight bodies) to facilitate a holistic review of an application in a fast-track manner. The following prioritization criteria must be applied in the selection of applications for expedited review:

  • Epidemiology of the emergency
  • Morbidity and mortality associated with the emergency and/or condition under study
  • Supporting scientific data/information available for the IP at the time of submission
  • Feasibility of the implementation of the trial design within the context of the emergency
  • Benefit impact of the intervention and/or trial design

In addition, PPB’s assessment will consider the following:

  • The research does not compromise the response to an outbreak or appropriate care
  • Studies are designed to yield scientifically valid results under the challenging and often rapidly evolving conditions of disasters and disease outbreak
  • The research is responsive to the health needs or priorities of the disaster victims and affected communities and cannot be conducted outside a disaster situation
  • The participants are selected fairly and adequate justification is given when particular populations are targeted or excluded, for example, health workers
  • The potential burdens and benefits of research participation and the possible benefits of the research are equitably distributed
  • The risks and potential individual benefits of experimental interventions are assessed realistically, especially when they are in the early phases of development
  • Communities are actively engaged in study planning to ensure cultural sensitivity, while recognizing and addressing the associated practical challenges
  • The individual informed consent of participants is obtained from individuals capable of giving informed consent
  • Research results are disseminated, data are shared, and any effective interventions developed or knowledge generated are made available to the affected communities

National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation

STI-Act stipulates that NACOSTI issues research licenses if it finds that the conduct of the research is beneficial to the country and will not adversely affect any aspect of the nature, environment, or security of the country. The license issued will have NACOSTI’s seal and will indicate the commencement and expiration of the research. In addition, NACOSTI maintains a register of all persons granted a license, which is available for public inspection during normal working hours free of charge.

KEN-31 states that if a research license application does not meet the conditions required under the STI-Act, NACOSTI must reject the application and communicate the reasons to the applicant. Any person may appeal NACOSTI’s decision to the Cabinet Secretary within 30 days of being notified of the decision. For approved research, NACOSTI may conduct an evaluation to assess compliance with the conditions of the license. If the research project has not been completed within the stipulated period, the researcher may apply for renewal of the license and pay the requisite fee. The researcher is expected to apply for renewal by attaching a progress report instead of a proposal. KEN-31 indicates that the duration of the research license is one (1) year.

Forward and 1
Glossary of Terms, Introduction, 1.1, 1.7-1.25, 1.189, 1.492-1.506, 1.519-1.534, 1.557-1.574, and Annex 7
3A, 3B, and 25A
Part IV
Part II (Sections 4 and 5), Part IV (Sections 11 and 18), and Part V (Sections 19 and 23)

Regulatory Fees

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Pharmacy and Poisons Board

Per the PPA and the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor or the representative is responsible for paying a fee to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) to submit a clinical trial application for authorization. The PPB currently requires a non-refundable application fee of $1,000 USD, or the equivalent in Kenya Shillings at the prevailing bank rates.

Payment Instructions

As stated in Annex 2 of the G-KenyaCT, payment is to be made by a bank check payable to the “Pharmacy and Poisons Board” and presented to the PPB’s accounts office upon submitting the application.

Payment can also be made by electronic fund transfer (EFT) to the PPB Bank account, if required. The sponsor or the representative is responsible for all bank charges associated with the EFT. Details of the EFT payment should be obtained from the PPB prior to initiating such a transaction.

National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation

As delineated in KEN-31, the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) charges a fee that varies depending on the applicant’s status as Kenyan or non-Kenyan, and standing as a researcher (i.e., student, public/private institution, private company). The fees are non-refundable and also apply to research license renewals. Details on additional requirements are provided in the Submission Content section.

  • Student, Undergraduate/Diploma: East African Community (EAC) Countries – 100 Kenya Shillings; Kenyan Citizens – 100 Kenya Shillings; Rest of Africa – 200 Kenya Shillings; Non-Africans - $150 USD
  • Research (Masters): EAC Countries – 1,000 Kenya Shillings; Kenyan Citizens – 1,000 Kenya Shillings; Rest of Africa – 2,000 Kenya Shillings; Non-Africans - $350 USD
  • Research (PhD): EAC Countries – 2,000 Kenya Shillings; Kenyan Citizens – 2,000 Kenya Shillings; Rest of Africa – 4,000 Kenya Shillings; Non-Africans - $400 USD
  • Post-Doctoral: EAC Countries – 5,000 Kenya Shillings; Kenyan Citizens – 5,000 Kenya Shillings; Rest of Africa – 10,000 Kenya Shillings; Non-Africans - $500 USD
  • Public Institutions: Kenyan Citizens – 10,000 Kenya Shillings
  • Private Institutions, Commercial/Market Research, Companies: Kenyan Citizens – 20,000 Kenya Shillings

See KEN-31 for information on service charges.

Payment Instructions

Per KEN-31, NACOSTI has migrated payment services for research licensing to the eCitizen platform (KEN-12). East African citizens have the following payment options on KEN-12 with a Kenya Shillings account: mobile money via Mpesa Express or Paybill Number 222222; or these other available payments via KEN-12:

  • Airtel Money
  • Kenya Commercial Bank
  • Co-operative Bank
  • Pesaflow Direct
  • National Bank
  • RTGS

KEN-31 indicates that non-Kenyans should use the US Dollar account on KEN-12 with these payment options:

  • Kenya Commercial Bank (USD)
  • Co-operative Bank (USD)
  • NBK (USD)
  • Equity Cash
  • Debit/credit/prepaid card
1.7-1.12 and Annex 2
3A and 25A

Ethics Committee

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024


As per the G-KenyaCT, the G-ECBiomedRes, and KEN-30, Kenya requires an independent review of research through a National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI)-accredited ethics committee (EC) in one (1) of the local institutions charged with the responsibility of conducting research in human participants. KEN-25 provides a list of the accredited institutional ECs.

Ethics Committee Composition

As delineated in the G-ECAccred, institutional ECs should consist of at least seven (7) members, or an odd number above seven (7). The G-ECBiomedRes states that these members should be multidisciplinary and multisectoral in composition, collectively encompass relevant scientific expertise, balanced age and gender distribution, and include laypersons representing community interests and concerns. Per the G-ECAccred, the composition should meet the following requirements:

  • At least one (1) member with knowledge and understanding of Kenyan law
  • At least one-third of the members must be female, and one-third must be male
  • At least one (1) member who is unaffiliated with the institution
  • At least two (2) members must have research expertise and experience, one (1) of whom must be in the health field
  • At least one (1) member must be a lay member
  • For ECs reviewing clinical research, at least two (2) members must be clinicians, one (1) of whom is currently in active practice or clinical research
  • Reflect the regional and ethnic diversity of the people of Kenya

The chairperson must also have some basic training and/or experience in bioethics and leadership. All EC appointments are the responsibility of the institution’s administrative head. See the G-ECAccred and the G-ECBiomedRes for detailed institutional EC requirements.

Terms of Reference, Review Procedures, and Meeting Schedule

Per G-ECBiomedRes, ECs need to have independence from political, institutional, professional, and market influences. As delineated in the G-ECAccred, the G-ECBiomedRes, and the STI-Regs, institutional ECs must operate within written standard operating procedures (SOPs) which delineate the EC’s process for conducting reviews. Per the G-ECAccred, SOPs should include but are not limited to information on EC scope, responsibility, and objectives, institutions served, committee functions, terms and conditions of member appointment, business procedures including meeting schedules and types of reviews, documentation, recordkeeping, and archiving procedures, quorum requirements, communication procedures, and complaint process and dispute resolution procedures. Per the G-ECAccred and the STI-Regs, these documents must be provided to NACOSTI.

Per the G-ECAccred, the quorum for NACOSTI-accredited EC meetings must be:

  • At least 50 percent of the membership must form the quorum
  • A lay person must be present in all meetings
  • For ECs reviewing clinical research, at least two (2) members must be clinicians, one (1) of whom is currently in active practice or clinical research.

The G-ECBiomedRes also defines quorum requirements:

  • The minimum number of members required to compose a quorum (e.g., more than half the members)
  • The professional qualifications requirements (e.g., physician, lawyer, statistician, paramedical, or layperson) and the distribution of those requirements over the quorum; no quorum should consist entirely of members of one (1) profession or one (1) gender; a quorum should include at least one (1) member whose primary area of expertise is in a non-scientific area, and at least one (1) member who is independent of the institution/research site

Per G-ECBiomedRes, EC member terms of appointment should be established that include the duration of an appointment, the policy for the renewal of an appointment, the disqualification procedure, the resignation procedure, and the replacement procedure. A statement of the conditions of appointment should be drawn up that includes the following:

  • A member should be willing to publicize their full name, profession, and affiliation
  • All reimbursement for work and expenses, if any, within or related to an EC should be recorded and made available to the public upon request
  • A member should sign a confidentiality agreement regarding meeting deliberations, applications, information on research participants, and related matters

Regarding training, EC members should have initial and continued education regarding the ethics and science of biomedical research. The conditions of appointment should indicate the availability and requirements of introductory training, as well as on-going continuing education. This education may be linked to cooperative arrangements with other ECs in the area, country, and region.

For detailed institutional EC requirements and information on other administrative processes, see the G-ECAccred and the G-ECBiomedRes. See KEN-17 and KEN-26 for examples of accredited EC submission and review guidelines.

Review Process, Submission Forms, Electronic Submission, SERU Applicant SOPs, and Contact Us
Definition of Terms, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and Annexes I-III
1 and 7.1
1.188-1.212 and 1.492-1.496
The Science, Technology and Innovation (Registration and Accreditation of Research Institutions) Regulations, 2014 (Third Schedule); and The Science, Technology and Innovation (Relevance and Quality Assurance in Research) Regulations, 2014 (Part II)

Scope of Review

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024


According to G-ECBiomedRes, the primary scope of information assessed by the institutional ethics committees (ECs) relates to maintaining and protecting the dignity and rights of research participants and ensuring their safety throughout their participation in a clinical trial. The G-ECAccred further states that the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) accredits ECs in order to uphold the standard of ethics review in the country; develop public confidence and trust in the national research system; facilitate equitable access to research and human health records in health facilities; and facilitate coordination and collaboration among ECs. See the G-ECAccred and the G-ECBiomedRes for detailed ethical review guidelines.

Role in Clinical Trial Approval Process

As per the G-KenyaCT and KEN-21, the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB)’s review and approval of a clinical trial application is dependent upon obtaining approval by an accredited institutional EC. Consequently, the PPB and EC reviews may not be conducted in parallel.

As set forth in the G-ECBiomedRes, ECs must be constituted to ensure an independent and competent review and evaluation of all ethical aspects of clinical trials. ECs must review research involving human participants to ensure they meet these ethical principles:

  • Respect for persons, including respect of autonomy, protection of vulnerable groups, and protection of privacy and confidentiality
  • Beneficence
  • Justice, which in research means equitable distribution of the benefits and the burdens

For additional details on the principles and benchmarks for ethical review, see G-ECBiomedRes.

Per the G-ECBiomedRes, expedited review may be permitted for protocols involving no more than minimal risk to research participants.

The G-ECBiomedRes indicates that all ECs should carry out regular monitoring of approved protocols involving human participants. In case of any adverse events, the EC should report this immediately to Kenya’s National Bioethics Committee (NBC).

Per the G-ECBiomedRes, with collaborative research projects, the collaborating investigators, institutions, and countries must function as equal partners with safeguards to avoid exploitation of local researchers and participants. An external sponsoring agency should submit the research protocol to their country’s EC, as well as the Kenyan EC where the research is to be conducted. Further, this research must be responsive to the health needs of Kenya and reasonably accessible to the community in which the research was conducted. Consideration should be given to the sponsoring agency agreeing to maintain health services and faculties established for the purposes of the study in Kenya after the research has been completed. Such collaborative research must have a local/Kenyan co-principal investigator.

3.0, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 6.0, and 7.1
Glossary of Terms and 1.188- 1.212 and 1.492-1.496

Ethics Committee Fees

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

As per the G-KenyaCT, G-ECBiomedRes, and KEN-30, Kenya requires an independent review of research through a National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI)-accredited ethics committee (EC) in one (1) of the local institutions charged with the responsibility of conducting research in human participants. The EC fee to review a clinical trial application will vary depending on the institution. See KEN-25 and KEN-38 for lists of NACOSTI-accredited institutional ECs. For an example of institutional fee requirements charged by the Scientific and Ethics Review Unit (SERU) at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), see KEN-27.

Where do I get a letter of ethical approval before applying for a research license?
1, 4.1, and 7.1
Glossary of Terms

Oversight of Ethics Committees

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024


As set forth in the STI-Act and KEN-32, the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) is the central body responsible for the oversight, promotion, and coordination of research. NACOSTI’s role is to regulate and ensure quality in the science, technology, and innovation sector, and to advise the Kenyan government on related matters. As per the G-ECAccred, NACOSTI has delegated the task of reviewing research proposals for ethical clearance to accredited institutional ethics committees (ECs) to ensure that research conducted in the country observes high research ethics standards.

