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Regulatory Authority

Regulatory authority(ies), relevant office/departments, oversight roles, contact information
Regulatory review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, appeals, termination
Regulatory fees (e.g., applications, amendments, notifications, import) and payment instructions

Ethics Committee

Ethics review landscape, ethics committee composition, terms of reference, review procedures, meeting schedule
Ethics committee review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, termination
Ethics review fees and payment instructions
Authorization of ethics committees, registration, auditing, accreditation

Clinical Trial Lifecycle

Submission procedures for regulatory and ethics reviews
Essential elements of regulatory and ethics submissions and protocols
Regulatory and ethics review and approval timelines
Pre-trial approvals, agreements, clinical trial registration
Safety reporting definitions, responsibilities, timelines, reporting format, delivery
Interim/annual and final reporting requirements


Sponsor role and responsibilities, contract research organizations, representatives
Site and investigator criteria, foreign sponsor responsibilities, data and safety monitoring boards, multicenter studies
Insurance requirements, compensation (injury, participation), post-trial access
Protocol and regulatory compliance, auditing, monitoring, inspections, study termination/suspension
Electronic data processing systems and records storage/retention
Responsible parties, data protection, obtaining consent

Informed Consent

Obtaining and documenting informed consent/reconsent and consent waivers
Essential elements for informed consent form and other related materials
Rights regarding participation, information, privacy, appeal, safety, welfare
Obtaining or waiving consent in emergencies
Definition of vulnerable populations and consent/protection requirements
Definition of minors, consent/assent requirements, conditions for research
Consent requirements and conditions for research on pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates
Consent requirements and conditions for research on prisoners
Consent requirements and conditions for research on persons who are mentally impaired

Investigational Products

Description of what constitutes an investigational product and related terms
Investigational product manufacturing and import approvals, licenses, and certificates
Investigator's Brochure and quality documentation
Investigational product labeling, blinding, re-labeling, and package labeling
Investigational product supply, storage, handling, disposal, return, record keeping


Description of what constitutes a specimen and related terms
Specimen import, export, material transfer agreements
Consent for obtaining, storing, and using specimens, including genetic testing

Regulatory Authority

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

Ministry of Health

As per the ClinDrugTrialGCP, PharmLaw-VNM, DecreeMOH, and ASTTReg, Vietnam’s Ministry of Health (MOH) is the regulatory authority responsible for clinical trial approvals, registration, oversight, and inspections. The MOH grants permission for clinical trials to be conducted in Vietnam.

As indicated in DecreeMOH, the MOH is a governmental agency whose mission is to oversee all aspects of public health care management and protection for the Vietnamese population. With regard to pharmaceuticals, the MOH’s activities include, but are not limited to, formulating and promulgating legal documents, regulations, and national standards; granting and withdrawing pharmaceutical practice certificates; and issuing certificates of eligibility, registration permits, medicine import/export permits, and certificates of good manufacturing practice (GMP).

The ClinDrugTrialGCP and ASTTReg specify that the MOH’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT) is responsible for managing the clinical trial review process. As per the ClinTrialSup, the MOH’s ASTT is also responsible for registering contract research organizations (CROs) that support clinical studies and provide other research services. (See the ClinTrialSup for detailed information on clinical trial research support activities and the related registration forms.)

Pursuant to the DrugRgstrtn, an Advisory Council created by the MOH issues registration papers for drug and medicinal ingredient circulation. The Advisory Council consists of experts with appropriate professional qualifications and experience to ensure the ability to evaluate dossiers, critique experts' opinions and recommendations of the MOH’s Drug Administration of Vietnam (DAV), and advise the Minister of Health on issues related to pharmaceutical legislation, quality, safety, and efficacy records of drugs and medicinal ingredients. See the Scope of Assessment section for more information on the Advisory Council’s role in drug clinical trial phase exemptions.

Please note: Vietnam is party to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (VNM-2), which may have implications for studies of investigational products developed using certain non-human genetic resources (e.g., plants, animals, and microbes). For more information, see VNM-6.

Contact Information

According to VNM-11, the contact information for the ASTT is as follows:

Ministry of Health
Administration of Science, Technology and Training
No. 138B Giang Vo
Ba Dinh District
Hanoi City, Vietnam

Phone: 04.33846688
Fax: 04.32373236

Article 94
Articles 9-11 and Forms 1 and 2
Article 42
Articles 1-2, 19, 21-22, and 29
Articles 1-3
Articles 1-3

Scope of Assessment

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024


In accordance with the ClinDrugTrialGCP, PharmLaw-VNM, and ASTTReg, Vietnam’s Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT) manages the clinical trial review process for registered and unregistered investigational products (IPs). The ASTT is responsible for reviewing all clinical study documents, and per the ClinDrugTrialGCP, PharmLaw-VNM, the ECReg, and the BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP), the MOH’s national level ethics committee (EC), the National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research (NECBR), is responsible for approving the research protocol. The ECReg further indicates that for research involving humans, institutions with ECs are responsible for overseeing an initial ethical and scientific appraisal of the research before it is reviewed by the NECBR. (Note: institutional level ECs are known as Councils of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass Root Level (CEBRGLs) in Vietnam.) For institutions conducting research that do not have a CEBRGL, the review and evaluation of the research is performed by the NECBR or the CEBRGL of another institution with appropriate expertise.

According to the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the ASTT reviews a clinical trial registration dossier submitted by the sponsor, as well as a study approval dossier submitted by the institution. Evidence of institutional EC approval from a CEBRGL is a required element of the study approval dossier, so CEBRGL and ASTT approval cannot be conducted in parallel. Additionally, the NECBR’s review of the protocol is initiated by the MOH as part of the ASTT’s study approval dossier review procedures. Per the ClinDrugTrialGCP and PharmLaw-VNM, ASTT review is finalized once NECBR approval is obtained and the entire study approval dossier is sent to the Minister of Health for final approval. (Note: The ClinDrugTrialGCP and BioequivTrial also refer to the sponsor as “organizations and individuals with clinical reagents” or “donor”.)

As per the ClinDrugTrial and PharmLaw-VNM, the scope of the MOH’s assessment includes all clinical trials (Phases I-IV) for the following:

  • Drugs that contain a new active ingredient, or products with a new combination of marketed ingredients
  • Newly developed biologics or biologics with a new combination of marketed ingredients
  • Newly developed vaccines that are manufactured and used for the first time in Vietnam
  • Drugs, biologics, and vaccines which have been legally marketed for a period of less than five (5) years in the country of origin (or a country of reference if provided for under international treaties to which Vietnam is a signatory)
  • Drugs, biologics, and vaccines for which a clinical trial has been conducted, but have not met the MOH’s or internationally recognized good clinical practice (GCP) requirements

In addition, per the TradMedicine, the MOH also reviews and approves traditional medicines to be used in clinical trials (Phases I-IV) unless deemed exempt by the agency. The category of traditional medicine includes drugs developed from a provincial-level scientific research project or higher, drugs that were granted a certificate, or drugs used for treatment at health establishments at a provincial level or higher for 10 years or more and for 200 or more patients. The drugs must also have been approved by a Science and Technology Council or an EC specialized in traditional medicine as effective and safe to treat traditional medical diseases. Traditional medicines also include ancient methods.

For information on bioequivalence trials and testing, see the BioequivTrial and the BioTestReq.

Clinical Trial Review Process

Registration Dossier Review

According to the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the ASTT requires the sponsor to submit a clinical trial registration dossier. Upon receipt of the appropriate files, the ASTT will check the validity of the dossier. If the dossier is incomplete, the ASTT will provide a written notice and specific instructions for the sponsor to supplement the dossier. The sponsor is responsible for coordinating with the ASTT to complete the dossier within a maximum of 60 days from the date of receipt of the written notice. Past this time limit, the submitted application is no longer valid. Following the review of a complete and valid dossier, the ASTT Director will either issue a written approval (see Form 13 in Appendix III of the ClinDrugTrialGCP) or clearly state the reason for disapproval in writing.

See the Submission Process, Submission Content, and Timeline of Review sections for more information on registration dossiers.

Approval Dossier Review

Per the ClinDrugTrialGCP, research institutions must submit dossiers requesting clinical drug trial approval to the ASTT. The ASTT checks the validity of the dossier, and if it is incomplete, the ASTT will provide a written notice and specific instructions for the institution to supplement the dossier. The institution is responsible for coordinating with the ASTT to complete the dossier within a maximum of 60 days from the date of receipt of the written notice. Past this time limit, the research approval procedure must be repeated from the beginning.

The ClinDrugTrialGCP states that following receipt of a complete and valid dossier, the MOH will organize a meeting of the NECBR. After receiving the NECBR’s evaluation report of the research protocol, the ASTT will synthesize and complete the dossier, then submit it to the Minister of Health for approval if the protocol meets the requirements. If the protocol is not approved or needs correction, the ASTT will notify the institution in writing and clearly state the reason. If the protocol needs to be modified, the institution is responsible for coordinating with the ASTT to complete the dossier in up to 90 days from the date of receipt of the written notice. Past this time limit, the protocol approval procedure must be repeated from the beginning.

Procedures for the approval of research protocol amendments follow the same procedure described above for clinical drug trial approval. For more information, see the ClinDrugTrialGCP.

See Submission Process, Submission Content, and Timeline of Review sections for more information on the approval dossier.