Per the G-ECBiomedRes, Kenya's National Bioethics Committee (NBC) advises NACOSTI on research ethics. In addition, NBC offers dispute resolution if an applicant is dissatisfied with the decision of an EC. Finally, the NBC must terminate research at any stage if it is found to be harmful to the participants.

Registration, Auditing, and Accreditation

As per the STI-Regs and the G-ECAccred, NACOSTI is responsible for accrediting institutional ECs. Per the G-ECAccred, the application requirements for accreditation are:

  • A completed application form (KEN-10 or Annex III of the G-ECAccred)
  • Copy of the standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Copies of abridged curriculum vitaes (CVs) (no more than four (4) pages) for each member of the proposed EC (including the training attended)
  • Profile of the organization/institution detailing the areas of competence (no more than four (4) pages)

Upon creating an account in NACOSTI’s Kenya National Research Information System (KENRIS) (KEN-23), users can perform the following functions:

  • Researchers: Apply for researcher registration, register and track applications, and maintain research profile
  • Research Institutions: Apply for new research institution registration, maintain/update data, and submit annual reports
  • Institutional ECs: Apply for accreditation, preview and track accreditation proposals, submit annual reports, and maintain/update data

Per the G-ECAccred, NACOSTI issues a certificate of accreditation to accredited institutional ECs, which is valid for three (3) years from the date of NACOSTI’s notification. All accredited ECs must submit annual reports to NACOSTI by July 31st for review and monitoring. Applications for renewal of accreditation should be made six (6) months before expiry of the accreditation period. Failure to renew accreditation or failure to maintain the appropriate standards for continuity of accreditation will mean that the accredited status of the EC will lapse at the end of the current accreditation period. Accreditation must be terminated if the accredited committee fails to maintain the required standards. For re-accreditation review purposes, ECs must provide the SOPs under which they will operate. The SOPs are not required as part of the annual reporting process, unless they have been amended, but are required to be stated/included for the re-accreditation review process (every three (3) years). See the G-ECAccred for additional details on the accreditation process.

See the Site/Investigator Selection section for more information on the sponsor and site’s registration and application requirements.

1.0, 2.0, 4.0, and Annex III
4.1 and 7.1
Part II
The Science, Technology and Innovation (Relevance and Quality Assurance in Research) Regulations, 2014 (Part II)

Submission Process

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024


In accordance with the PPA, the STI-Act, the CTRules, the G-KenyaCT, the G-ECBiomedRes, KEN-21, and KEN-16, Kenya requires the sponsor or the representative to obtain clinical trial authorization from the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB)’s Expert Committee on Clinical Trials (ECCT) and an independent ethics review through a National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI)-accredited ethics committee (EC) in a local institution. In addition, the STI-Act and KEN-31 specify that applicants must obtain a research license from NACOSTI prior to initiating a study. The G-KenyaCT also states that the PPB review and approval process may not be conducted in parallel with the EC review. EC approval must be obtained prior to applying for PPB approval.

Regulatory Submission

Pharmacy and Poisons Board

As described in the G-KenyaCT and KEN-16, the sponsor or the representative is expected to submit the clinical trial application electronically via the PPB online system (KEN-16). The clinical trial application form is available in KEN-16. Per the G-KenyaCT, in the event of a multicenter clinical trial, the sponsor should only file one (1) application to the PPB. According to KEN-34, all application documents should be signed, dated, and version referenced, if applicable, and should be in English. See Annex 7 of the G-KenyaCT to view a flowchart of the submission and approval process.

Per the G-KenyaCT, upon receipt of a clinical trial application, the PPB’s Clinical Trial Division of the Product Safety Department screens the application package for completeness. When an application for a clinical trial is accepted, an acknowledgement of receipt will be issued with a reference number for each application. This PPB/ECCT reference number must be quoted in all correspondence concerning the application in the future. This will be communicated through email to the applicant or through KEN-16.

Per the G-KenyaCT, sponsors (applicants) can request pre-submission meetings with the PPB to discuss pertinent issues prior to making a formal submissions. The request must be made via KEN-16 or in an official letter and include the following information:

  • Background information on the disease to be treated
  • Background information on the product
  • Quality development
  • Non-clinical development
  • Clinical development
  • Regulatory status
  • Rationale for seeking advice
  • Proposed questions and applicant’s positions

In addition, per the G-KenyaCT, the letter must be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer of the PPB and sent to and copied to The request for a meeting should propose two (2) different dates for the meeting at least three (3) weeks away.

Per G-KenyaCT, any new information that affects the conduct/management of the trial; safety of the participants; and manufacture of the product necessitating changes to the protocol, consent form, and trial sites, etc. will require immediate submission of the amended documents to the PPB for review and approval. Minor amendments or administrative changes may be implemented after getting the EC’s approval, but a record of these amendments must be kept for possible inspection by the PPB.

National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation

Per KEN-31, an application for a NACOSTI research license should be submitted online via the Research Information Management System (RIMS) (KEN-24).

Ethics Review Submission

Each institutional EC has its own required submission procedures, which can differ significantly regarding the application format and number of copies. See KEN-17 for an example of a NACOSTI-accredited EC’s guidelines.

1.0 and 4.1
Glossary of Terms, Introduction, 1.1-1.29, 1.182-1.185, 1.492-1.496, and Annexes 1-7
Parts II, IV, V, and X and Fourth Schedule
Part II (Section 4)

Submission Content

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Regulatory Authority Requirements

Pharmacy and Poisons Board

As per the CTRules, the G-KenyaCT, and KEN-34, the following documentation must be submitted (signed, dated, and version referenced) to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Cover letter
  • Study protocol
  • Proof of study registration in the Pan African Clinical Trials Registry (KEN-19)
  • Patient information leaflet and informed consent form (ICF)
  • Investigators brochure (IB) and package inserts
  • Investigational Medicinal Product Dossier (IMPD), including stability data for the investigational product (IP)
  • Adequate data and information on previous studies and phases to support the current study
  • Good manufacturing practice (GMP) certificate of the IP from the site of manufacture issued by a competent health authority in the manufacturer’s jurisdiction of origin
  • Certificate of analysis of the IP
  • Pictorial sample of the IPs, including the labeling text
  • Signed investigator(s) curriculum vitae(s) (CV(s)), including that of the study pharmacist (the CV should include the current workload of the principal investigator (PI))
  • Evidence of contractual agreement between the relevant parties
  • Evidence of recent good clinical practice (GCP) training of the core study staff
  • Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) information, including the charter, composition, and meeting schedule
  • Detailed study budget
  • Financial declaration by the sponsor and PI (KEN-2 and Annex 5 of the G-KenyaCT)
  • No conflict of interest declaration by the sponsor and PI
  • Signed declarations by the sponsor, PI, and the monitor that the study will be carried out according to the protocol and applicable laws, regulations, and GCP requirements (KEN-1 and Annex 4 of the G-KenyaCT)
  • Indemnity cover for PI, investigators, and study pharmacist
  • Clinical trials insurance cover for the study participants
  • Copy of favorable opinion letter from local ethics committee (EC)
  • Copy of current practice licenses for the investigators and study pharmacist
  • Copy of approval letter(s) from collaborating institutions or other regulatory authorities, if applicable
  • For multicenter/multi-site studies, an addendum for each of the proposed sites including, among other things, the sites’ capacity to carry out the study (e.g., personnel, equipment, laboratory)
  • A signed statement by the applicant indicating that all information contained in, or referenced by, the application is complete and accurate, and is not false or misleading (Annex 4 of the G-KenyaCT)
  • Payment of fees
  • Statistical analysis plan
  • A signed checklist (KEN-34 and Annex 2 of the G-KenyaCT)

Per the G-KenyaCT, a request for approval of an amendment must include a summary of the proposed amendments; the reason for the amendment; the impact of the amendment on the original study objectives; the impact of the amendments on the study endpoints and data generated; and the impact of the proposed amendments on the safety and wellbeing of study participants.

KEN-35 describes the submission content for requesting annual approval from the PPB.

National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation

Per the STI-Regs and KEN-31, non-Kenyan applicants must be affiliated with a Kenyan institution. Per KEN-31, applicants must apply online through National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI)’s Research Information Management System (RIMS) website (KEN-24) and upload the following:

  • Passport size color photo in JPG or PNG format
  • Scanned ID/passport in PDF format
  • Introductory letter from relevant institution signed by an authorized officer
  • Affiliation letter from relevant local institution for foreigners signed by an authorized officer and valid for one (1) year
  • Grant letter from the funding agency to support the amount indicated to fund the research
  • PPB clinical trial approval
  • Prior Informed Consent (PIC), Mutually Agreed Terms (MAT), or Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) where applicable, for applications to conduct research on genetic resources and derivatives
  • Approved research proposal in PDF format
  • Certificate of ethical clearance of the research (see list of accredited ECs in KEN-25)
  • Evidence of payment as the last page of the uploaded proposal

Per KEN-31, the following conditions apply to the research license:

  • The research license is valid for the proposed research, site, and specified period
  • Both the research license and any rights thereunder are non-transferable
  • NACOSTI may monitor and evaluate the research
  • The licensee must inform the relevant County Director of Education, County Commissioner, and County Governor before research commencement
  • Excavation, filming, and collection of specimens are subject to further permissions from relevant government agencies
  • The research license does not give authority to transfer research materials
  • The licensee shall submit one (1) hard copy and upload a soft copy of their final report within one (1) year of completion of the research
  • NACOSTI reserves the right to modify the conditions of the research license including its cancellation without prior notice

KEN-31 states that if the research is not completed within the stipulated period, the applicant may apply for renewal of the research license and pay the requisite fee. A progress report should be submitted with the request for renewal instead of a proposal. The progress report must indicate the objectives and activities that have been accomplished, as well as the research work that has yet to be undertaken. KEN-31 further indicates that submissions requesting renewal should be made at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the approval period.

Ethics Committee Requirements

EC requirements vary depending on the specific EC. See KEN-17 and KEN-26 for examples of accredited EC submission and review guidelines.

As set forth in the G-ECBiomedRes, a foreign sponsoring agency must also submit its research protocol for ethics review according to its own country’s standards. This research must be responsive to the health needs of Kenya and reasonably accessible to the community in which the research was conducted.

Clinical Protocol

Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14). The CTRules the G-KenyaCT, the G-ECBiomedRes, and KEN-14 outline the key elements of a research protocol in Kenya (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • A project title that adequately captures the essence of the study
  • The names, addresses, signatures, and updated abridged curriculum vitae of the investigators
  • Evidence that the PI has prior training in GCP
  • Contact information for the EC and collaborating institutions
  • A summary of the project
  • Introduction, background, and literature review, including nonclinical data
  • Study objectives, rationale, questions, and hypothesis/es
  • Study site, design, and methodology
  • Ethical considerations
  • Role of investigators
  • Schedule
  • References
  • Budget
  • Publication policy
  • Consent explanation - elements of consent explanations
  • ICF with signature provisions for participants and the PIs
  • Risks and benefits
  • Mode of assessment of the safety and efficacy of the IP
  • Mode of collecting, analyzing, and reporting the statistics of the clinical trial
  • Source data documents of the clinical trial
  • Quality control and quality assurance
  • Confidentiality
  • Recruitment, selection, treatment, and withdrawal of participants
  • Compensation and post-trial access program
  • Undue inducement and coercion
  • Voluntariness
  • Alternative treatment(s) if available
  • Storage of specimens
  • MTA, where applicable
  • Data management and statistical analysis

In addition, per the G-KenyaCT, the protocol should have a clear description of study stoppage rules indicating reasons, who makes the decision, and how the decision will be communicated to the PPB and the EC.

Guidelines for Proposal Development
Submission Forms
1.0, 4.2, and 6.0
1.48, 1.63, 1.89-1.130, 1.495, 1.533, and Annexes 1-2 and 4-5
The Science, Technology and Innovation (Research Licensing) Regulations, 2014 (Part II)
Part II (Section 4) and Part IV (Section 9)

Timeline of Review

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024


Based on the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB)'s review and approval of an application to conduct a clinical trial is dependent upon obtaining ethics approval from a National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI)-accredited ethics committee (EC). Therefore, the PPB and EC reviews may not be conducted in parallel. In addition, the STI-Act and KEN-31 specify that all applicants must obtain a research license from NACOSTI prior to initiating a study.

Regulatory Authority Approval

Pharmacy and Poisons Board

Per the G-KenyaCT, sponsors (or applicants) can request pre-submission meetings to discuss pertinent issues prior to making a formal submission. The request must be made via the PPB online system (KEN-16) or in an official letter addressed to the Chief Executive Officer of the PPB and sent to and copied to The request for a meeting should propose two (2) different dates for the meeting with the proposed dates being at least three (3) weeks away. (See Submission Process section for details on the content of request.)

Per the G-KenyaCT, upon receipt of a clinical trial application, the PPB’s Clinical Trial Division of the Product Safety Department screens the application package for completeness, which takes five (5) days. If accepted, an automatic system-generated reference number will be issued for each application. If additional information is needed, the sponsor will have 10 days to respond. The PPB aims to respond to applications within 30 working days. The sponsor or the representative must reference the PPB/Expert Committee on Clinical Trials (ECCT) number in all future application-related correspondence. The application is then evaluated by the ECCT and PPB staff according to their respective standard operating procedures. The PPB/ECCT’s decision to approve, request additional information, or reject the application is communicated to the sponsor or the representative in writing within 30 days of receiving a valid application. If additional information is requested, the sponsor has 90 days to respond after which the PPB has 15 days to issue a final decision. In certain cases, the PPB may refer the application to external experts for their recommendation.

Per the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor or the representative is also required to request approval annually from the PPB at least six (6) weeks prior to the expiration of the previous approval. Refer to the Checklist for Submitting a Request for Annual Approval (KEN-35) for relevant documentation requirements.

National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation

Per KEN-5 and KEN-31, the timeline for NACOSTI’s license application process is 30 days.

KEN-31 states that if a research license application does not meet the conditions required under the STI-Act, NACOSTI must reject the application and communicate the reasons to the applicant. Any person may appeal NACOSTI’s decision to the Cabinet Secretary within 30 days of being notified of the decision.

Ethics Committee Approval

The EC review and approval process timeline will vary by institution.

1.13-1.29, 1.182-1.185, and Annex 7
Part II (Section 4)

Initiation, Agreements & Registration

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024


In accordance with the PPA, the STI-Act, the G-KenyaCT, the G-ECBiomedRes, KEN-21, and KEN-16, a clinical trial can only commence after the sponsor or the representative receives authorization from Kenya’s Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB), and ethics committee (EC) approval from an institutional EC that has been accredited by the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) prior to initiating a study. ECs are accredited pursuant to the requirements delineated in the G-ECAccred. The G-KenyaCT specifies that the PPB review and approval process may not be conducted in parallel with the EC review. In addition, the STI-Act and KEN-31 state that all applicants must obtain a research license from NACOSTI prior to initiating a study. No waiting period is required following the applicant’s receipt of these approvals. Regarding notifications, KEN-31 requires the licensee to inform the relevant County Director of Education, County Commissioner, and County Governor before commencement of the research. Further, the licensee must disclose to NACOSTI, the institutional ECs, and the relevant national agencies any findings that are of national strategic importance.

As per the PPA and the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor or the representative is required to obtain an import license for the shipment of an investigational product to be used in the trial. (See the Manufacturing & Import section for additional information).

As stated in the G-KenyaCT, Kenyan clinical trials should be conducted in compliance with the International Council for Harmonisation’s Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14).

Clinical Trial Agreement

Prior to initiating the trial, the G-KenyaCT requires that the sponsor agree with investigator(s) on the definition, establishment, and assignment of responsibilities specified in the protocol. These responsibilities include conduct of the trial in compliance with KEN-14 and the approved protocol; data management; unblinding of treatment codes; statistical considerations; and preparation of the final clinical report. The sponsor, in a written document, may agree to transfer all related activities of the clinical trial to designated research institutions. However, all responsibility for the trial lies with the sponsor. Prior to the initiation of the clinical trial, the agreement between the sponsor and investigators should be in writing as part of the protocol submitted for PPB approval or in a separate agreement. The sponsor and investigators must sign and date the protocol of the trial to confirm the agreement.

Clinical Trial Registration

As per the G-KenyaCT, all clinical trials taking place in Kenya must be registered in the PPB’s Online Clinical Trials Registry System (KEN-16). The principal investigator is required to log in and set up an account to register a study.

In addition, as required by KEN-34, all clinical trials taking place in Kenya must be registered in the Pan African Clinical Trials Registry (KEN-19).

1.25, 4, and 5.5
1.0, 4.1, and 5.1
Introduction, 1.1, 1.48, 1.63-1.88, 1.346-1.354, and 1.542-1.555
Part III (25A) and Part IV (44)
Parts II, IV, V, and X, and Fourth Schedule

Safety Reporting

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Safety Reporting Definitions

According to the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, the following definitions provide a basis for a common understanding of Kenya’s safety reporting requirements:

  • Adverse Event (or Adverse Experience) (AE) – Any untoward medical occurrence in a participant in a clinical investigation study or intervention product, and which does not necessarily have a causal relationship with the treatment
  • Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) – All noxious and unintended responses to a clinical trial study or interventional product related to any dose or all unintended noxious responses to a registered medicinal product which occurs at doses normally used in humans for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy of diseases or for modification of physiological function
  • Serious Adverse Event (SAE) – Any untoward medical occurrence that at any dose: results in death, is life threatening, requires hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect
  • Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction (SUSAR) – A serious adverse reaction that is not identified in practice, severity, or frequency by the referenced safety information

Safety Reporting Requirements

Investigator Responsibilities

Per G-KenyaCT, the investigator must ensure that all SAEs are reported promptly to Kenya’s Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) within the mandated timelines, as described below. Proper protection procedures or treatments should be administered to trial participants with SAEs.

Sponsor Responsibilities

As indicated in the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor should report to the PPB and all relevant institutions, all SAEs and SUSARs occurring during the course of the trial. The G-KenyaCT specifies that the sponsor should expedite reporting all SAEs to the PPB and the ethics committee (EC), and the sponsor and investigators should immediately undertake appropriate and necessary measures and treatment to protect the trial participants. The CTRules delineates that where a sponsor conducts a clinical trial on the same health product or active pharmaceutical substance in another country, the sponsor must submit a report of any SUSAR or SAE that occurs in the other clinical trial to the PPB. Per the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, a sponsor must submit an initial report of an fatal or life-threatening SUSAR or SAE as soon as it occurs but, in any case, not later than seven (7) days after the occurrence of the event. The G-KenyaCT indicates that if the initial report is incomplete, the sponsor must submit a completed report based on the initial information within an additional eight (8) days. As required in the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, a report of the occurrence of a SUSAR or SAE must specify whether the SUSAR or SAE is related to the clinical trial.

As indicated in the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, other important considerations and timelines include the following (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • The sponsor must notify all the investigators involved in ongoing clinical trials of the investigational product (IP) of all SAEs and SUSARs within 15 calendar days
  • Any IP-related SAE must receive immediate medical attention and be reported to the PPB
  • The SAE report form must be completed (including lab results) and submitted to enable causality assessment
  • All fatal cases must be accompanied by a formal autopsy report, and a verbal autopsy report should be submitted in those exceptional cases where a formal autopsy is not possible
  • Any frequent IP related AE/ADR must receive immediate medical attention and be reported to the PPB within seven (7) days
  • The sponsor must submit a report on a SUSAR that is not fatal or life-threatening within 15 days after the occurrence of the event
  • The principal investigator (PI) is required to submit follow-up information as soon as it becomes available
  • All additional information should be clearly marked as updated and must include the Protocol Number and Participant Number
  • Foreign regulatory decisions that affect the safety or use of the product under study must be reported to the PPB within seven (7) days through a detailed report
  • Literature reports that have implications for the safety of the IP must be submitted within 15 days with a detailed report and a copy of the publication
  • New information or notification of change in nature, severity, or frequency of risk factors for the product under study or conduct of trial must be submitted within 15 days

Other Safety Reports

The G-ECBiomedRes indicate that ECs should monitor research, and will report to the National Bioethics Committee upon notification of an AE.

The CTRules and the G-KenyaCT state that the sponsor must also submit a safety report to the PPB once a year throughout the clinical trial, or upon request. The purpose of the annual safety report is to briefly describe all new safety information relevant to one (1) or more clinical trial(s), and to assess the safety conditions of the participants enrolled in these trial(s). The safety report must include a log of SAE and SUSAR events. The SAE and SUSAR log should include the following:

  • Patient Identification
  • Age
  • Date of recruitment into the study
  • Type of SAE or SUSAR
  • SAE or SUSAR start and end dates
  • Reason for reporting the event as an SAE or SUSAR
  • Relation to IP
  • SAE or SUSAR outcome

Note that the PPB may require more frequent reporting of the safety reports depending on the nature of the clinical trial being implemented. When this is the case, the PPB must communicate the required frequency to the PI and sponsor in writing.

Form Completion & Delivery Requirements

As per the G-KenyaCT and KEN-16, all SAEs and SUSARs must be reported to the PPB via the Pharmacovigilance Electronic Reporting System (PvERS) (KEN-6).

4.1 and 5.1
Glossary of Terms, 1.59, 1.63-1.88, and 1.318-1.339
Part I (2) and Part IV (12)

Progress Reporting

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Interim and Annual Progress Reports

As stated in the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor and/or the principal investigator (PI) is required to send progress reports to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) on an annual basis, or as may be required, from the date of the trial’s initiation. The progress report should contain the following:

  • Current status of the study
  • Summary of the participants screened (e.g., failed screenings, participants enrolled, withdrawn, or lost to follow-up, and other challenges)
  • Summary of protocol deviations and violations
  • Updated investigational product Investigator’s Brochure
  • Drug Safety Update Report
  • Copy of the latest Data Safety Management Board report
  • Copy of favorable opinion from the ethics committee (EC) on record
  • Copy of annual practice license for the investigators and pharmacists
  • Suspected, Unexpected, Serious Adverse Event (SUSAR) and Serious Adverse Event (SAE) Log

For multisite trials, per the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor or the representative must submit a summarized report for all of the sites and include the information listed above.

Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14). As per KEN-14, the investigator should promptly provide written reports to the sponsor and the institutional EC on any changes significantly affecting the conduct of the trial, and/or increasing the risk to participants.

According to the G-KenyaCT, for annual renewal of the study, the sponsor or the representative must submit a copy of the progress report including the documents listed above. The request must also be accompanied by copies of annual practice licenses for the investigators and pharmacists, and a copy of valid insurance coverage for the participants. All documents must be submitted using the PPB’s Online Clinical Trials Registry System (KEN-16). The sponsor or the representative must receive an acknowledgement of this submission before proceeding with the study. These documents must be submitted to the PPB at least six (6) weeks prior to the expiration of the previous approval.

Pursuant to KEN-14, the investigator should submit written summaries of the trial status to the institutional EC annually, or more frequently, if requested.

Final Report

Per the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor must notify the PPB of the end of a clinical trial taking place at a Kenyan site within 15 days. After the trial has been conducted and closed, the applicant must submit an executive summary report of the study within 30 days. This should be followed by a clinical study report within 180 days of the study closure unless otherwise justified. The report must comply with the International Council for Harmonisation's ICH E3 format (KEN-13). The report must include a short but comprehensive summary of the trial’s essential findings and methodology and should also contain a layman’s summary. Additionally, the sponsor must inform the PPB of any results that will be publicly released at least 14 days before release. In addition, upon completion of the trial, as delineated in KEN-14, the investigator is required to submit a final report to the institutional EC summarizing the trial’s outcome.

For multi-site research, the G-ECBiomedRes requires all parties to decide on procedures for drafting a common final report and publication at the onset of the research. Individual sites or institutions must not publish any data until the appropriate authorities accept the combined report.

KEN-31 further indicates that the research license applicant must submit one (1) hard copy and upload a soft copy of the final research report to the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) within one (1) year of the research’s completion.

4.10 and 4.13
1.48, 1.63, 1.497-1.506, 1.515-1.518, and 1.533-1.536

Definition of Sponsor

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

As per the G-KenyaCT, a sponsor is defined as an individual, a company, an institution, or an organization who takes legal responsibility for the initiation, management, and financing of a trial. According to the G-KenyaCT, a sponsor, in a written document, may agree to transfer all related activities of the clinical trial to designated research institutions. However, all responsibility for the trial lies with the sponsor. The G-ECBiomedRes indicates that sponsors may be foreign, but must comply with certain conditions including affiliating themselves to institutions recognized in Kenya.

Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14). In accordance with KEN-14, Kenya permits a sponsor to transfer any or all of its trial-related duties and functions to a contract research organization (CRO) and/or institutional site(s). However, the ultimate responsibility for the trial data’s quality and integrity always resides with the sponsor. Any trial-related responsibilities transferred to a CRO should be specified in a written agreement. The CRO should implement quality assurance and quality control.

5.1 and 5.2
4.1 and 6.0
Glossary of Terms, 1.48, 1.63, and 1.68

Site/Investigator Selection

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024


The G-KenyaCT, which requires sponsors to follow the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14), states that the sponsor is responsible for selecting the investigator(s) and the institution(s) for the clinical trial and for ensuring that the investigator(s) are qualified by education, training, and experience.