The BioequivTrial indicates that the ASTT may conduct inspections to ensure the rights and health of participants in the trial, ensure the quality and integrity of the research data, ensure that the responsibilities of stakeholders in the research are implemented in accordance with applicable regulations, and promptly detect violations of the research protocol. The MOH will determine the inspection scale and frequency based on the objective, purpose, design, complexity, blinding technique, scale, and end date of the research. The MOH must send an inspection notice to the sponsor and institution at least five (5) days before the inspection, and the inspection report must be completed and sent to the sponsor and institution within 20 days of the inspection.

Clinical Trial Exemptions

The DrugRgstrtn indicates that based on the opinion of the MOH’s Advisory Council, the Minister of Health may exempt certain new drugs, vaccines, and biological products from one (1) or more phases of a clinical trial (including clinical data exemption or reduction). Registration certificates may be issued with the clinical trial phase exemption in the following cases:

  • Medicines that meet urgent needs for national defense and security, epidemic prevention and control, and overcoming the consequences of natural calamities and catastrophes in which other drugs are not yet available on the market
  • The drug has been licensed for circulation by at least one (1) of the reference regulatory agencies specified in Article 2 of the DrugRgstrtn
  • Medicines used to treat rare and fatal diseases
  • Vaccines and biological products manufactured in Vietnam in the form of technology transfer in one (1), several, or all phases of the finished product manufacturing process, which have clinical data on the products prior to the technology transfer in compliance with the DrugRgstrtn

See the DrugRgstrtn and the PharmLaw-VNM for more information on drugs that are exempted from a trial or certain phases of a trial.

Article 5
Articles 89 and 94
Articles 2, 13, and 17
Appendix (Articles 1, 8, and 18 and Form 1)
Articles 1 and 7
Articles 19, 21-23, and 29 and Appendix III (Form 13)
Articles 3 and 15
Articles 1-3

Regulatory Fees

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

No information is currently available regarding fees required to submit a clinical trial application for authorization to the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT).

Ethics Committee

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024


As per the ECReg, the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP), and PharmLaw-VNM, Vietnam requires institutional and national level ethics committee (EC) approval for clinical trials. According to the ECReg and VNM-12, institutional level EC approval is provided by a Council of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass Root Level (CEBRGL). PharmLaw-VNM states that national level EC approval is conducted by the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research (NECBR).

Ethics Committee Composition

The ECReg details general EC requirements applicable to both the CEBRGLs and the NECBR, as well as specific requirements for each type of EC.

Per the ECReg, EC membership should include the following:

  • Members with a professional degree in the health sector related to the common research areas assessed by the EC, including at least one (1) person independent from the organization that establishes the EC
  • Clinical doctors
  • Members with legal expertise or knowledge of ethical principles in biomedical research, with a university degree or higher
  • Members with no expertise in the health sector
  • Members under 40 years of age, members from 40 years old to under 50 years old, and members aged 50 or older
  • Male and female members (neither gender may be less than 20% of the total membership)

The ECReg further indicates that EC members must have the necessary experience, knowledge, skills, and ability to perform their duties in order to validate the science and protect the interests of research participants. Members with expertise in the health sector must have at least five (5) years of experience working in the field of research assessed by the EC. All members must also have time to participate in and perform the duties of the EC, and keep confidential any information related to the research, opinions discussed during the meeting, commercial secrets of individuals and organizations participating in the study, and personal information about the research participant. Members must also receive training and certification from the MOH or MOH-accredited organizations in Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and the EC’s standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Council of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass Root Level

As explained in the ECReg and the CEBRGLReg, institutional ECs, known as CEBRGLs, should consist of at least five (5) members. The ECReg states that a CEBRGL consists of one (1) chair, one (1) to two (2) vice-chairs, a standing division, and specialized subcommittees (if necessary).

The CEBRGLReg further indicates that CEBRGLs may have at most 11 members. All members must be honest, objective, and have biomedical research ethics knowledge and expertise. The chair and vice-chair should be prestigious scientists.

The ECReg requires that the chair and vice-chairs have at least 15 years of experience working in the field of research evaluated by the EC, a good reputation, and the capacity to independently manage and run the EC. The chair and vice-chairs must also be fair and impartial, and not be pressured by the research institution, investigators, and other agencies, organizations, and individuals. An individual cannot be appointed as the chair of the EC for more than two (2) consecutive terms.

According to the ECReg, a CEBRGL should have no more than two (2) professional secretaries and no more than two (2) administrative secretaries. Professional and administrative secretaries must be honest, objective, and university educated. Furthermore, professional secretaries must have knowledge about scientific and technological management, scientific research, and ethics in biomedical research, while administrative secretaries must have administrative, clerical, and archival skills.

According to the CEBRGLReg, a secretariat based in the host institution’s Science Research Management Office should assist the CEBRGL with application processing and other administrative tasks.

See the ECReg and the CEBRGLReg for additional CEBRGL membership criteria.

National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research

The ECReg requires the NECBR to have at least nine (9) official members, including one (1) chair, three (3) vice-chairs, and other official members, including professional and administrative secretaries. The NECBR also includes data monitoring and other subcommittees as needed. The Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT) and the MOH act as standing members of the office of the NECBR.

The ECReg requires that the chair and vice-chairs have at least 15 years of experience working in the field of research evaluated by the EC, a good reputation, and the capacity to independently manage and run the EC. The chair and vice-chairs must also be fair and impartial, and not be pressured by the research institution, investigators, and other agencies, organizations, and individuals. An individual cannot be appointed as the chair of the EC for more than two (2) consecutive terms.

According to the ECReg, the NECBR should have no more than three (3) professional secretaries, and two (2) administrative secretaries at most.

The ECReg states that professional and administrative secretaries must be honest, objective, and university-educated. Professional secretaries must have knowledge about scientific and technological management, scientific research, and ethics in biomedical research, while administrative secretaries must have administrative, clerical, and archival skills.

See the ECReg for additional NECBR membership criteria and VNM-1 for the list of 2023-2028 NECBR term members.

Terms of Reference, Review Procedures, and Meeting Schedule

According to the ECReg, both CEBRGLs and the NECBR have five (5) year terms. However, the CEBRGLReg indicates that CEBRGLs have three (3) to five (5) year terms, as specified in the EC’s establishment decision. The ECReg also stipulates that the EC must be established or reorganized at the end of the term. The EC for the next consecutive term must include at least 25% new members.

As stated in the ECReg, EC activities are non-profit. The EC must fully apply the ethical principles prescribed in the ECReg and relevant legal documents, and comply with ethical guidelines of international organizations. The ethical guidelines used by the EC should be clearly stated and disseminated to investigators. In addition, ECs function on the principles of collectivity, democracy, and independence when evaluating research proposals and making decisions. If necessary, ECs may invite an independent consultant to provide a professional opinion to the EC. ECs should also facilitate the coordination of and/or reference the evaluation results of other domestic or foreign ECs.

According to the ECReg, the EC’s decision for a research proposal should be based on the consensus of the EC members and must be recorded in the EC’s meeting minutes. In case it is difficult to reach a consensus, the EC’s chair has the right to decide to immediately commence voting, or request that the principal investigator supplement the research dossier for the EC to consider and vote on during the next EC meeting. Research is approved only when there is no more than one (1) disapproval vote out of the total number of valid votes.

In addition, the ECReg states that ECs must conduct periodic assessments of ongoing studies within a time period that is consistent with the level of risk for study participants, but at least once a year on or before the date the EC approved the research protocol. The conclusion of the periodic assessment results should state that the EC’s previous decisions are still valid, or have been changed, suspended, or revoked.

The ECReg requires that EC members be trained prior to appointment and provided with updated and supplementary training in the ethical and scientific aspects of biomedical research. The head of the organization that establishes the EC is responsible for assigning a unit to manage scientific research activities to develop and deploy training plans for EC members. The updated and supplementary training must be conducted at least once every two (2) years. For more information on training requirements for EC members, see the ECReg.

As set forth in CEBRGLReg, the CEBRGLs should operate within written SOPs to conduct their reviews. The chair oversees the meetings, makes conclusions, and reports this information to the institutional head. Voting members must have no conflict of interest with the research. The CEBRGL members must review research documentation and prepare comments for the secretary prior to the meeting. Most CEBRGLs do not meet regularly but instead meet upon request for review and on the availability of the majority of its members. The CEBRGLs should also refer to the NECBR’s SOPs to develop their own SOPs. See CEBRGLReg for detailed CEBRGL review procedures.

Article 94
Articles 3-4 and Chapters II-III
Appendix (Article 8)
Articles 19 and 22
Articles 3, 5-9, 13, 15, 18, and 21

Scope of Review

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024


According to the ECReg, the CEBRGLReg, the ClinDrugTrialGCP, and the PharmLaw-VNM, the primary scope of information assessed by ethics committees (ECs) relates to maintaining and protecting the dignity and rights of research participants and ensuring their safety throughout their participation in a clinical trial. The ECs involved in clinical trial approval in Vietnam include institutional level ECs, called Councils of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass Root Level (CEBRGLs), and the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research (NECBR).

As per the ECReg, the CEBRGLReg, and the PharmLaw-VNM, ECs must also pay special attention to reviewing informed consent and to protecting the welfare of certain classes of participants deemed to be vulnerable or those with limited or no legal capacity. The ECReg further indicates that when considering research related to vulnerable groups, representatives of the research participants or experts with knowledge and experience working with the groups must participate in the EC meeting. (See the Vulnerable Populations; Children/Minors; and Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates sections for additional information about these populations.)