Per the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, investigators must also meet the following requirements (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Provide evidence of their qualifications and experience through an up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Have a current practice license from the relevant regulatory authority
  • Be familiar with the characteristics and appropriate use of the investigational product (IP) as described in the protocol, current investigator’s brochure (IB), in the product information, and in other information sources
  • Have a clear understanding and willingness to obey the ethical, good clinical practice (GCP) and legal requirements in the conduct of the trial
  • Permit monitoring and auditing of the trial and inspection by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) or appointed representatives
  • Keep a list of appropriately qualified persons to whom the investigator has delegated significant trial-related duties
  • The principal investigator (PI) must be an appropriately qualified and competent person having practical experience within the relevant professional area and who is responsible for the conduct of the clinical trial at a clinical site
  • The PI must have a degree in medicine, pharmacy, pharmacology, toxicology, biochemistry, dentistry, or a related discipline from a university recognized in Kenya
  • The PI must have a valid practice license from the relevant regulatory authority
  • The PI must have a valid professional indemnity cover
  • The PI must be a citizen of Kenya or a permanent resident in Kenya
  • A PI must have had previous experience as a co-investigator in at least two (2) trials in the relevant professional area
  • Have adequate time and resources to carry out the study (See Annex 6 of the G-KenyaCT for the PPB’s recommended format to document the investigator’s workload)

Further, the G-KenyaCT states that sponsors must ensure that investigators have had formal training in GCPs with proof that a GCP course was attended within the last two (2) years. If training has not been completed, it is the responsibility of the sponsor to organize this training prior to initiating the study. The investigators will need to provide evidence of having obtained this training. As delineated in KEN-14, prior to entering into an agreement with the investigator(s) and the institution(s) to conduct a study, the sponsor should provide the investigator(s) with the protocol and an IB. Furthermore, the sponsor must sign an agreement or contract with the participating institution(s). Additionally, the sponsor must define and allocate all study related duties and responsibilities to the relevant parties participating in the study. (See the Submission Content section for additional information on clinical trial application requirements.)

Institutional Registration

The STI-Act and the STI-Regs require research institutions to register with the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) and obtain a Certificate of Registration. For detailed guidance on the vetting and approval process, see the STI-Regs and the G-InstitutionRegistration.

Upon creating an account in NACOSTI’s Kenya National Research Information System (KENRIS) (KEN-23), research institutions can apply for new research institution registration, maintain/update data, and submit annual reports. The application for registration of research institutions is also provided in KEN-11, and the reporting tool for registered research institutions is provided in KEN-36.

Foreign Sponsor Responsibilities

The G-ECBiomedRes requires that with collaborative research projects, the collaborating investigators, institutions, and countries must function as equal partners with safeguards to avoid exploitation of local researchers and participants. An external sponsoring agency should submit the research protocol to their country’s EC, as well as the Kenyan EC where the research is to be conducted. Further, this research must be responsive to the health needs of Kenya and reasonably accessible to the community in which the research was conducted. Consideration should be given to the sponsoring agency agreeing to maintain health services and faculties established for the purposes of the study in Kenya after the research has been completed. Such collaborative research must have a local/Kenyan co-principal investigator.

Data and Safety Monitoring Board

The G-KenyaCT indicates that the PPB recommends establishing a Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) to monitor trials in the following types of studies:

  • Where the endpoint is such that a highly favorable or unfavorable result, or even a finding of futility at an interim analysis, might ethically require the trial to be terminated early
  • When there are safety concerns due to the use of a particularly invasive treatment
  • Where there is prior information suggesting the possibility of serious toxicity with the study treatment
  • Where the participants involved represent a vulnerable population (e.g., children, pregnant women, elderly, terminally ill, or mentally incapacitated)
  • When the participants represent a population at higher risk of death or other serious outcomes
  • When the study is large, of long duration, and multi-center

KEN-14 states that a DSMB may be established to assess the progress of a clinical trial, including the safety data and the critical efficacy endpoints at intervals, and to recommend to the sponsor whether to continue, modify, or stop a trial.

Per the G-KenyaCT, the DSMB must provide the following documentation to the PPB:

  • DSMB composition
  • Copy of DSMB charter
  • DSMB reports to be submitted to the PPB within two (2) weeks of its deliberations and in the request for annual approval

For multicenter trials, the G-ECBiomedRes requires that centralized data management and analysis should be planned as per G-WHO-DSMB.

Multicenter Studies

Per the G-KenyaCT, for multicenter studies in Kenya, the coordinating investigator should be a Kenyan resident and should assume full responsibility for the trial.

The G-ECBiomedRes requires that multicenter trials conducted simultaneously by several investigators at different sites follow the same protocol. Ideally, these trials should be initiated at the same time at all sites. The sponsor must provide the protocol to the investigators, who will accept the protocol in writing. If approved by the EC of the local host institution, the protocol may be modified to suit the local conditions. Meetings should be organized at the initial and intermediate stages of the trial to ensure uniform procedures at all sites. All sites and parties should also agree on procedures for publication of a final report. Research staff should receive training at every trial site on the uniform procedures. In addition, research staff at all sites should implement standard methods for recruitment and evaluation/monitoring of laboratory procedures and conduct of trial. There must be monitoring to ensure the sites are following the protocol, which must include measures to terminate the participation of some sites, if necessary. Finally, centralized data management and analysis should be planned as per G-WHO-DSMB.

Additional multicenter guidance is delineated in KEN-14:

  • All investigators conduct the trial in strict compliance with the protocol agreed to by the sponsor, and, if required, by the PPB, and given EC approval
  • The case report forms (CRFs) are designed to capture the required data at all multicenter trial sites
  • Investigator responsibilities are documented prior to the start of the trial
  • All investigators are given instructions on following the protocol, complying with a uniform set of standards to assess clinical and laboratory findings, and completing the CRFs
  • Communication among investigators is facilitated
1.25, 5.5, 5.6, and 5.23
4.1, 5.1, and 6
Glossary of Terms, 1.30-1.88, 1.340-1.345, and Annex 6
Part V
Science, Technology and Innovation (Registration and Accreditation of Research Institutions) Regulations, 2014 (Part II, First Schedule, and Second Schedule)
Part III (7)

Insurance & Compensation

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024


As set forth in the G-KenyaCT and the G-ECBiomedRes, the sponsor must provide insurance cover for the study participants and ensure that the clinical trial institution, contract research organization (CRO), and researchers have sufficient insurance cover for the clinical trial. Per the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor’s policies and procedures should address the treatment costs for trial participants in the event of trial-related injuries, and the sponsor should submit this information as part of the clinical trial application (see KEN-34). In addition, a no-fault insurance cover must be obtained for all controlled human infection studies. The International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14) guides sponsors on providing insurance. Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in KEN-14.

For all sponsor-initiated studies, insurance coverage must be provided by an insurer registered by Kenya’s Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA), and a valid insurance certificate must be issued by the IRA prior to the trial’s initiation and cover the duration of the study. The insurance certificate must be submitted as evidence to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB). The certificate must be properly executed by an insurance company under a valid insurance policy which makes explicit reference to the proposed study. In addition, the policy must grant coverage for any participant injury that is causally linked to trial activities. The policy must also cover the investigator(s)’ and the sponsor(s)’ liability in the trial, without excluding any damage which may be attributed to negligence. Moreover, self-insurance of the participants by other entities, such as the National Health Insurance Fund, will not be sufficient.

Further, per the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor must ensure that the investigators and CROs have professional indemnity insurance coverage for the period of the trial. The host institution must also have in place sufficient insurance to meet the potential liability of its investigators, those acting on behalf of the investigators, and its research members.


Injury or Death

As specified in the G-KenyaCT and the G-ECBiomedRes, the sponsor is responsible for providing compensation to research participants and/or their legal heirs in the event of trial-related injuries or death. Per the G-ECBiomedRes, participants are entitled to such financial or other assistance as would compensate them equitably for any temporary or permanent impairment or disability. In the case of adverse events, there should be proper assessment, evaluation, and compensation. The G-ECBiomedRes also indicates that when investigational vaccines contain active or live-attenuated micro-organisms, should participants in the control group contract the disease for which a vaccine is being tested, free treatment must be provided.

In addition, the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14) provides guidance for sponsors on providing compensation to research participants in the event of trial-related injuries or death. The sponsor must explain to participants the compensation and/or treatment available to them in the event of trial-related injuries.

Trial Participation

The G-ECBiomedRes defines compensation to include offers to participants, monetary or otherwise, to offset the time and inconvenience for participating in research.

Post-Trial Access

Per the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor must put in place measures to ensure that the study participants have access to successful investigational products for their disease condition before the products have received a marketing authorization in Kenya, especially for the Phase III clinical trials. The G-ECBiomedRes indicates that when investigational vaccines contain active or live-attenuated micro-organisms, post-trial access to the vaccine should be available to the control group.

4.8 and 5.8
Definitions, 3.2, 4.2, and 5.3
1.48, 1.63-1.130, 1.173-1.181, and 1.437-1.490

Risk & Quality Management

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Quality Assurance/Quality Control

As stated in the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor is responsible for maintaining quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) systems with written standard operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure that trials are conducted and data are generated, recorded, and reported in compliance with the protocol, the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14), the STI-Regs, and other applicable regulatory requirements. QC should be applied to each stage of data handling to ensure that all data are reliable and have been correctly processed. In addition, per the STI-Regs, all persons and research institutions (i.e., sponsors) undertaking research in Kenya must ensure the highest standards and quality of research for the realization of institutional mandates and national priorities.

In addition to complying with KEN-14, the G-KenyaCT indicates QA processes should be developed to ensure:

  • Regular and continuous monitoring of the study and the implementation of monitoring reports’ recommendations
  • Submission of the study monitoring plan to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) during the initial submission of the application
  • The clinical trials research site must have valid registrations and approvals
  • Patient safety and confidentiality are not compromised
  • Analysis or evaluation of samples is performed in accordance with the protocol and good clinical practice (GCP) principles and, where applicable, the contract/agreement, the work instruction, and associated methods
  • Adherence to the laboratories’ policies and SOPs
  • Trial data is recorded and reported accurately, legibly, completely, and in a timely manner
  • Trial data is archived
  • Preparation of a work instruction detailing the procedures that will be used to conduct the analysis or evaluation prior to the initiation of sample analysis or evaluation, as necessary
  • Be built or adapted for the purpose
  • Have automated equipment for routine hematology, biochemistry, and serology tests
  • Have procedures for analyzer calibration and quality control
  • Regular maintenance of all the equipment, including point-of-care equipment
  • Have a procedure for transporting samples safely and quickly from clinical areas to the laboratory
  • Have written procedures for all assays, and to validate the assays
  • Reagents and consumables are used within their expiry dates based on a stock control procedure
  • Records are kept, including source documents and final reports
  • Have a procedure for authorizing and releasing results
  • Have a procedure for ‘flagging’ and notifying medical staff of abnormal results
  • Have a laboratory information management system, and validate and back up the system
  • Protective clothing and safety equipment are provided for staff
  • Have a central alarm system for all fridges and freezers
  • Have an internal audit program

Per KEN-14, the sponsor should implement a system to manage quality throughout all stages of the trial process, focusing on trial activities essential to ensuring participant protection and the reliability of trial results. The quality management system should use a risk-based approach that includes:

  • During protocol development, identify processes and data that are critical to ensure participant protection and the reliability of trial results
  • Identify risks to critical trial processes and data
  • Evaluate the identified risks against existing risk controls
  • Decide which risks to reduce and/or which risks to accept
  • Document quality management activities and communicate to those involved in or affected by these activities
  • Periodically review risk control measures to ascertain whether the implemented quality management activities are effective and relevant
  • In the clinical study report, describe the quality management approach implemented in the trial and summarize important deviations from the predefined quality tolerance limits and remedial actions taken

Per the G-KenyaCT protocol violations and protocol deviations must be reported to the PPB within seven (7) days of the principal investigator (PI) becoming aware of them. The details to be reported must include:

  • Date of the deviation/violation
  • Study participant(s) affected
  • Name of the treating physician
  • Detailed description of the deviation/violation
  • Indication whether the study participants were adversely affected by the deviation/violation
  • Explanation of why the deviation/violation occurred
  • Measures taken to address the deviation/violation
  • Measures taken to preclude future recurrence of the deviation/violation

In addition, see G-KenyaCT for information about medical care of trial participants during and following the clinical trial. Also see the Bft-Risk for a standardized approach for evaluating and reporting the balance between the benefits and risks of health products, which includes investigational products (IPs) undergoing clinical trial application.

The CT-Emrgcy provides guidance to sponsors, PIs, and institutions on the conduct of clinical trials during public health emergencies to maximize the safety of research participants, minimize risks to participants and the community, and ensure the integrity of the clinical trials. See CT-Emrgcy for details on a range of issues, including contingency planning, communications with participants, changes to studies, protocol deviations, reporting, and supply of IPs during a public health emergency.

Controlled Human Infection Studies

The G-KenyaCT also provides detailed information on controlled human infection studies (CHIS) requirements to ensure investigator/study personnel compliance with GCP and other QA/QC requirements, including the following:

  • The well characterized strain of an infectious agent should be administered at a controlled dose and by a specific route to carefully selected adult volunteers
  • The studies require safe and accurate microbiology, good clinical facilities, careful recruitment, and monitoring
  • Participants must be monitored for evidence of carriage or infection under medical supervision to anticipate or manage symptoms of disease and adverse events
  • The value of the information to be gained should clearly justify the risks and the study must have a risk mitigation plan
  • The investigators should be adequately qualified, trained, and experienced in the conduct of CHIS as well as treating patients with the infectious disease being investigated

For the complete list of requirements, see the G-KenyaCT.