The ECReg and the CEBRGLReg also state that CEBRGLs and the NECBR are responsible for ensuring independent, timely, and competent reviews of all ethical aspects of the clinical trial protocol. They must act in the interests of the potential research participants and the communities involved by evaluating the possible risks and expected benefits to participants; confirming the suitability of the investigator(s), facilities, and methods; and verifying the adequacy of confidentiality and privacy safeguards. See the ECReg and the CEBRGLReg for detailed ethical review guidelines.

The ECReg indicates that when ECs conduct research record evaluations, ongoing research supervision, and research results evaluations, they should evaluate the following:

  • Research design and conduct
  • Potential risks and benefits
  • Selection of research populations and participant selection and protection
  • Financial benefits and financial costs related to research participants
  • Protecting the research participants’ privacy and confidentiality
  • The process of providing information and obtaining participants’ written consent to participate in research
  • Impact of research on the participants’ community
  • Researcher capacity and research goal

Role in Clinical Trial Approval Process

As delineated in the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the MOH’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT) is responsible for reviewing the clinical trial registration and study approval dossiers for completeness. Evidence of institutional EC approval from a CEBRGL is a required element of the study approval dossier, so CEBRGL and ASTT approval cannot be conducted in parallel. Additionally, the NECBR’s review of the protocol is initiated by the MOH as part of the ASTT’s study approval dossier review procedures. Per the ClinDrugTrialGCP and the PharmLaw-VNM, the ASTT’s review is finalized once NECBR approval is obtained and the entire study approval dossier is sent to the Minister of Health for final approval.

The ECReg indicates that for research involving humans, institutions with ECs are responsible for overseeing an initial ethical and scientific appraisal of the research before it is reviewed by the NECBR. For institutions conducting research that do not have a CEBRGL, the review and evaluation of the research is performed by the NECBR or the CEBRGL of another institution with appropriate expertise.

The ECReg indicates that ECs may assess a research dossier or application under an expedited process if:

  • The research involves minimal risk
  • The research documents have been previously reviewed by an EC
  • The research documents have been reviewed and approved by an EC of the same level
  • It is a periodic report on implementation of research that has already been approved
  • It is an application for amendment and supplementation of a research protocol that has already been approved
  • It is reporting adverse events occurring in research that has already been approved
  • It is reporting violations of an approved research protocol

According to the ECReg, research dossiers are reviewed under the EC’s full process if they do not qualify for expedited review as stipulated above, or if the evaluator requests that the dossier be examined according to the full process. The EC’s decision under the full review process is legally valid when at least five (5) members (including at least one (1) member with appropriate expertise in the health sector, one (1) member with no expertise in the health sector, and one (1) independent member), including members of both sexes, are present at the EC’s meeting and vote in the decision. The meeting must also have been convened by the EC’s chair or vice-chair (if authorized), and record meeting minutes. The EC's expedited review process decision is legally valid when at least two (2) members of the EC have reviewed and evaluated the dossier. See the Timeline of Review section for more information on the expedited and full review processes.

According to the ECReg, the EC must send a written notification of its evaluation to the leading research institution and principal investigator (PI), and publish the evaluation results on a bulletin board or on the website of the EC or the organization that established the EC. The EC may approve, conditionally approve, or decide not to approve a research dossier, and the written notifications must be issued accordingly.

Per the BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP), for administrative changes to the clinical trial protocol, the research institution must report in writing to the ECs at all levels and the ASTT. Changes that do not affect the health and interests of trial participants, or the research designs, processes, and procedures, must be approved by the CEBRGL and the NECBR. The application and evaluation process are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the ECReg. Changes affecting the health and interests of trial participants, or the research designs, processes, and procedures, must be approved by competent regulatory agencies. The application for approval of changes and procedures must comply with the ClinDrugTrialGCP. See the ECReg and the ClinDrugTrialGCP for more information.

For internal NECBR forms and documents, see VNM-3.

According to the BioequivTrial, ECs may also conduct periodic or unscheduled inspections. The sponsor and EC should determine the scale and frequency of the inspections based on the objectives and design of the research. The purpose of the inspection should be to evaluate trial conduct and PI/study team compliance with the protocol, standard operating procedures (SOPs), good clinical practices (GCPs), and other applicable regulatory requirements. The sponsor or the EC must send an inspection notice to the institution and PI at least five (5) days before the inspection, and the inspection report must be completed and sent to the institution and PI within 20 days of the inspection.

The ECReg indicates that ECs must conduct periodic reviews of ongoing studies within a time period that is consistent with the level of risk for study participants, but at least once a year on or before the date the EC approved the research protocol. The conclusion of the periodic review results should state that the EC’s previous decisions are still valid, or have been changed, suspended, or revoked. Circumstances for unscheduled reviews include:

  • Modification of the protocol that has the potential to affect the rights, safety, and/or interests of the research participants or investigators
  • A serious adverse event related to the research or the research product
  • Discovery of new facts or information that could affect a potential benefit or risk of harm related to the study
  • A request to suspend all or a portion of the study by the sponsor or regulatory agency
Articles 90 and 94
Articles 5 and 8-9
Appendix (Articles 8 and 18)
Articles 2, 19, and 22-23
Articles 3, 15-21, and 24

Ethics Committee Fees

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

As stated in the ECReg, ethics committees (ECs) should indicate the fee structure (if any) required to assess a proposed study. Fee requirements should be included in the written instructions provided to investigators for submitting research dossiers for evaluation. The head of the organization that establishes the EC is responsible for allocating sufficient resources for the EC to perform its duties effectively.

According to VNM-12, the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research (NECBR) and institutional level ECs (known as Councils of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass Root Level (CEBRGLs)) charge a fee to review clinical trial documentation. The current NECBR and CEBRGL fees are $1,000-$2,000 USD.

Articles 12 and 22

Oversight of Ethics Committees

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024


According to the ECReg, the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT) is responsible for registering the institutional level ethics committees (ECs), known as Councils of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass Root Level (CEBRGLs) in Vietnam.

Registration, Auditing, and Accreditation

The ECReg indicates that the ASTT is responsible for maintaining a list of ECs on the ASTT website. The ASTT must update the list within 15 days from the date of receiving a notice of establishment from the EC. ECs are periodically inspected by the ASTT to ensure that they comply with the requirements specified in the ECReg. If the EC is found to be noncompliant, the ASTT will withdraw the EC’s name from the updated list on the website. The ASTT may suspend, or propose suspension to a competent authority, of an EC’s operation in case it is found that the EC violates the provisions of the ECReg, affecting the protection of rights, safety, and health of research participants.

Article 27

Submission Process

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024


In accordance with the ClinDrugTrialGCP, PharmLaw-VNM, and ASTTReg, Vietnam requires the applicant to obtain clinical trial authorization from the Ministry of Health (MOH). The Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT) is the department within the MOH that manages the clinical trial review process. As delineated in the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the MOH’s national level ethics committee (EC), the National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research (NECBR), must also approve the research protocol.

As per the ClinDrugTrialGCP, evidence of institutional EC approval from a Council of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass Root Level (CEBRGL) is a required element of the study approval dossier submitted to the ASTT, so CEBRGL and ASTT approval cannot be conducted in parallel. Additionally, the NECBR’s review of the protocol is initiated by the MOH as part of the ASTT’s study approval dossier review procedures. Per the ClinDrugTrialGCP and the PharmLaw-VNM, ASTT review is finalized once NECBR approval is obtained and the entire study approval dossier is sent to the Minister of Health for final approval.

Regulatory Submission

According to VNM-12, the registration dossier and the study approval dossier should be submitted to the MOH’s ASTT at the address found in VNM-11:

Ministry of Health
Administration of Science, Technology and Training
No. 138B Giang Vo
Ba Dinh District
Hanoi City, Vietnam

As per the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the sponsor must submit, directly or via post, one (1) copy of the clinical trial registration dossier signed by the sponsor’s representative(s) to the ASTT. Separately, research institution(s) must submit one (1) copy of the study approval dossier, signed by the principal investigator (PI) and the head of the testing facility, directly or via post to the ASTT. See Appendix III of the ClinDrugTrialGCP for the registration form and the forms that comprise the study approval dossier. (Note: The ClinDrugTrialGCP also refers to the sponsor as “organizations and individuals with clinical reagents” or “donor” throughout the document.)

As delineated in the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the clinical trial application and accompanying material must be provided in Vietnamese or English. If the document is not available in Vietnamese or English, a notarized translation of the document must be provided in Vietnamese or English. The ClinDrugTrialGCP also indicates that the Investigator’s Brochure (IB) summary (also referred to as the research product profile in Vietnam) submitted to the MOH with the registration application should be in Vietnamese or in English with a supplementary summary in Vietnamese. See the Submission Content section for detailed information on documentation to be submitted.

Ethics Review Submission

As per VNM-12, the application for NECBR approval should also be submitted at the address found in VNM-11:

Ministry of Health
Administration of Science, Technology and Training
No. 138B Giang Vo
Ba Dinh District
Hanoi City, Vietnam

VNM-12 indicates that for NECBR review, the applicant must submit four (4) copies of the relevant documents directly or via post to the ASTT. Except for the IB, the Certificate of Analysis, and the good manufacturing practices (GMP) certificate, which may be in English, all relevant documents must be submitted in Vietnamese.

According to the ECReg, ECs issue their own guidelines for research evaluation submissions, providing information and regulatory forms for investigators. See the Submission Content section for the minimum requirements of the EC evaluation guidelines.