The G-ECBiomedRes provides additional considerations when investigational vaccines contain active or live-attenuated micro-organisms:

  • The participant to be vaccinated should be given adequate information about the adverse effects.
  • Should participants in the control group contract the disease for which a vaccine is being tested, free treatment must be provided.
  • Because the risks associated with vaccines produced by recombinant DNA techniques are not completely known, PPB guidelines must be strictly followed.
  • Post-trial access to the vaccine should be available to the control group

Monitoring Requirements

As part of its QA system, the G-KenyaCT requires the sponsor to develop an internal audit program. The G-KenyaCT defines an audit as a systematic examination, carried out independently of those directly involved in the trial, to determine whether the conduct of a trial complies with the agreed study protocol and whether data reported are consistent with those on record at the site. Further, the sponsor is required to obtain agreement from all involved parties to ensure direct access to all trial related sites, source data/documents, reports for monitoring and auditing purposes, and inspection by domestic and foreign regulatory authorities An investigator must, upon request from any properly authorized officer or employee of PPB, at reasonable times, permit such officer or employee to have access to, and copy and verify any records or reports made by the investigator.

Per KEN-14, the sponsor should develop a systematic, prioritized, risk-based approach to monitoring clinical trials. The extent and nature of monitoring is flexible and permits varied approaches that improve effectiveness and efficiency. The sponsor may choose onsite monitoring, a combination of onsite and centralized monitoring, or, where justified, centralized monitoring. The sponsor should document the rationale for the chosen monitoring strategy (e.g., in the monitoring plan).

KEN-31 indicate that the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) may conduct an evaluation, or cause an evaluation to be conducted, of a research study to assess and evaluate compliance with the conditions of the applicable research license.

Premature Study Termination/Suspension

The G-KenyaCT states that if a trial is terminated by the PI or the sponsor, the PI or the sponsor must inform the PPB not later than 15 days following the termination date. The co-investigators must also be informed as soon as possible and should be advised in writing of potential risks to the research participants, and they must ensure that patients continue to receive medical care. The PPB must be provided with reason(s) for the termination and its impact on the proposed or ongoing trials with respect to the IP, including issues relating to IP accountability and disposal as well as record(s) maintenance. In addition, the PPB may withdraw the authorization to conduct a clinical trial if it finds that the safety of the participants is compromised or that the scientific reasons for conducting the trial have changed.

According to KEN-14, if it is discovered that noncompliance significantly affects or has the potential to significantly affect participant protection or reliability of trial results, the sponsor should perform a root cause analysis and implement appropriate corrective and preventive actions. Further, the EC should also be informed promptly and provided the reason(s) for the termination or suspension by the sponsor.

5.0-5.2, 5.5, 5.18-5.19, 5.21, and 6.10
4.2 and 5.3
1.42A, 1.63-1.88, 1.125, 1.437-1.491, 1.497-1.506, 1.525, and 1.533-1.536
The Science, Technology and Innovation (Registration and Accreditation of Research Institutions) Regulations, 2014 (Part III); and The Science, Technology and Innovation (Relevance and Quality Assurance in Research) Regulations, 2014 (Parts I-III)
Part III (8)

Data & Records Management

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Electronic Data Processing System

Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14). As per KEN-14, when using electronic trial data processing systems, the sponsor must ensure that the electronic data processing system conforms to the sponsor’s established requirements for completeness, accuracy, reliability, and consistency of intended performance. Per KEN-14, the sponsor should base their approach to validate such systems on a risk assessment that takes into consideration the intended use and the potential of the system to affect participant protection and reliability of trial results. In addition, the sponsor should maintain standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the systems that cover setup, installation, and use. The responsibilities of the sponsor, investigator, and other parties should be clear, and the system users should be provided with training. Refer to KEN-14 for additional information.

Records Management

According to the G-KenyaCT, it is the responsibility of the investigator and the sponsor to archive safely all trial-related documentation. All Kenyan trial site-related documentation must be archived within the country and not exported. Additionally, the sponsor/applicant must inform the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB)’s Expert Committee on Clinical Trials (ECCT) in writing prior to destroying any trial documents. The notification must include the protocol number, start and end date, and the license number.

The G-KenyaCT states that study documents must be archived for a minimum of 10 years from the end of the study. Also, records must be made available to the PPB within three (3) days if there is a concern regarding the use of a clinical trial drug and/or a risk to the health of the clinical trial participant. In any other case, records must be provided within seven (7) days of request.

Per the STI-Regs, sponsors should store research findings and information regarding research systems in a designated location with clear labels of the subject area. Research findings must be documented in bound books or documents with the research title, author, year, and other relevant information clearly printed on the cover page. A report of research work by staff and the research institution must be submitted to the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) within two (2) months after publication or compilation of the research report.

In addition, KEN-14 states that the sponsor and investigator/institution should maintain a record of the location(s) of their respective essential documents including source documents. The storage system used during the trial and for archiving (irrespective of the type of media used) should allow for document identification, version history, search, and retrieval. The sponsor should ensure that the investigator has control of and continuous access to the data reported to the sponsor. The investigator/institution should have control of all essential documents and records generated by the investigator/institution before, during, and after the trial.

1.65, 5.5, and 8
Glossary of Terms, 1.48, 1.63, and 1.537-1.541
The Science, Technology and Innovation (Registration and Accreditation of Research Institutions) Regulations, 2014 (Part IV)

Personal Data Protection

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Responsible Parties

For the purposes of data protection requirements, DPA delineates that the sponsor acts as the “data controller” in relation to research data. This is because the sponsor determines the purpose and means of processing personal data. The "data processor" processes personal data on behalf of the data controller. Data controllers and processors must be registered with the Kenya Data Commissioner. Per the DataProtect, an application for registration of a data controller or data processor must be on Form DPR1 (found in the First Schedule of DataProtect) with supporting materials and the required registration fees as specified in the Second Schedule. See the DataProtect for additional details on registration requirements.

Data Protection

Per the DPA, the data controller (sponsor) must ensure that personal data is:

  • Processed in accordance with the right to privacy of the data subject
  • Processed lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner in relation to any data subject
  • Collected for explicit, specified, and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes
  • Adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed
  • Collected only where a valid explanation is provided whenever information relating to family or private affairs is required
  • Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date, with every reasonable step being taken to ensure that any inaccurate personal data is erased or rectified without delay
  • Kept in a form that identifies the data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected
  • Not transferred outside Kenya, unless there is proof of adequate data protection safeguards or consent from the data subject

The DataProtect, which implements the DPA, requires data controllers and data processors to develop, publish, and regularly update a policy on their personal data handling practices. The policy should include the nature of personal data collected and held, how a data subject may access their personal data, complaints handling mechanisms, the lawful purpose for processing personal data, and requirements for when personal data is to be transferred outside Kenya. Regarding cross-border transfers of data, a data controller or data processor who is a transferring entity must (before transferring personal data out of Kenya) ascertain that the transfer is necessary. This necessity decision should be based on considerations such as data protection safeguards, an adequacy decision made by the Data Commissioner, and if there is consent of the data subject.

Per the DataProtect, data controllers and/or data processors must retain personal data processed for a lawful purpose and only as long as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose for which the personal data is processed. A data controller or data processor must establish a personal data retention schedule with appropriate time limits and periodic reviews. When the retention period has ended, the personal data must be erased, anonymized, or pseudonymized.

See DataProtect for additional details on data protection, including data subject rights, data protection design and principles, notification of breaches, impact assessments, and exemptions.

See Parts IV-VII of the DPA for detailed requirements on data processing, sensitive personal data, exemptions, and transfer of personal data outside of Kenya. The G-ECBiomedRes requires compliance with the DPA.

Consent for Processing Personal Data

Per the DPA, the data controller (sponsor) or data processor must bear the burden of proof for establishing a data subject’s consent to the processing of their personal data for a specified purpose. For the purposes of processing personal data, consent means any manifestation of express, unequivocal, free, specific, and informed indication of the data subject’s wishes by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifying agreement to the processing of personal data relating to the data subject. Unless otherwise provided under the DPA, a data subject has the right to withdraw consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent must not affect the lawfulness of processing based on prior consent before its withdrawal.

The DataProtect requires data controllers and data processors to ensure that a data subject has the capacity to consent and voluntarily gives consent. In seeking consent (prior to the processing), the data subject should be informed of:

  • The identity of the data controller or data processor
  • The purpose of each of the processing operations for which consent is sought
  • The type of personal data that is collected and used
  • Information about the use of the personal data for automated decision-making, where relevant
  • The possible risks of data transfers due to absence of an adequacy decision or appropriate safeguards
  • Whether the personal data processed will be shared with third parties
  • The right to withdraw consent
  • The implications of providing, withholding, or withdrawing consent

Per the DataProtect, this information may be presented to the data subject through a written notice, oral statement, audio or video message. The data controller or a data processor must ensure that the data subject has the capacity to voluntarily give consent that is specific to the purpose of processing.


The DPA indicates that in cases where the data subject is a minor, a person who has parental authority or a guardian may exercise personal data protection rights conferred on the subject. With regard to data processing, the DPA requires that every data controller (sponsor) or data processor must not process personal data relating to a child unless consent is given by the child's parent or guardian and the processing is in a manner that protects and advances the rights and best interests of the child. A data controller or data processor must incorporate appropriate mechanisms for age verification and consent to process personal data of a child, including available technology, volume of personal data processed, proportion of such personal data likely to be that of a child, possibility of harm to a child arising out of processing of personal data, and other factors as may be specified by the Kenya Data Commissioner.

Mentally Impaired

The DPA indicates that in cases where the data subject has a mental or other disability, a person duly authorized to act as the participant’s guardian or administrator may exercise personal data protection rights conferred on the subject.

Part I (2), Part III (18) and (25), and Parts IV-VII
No. 263 (Parts I-X) and No. 265 (5, First Schedule, and Second Schedule)

Documentation Requirements

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Obtaining Consent

In all Kenyan clinical trials, a freely given informed consent must be obtained from each participant in accordance with the requirements set forth in the CTRules, the G-KenyaCT, the G-ECBiomedRes, and the International Council for Harmonisation’s Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14). (Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with the requirements set forth in KEN-14.) The informed consent form (ICF) is viewed as an essential document that must be reviewed and approved by a National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI)-accredited institutional ethics committee (EC). The ICF must be provided to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) with the clinical trial application. (See the Required Elements section for details on what should be included in the form.)

The CTRules, the G-KenyaCT, and the G-ECBiomedRes state that the investigator, or the designated representative, must provide detailed research study information to the participant or legal representative/guardian. Per G-ECBiomedRes, all individual consent must be written and, in no case, should collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual informed consent. The G-KenyaCT and the G-ECBiomedRes also specify that the oral and written information concerning the trial, including the ICF, should be easy to understand and presented without coercion or unduly influencing a potential participant to enroll in the clinical trial. None of the oral and written information concerning the research study, including the written ICF, should contain any language that causes the participant or legal representative/guardian to waive or to appear to waive the legal rights, or that releases or appears to release the investigator(s), the institution, the sponsor, or the representatives from their liabilities for any negligence. The participant or legal representative/guardian should also be given adequate time to consider whether to participate.


According to the CTRules, the G-KenyaCT, and KEN-14, any change in the ICF due to a protocol modification should be approved by the EC before such changes are implemented. The participant or legal representative/guardian will also be required to re-sign the revised ICF and receive a copy of any amended documentation.

Language Requirements

As stated in the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, the ICF content should be presented in either English or Kiswahili, and the local spoken language of the area, where applicable. Copies of the English ICF should be submitted to the PPB and to the EC.

Documenting Consent

The CTRules and the G-KenyaCT state that the participant or legal representative/guardian, and the person who conducted the informed consent discussion should sign and personally date the ICF. Where the participant is illiterate, and/or the legal representative/guardian is illiterate, verbal consent should be obtained in the presence of and countersigned by an impartial witness. Before participating in the study, the participant should receive a copy of the signed and dated ICF, and any other written information provided during the informed consent process. The participant or legal representative/guardian should also receive a copy of any updates to the signed and dated ICF.

According to KEN-14, where the participant is illiterate and/or the legal representative/guardian is illiterate, an impartial witness should be present during the entire informed consent discussion. The witness should sign and date the ICF after the following steps have occurred:

  • The written ICF and any other written information to be provided to the participant is read and explained to the participant or legal representative/guardian
  • The participant or legal representative/guardian have orally consented to the participant’s involvement in the trial, and has signed and dated the ICF, if capable of doing so

Before participating in the study, the participant or legal representative/guardian should receive a copy of the signed and dated ICF.

Waiver of Consent

No information is available.

2, 4.4, 4.8, 8.2, and 8.3
Definitions, 4.1, 4.2, and 4.13
1.48, 1.63, and 1.188-1.212
Part IV (11)

Required Elements

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Based on the CTRules, the G-KenyaCT, the G-ECBiomedRes, and the International Council for Harmonisation’s Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14), the informed consent form (ICF) should include the following statements or descriptions, as applicable (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Title of the project and that the study involves research and an explanation of its nature and purpose
  • The expected duration of the participant’s participation
  • The participant’s responsibilities in participating in the trial
  • Experimental aspects of the study
  • Approximate number of participants involved in the trial
  • Trial treatment schedule and the probability for random assignment to each treatment
  • Principal investigator(s), institution, and ethics committee (EC) contact information, the person(s) to contact for further information regarding the trial and the rights of trial participants, and whom to contact in the event of trial-related injury
  • Any foreseeable risks or discomforts to the participant, and when applicable, to an embryo, fetus, or nursing infant
  • Any expected benefits or prorated payment to the participant; if no benefit is expected, the participant should also be made aware of this
  • Alternative procedures or treatment that may be available to the participant, including a statement on disclosure of appropriate alternative procedures or courses of treatment that might be advantageous to participants when the research involves non-validated procedures, devices, or therapies
  • Compensation and/or medical treatment available to the participant or the family or dependents in the event of a trial-related injury
  • Any additional costs to the participant that may result from participation in the research
  • The extent to which confidentiality records identifying the participant will be maintained, and if the results of the trial are published, the participant’s identity will remain confidential
  • That the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) will be granted direct access to the participant’s original medical records to verify clinical trial procedures and/or data without violating the participant’s confidentiality
  • The details on storage and exportation of biological samples, if applicable
  • The details on storage and ownership of personal data
  • Information about unblinding, if applicable
  • The extent of the investigator’s responsibility, if any, to provide medical services to the participant
  • That therapy will be provided free of charge for specified types of research-related injury, including the investigators’ responsibilities in this regard
  • That participation is voluntary, the participant may withdraw at any time, and refusal to participate will not involve any penalty or loss of benefits, or reduction in the level of care to which the participant is otherwise entitled
  • That the participant will be informed about the dissemination of findings and about any publication of the participant’s medical information, including photographs and pedigree charts
  • Foreseeable circumstances under which the investigator(s) may remove the participant without consent
  • That the participant or legal representative/guardian will be notified in a timely manner if significant new findings develop during the study which may affect the participant’s willingness to continue
  • Consent to incomplete disclosure, for example, if it is necessary to inform participants that some information is being withheld deliberately and the reasons for that decision; an offer to disclose the purpose at the conclusion of the study can be made

Note that per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in KEN-14.

In addition, the CTRules delineates that if the potential participant is a child, the ICF must also contain these elements:

  • The pathophysiology of the disease or subject of the clinical trial
  • The methods of diagnosis
  • The currently available treatment or prevention strategy in the pediatric population
  • The incidence and prevalence of the disease or subject of the clinical trial in the overall population and in the pediatric population
  • The evidence and assumptions on key differences between the disease or subject of the clinical trial in the overall population and the pediatric population
4.4 and 4.8
Definitions, 4.1, and 4.2
1.48, 1.63, and 1.188-1.212
Part IV (10 and 11)

Participant Rights

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024


In accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (KEN-33) principles upheld in the CTRules, the G-KenyaCT, the G-ECBiomedRes, and the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14), Kenya’s ethical standards promote respect for all human beings and safeguard the rights of research participants. A participant’s rights must also be clearly addressed in the informed consent form (ICF) and during the informed consent process. Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in KEN-14.

The Right to Participate, Abstain, or Withdraw

As set forth in the CTRules, the G-KenyaCT, the G-ECBiomedRes, and KEN-14, a participant or legal representative/guardian should be informed that participation is voluntary, that the participant may withdraw from the research study at any time, and that refusal to participate will not involve any penalty or loss of benefits to which the participant is otherwise entitled.

The Right to Information

As delineated in the CTRules, the G-KenyaCT, the G-ECBiomedRes, and KEN-14, a potential research participant or legal representative/guardian has the right to be informed about the nature and purpose of the research study, its anticipated duration, study procedures, any potential benefits or risks, any compensation for participation or injury/treatment, and any significant new information regarding the research study.

The DPA further indicates that data subjects have a right to:

  • Be informed of how their personal data is to be used
  • Access their personal data in custody of the data controller (sponsor) or data processor
  • Object to the processing of all or part of their personal data
  • Correct false or misleading data
  • Delete false or misleading data about them

The Right to Privacy and Confidentiality

As per the G-KenyaCT, the G-ECBiomedRes, and KEN-14, all participants must be afforded the right to privacy and confidentiality, and the ICF must provide a statement that recognizes this right.

The Right of Inquiry/Appeal

The G-KenyaCT, KEN-14, and the G-ECBiomedRes state that the participant or legal representative/guardian should be provided with contact information for the sponsor and the investigator(s) to address trial-related inquiries. Further, the G-ECBiomedRes requires that the ethics committee contact information also be provided.

The Right to Safety and Welfare

The G-ECBiomedRes and KEN-14 state that a research participant’s right to safety and the protection of the participant’s health and welfare must take precedence over the interests of science and society. KEN-14 upholds the Declaration of Helsinki (KEN-33). (See the Required Elements and Vulnerable Populations sections for additional information regarding requirements for participant rights.)

3.1 and 4.8
3.1, 4.1, and 4.2
1.48, 1.63, and 1.188-1.212
Part IV (26) and Part V (46-47)
Part IV (11 and 17)
Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

The G-KenyaCT, the G-ECBiomedRes, and the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14), make provisions to protect the rights of a research participant during the informed consent process when the procedure is complicated by emergencies. Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with KEN-14. As delineated in the G-KenyaCT and the G-ECBiomedRes, in an emergency, if the signed informed consent form (ICF) cannot be obtained from the research participant, the consent of the legal representative/guardian should be obtained. If the prior consent of the participant or legal representative/guardian cannot be obtained, the participant’s enrollment should follow measures specified in the protocol, and/or elsewhere, to ensure compliance with ethics committee (EC) and the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) requirements. The G-ECBiomedRes requires that the principle of clinical equipoise be applied, which essentially means the participant is not any worse off by enrolling.

During a public health emergency, the G-KenyaCT stipulates that the informed consent of participants must be obtained in individuals capable of giving informed consent. The CT-Emrgcy includes safeguards to protect clinical trial participants during a public health emergency, including the recommendation to reconsent if there are amendments as a result of the emergency.

Per KEN-14, in an emergency, if the signed ICF has not been obtained from the participant or legal representative/guardian, or if an effective treatment is lacking but the investigational product could address the participant’s emergency needs, the clinical trial may be conducted. However, the method used on the participant must be explained clearly in the trial protocol, and the EC must approve the protocol in advance. The participant or legal representative/guardian should be informed about the trial as soon as possible, and consent to continue and other consent should be requested, as appropriate.

4.1 and 4.2
1.48, 1.63, 1.188-1.212, and 1.557-1.574

Vulnerable Populations

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024


As per the G-KenyaCT, the G-ECBiomedRes, and the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14), in all Kenyan clinical trials, research participants selected from vulnerable populations must be provided additional protections to safeguard their health and welfare during the informed consent process. Vulnerable populations include those participants with diminished autonomy whose decision to participate in a clinical trial may be unduly influenced by the expectation of benefits associated with participation or by coercion. This may include, but is not limited to, children/minors, pregnant women, neonates, fetuses, medical students, members of the uniformed forces, prisoners, orphans, homeless populations, unemployed, internally displaced persons, economically or educationally disadvantaged persons, marginalized social groups, individuals with terminal illnesses, and the mentally challenged. KEN-14 also includes members of a group with a hierarchical structure, such as medical, pharmacy, dental, and nursing students, subordinate hospital and laboratory personnel, employees of the pharmaceutical industry, members of the armed forces, and persons kept in detention. Other vulnerable subjects include persons in nursing homes, patients in emergency situations, ethnic minority groups, homeless persons, nomads, refugees, minors, and those incapable of giving consent. Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in KEN-14.

Elderly Persons

The G-ECBiomedRes defines an elderly/senior citizen as a person who has attained the age of 65 years. Their physical or mental state may affect their ability to make voluntary decisions regarding their participation in research projects. Such research involving elderly/senior citizens must comply with the following requirements:

  • Strict adherence to ethical principles
  • The risk-benefit ratio must be favorable to the research participant
  • The participants must be protected from gross violation of human rights

Persons in Dependent Groups

Per the G-ECBiomedRes, research involving data collection by superiors on their subordinates involves relationships such as employer-employee, teacher-students, supervisor-staff, sponsor-dependent, and parent-children. This relationship impairs independent consent by the participants leading to complacency. Therefore, research involving the superior/subordinate relationships must fulfill the following requirements:

  • The superior must strictly follow ethical principles to avoid undue pressure
  • Subordinates must be protected from gross violation of human rights
  • The trial design must be based on a need-to-know principle and improve the conditions of the participants

Persons in Low-Resource Communities

The G-ECBiomedRes provides the following requirements related to conducting research on participants in low-resource settings:

  • Persons in such settings should not be involved in research that could be carried out reasonably well in developed communities
  • The research should be responsive to the health needs and priorities of the community in which it is to be implemented
  • Undue inducement to participate in the research must be avoided at all costs

Armed Forces

The G-ECBiomedRes stipulates that research involving the members of the armed forces may be vulnerable because of the conditions of their service, which may affect their ability to make voluntary decisions regarding their participation in research. Such research must be conducted to ensure that:

  • Participants are protected from gross violations of human rights
  • There is strict adherence to ethical principles
  • There is at least one (1) member of the ethics committee approving such research who is an enlisted and authoritative member of the armed forces

Terminally Ill

Per the G-ECBiomedRes, research involving participants who are terminally ill with an incurable medical condition are vulnerable. Their state may affect their ability to make voluntary decisions regarding their participation in research. Such research can only be conducted when:

  • The objectives of the project(s) cannot be achieved using another non-vulnerable group
  • There is strict adherence to ethical principles
  • The risk-benefit ratio should be favorable to the research participant

See the Children/Minors; Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates; Prisoners; and Mentally Impaired sections for additional information about these vulnerable populations.

1.61, 3.1, and 4.8
Glossary of Terms, 1.48, and 1.63


Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

According to the G-KenyaCT, a minor is someone under 18 years of age. As set forth in the G-KenyaCT, the G-ECBiomedRes, and the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14), when the research participant is a minor, informed consent should be obtained from the parent/guardian. Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in KEN-14. The informed consent forms, assent forms, and the patient information sheets should be in a language that the parent/guardian clearly understand. All pediatric participants should be fully informed about the trial and its risks and benefits in a language and terms that they are easily able to understand.

Per the G-KenyaCT, a minor should take part in the informed consent procedure in a way tailored to their age and mental maturity. If capable, the participant should sign and personally date the written informed consent. In addition, consent given by pediatric participants should not be considered valid without prior approval by the ethics committee (EC).

The CTRules, the G-ECBiomedRes, and the G-KenyaCT state that a study may only be conducted on minors if several conditions are fulfilled including (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Pediatric participants will not be involved in research that might be equally carried out in adults
  • The purpose of the research is to generate knowledge relevant to the health needs of children
  • The parent/guardian must provide proxy consent and ensure assent has been obtained to the extent of the child’s capabilities. However, if the minor refuses to participate after proxy consent is given, the minor’s refusal must be respected unless there is no other medical alternative from which the minor could benefit
  • The risk presented by interventions not intended to benefit the minor is low and commensurate with the importance of the knowledge to be gained
  • Interventions that are intended to provide therapeutic benefit are likely to be at least as advantageous to the individual child as any available alternative
  • No incentives or financial inducements are given to the participant or parent/guardian except to provide compensation for expenses and loss of earnings directly related to the participation in the trial

Additionally, per the G-KenyaCT, the trial should also address the following considerations:

  • Provide useful answers to the study population
  • The medicine satisfies a need for the population being studied
  • Children are adequately monitored and protected
  • If there is no direct benefit to the child, or there is no more than minimal risk to the participant(s)
  • Trial results will be published
  • End-of-trial treatment provisions will be made

Assent Requirements

As delineated in the G-KenyaCT, before undertaking research involving children, the investigator must ensure that the agreement (assent) of each child has been obtained to the extent of the child’s capabilities, and a child’s refusal to participate or continue in the research must be respected. Assent is defined as a child’s affirmative agreement to participate in research, where the child is below the age of the majority but old enough to understand the proposed research in general, its expected risks and possible benefits, and the activities expected of them as participants. The G-ECBiomedRes provides that in children above seven (7) years and below 18 years where the parent(s)/guardian(s) gives proxy consent, assent must be obtained from the child.

For an example of an accredited EC’s assent requirements, see the Kenyatta National Hospital-University of Nairobi (KNH-UoN) Ethics and Research Committee’s sample minor assent form (KEN-17).