Article 94
Articles 19-22 and Appendix III (Forms No. 6 and 7)
Articles 15 and 22
Articles 1-3

Submission Content

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

Regulatory Authority Requirements

As per the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the following documentation must be submitted to the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT) for clinical trial registration dossiers:

  • Clinical trial registration application form signed by a representative of the sponsor (See Form No. 6 in Appendix III of the ClinDrugTrialGCP)
  • Summary of the Investigator’s Brochure (IB) (also referred to as the research product profile in Vietnam) including general information about the clinical reagent (name, ingredients, indications, physical properties, chemistry, preparation, and other relevant information), pre-clinical research materials, and clinical trial study documents from previous phases

For clinical trial study approval dossiers, the ClinDrugTrialGCP indicates that the following documentation must be submitted to the MOH’s ASTT:

  • Clinical trial approval application form signed by the principal investigator (PI) and the head of the research institution (See Form No. 7 in Appendix III of the ClinDrugTrialGCP)
  • Full IB, including proof of compliance with Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs) for research institutions or proof of compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) (also referred to as good medicine production standards in Vietnam) for drug manufacturers, and proof of compliance with quality testing requirements from national inspection agencies or ex-warehousing certificates for vaccine or biological batches (Refer to the Quality Requirements section for detailed IB requirements)
  • A copy of the written approval for clinical trial registration from the MOH’s ASTT
  • For phase IV clinical trials, a certified or notarized copy of the written request for phase IV clinical drug testing from the respective regulatory authorities
  • A certified or notarized copy of the research institution’s certificate of eligibility for pharmaceutical business
  • Certification of participation by all study sites for multicenter research studies in Vietnam
  • A certified or notarized copy of the approval from the People’s Provincial Committee (for community-based studies)
  • Contract/agreement between the sponsor and the host institution; and contract/agreement between sponsor and the contract research organization (CRO), if applicable
  • Explanation of study protocol (See Form No. 8 in Appendix III of the ClinDrugTrialGCP)
  • Case report form (CRF)
  • PI’s Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a copy of the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certificate issued by the MOH or an institution recognized by the MOH
  • Informed Consent Form (ICF) (See Form No. 9 in Appendix III of the ClinDrugTrialGCP) (See also the Required Elements section for additional information)
  • Council of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass Root Level (CEBRGL) evaluation report
  • Investigational product (IP) labeling

See the ClinDrugTrialGCP for detailed requirements.

Ethics Committee Requirements

The ECReg indicates that both the institutional level ethics committees (ECs) (CEBRGLs) and the national EC (National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research (NECBR)) issue guidelines for research evaluation submissions, providing information and regulatory forms for investigators. The guidelines include information on the following:

  • Name and address of the secretary, employee, or member of the EC receiving the application file, or address of the website (if any)
  • List of all written material in record
  • Specifications of the documents
  • Language of the document in the record
  • Number of copies to be submitted
  • Application deadline compared to evaluation date
  • Recording and notification processes for invalid documents
  • Estimated time for post-assessment decision announcement
  • The timeframe that should be followed if the EC requires the applicant to provide additional information or documents
  • Evaluation fee of research records (if any)
  • Procedures for requesting EC approval of an amendment of the outline or related documents
  • Specification of materials for selection, information, and consent to participate in the study

According to ECReg, the documents that ECs must review when evaluating a research proposal include:

  • Signed and dated application, including signatures of co-applicant and representative of the relevant organization
  • Research protocol (with version number and date), with documents and appendices (if any)
  • A summary of the study in simple and understandable language
  • Description of ethical considerations relevant to the study (may be included in the protocol); measures that will be taken to protect participant privacy and data confidentiality; protective care for participants; compensation to be provided to participants; and insurance package for participants (if applicable) (See the Required Elements and Participant Rights sections for detailed information)
  • IB
  • Study data collection forms (with version numbers and dates)
  • Forms, documents, and advertisements used in the participant selection process
  • ICF (with version number and date) for participants that are 18 years or older and have full civil capacity to give consent
  • ICF (with version number and date) for participants and their parents and/or legal guardian(s), if the participant is 16 years old to under 18 years old
  • ICF (with version number and date) for parents and/or legal guardian(s), if the participant is under 16 years old
  • Assent form (with version number and date) for participants who do not have the capacity to give legal consent, including children from 12 years old to under 16 years old, a person with inadequate civil act capacity, or a patient in a limited cognitive condition
  • Description of participant selection and ICF collection processes
  • Procedures for monitoring, evaluating, and managing adverse events (AEs) (See the Safety Reporting section for additional AE/serious adverse event information)
  • All previous decisions of other ECs or regulatory authorities regarding the proposed study (including decisions and reasons for objecting or proposing amendments to the previous protocol)
  • Documents demonstrating that the research institution has agreed to allow the study after the regulatory authority’s approval (if the study is conducted outside the organization that established the EC)
  • Investigators' commitment to agree to comply with the ethical guidelines
  • The PI’s current scientific background and qualifications related to the relevant research

See the ECReg for additional information on documentation requirements for research protocol re-evaluation or amendments, as well as for evaluation applications for periodic reports, AE reports, protocol violation reports, and research result reports.

Clinical Protocol

As per the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the MOH requires the following elements to be included in a protocol submission:

  • Title
  • Protocol code
  • Duration
  • Management level (state/ministry/institution/province)
  • PI/co-investigator(s) names and contact information
  • Funding
  • Phase requested
  • Institution to conduct research
  • Sponsor and contact information
  • Situation of domestic and foreign research
  • Objectives
  • Methodology (including trial design, random selection method, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for each research technique)
  • Participant selection/withdrawal
  • Participant treatment
  • AE reporting requirements (See the Safety Reporting section for additional information)
  • Laboratory test methods
  • Ethical considerations
  • Inspection and monitoring
  • Post study medical care
  • Study team training
  • International cooperation
  • Implementation progress
  • Format of the expected results
  • Activities of coordinating organizations

See Appendix III in the ClinDrugTrialGCP for a copy of the full form.

Article 19 and Appendix III (Forms No. 6, 7, 8, and 9)
Articles 22-23

Timeline of Review

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024


As per the ClinDrugTrialGCP, evidence of institutional ethics committee (EC) approval from a Council of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass Root Level (CEBRGL) is a required element of the study approval dossier submitted to the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT), so CEBRGL and ASTT approval cannot be conducted in parallel. Additionally, the National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research (NECBR)’s review of the protocol is initiated by the MOH as part of the ASTT’s study approval dossier review procedures. Per the ClinDrugTrialGCP and the PharmLaw-VNM, ASTT review is finalized once NECBR approval is obtained and the entire study approval dossier is sent to the Minister of Health for final approval.

Regulatory Authority Approval

Registration Dossier Review

As delineated in the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the ASTT initially checks the validity of the sponsor-submitted registration dossier (which includes the registration application form and Investigator’s Brochure (IB) summary) within five (5) working days from the date of receipt of the application. If any issues are identified, the ASTT will issue a written notice to the sponsor, who must coordinate with the ASTT to complete the dossier within 60 days of receipt. Past this time limit, the submitted application is no longer valid. The ASTT Director will issue a written decision within five (5) working days of receiving a complete and valid dossier.

Approval Dossier Review

The ClinDrugTrialGCP indicates that research institutions must submit dossiers requesting clinical drug trial approval to the ASTT. The ASTT checks the validity of the study approval dossier within five (5) working days from the date of receipt of the application. If any issues are identified, the ASTT will issue a written notice to the institution, which must coordinate with the ASTT to complete the dossier within 60 days of receipt. Past this time limit, the research approval procedure must be repeated from the beginning.

The ClinDrugTrialGCP states that within 25 days of receiving a complete and valid study approval dossier, the MOH will organize a meeting of the NECBR. Within five (5) working days after receiving the NECBR’s evaluation report, the ASTT gathers all materials related to the dossier and submits it to the Minister of Health for approval.

If the research protocol is not approved or needs to be corrected, the ASTT must notify the institution and state the reason, as per the ClinDrugTrialGCP. The institution must coordinate with the ASTT to complete the dossier within 90 days from the date of the notice. Past this time limit, the protocol approval procedure must be repeated from the beginning. Within five (5) working days after receiving the completed research protocol in accordance with the written notice, the ASTT gathers all materials related to the dossier and submits it to the Minister of Health for approval.

Ethics Committee Approval

The ECReg indicates that ECs issue their own guidelines for research evaluation submissions, providing information and regulatory forms for investigators. The guidelines include information regarding the application deadline in relation to the evaluation date, the expected timeframe for notification of a decision, and the timeframe to follow if the EC requires applicants to submit additional information or documents. See the Submission Content section for detailed information on minimum requirements for the EC guidelines.

According to VNM-12, the review and approval process for CEBRGLs takes 30 days. Meetings are scheduled upon request and are based on the availability of the majority of its members.

The ECReg indicates that under both the expedited and full review processes, within 30 days from the date of receipt of a complete and valid dossier, the EC must organize an examination of the dossier and notify the applicant of the EC’s decision. While both processes may take up to 30 days, the expedited review is streamlined with fewer reviewers.

According to the ECReg, within five (5) working days from the date that the research dossier evaluation results are available, the EC must send a written notification to the leading research institution and principal investigator, and publish the evaluation results on a bulletin board or on the website of the EC or the organization that established the EC.

See Scope of Review section for details on the EC’s role in the clinical trial approval process.