Parental Consent for Children and Sample Minor Assent Form
Glossary of Terms, 1.48, 1.63, and 1.131-1.172
Part IV (10)

Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with the requirements set forth in the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14). In accordance with KEN-14, informed consent requirements for conducting clinical trials with pregnant or nursing women or fetuses follow the general requirements listed in the Required Elements section. Specifically, the informed consent form should include a statement on the reasonably foreseeable risks or inconveniences to the participant, and when applicable, to an embryo, fetus, or nursing infant.

As per the G-ECBiomedRes, research involving pregnant, lactating, and breastfeeding women may pose compromised long-term outcomes for the child. In addition, potential parent(s) can make decisions on behalf of the fetus(es), embryo(s), and zygote(s).

For fetal, embryo, and zygote(s) cases, research should be limited as follows:

  • Cases that present no harm or offer assistance to the life system of the participants
  • No procedures should be permitted that are likely to harm them
  • A fetus ex-utero and alive, embryo, and zygote must not be involved in research unless it is intended to enhance the life of that fetus, embryo, and zygote or unless the research involves no risk to them

Additionally, the following guidelines must be followed for research involving pregnant, lactating, and breastfeeding women:

  • The research carries no more than minimal risk to the fetuses or nursing infants
  • Pregnant or nursing women should generally not be clinical trial participants except where such trials are designed to protect or advance the health of the pregnant/nursing women or fetuses/nursing infants, and for which women who are not pregnant or nursing would not be suitable participants
  • The justification for such research should be that participants must not be arbitrarily deprived of the opportunity to benefit from investigational drugs, vaccines, or other agents that promise therapeutic or preventive benefits
1.48 and 1.63
Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Per the G-ECBiomedRes and the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14), prisoners are considered vulnerable because incarceration could affect their ability to make a voluntary decision regarding participation in research. Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in KEN-14. A research study involving prisoners should ensure that these prospective participants are informed and given the opportunity to make their own decisions without any interference or reprisals from a higher authority. The ethics committee must also ensure that the study will be independently monitored to assure the dignity and rights of the prisoners involved in the research.

1.48 and 1.63

Mentally Impaired

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

As per the G-ECBiomedRes and the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14), an ethics committee (EC) within the relevant institution must approve the participation of adult research participants who are incapable by reason of physical and mental capacity to give consent. Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in KEN-14.

In addition, as delineated in the G-ECBiomedRes, a research study may involve participants with mental incapacities or behavioral disorders under the following conditions:

  • Such research could not be carried out equally well with individuals who are in possession of their full mental faculties
  • The knowledge gained would be relevant to the health needs of persons with mental or behavioral disorders
  • The participant’s consent has been obtained to the extent of the participant’s capabilities, and a prospective participant’s refusal to participate is always respected
  • In the case of incompetent individuals, informed consent shall be obtained from a legal guardian or other duly authorized person
  • The degree of risk attached to the intervention not intended to benefit the individual participant is low and commensurate with the importance of knowledge to be gained
  • Interventions that are intended to provide therapeutic benefit are likely to be at least as advantageous to the individual participant as any alternative
1.61 and 3.1
1.48 and 1.63

Definition of Investigational Product

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

The G-KenyaCT defines an investigational product (IP) as any pharmaceutical product, including a new product or existing product for a new indication, in the form of an active ingredient or placebo being tested or used as a reference in a clinical trial, including a product with a marketing authorization when used or assembled (formulated or packaged) in a way different from the approved form, or when used for an unapproved indication, or when used to gain further information about an approved use.

Glossary of Terms, 1.48, and 1.63

Manufacturing & Import

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024


According to the PPA and the G-KenyaCT, the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) is responsible for authorizing the manufacture of all drug products, including investigational products (IPs) in Kenya. Per the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, an IP must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of good manufacturing practice (GMP). The CTRules requires a sponsor to immediately notify the PPB in writing when a pharmaceutical or chemical alteration may affect the quality, safety, or efficacy of the IP product during an ongoing clinical trial. The G-KenyaCT states that the sponsor must submit the IP dossier directly to the PPB or may submit it through the principal investigator. The IP dossier must be prepared as per the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14), which is required per G-KenyaCT. The manufacture of IPs may be subject to GMP inspection by the PPB in the same way as in the case of marketed drug products. See the G-KenyaCT for detailed chemistry and manufacturing information to be provided to the PPB if the IP has not been registered with the PPB.

KEN-14 also requires IPs to be manufactured, handled, and stored in accordance with applicable GMPs and used in accordance with the approved protocol.

Per the PPA, the PPB is authorized to regulate the manufacturing of medicine, including:

  • Ensure that all medicinal products manufactured in, imported into, or exported from the country conform to prescribed standards of quality, safety, and efficacy
  • Ensure that the personnel, premises, and practices employed in the manufacture, storage, marketing, distribution, and sale of medicinal substances comply with the defined codes of practice and other prescribed requirements
  • Grant or revoke licenses for the manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution, and sale of medicinal substances
  • Inspect and license all manufacturing premises, importing and exporting agents, wholesalers, distributors, pharmacies (including those in hospitals and clinics), and other retail outlets

See the KenyaGMP, for PPB’s compilation of recommended World Health Organization GMP guidelines to help comply with GMP requirements and prepare for an inspection, including for manufacture of IPs.


Per the PPA and the ImpExp, the PPB is authorized to regulate the import and export of health products and technologies, including IPs. As per the ImpExp and the G-KenyaCT, to obtain an import permit for a clinical trial, the sponsor or investigator must submit an application online to the Kenya Trade Network Agency’s Kenya TradeNet Single Window System (KEN-28). The following documents must be submitted (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • The proforma invoice or invoice
  • The ethics committee favorable opinion letter
  • The Expert Committee on Clinical Trials approval letter from the PPB
  • Registration of the institution where the research is being undertaken

The G-KenyaCT states that the sponsor must submit to the PPB a copy of the endorsed clinical trial import permit and/or evidence of delivery to the approved investigator(s)/trial center(s) on importation and supply of each consignment of the product. The product must only be supplied to the investigator(s) at the trial site(s) named in the clinical trial import license application for the purpose and use as stated in the said application. Prior PPB notification and approval is required for changes in the investigator, trial site, or protocol. The sponsor must inform PPB of any change in information, or any information received that casts doubt on the continued validity of the data, which was submitted with, or in connection with the application for the import permit. The sponsor must also inform the PPB of any decision to discontinue the trial to which the permit relates and state the reason for the decision. See KEN-8 for additional details on the procedures for obtaining an import license.

Per the CTRules, the import of an IP must comply with the applicable regulatory requirements to ensure integrity and accountability of the products. The PPB may revoke or suspend an import permit if the IP was manufactured in conditions not consistent with GMP; if the clinical trial was discontinued; or if the sponsor provided false information.

Please note: Kenya is party to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (KEN-3), which may have implications for studies of IPs developed using certain non-human genetic resources (e.g., plants, animals, and microbes). For more information, see KEN-15.

2.12 and 5.13
Glossary of Terms, 2.0, 5.1.7, and 6.0-6.3
Legal Framework, 1.24-1.26, 1.48, 1.63, 1.215-1.240, 1.346-1.354, and 1.542-1.551
Part 1 (3B), Part IIIA (35A and 35B), and Part IV (44)
Part IV (14)

Quality Requirements

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Investigator’s Brochure

In accordance with the CTRules and the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor must provide an up-to-date investigator’s brochure (IB). An updated IB and Drug Safety Update Report (DSUR) must be submitted whenever available but at least once year as a notification to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) or when there are substantial changes to the previous version.

Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14). As specified in the G-KenyaCT and KEN-14, the IB must provide coverage of the following areas:

  • Physical, chemical, and pharmaceutical properties
  • The pharmacological aspects including its metabolites in all animal species tested
  • The pharmacokinetics and metabolism including its biological transformation in all animal species tested
  • Toxicological effects in any animal species tested under a single dose study, a repeated dose study, or a special study
  • Results of clinical pharmacokinetic studies
  • Information regarding safety, pharmacodynamics, efficacy, and dose responses that were obtained from previous clinical trials in humans

The G-KenyaCT indicates that the sponsor must also follow the guidance contained in KEN-14.

Quality Management

In accordance with the G-KenyaCT, a good manufacturing practice (GMP) certificate must be provided by a competent authority from the country of manufacture to the PPB in the clinical trial application. At a minimum, the GMP certificate should include the competent authority’s name and contact details, address of the manufacturing site, date of inspection, and validity period. Certificates of Analysis (CoAs) must also be provided to the PPB for all investigational products (IPs) and comparator products. Per KEN-14, the sponsor must maintain a CoA to document the identity, purity, and strength of the IP(s) to be used in the clinical trial.

See the G-KenyaCT for detailed chemistry and manufacturing information to be provided to the PPB if the IP has not been registered with the PPB. In addition, see Cert-Emrgcy for information about good clinical practice (GCP) and GMP certifications during emergencies.

(See Product Management section for additional information on sponsor requirements).

Glossary of Terms, 1.13-1.29, 1.48, 1.63-1.88, 1.213-1.240, 1.340-1.354, and 1.542-1.551
Part III (8)
Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Per the G-KenyaCT, investigational products (IPs) used in Kenyan clinical trials must be properly labelled. A final copy/version of the labelling must be submitted to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) for approval and should contain the following minimum information:

  • Statement indicating that the product is for “clinical trial purpose only”
  • Recommended storage conditions
  • Protocol code or identification
  • Name, address, and telephone number of the sponsor, contract research organization, or investigator (the main contact for information on the product, clinical trial, and emergency unblinding)
  • Pharmaceutical dosage form, route of administration, quantity of dosage units, and in the case of open trials, the name/identifier and strength/potency
  • The batch and/or code number to identify the contents and packaging operation
  • A trial reference code allowing identification of the trial, site, investigator, and sponsor, if not given elsewhere
  • The trial participant identification number/treatment number and, where relevant, the visit number
  • The name of the investigator (if not included above)
  • Directions for use (reference may be made to a leaflet or other explanatory document intended for the trial participant or person administering the product)
  • Period of use (use-by date, expiry date, or re-test date as applicable), in month/year format and in a manner that avoids any ambiguity
  • The complete physical address of the manufacturing site

As indicated in the G-KenyaCT, it is recommended that an IP is not re-labeled wherever possible. It is, however, accepted that in certain cases it is necessary to re-label and the PPB will review applications for the extension of expiration dates based on sufficient evidence being provided by the applicant that an extended expiration date is warranted. A written justification and evidence should be provided to the PPB. Any re-labelling of remaining IPs from previously manufactured batches must be performed in accordance with good manufacturing practice (GMP) principles and is limited to an extension of the expiration date where sufficient evidence is available to support such extension. Any request for re-labelling should be accompanied by a certificate of analysis of the product from a PPB-recognized laboratory or World Health Organization (WHO) prequalified laboratories (KEN-18). After approval, the re-labelling must be carried out under the supervision of a pharmaceutical inspector on the ground. In case of use-date extension, an additional label should be affixed to the IP to indicate the new use date and repeat the batch number. It may be superposed on the old use date, but not on the original batch number. PPB will not approve re-labelling of a product if the proposed additional label obscures the original labelling. At all times, the original label should be visible. This operation may be performed onsite by the clinical trial monitor(s) or the clinical trial site pharmacist, in accordance with specific and standard operating procedures. The operation should be checked by a second person. Documented evidence of this additional labelling should be available in the trial documentation and in the batch records. KEN-34 indicates that all documents submitted to the PPB in a clinical trial application should be in English, including a pictorial sample of the IP with the labeling text.

The International Council for Harmonisation’s Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14), which the G-KenyaCT requires following, states that the IP must be coded and labeled in a manner that protects the blinding, if applicable. The IPs must also be suitably packaged in a manner that will prevent contamination and unacceptable deterioration during transport and storage.

1.48, 1.63, 1.307-1.317

Product Management

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Supply, Storage, and Handling Requirements

Per the PPA, the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) is responsible for the regulation of investigational products (IPs), including all matters relating to the safety, packaging, and distribution of medicines. The PPB must ensure that all medicinal products manufactured in, imported into, or exported from the country conform to prescribed standards of quality, safety, and efficacy. Further, the PPB must ensure that the personnel, premises, and practices employed in the manufacture and storage of IPs complies with prescribed requirements.

Per the G-KenyaCT, research must be conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14). As defined in the G-KenyaCT and KEN-14, the sponsor must ensure the following (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Timely delivery of IPs to the investigator(s)
  • Records that document shipment, receipt, disposition, return, and destruction of the IPs are maintained
  • A system for retrieving IPs and documenting that this retrieval is maintained
  • A system for the disposition of unused IPs is maintained
  • Steps taken to ensure that the IPs are stable over the period of use
  • Sufficient quantities of the IPs used in the trials are maintained

To the extent stability permits, samples should be retained either until the analyses of the trial data are complete or as required by the applicable regulatory requirement(s), whichever represents the longer retention period.