Article 94
Articles 19 and 21-22
Articles 15, 20, 22, and 24

Initiation, Agreements & Registration

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024


As delineated in the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the PharmLaw-VNM, and the ASTTReg, a clinical trial can only commence in Vietnam after authorization from the Ministry of Health (MOH) has been received. The MOH’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT) manages the clinical trial review process. The ClinDrugTrialGCP indicates that the ASTT is responsible for reviewing the clinical trial registration and study approval dossiers. The MOH’s national level ethics committee (EC), the National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research (NECBR), is responsible for approving the research protocol. Once the ASTT has completed its review and the NECBR has reviewed and approved the research protocol, the Minister of Health must give final approval to the entire study approval dossier. The ECReg further indicates that for research involving humans, institutions with ECs are responsible for overseeing an initial ethical and scientific appraisal of the research before it is reviewed by the NECBR. (Note: institutional level ECs are known as Councils of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass Root Level (CEBRGLs) in Vietnam.) For institutions conducting research that do not have a CEBRGL, the review and evaluation of the research is performed by the NECBR or the CEBRGL of another institution with appropriate expertise.

As per the ExprtImprtMeds, an import license must be obtained for the shipment of an investigational product (IP) to be used in the trial from the MOH’s Drug Administration of Vietnam (DAV). See the Manufacturing & Import section for additional information.

Clinical Trial Agreement

As per the BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP), the sponsor is required to enter an agreement with the participating principal investigator (PI)/host institution(s) before the trial begins to demonstrate the financial agreement between the parties. The PharmLaw-VNM also states that the sponsor is required to sign a clinical trial contract with the investigator(s).

Clinical Trial Registration

According to VNM-12, the ASTT encourages the sponsor and the PI to register their study with the United States National Institutes of Health’s (VNM-13).

Articles 92 and 94
Appendix (Article 8 and Form 1)
Articles 19 and 21-22
Articles 3 and 15
Article 3
Articles 1-3

Safety Reporting

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

Safety Reporting Definitions

As delineated in the BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP) and the AERprtingD62, the following definitions provide a basis for a common understanding of Vietnam’s safety reporting requirements:

  • Adverse Event (or Adverse Experience) (AE) – Any untoward medical occurrence (including any signs, symptoms, illnesses, or test results) in a participant to whom a medicinal product has been administered, including occurrences which are not necessarily caused by or related to that product
  • Serious Adverse Event (SAE) – Any untoward medical occurrence that may lead to death, is life threatening, requires hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, results in disability or permanent incapacity, creates a congenital anomaly/birth defect, or requires appropriate medical intervention to prevent the aforementioned situations or medically important event
  • Unexpected AE – AEs in which the essence, severity, specificity, or consequences are different or have not been recorded or considered in the study protocol or relevant study documents

Also, according to VNM-12, the Ministry of Health (MOH) uses the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (VNM-5) to define its safety reporting terminology.

Safety Reporting Requirements

Investigator Responsibilities

As per the BioequivTrial and the AERprtingD62, the principal investigator (PI) is responsible for detecting and settling SAEs and updating AE/SAE information to ensure the timeliness of reporting and the safety of the research participants. The PI is required to report to the sponsor, the institutional ethics committee (EC), also known as a Council of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass Root Level (CEBRGL), the MOH’s National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research (NECBR), the MOH’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT), and the National Centre for Drug Information and Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring (National DI and ADR Centre).

The ECReg further states that the NECBR is responsible for assessing the PI's recording, reporting, and handling of AEs occurring during the study.

The BioequivTrial indicates that depending on the type of AE/SAE, the PI must comply with the following reporting requirements:

  • Fatal or life-threatening SAEs in Vietnam: A report, in accordance with Form 4 in the Appendix of the BioequivTrial, must be submitted to the NECBR, the ASTT, and the National DI and ADR Centre within seven (7) working days from the date of receiving information about the SAE. Updates on the SAE must be provided in additional reports until the participant recovers or stabilizes.
  • SAEs that are not fatal or life-threatening in Vietnam: A report, in accordance with Form 4 in the Appendix of the BioequivTrial, must be submitted to the NECBR, the ASTT, and the National DI and ADR Centre within 15 working days from the date of receiving information about the SAE.
  • Non-serious AEs occurring in Vietnam: The AEs must be recorded and summarized in a periodical report, and reported in the full results of the trial research results to the NECBR and the ASTT.

The BioequivTrial indicates that in the event of fatal or life-threatening AEs/SAEs, the PI and the host institution are required to suspend the trial immediately, provide care and treatment to the participant(s), overcome and resolve the consequences, and document the events. According to the AERprtingD62, the PI must also document any deaths. The BioequivTrial and the AERprtingD62 further indicate that the PI and the host institution must report these events to the CEBRGL, the NECBR, the ASTT, and the National Center of DI and ADR.

For AEs that cause harm to the participant’s health, the BioequivTrial and the AERprtingD62 indicate that the PI is responsible for treating and following up on the participant’s health until the person is stable.

According to the BioequivTrial, the PI should provide periodic updates regarding AEs/SAEs to the sponsor, the CEBRGL, the NECBR, the ASTT, and the National Center of DI and ADR. If the extent and frequency of AEs/SAEs exceeds the allowable limit, investigators may propose to the sponsor, EC, and competent regulatory authority that the clinical trial be suspended.

The BioequivTrial and the AERprtingD62 indicate that all the following must be reported:

  • SAEs occurring at study sites in Vietnam
  • SAEs occurring at study sites outside of Vietnam in a multicenter Vietnamese study that lead to cessation/suspension of the study or a change in the protocol
  • All other AEs occurring in clinical drug trials at study sites in Vietnam

Sponsor Responsibilities

Per the BioequivTrial and the AERprtingD62, the sponsor must coordinate with the PI to report AEs/SAEs occurring at study sites in Vietnam to the CEBRGL, the NECBR, the ASTT, and the National Center of DI and ADR. The sponsor must collect AE/SAE data.

For SAEs occurring at study sites outside of Vietnam in a multicenter Vietnamese study, the BioequivTrial states that the sponsor must report to the NECBR, the ASTT, and the National Center of DI and ADR within 10 working days from the date of a decision to stop/suspend the study, withdraw participants from the study, or change the research protocol.

In addition, the AERprtingD62 requires that the sponsor report findings from clinical studies, epidemiology studies, in vitro studies, and other information that may lead to an important risk of the investigational product.

Form Completion & Delivery Requirements

Per the BioequivTrial, SAEs in Vietnam should be reported using a Reporting Form for SAEs in Clinical Trials (Appendix, Form 4).

1, 5.16-5.17, and 7
Appendix (Articles 1 and 19-20, and Form 4)
Article 15

Progress Reporting

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

Interim and Annual Progress Reports

The BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP) indicates that investigators are responsible for providing periodic and unscheduled reports.

According to the ECReg, progress reports submitted to ethics committees (EC) for evaluation must contain the following:

  • Summary of research protocol
  • Complete research protocol, including previously approved revisions, if applicable
  • Reports on research progress
  • Reports on the number of participants who were selected for the study, completed the study, and withdrew from the study
  • Detailed report on adverse events (AEs) and issues causing risks to participants, if applicable
  • Summary of relevant information, especially safety information
  • Current informed consent form (ICF)
  • Independent inspection report of investigator and sponsor
  • Notice of principal investigator (PI) or sponsor regarding early suspension/termination or completion of the study, if applicable

Final Report

The BioequivTrial and the ClinDrugTrialGCP indicate that the PI, the sponsor, and the host institution are responsible for submitting a final report to the Ministry of Health (MOH) when a study is completed. The final report, which must include an analysis of the data and information on AEs/serious adverse events (SAEs), must be submitted in accordance with Form No. 12 in Appendix III of the ClinDrugTrialGCP. The BioequivTrial further states that the clinical trial results must be made public within three (3) years from the date of issuance of the competent authorities' decision approving the results, and should comply with applicable copyright regulations.

Appendix (Articles 5, 20, and 23 and Form 3)
Appendix III (Form No. 12)
Article 23

Definition of Sponsor

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

As per the ECReg and the BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP), the sponsor is defined as an individual, entity, or organization that takes responsibility for the initiation, management, and/or financing of a clinical trial. (Note: The ClinDrugTrialGCP and the BioequivTrial also refer to the sponsor as “organizations and individuals with clinical reagents” or “donor”.)

In addition, per the PharmLaw-VNM, the sponsor may select a qualified contract research organization (CRO) (also known as a research support organization in Vietnam) to run the clinical trial. The ClinTrialSup defines a CRO as an organization with the legal status to operate in the field of clinical trial research support and that is staffed with appropriately qualified personnel.

According to the ClinTrialSup, CROs may perform clinical research support activities such as implementing sponsors’ clinical research responsibilities, carrying out administrative support activities, and conducting clinical research monitoring. The ClinDrugTrialGCP indicates that a cooperative contract should exist between the sponsor and a CRO, if applicable. According to the PharmLaw-VNM, a sponsor and the CRO may be domestic or foreign.

In addition, as per the ClinTrialSup, CROs are also responsible for registering their organizations with the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT). Before implementing any activities in support of a clinical trial, a CRO must submit a registration dossier and the applicable forms for approval. The CRO is also required to report annually on its clinical research activities to the MOH’s ASTT. (See the ClinTrialSup for detailed information on clinical trial research support activities and the related registration forms.)

Articles 1 and 92
Articles 3, 9-11, 15, and 17, and Appendix I (Forms No. 1-2)
Appendix (Article 1)
Article 19
Article 2

Site/Investigator Selection

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024


As set forth in the BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP) and PharmLaw-VNM, the sponsor is responsible for selecting the investigator(s), the principal investigator (PI), the consultant experts, and the research institutions, taking into account the appropriateness and availability of the study site and facilities.