As defined in the G-KenyaCT and KEN-14, the sponsor must also supply the investigator(s)/institution(s) with the IPs, including the comparator(s) and placebo, if applicable. The sponsor or the representative should not supply either party with the IP(s) until approval from the PPB and a favorable opinion letter from the local and national ethics committees (ECs) are obtained. In addition, the G-KenyaCT requires the following supply, storage, and handling processes:

  • Analysis or evaluation of samples is performed in accordance with the protocol and, where applicable, the contract/agreement, the work instruction, and associated methods
  • Adherence to the laboratories, policies, and standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Prior to the initiation of sample analysis or evaluation, it is often necessary to prepare a work instruction detailing the procedures, which will be used to conduct the analysis or evaluation
  • Have automated equipment for routine hematology, biochemistry, and serology tests
  • Have procedures for analyzer calibration and quality control
  • Regularly maintain all the equipment, including point-of-care equipment
  • Have a procedure for transporting samples safely and quickly from clinical areas to the laboratory
  • Have written procedures for all assays, and validate the assays
  • Have a stock control procedure to make sure that reagents and consumables are used within their expiry dates
  • Keep records, including source documents and final reports
  • Have a laboratory information management system, and validate and backup the system
  • Provide protective clothing and safety equipment for staff
  • Have a central alarm system for all fridges and freezers
  • Have an internal audit program

The G-KenyaCT also states that the sponsor must submit to the PPB a copy of the endorsed Clinical Trial Import License and/or evidence of delivery to the approved investigator(s)/institution(s) upon importing and supplying each product consignment. In addition, the IP must only be supplied to the investigator(s)/institution(s) named in the application for the Clinical Trial Import License/Clinical Trial Exemption for the purpose and use specified. The sponsor must inform the PPB in the event of any information changes including:

  • Information the sponsor receives that casts doubt on the continued validity of the submitted data
  • Information associated with the Clinical Trial Import License

See the G-KenyaCT for additional information on principal investigator requirements relating to the Clinical Trial Import License.

Record Requirements

As per the G-KenyaCT, the sponsor is required to maintain records that document IP(s) shipment, receipt, disposition, return, and destruction. The sponsor must also maintain a system for retrieving IPs and documenting this retrieval, and maintain a system for the disposition of unused IPs.

According to the G-KenyaCT, IP manufacturers or importers must also retain samples for each batch of bulk product, and the packaging components used for each finished batch, for at least two (2) years following the trial. The sponsor should maintain sufficient samples from each batch and keep a record of their analyses and characteristics for reference so that, if necessary, an independent laboratory could reconfirm the same data.

5.5, 5.12-5.14, and 7
Glossary of Terms, 1.13-1.29, 1.48, 1.63-1.88, 1.213-1.214, 1.307-1.317, 1.355-1.372. 1.491, 1.507-1.511, and 1.542-1.551

Definition of Specimen

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024

Specimens are not defined in the Kenyan regulations. However, per KEN-26, the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) identifies biological samples and specimens as including, but not limited to, blood samples, saliva, breast milk samples, mosquito parts samples, biological cultures, tissue and tissue samples, hair samples, human stool, and environmental samples used in human health research.

Submission Forms (Shipping)

Specimen Import & Export

Last content review/update: July 2, 2024


Per the G-ECBiomedRes, biological material must not be imported nor exported without proper justification and authorization, which includes a signed material transfer agreement (MTA) approved by the relevant institutions and deposited with the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI). For exports, a Kenyan investigator must be included in the team that is conducting the research in the recipient country. All biological samples and data collected during research belong to the local participating institutions and country.

In addition, KEN-37 has indicated that Kenya’s Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) will approve of an export for overseas research if the following requirements are met:

  • PPB initial approval letter or annual approval letter
  • Ethics committee (EC) approval letter
  • MTA
  • Study protocol with a summary justification for the participants' sample exportation
  • Informed consent form that highlights the areas where study participants are informed about the exportation of their samples

The G-KenyaCT states that in the case of transfer of materials during research involving children, the sponsor or the representative or the principal investigator should provide to the EC an MTA including, but not limited to, the following information:

  • Identification of the provider and recipient
  • Definition of the trial and how the material will and will not be used
  • Maintenance of confidentiality of background of supporting data or information, if any
  • Indemnification and insurance

In addition, KEN-26 provides an example of the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)'s procedures for handling requests to ship biological samples or specimens. KEN-17 also provides an example of an MTA form from the Kenyatta National Hospital-University of Nairobi (KNH-UoN) Ethics and Research Committee.

KNH-UoN ERC Material Transfer Request Form
Submission Forms
4.1 and 4.2
Glossary of Terms and 1.172


(Guidance) Guidelines for Accreditation of Institutional Ethics Review Committees in Kenya (G-ECAccred) (October 2017)
National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
(Guidance) Guidelines for the Conduct of Clinical Trials in Kenya (Rev. No. 4) (G-KenyaCT) (Effective October 1, 2022)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Guidance) Manual for Registration of Research Institutions in Kenya (G-InstitutionRegistration) (November 2016)
National Commission for Science, Technology, and Innovation
(Guidance) National Guidelines for Ethical Conduct of Biomedical Research Involving Human Participants in Kenya (G-ECBiomedRes) (January 2020)
National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
(Guidance) Operational Guidelines for the Establishment and Functioning of Data and Safety Monitoring Boards (G-WHO-DSMB) (2005)
World Health Organization
(Legislation) Data Protection Act, 2019 (DPA) (Effective November 25, 2019)
(Legislation) Pharmacy and Poisons Act, Chapter 244 (PPA) (Amended through December 11, 2023)
(Legislation) Science, Technology and Innovation Act, 2013 (No. 28 of 2013) (STI-Act) (Effective June 24, 2013)
(Regulation) The Science, Technology and Innovation Regulations, 2014 (STI-Regs) (August 1, 2014)
National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
(Guidance) Guidance Document on Regulatory Measures on GMP, GCP and GDP Certification During Emergencies (Cert-Emrgcy) (Effective February 1, 2022)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Guidance) Guideline on Import and Export of Health Products and Technologies (Rev. No. 0) (ImpExp) (Effective February 1, 2022)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Guidance) Guidelines for Inspection of Contract Research Organization (Rev. No. 0) (CRO-Inspect) (Effective February 14, 2022)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Guidance) Guidelines for the Conduct of Clinical Trials During Public Health Emergencies and Pandemics in Kenya (Rev. No. 0) (CT-Emrgcy) (Effective February 1, 2022)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Regulation) Data Protection (General) Regulations, 2021 (No. 263); Data Protection (Complaints Handling and Enforcement Procedures) Regulations, 2021 (No. 264), and Data Protection (Registration of Data Controllers and Data Processors) Regulations, 2021 (No. 265) (DataProtect) (No. 263 – Effective December 31, 2021, No. 264 – Effective December 31, 2021, and No. 265 – Effective February 11, 2022)
Office of the Data Protection Commissioner
(Regulation) Pharmacy and Poisons (Conduct of Clinical Trials) Rules, 2022 (No. 95) (CTRules) (June 9, 2022)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Guidance) Kenya Good Manufacturing Practices Guidelines (Rev. No. 1) (KenyaGMP) (April 2023)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Guidance) Guideline on Benefit-Risk Assessment of Health Products and Technologies (Rev. No. 0) (Bft-Risk) (January 2023)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board

Additional Resources

(Document) Checklist for Submission of Clinical Trials Applications for Authorization (KEN-34) (2020)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Document) Checklist for Submitting a Request for Annual Approval (KEN-35) (2020)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Document) Declaration by Applicant (KEN-1) (Date Unavailable)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Document) Declaration of Financial Disclosure/Conflict of Interest by PI (KEN-2) (Date Unavailable)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Document) KEMRI SERU ICF Template (KEN-4) (Version 5.0) (Effective July 1, 2019)
Kenya Medical Research Institute
(Document) NACOSTI Service Charter (KEN-5) (2018)
National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
(Document) Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (KEN-3) (2011)
Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations
(International Guidance) Declaration of Helsinki (KEN-33) (October 19, 2013)
World Medical Association
(International Guidance) Integrated Addendum to ICH E6(R1): Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (KEN-14) (Step 4 Version) (November 9, 2016)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports E3 (KEN-13) (Step 4 Version) (November 30, 1995)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(Not Available Online) NIAID Communication with Pharmacy and Poisons Board (December 2021) (KEN-37)
(Webpage) Accredited Institutional Ethics Review Committees (IERCs) (KEN-25) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
(Webpage) Application for a Research License (KEN-31) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
(Webpage) Country Profile: Kenya (KEN-15) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-house, Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations
(Webpage) Kenya TradeNet Single Window System (KEN-28) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
Kenya Trade Network Agency
(Webpage) KNH-UoN Ethics and Research Committee – E-Resources (KEN-17) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
Kenyatta National Hospital and University of Nairobi Ethics and Research Review Committee
(Webpage) Quality Control Laboratories for Medicines (KEN-18) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
World Health Organization
(Webpage) NACOSTI – Contact (KEN-29) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
(Webpage) NACOSTI – Frequently Asked Questions (KEN-30) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
National Commission for Science, Technology, and Innovation
(Webpage) NACOSTI – Mandate & Functions (KEN-32) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
(Webpage) Pan African Clinical Trials Registry (KEN-19) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
Pan African Clinical Trials Registry
(Webpage) Pharmacy and Poisons Board - Our Contacts (KEN-22) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Webpage) Pharmacy and Poisons Board - Online Clinical Trials Registry (KEN-16) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Webpage) Pharmacy and Poisons Board – About Us (KEN-20) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Webpage) Pharmacy and Poisons Board – Clinical Trials (KEN-21) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Webpage) RIMS Research Information Management System (KEN-24) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
National Commission for Science, Technology, and Innovation
(Webpage) Scientific and Ethics Review Unit (SERU) - FAQs (KEN-27) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
Kenya Medical Research Institute
(Webpage) The Scientific and Ethics Review Unit (SERU) (KEN-26) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
Kenya Medical Research Institute
(Webpage) Import Permit for Pharmaceutical Products (KEN-8) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
Kenya Trade Network Agency
(Webpage) PvERS: The Pharmacovigilance Electronic Reporting System (KEN-6) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
Pharmacy and Poisons Board
(Webpage) eCitizen Login Page (KEN-12) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
Government of Tanzania
(Webpage) Kenya National Research Information System (KENRIS) Login Page (KEN-23) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
(Webpage) Newly Accredited ISERCs in Kenya (KEN-38) (Last Updated May 11, 2023)
National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
(Webpage) Registration of Research Institutions in Kenya (KEN-39) (Current as of July 2, 2024)
National Commission for Science, Technology, and Innovation


(Form) Application Form for Institutional Ethics Review Committee Accreditation/Renewal of Accreditation (KEN-10) (November 2018)
National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
(Form) Application Form for Registration of a Research Organization (KEN-11) (November 2018)
National Commission for Science, Technology, and Innovation
(Form) Reporting Tool for Research Institutions and Universities in Kenya (KEN-36) (April 2021)
National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
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Regulatory authority(ies), relevant office/departments, oversight roles, contact information
Regulatory review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, appeals, termination
Regulatory fees (e.g., applications, amendments, notifications, import) and payment instructions
Ethics review landscape, ethics committee composition, terms of reference, review procedures, meeting schedule
Ethics committee review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, termination
Ethics review fees and payment instructions
Authorization of ethics committees, registration, auditing, accreditation
Submission procedures for regulatory and ethics reviews
Essential elements of regulatory and ethics submissions and protocols
Regulatory and ethics review and approval timelines
Pre-trial approvals, agreements, clinical trial registration
Safety reporting definitions, responsibilities, timelines, reporting format, delivery
Interim/annual and final reporting requirements
Sponsor role and responsibilities, contract research organizations, representatives
Site and investigator criteria, foreign sponsor responsibilities, data and safety monitoring boards, multicenter studies
Insurance requirements, compensation (injury, participation), post-trial access
Protocol and regulatory compliance, auditing, monitoring, inspections, study termination/suspension
Electronic data processing systems and records storage/retention
Responsible parties, data protection, obtaining consent
Obtaining and documenting informed consent/reconsent and consent waivers
Essential elements for informed consent form and other related materials
Rights regarding participation, information, privacy, appeal, safety, welfare
Obtaining or waiving consent in emergencies
Definition of vulnerable populations and consent/protection requirements
Definition of minors, consent/assent requirements, conditions for research
Consent requirements and conditions for research on pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates
Consent requirements and conditions for research on prisoners
Consent requirements and conditions for research on persons who are mentally impaired
Description of what constitutes an investigational product and related terms
Investigational product manufacturing and import approvals, licenses, and certificates
Investigator's Brochure and quality documentation
Investigational product labeling, blinding, re-labeling, and package labeling
Investigational product supply, storage, handling, disposal, return, record keeping
Description of what constitutes a specimen and related terms
Specimen import, export, material transfer agreements
Consent for obtaining, storing, and using specimens, including genetic testing