As stated in the BioequivTrial, all investigators must possess appropriate qualifications, training, and experience. All investigators involved in the trial must obtain completion certificates for a good clinical practice (GCP) course and a safety reporting course, each to be updated every three (3) years, from the Ministry of Health (MOH) or an authorized training facility.

See the BioequivTrial for information on PI and investigator rights and responsibilities.

Foreign Sponsor Responsibilities

No information is currently available on foreign sponsor requirements.

Data and Safety Monitoring Board

According to VNM-12, there are no requirements for establishing a Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB). However, the MOH’s National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research (NECBR) may recommend the establishment of a DSMB.

Multicenter Studies

The BioequivTrial states that for multicenter studies, in addition to analyzing general research results, it is necessary to conduct a separate analysis of key safety and efficacy variables on Asian or Vietnamese research populations using drugs for which racial factors are considered to have an effect on efficiency and safety. Furthermore, per the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the clinical trial study approval dossier must include documentation certifying the participation of research institutions in multicenter studies in Vietnam.

Article 92
Appendix (Articles 3, 5-6, 16, and 23)
Article 19

Insurance & Compensation

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024


According to VNM-12, there is no specific Vietnamese guidance that addresses indemnity agreements between the sponsor and the contract research organization (CRO), investigator(s), or institution(s). However, the BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP) lists an insurance contract as an essential document to be obtained by the principal investigator (PI), institution, and sponsor before conducting a clinical trial. The purpose of the insurance contract is to ensure that research participants will be compensated in the event of a trial-related injury.


Injury or Death

As specified in the PharmLaw-VNM, the sponsor is responsible for providing compensation to research participants in the event of trial-related injuries. The BioequivTrial also states investigators are responsible for compensating participants when an adverse event that seriously impacts the participant’s health was caused by the investigator’s violation of the research protocol.

Trial Participation

According to the BioequivTrial, payment and compensation, if any, to clinical trial participants must be clearly indicated in the research protocol. Per the ECReg, ethics committees (ECs) must consider the amount and method of payment to ensure that there is no coercion or influence on the voluntariness of participants. Payments should be made according to each visit.

Article 92
Appendix (Articles 5-6 and 21, and Form 1)
Article 17

Risk & Quality Management

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

Quality Assurance/Quality Control

As stated in the BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP), the sponsor is responsible for assigning a monitor to assist in maintaining a quality assurance (QA) system with written standard operating procedures (SOPs) that ensure trials are conducted and data are generated, recorded, and reported in compliance with the protocol. In addition, the quality management system applied in clinical trials must meet International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001-equivalent standards or higher.

Per the BioequivTrial, the principal investigator (PI) is responsible for ensuring the accuracy, truthfulness, confidentiality, integrity, and verifiability of the research data. Correction of data must be in accordance with applicable regulations: without deleting the original data, the assigned researcher must name, sign for confirmation, and specify the date of correction. The lead investigator must submit an encrypted list of trial participants to the regulatory agency after the clinical trial ends. The retention and submission of the list of participants after decryption must be kept secret.

The trials should be conducted in compliance with good clinical practice (GCP) principles and standards outlined in the ClinDrugTrialGCP and the BioequivTrial Appendix, which are based on the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (VNM-5) and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice for Trials on Pharmaceutical Products (Please refer to Annex 3 of The Use of Essential Drugs: Sixth Report of the WHO Expert Committee for these guidelines (VNM-10)).

Monitoring Requirements

As part of its QA system, the BioequivTrial states that the sponsor should assign a monitor to inspect the trial. The sponsor should appoint individuals who are independent from the trial and are qualified by training and experience to conduct inspections, in accordance with the ClinTrialSup. The ClinDrugTrialGCP further indicates that SOPs, the monitoring/inspection plan, and procedures must also be submitted to the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT).

For information on ASTT and ethics committee (EC) monitoring responsibilities, see the Scope of Assessment and Scope of Review sections.

Premature Study Termination/Suspension

According to the BioequivTrial, the sponsor may terminate a trial early if the sponsor learns of any serious protocol violations that seriously affect the health of trial participants, or, the accuracy and truthfulness of the data during an inspection. The sponsor should send notices to the Council of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass Root Level (CEBRGL), the MOH’s National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research (NECBR), and the relevant authority, in addition to notifying the institution and PI.

Annex 3 (Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice for Trials on Pharmaceutical Products)
Article 3
Appendix (Articles 15, 17, and 18 and Forms 1-2)
Article 4 and Appendix III (Form No. 8)

Data & Records Management

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

Electronic Data Processing System

According to the BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP), when using electronic trial data processing systems, the sponsor should use appropriate data handling programs and have adequate standard operating procedures (SOPs) for these systems. In addition, per the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the research institution’s general documentation must include a brief description of any electronic document system in its technical and professional standards, if applicable.

Records Management

As per the BioequivTrial, all information on clinical trials must be recorded, handled, managed, and kept in accordance with applicable regulations in order to accurately report, interpret, monitor, and check the accuracy and reliability of clinical trial information and data. Research institution facilities for storing clinical trial records and documents must ensure confidentiality; restricted access; fire and explosion prevention and control; and avoidance of adverse effects of light, temperature, humidity, and penetration of insects and other animals. In addition, research dossiers and documents should be archived and preserved according to the contract between the sponsor and the institution. For research and development of new products, documentation needs to be kept for at least 10 years.

Appendix (Articles 2, 14, 15, and 22)
Appendix II

Personal Data Protection

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

Responsible Parties

Per Decree13, the personal data controller is an organization or individual that decides the purposes and means of processing personal data. The personal data processor is an organization or individual that performs data processing on behalf of the data controller, through a contract or agreement with the data controller. An organization or individual that both decides the purposes and means for, and directly processes, personal data is referred to as a personal data controller and processor.

Decree13 states that the personal data controller must:

  • Implement organizational and technical measures, as well as appropriate safety and security measures, to prove that data processing activities have been carried out in accordance with Decree13, reviewing and updating these measures as necessary
  • Record and store a system log of personal data processing
  • Notify the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) of violations of regulations on protection of personal data as prescribed in Decree13
  • Select a personal data processor in accordance with a clear mandate and work only with a personal data processor that has appropriate safeguards in place
  • Ensure the rights of data subjects as prescribed in Decree13

Additionally, Decree13 indicates that the personal data processor must:

  • Only receive personal data after having a contract or agreement on data processing with the personal data controller, and process personal data in accordance with the contract or agreement
  • Fully implement measures to protect personal data specified in Decree13 and other relevant legal documents
  • Delete and/or return all personal data to the personal data controller after finishing data processing

According to Decree13, both the personal data controller and processor are also responsible to the data subject for damages caused by the processing of personal data. In addition, they must cooperate with the MPS and competent state agencies in protecting personal data by providing information for investigation and handling of violations of Decree13.

Per VNM-8, the MPS is responsible for protecting the rights of data subjects against violations of Decree13, and for maintaining the National Information Portal on Personal Data Protection (VNM-7). See VNM-7 for additional personal data protection resources.

Data Protection

Per Decree13, organizations and individuals involved in personal data processing must apply personal data protection measures to prevent unauthorized collection of personal data from translation systems and equipment. It is illegal to set up software systems, enact technical measures, or organize activities of collecting, transferring, buying, and selling personal data without the consent of data subjects.

According to Decree13, personal data protection measures must be applied from the beginning and throughout the processing of personal data, including management, technical, investigational, and procedural measures. Network security for the data processing system, as well as the means and equipment, must be checked before processing data, irrecoverably deleting data, or destroying devices containing personal data.

Decree13 states that in the case of sensitive personal data, a department with the function of protecting personal data must be designated, personnel in charge of personal data protection must be appointed, and information about the department and individual in charge of personal data protection must be exchanged with the agency specializing in personal data protection (e.g., MPS). Additionally, data subjects must be notified that their sensitive personal data is being processed.

Decree13 states that if a violation of Decree13 has been detected, the personal data controller/personal data controller and processor must notify the MPS’s Department of Cybersecurity and Prevention within 72 hours after the violation occurs using Form No. 03 (see Appendix of Decree13 or VNM-9). If the notification is submitted after 72 hours, the reason for the late notice must be attached. Additionally, the personal data processor must notify the personal data controller of the violation as quickly as possible. See Decree13 and VNM-9 for more information on notification requirements for violations of personal data protection regulations.

Consent for Processing Personal Data

Decree13 delineates that a data subject’s consent is only valid when the data subject voluntarily and clearly knows the type of personal data to be processed; the purpose of processing personal data; that organizations and individuals are allowed to process the personal data; and the rights and obligations of data subjects. The data subject’s consent must be expressed clearly, specifically in writing, by voice, by ticking the consent box, in the syntax of consent via text message, by selecting consent technical settings, or through another action that demonstrates consent. When there are multiple purposes for the data collection, the personal data controller/personal data controller and processor must list the purposes for the data subject to agree to one (1) or more of the stated purposes, and consent must be given for each purpose. The data subject’s consent must be expressed in a format that can be printed or reproduced in writing, including in electronic or verifiable formats. Silence or non-response of the data subject is not considered as consent, and the data subject may give partial or conditional consent. The data subject’s consent is valid until the data subject decides otherwise or when the competent state agency requests in writing.

Per Decree13, data subjects also have a right to: be aware of data processing activities; access their data; delete data; restrict data processing; provision of data; object to data processing; complain, denounce, and initiate lawsuits; claim damages; and self-defense. For the processing of sensitive personal data, the data subject must be informed that the data to be processed is sensitive personal data.

Decree13 states that in certain cases, the data subject’s consent is not required for the processing of personal data. This includes urgent cases where it is necessary to immediately process relevant personal data to protect the life and health of the data subject or others, and in the event of a state of emergency on national defense, security, social order and safety, major disasters, or dangerous epidemics.

See Decree13 for more details on obtaining consent from data subjects; the rights of data subjects; and situations where consent is not required for the processing of personal data.

Withdrawal of Consent

According to Decree13, withdrawal of consent must be in a format that can be printed or reproduced in writing, including in electronic or verifiable format. Upon receiving a request from a data subject to withdraw consent, the personal data controller/personal data controller and processor must notify the data subject of possible consequences and damages that may occur when consent is withdrawn. The personal data controller, personal data processor, personal data controller and processor, and any third parties must stop, and request any relevant organizations and individuals to stop, processing the data of the data subject that has withdrawn consent. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the data processing that was agreed to prior to the withdrawal.


Per Decree13, children’s personal data must be processed in accordance with the principle of protecting the rights and ensuring the best interests of the children. The processing of children’s personal data must have the consent of the child if the child is seven (7) years of age or older, as well as the consent of the parent(s) or legal guardian(s). The personal data controller, personal data processor, personal data controller and processor, and any third parties must verify the age of the children before processing the children's personal data. The relevant parties must stop processing the children’s personal data and/or irreversibly delete or destroy the children’s personal data in the following cases:

  • The data was processed for improper purposes, or the purpose of processing personal data with the consent of the data subject has been fulfilled, unless otherwise provided for by law
  • The child’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) withdraws consent for the processing of the child’s personal data, unless otherwise provided for by law
  • At the request of a competent authority when there are sufficient grounds to prove that the processing of personal data affects the children’s legitimate rights and interests, unless otherwise provided for by law
Articles 2, 9, 11-12, 17, 20, 22-23, 26-28, and 38-39 and Appendix (Form No. 03)

Documentation Requirements

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

Obtaining Consent

In all Vietnamese clinical trials, a freely given informed consent must be obtained from each participant in accordance with the requirements set forth in the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP), and the PharmLaw-VNM. As per the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the BioequivTrial, and the ECReg, the informed consent form (ICF) is viewed as an essential document that must be sent to the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT) as part of the clinical trial study approval dossier, for which the Minister must issue final approval.

The ECReg indicates that a research proposal involving humans, including the ICF, must undergo ethical and scientific review by the MOH’s National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research (NECBR) and an institutional level ethics committee (EC) (known as a Council of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass Root Level (CEBRGLs)).

The BioequivTrial states that the principal investigator (PI) or the clinical testing facility is responsible for obtaining written consent from trial participants before carrying out any study procedures.

As per the ECReg, the ICF should be provided in easy-to-understand language, suitable for potential research participants to support their ability to give fully informed consent. For participants with limited education, the ICF should be provided and explained verbally. According to the BioequivTrial and the ECReg, the information should also be presented without coercion or unduly influencing a potential participant to enroll in the clinical trial. The ClinDrugTrialGCP further states that the participant or legal representative/guardian should also be given the opportunity to ask questions about the research, and given adequate time to consider whether to participate.


No information is currently available on re-consent.

Language Requirements

As delineated in the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the clinical trial application and accompanying material must be provided in Vietnamese or English. If the document is not available in Vietnamese or English, a notarized translation of the document must be provided in Vietnamese or English.

VNM-12 indicates that the ICF content should be presented in Vietnamese and English for global clinical studies, but for studies with domestic sponsors, only Vietnamese is required. The English copy serves as a reference to the NECBR. The study information sheet should be in Vietnamese.

Documenting Consent

As per the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the BioequivTrial, the ECReg, and the PharmLaw-VNM, the participant or the legal representative/guardian must sign and date the ICF. No information is provided in these sources concerning copies to be issued to the participant or legal representative/guardian.

Waiver of Consent

The ECReg indicates an EC may waive the requirement for written voluntary consent from research participants if the study requires absolute confidentiality. The EC’s decision to waive the voluntary written consent requirement must consider the benefits and risks of the study to the participants, as well as measures to protect the rights and safety of the participants.

Articles 90 and 91
Appendix (Forms 1-2)
Articles 19-20 and 22 and Appendix III (Form No. 9)
Articles 2, 15-17, and 23

Required Elements

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

Based on the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the informed consent form (ICF) should include the following statements or descriptions, as applicable:

  • Description of research with an explanation of its purpose and objectives
  • Expected duration of study
  • Research methods to be followed
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria for research participants
  • Identification of investigator(s) who will be responsible for assessing confidential medical information to select study participants
  • Number of participants involved in the study
  • Description of any foreseeable risks to the participant
  • Any expected benefits to the participant and/or the community, and any study-related payment to the participant
  • Alternative procedures or treatment that may be available to the participant
  • The extent to which confidentiality of records identifying the participant will be maintained
  • Selection of those parties who will be able to access, inspect, supervise and monitor the participant’s records
  • Compensation and/or medical treatment available in the event of a trial-related injury
  • Person(s) to contact for further information regarding the trial and the rights of trial participants and whom to contact in the event of trial-related injury
  • Statement that participation is voluntary and the participant may withdraw at any time for any reason

See Form No. 9 in Appendix III of the ClinDrugTrialGCP for a copy of the ICF.

Compensation Disclosure

Per the ECReg, ethics committees (ECs) must ensure that information relating to payment for study participants, including the method, amount, and payment schedule, is included in the ICF and other documents given to participants.

Articles 19 and 22 and Appendix III (Form No. 9)
Article 17

Participant Rights

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024


In accordance with the ClinDrugTrialGCP, Vietnam’s ethical standards promote respect for all human beings and safeguard the rights of research participants. A participant’s rights must also be clearly addressed in the informed consent form (ICF) and during the informed consent process.

The Right to Participate, Abstain, or Withdraw

As stated in the ClinDrugTrialGCP and the PharmLaw-VNM, the participant or the legal representative/guardian should be informed that participation is voluntary and that the participant may withdraw from the research study at any time for any reason without being held liable.

Additionally, the PharmLaw-VNM states that participants have the responsibility to comply with investigators’ instructions according to approved clinical trial documents.

The Right to Information

As per the ClinDrugTrialGCP and the PharmLaw-VNM, a potential research participant or legal representative/guardian has the right to be informed about the nature and purpose of the research study, its anticipated duration, study procedures, any potential benefits or risks, and any compensation or treatment in the case of injury.

The Right to Privacy and Confidentiality

According to the ClinDrugTrialGCP and the PharmLaw-VNM, all participants must be afforded the right to privacy and confidentiality, and the ICF must provide a statement that recognizes this right.

The Right of Inquiry/Appeal

The ClinDrugTrialGCP states that the research participant or legal representative/guardian should be provided with contact information for a person to contact regarding trial-related inquiries.

Furthermore, the PharmLaw-VNM states that the participant has the right to file a complaint or lawsuit against any illegal acts committed by the sponsor or investigator.

The Right to Safety and Welfare

As set forth in the ECReg, the risks to the research participant must take precedence over any anticipated benefits to the participant and the interests of society.

See the Required Elements and Vulnerable Populations sections for additional information regarding requirements for participant rights.

Articles 90 and 91
Appendix III (Form No. 9)
Article 17
Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

The ECReg indicates an ethics committee (EC) may waive the requirement for written voluntary consent from research participants for research in emergency situations where the participant or the legal representative/guardian cannot voluntarily agree to participate in the study. The EC’s decision to waive the voluntary written consent requirement must consider the benefits and risks of the study to the participants, as well as measures to protect the rights and safety of the participants.

Article 16

Vulnerable Populations

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024


As per the ECReg and VNM-4, in all Vietnamese clinical trials, research participants selected from vulnerable populations must be provided additional protections by the ethics committee and the investigator(s) to safeguard their health and welfare during the informed consent process. VNM-4 characterizes vulnerable populations as those incapable of giving consent, which may include children, pregnant women, people with mental disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, people who are illiterate, prisoners, detainees, sex workers, and other special populations.

See the Children/Minors and Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates sections for additional information about these vulnerable populations.

Approval of Protocol, Monitoring and Evaluation, Final Review, and Dissemination of Research and Ethical Aspects of Biomedical Research
Article 17


Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

According to ChildLaw, a child is someone under 16 years of age.

As set forth in the PharmLaw-VNM, when the participant is a minor, informed consent must be obtained from the legal representative/guardian.

Per the ECReg, signed informed consent forms (ICFs) are required for:

  • The parent/legal guardian, if the participant is under 16 years old
  • The participant and the parent/legal guardian, if the participant is 16 years old to under 18 years old
  • Participants that are 18 years or older and have full civil capacity to give consent

Assent Requirements

The ECReg further specifies that a signed assent form is required for participants who do not have the capacity to give legal consent, including children from 12 years old to under 16 years old. The assent form should contain information similar to an ICF, but be simpler, shorter, and easier to understand. For participants from seven (7) years old to under 12 years old, the assent form content should be provided and explained verbally.

Article 90
Chapter I (Article 1)
Articles 2 and 23

Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

The PharmLaw-VNM states that for studies involving women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, the rationale for participant selection and appropriate protection measures for these participants must be clearly stated in the study approval dossier.

Article 90
Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

No information is currently available.

Mentally Impaired

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

The ECReg states that a signed assent form is required for participants who do not have the capacity to give legal consent, including people with inadequate civil act capacity or in a limited cognitive condition. The assent form should contain information similar to an informed consent form (ICF), but be simpler, shorter, and easier to understand.

Article 2

Definition of Investigational Product

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

The ClinDrugTrial defines an investigational product (IP) as a pharmaceutical product, biomedical product, vaccine, traditional medicine, or herbal medicine that contains a new active ingredient or substance, or a product with a new combination of already marketed pharmaceutical substances.

Chapter II (Article 5)

Manufacturing & Import

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024


As set forth in the PharmLaw-VNM, Decree54, and the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT) has overall responsibility for authorizing the manufacture of all drug products. According to VNM-4, once the ASTT reviews and the Minister of Health approves the study approval dossier, the Drug Administration of Vietnam (DAV) coordinates with the ASTT to review and approve the investigational product (IP) for manufacture or import.

In addition, the ClinDrugTrialGCP states that IPs which are under review for phase IV clinical trials require a certified or notarized copy of the written request for phase IV clinical drug testing from the respective regulatory authorities.


As delineated in the ExprtImprtMeds, the MOH’s DAV is responsible for authorizing the import and export of drugs in Vietnam. According to ExprtImprtMeds, IPs for use in clinical trials are categorized as finished drugs without registration numbers. Once the MOH approves the study approval dossier, an import permit application must be submitted to the MOH’s DAV for approval of the IP. The import permit is valid for one (1) year.

The PharmLaw-VNM further indicates that a drug/medicinal ingredient that does not have a certificate of free sale must be licensed for import with a quantity not exceeding that which is written on the import license when it is to be used in a clinical trial, a bioequivalence study, a bioavailability assessment, or as a sample for registration, testing, scientific research, or display at a fair or exhibition.

The ExprtImprtMeds and Decree54 require the following documents to be included in an import permit dossier (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Import order form (three (3) copies)
  • Copy of study protocol approved by the MOH
  • A Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product (CPP) (may be substituted with a Free Sale Certificate (FSC) or Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certificate)
  • The importer’s document bearing the importer’s seal, specifying the purposes and quantity of imported drugs and commitment to use the drugs for its intended purposes
  • Quality standards and testing methods
  • Drug label(s) and instruction manual(s) with importer seal (See the Labeling section for detailed labeling requirements)
  • Preclinical and clinical records for drug(s) containing new pharmaceutical substances, or drug(s) with new combinations of circulating pharmaceutical substances, and an information sheet on placebo’s composition, if applicable

According to the ExprtImprtMeds, dossiers and documents attached to the order form must be prepared on size A4 paper and bound into a solid set. The records must be arranged in the order of the table of contents, with separation between the sections. The separators must be numbered for easy reference and must be affixed for certification by the importing enterprise on the first page of each section of the entire dossier and must have a cover page clearly stating: the name of the importer, order number, date of order, and type of order. The application for foreign drug import must be written in Vietnamese or English. If the application is written in English, the information in the package insert must be written in Vietnamese, except for the following information that may be written in other languages with Latin origin:

  • Brand name, generic name, or international generic name of the drug
  • International generic or scientific name of ingredient or ingredient quantity of the drug in case it cannot be translated into Vietnamese
  • Name and address of the foreign enterprise that manufactures or franchises the drug

The MOH’s DAV will review and approve the import permit application within 15 working days from the date of receipt. According to VNM-12, however, the DAV review and approval process may take two (2) to eight (8) weeks if the DAV requires further clarification on the application. See the ExprtImprtMeds for applicable forms.

Please note: Vietnam is party to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (VNM-2), which may have implications for studies of IPs developed using certain non-human genetic resources (e.g., plants, animals, and microbes). For more information, see VNM-6.

Approval of Protocol, Monitoring and Evaluation, Final Review; Procedures for Manufacture and Import of Medicinal Drugs for Clinical Research
Chapter II (Article 10) and Chapter V Section 2 (Article 60)
Article 19
Chapter I (Articles 4-5), Chapter III (Articles 11 and 17), and Annex I (Form 11a)
Articles 1 and 73

Quality Requirements

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

Investigator's Brochure

According to the BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP), the Investigator’s Brochure (IB) is considered an essential document to submit before a clinical trial may be conducted. Vietnam requires the sponsor to submit a summary of the IB to the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT) in the clinical trial registration dossier. Research institutions are required to submit the full IB to the ASTT in the study approval dossier. (Note: The ClinDrugTrialGCP and the BioequivTrial also refer to the sponsor as “organizations and individuals with clinical reagents” or “donor”.)

As per the ClinDrugTrialGCP and the BioequivTrial, the IB contains information and data about preclinical research and clinical trials on the investigational product(s) (IPs). The IB also demonstrates that clinical information related to the IP has been provided to the principal investigator (PI).

As specified in the ClinDrugTrialGCP, the IB must provide coverage of the following areas:

  • Information about the IP, including the ingredients, production processes, and quality standards
  • For pharmaco-chemical drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, traditional medicines: proof of compliance with Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs) for research institutions or proof of compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) (also referred to as good medicine production standards in Vietnam) for drug manufacturers
  • For vaccines: proof of compliance with quality testing requirements from national inspection agencies or ex-warehousing certificates for vaccine or biological batches
  • Preclinical research documents for the IP: research reports on pharmacological effects, toxicity, safety, recommendations on dosage, route of administration, and usage
  • Clinical research papers from the previous phases (if clinical trials are recommended in the next phase and the IP is not subject to exemption from previous phases)

Quality Management

The ClinDrugTrialGCP specifies that the IPs must be manufactured in a GMP-certified facility. The research institutions must also include a copy of the GMP certificate in the study approval dossier that is submitted to the ASTT.

(See the Product Management section for additional information on IP supply, storage, and handling requirements).

Appendix (Form 1)
Articles 3, 19, and 22
Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

Investigational product (IP) labeling in Vietnam must comply with the requirements set forth in PharmLaw-VNM. Per VNM-12, the requirements in Articles 7 and 8 of the MedLabel should also be applied to IP labeling.

According to the MedLabel, the outer packaging label of the drug must show the following:

  • Drug name
  • Dosage form
  • Ingredients, content, and volume or concentration of pharmaceutical ingredients and medicinal materials in the drug formula
  • Packaging specifications
  • Indications, usage, and contraindications of the drug
  • Circulation registration number or import license number (if any)
  • Production batch number, date of manufacture, expiry date of the drug, quality standards, and drug storage conditions
  • Signs to note and recommendations when using the drug
  • Name and address of the drug manufacturing facility
  • Name and address of the import facility (for imported drugs)
  • Origin of the drug

Additionally, as stated in the MedLabel, the intermediate packaging label of the drug must contain at least the following information:

  • Drug name
  • Production batch number
  • Expiry date

As set forth in PharmLaw-VNM, the IP must also be clearly labeled with the wording: “Products used for clinical trials. Use for other purposes is prohibited.” While there is no specified language requirement for IP labeling in the regulatory resources, according to VNM-12, this wording should be in Vietnamese. A sample IP with the label in the smallest packed unit must also be included in the study approval dossier.

(See the Product Management section for additional information on IP supply, storage, and handling requirements).

Article 88
Articles 7-8

Product Management

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

Supply, Storage, and Handling Requirements

The BioequivTrial (which amends Appendix I of the ClinDrugTrialGCP) indicates that at the end of a clinical trial, the principal investigator (PI) must inventory the investigational product (IP). The sponsor is responsible for storing the IP and for working with the host institution to withdraw and destroy the unused or remaining products, in accordance with applicable regulations.

Record Requirements

As stated in the BioequivTrial, the sponsor and the PI are responsible for filing the following essential documents before the trial begins and during the conduct of the trial:

  • Sample(s) labels attached to IP container(s) (only the sponsor is required to file this information)
  • Instructions for handling IPs and trial-related materials (if not included in protocol or Investigator’s Brochure (IB))
  • Shipping records for IP- and trial-related materials

In addition, the sponsor and the PI are responsible for maintaining records of handling instructions and shipping records for IPs and trial-related materials.

Appendix (Article 22 and Forms 1-2)

Definition of Specimen

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024

In Vietnam, as per Decree89 and the MgmtInfctSpcmn, specimens are defined as human blood, serum, plasma, urine, feces, human body fluids, and other specimens that contain infectious substances and microorganisms pathogenic to humans. In addition, as per the MgmtInfctSpcmn, infectious substances are those that are known or expected to contain pathogens affecting humans, and are classified as Category A and B. Category A specimens are those capable of causing life-threatening diseases, death, or permanent disability to humans when they are exposed (see Appendix I of the MgmtInfctSpcmn). Category B specimens are those not listed in Category A. Specimens are also referred to as “medical microbiological samples” in Decree89.

Chapter I (Article 2) and Appendix I
Article 2

Specimen Import & Export

Last content review/update: May 22, 2024


As set forth in the MgmtInfctSpcmn, the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s General Department of Preventive Medicine (DPM) is responsible for regulating the transportation of infectious specimens.

According to Decree89, samples of medical microorganisms, biological products, tissues, and organs transported across the Vietnamese border must be medically declared (See Form No. 13 in the Decree89).

VNM-12 further states that an import license from the DPM is required only if the specimens are infectious. Decree155Amend requires that application dossiers for the import of infectious specimens include:

  • A written request for the grant of an import license
  • A copy of the competent agency’s approval permitting the implementation of a valid research project, a copy of the approved project proposal or project document, or a copy of the valid written agreement between domestic and foreign establishments regarding the import of specimens
  • A declaration regarding compliance with applicable biosafety standards

As delineated in Decree155Amend, establishments applying for import permits must submit their dossiers directly or by post to the MOH. If there is no request to amend or supplement the dossier, the MOH must grant the import license within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application. See Decree155Amend for additional information on import licensing procedures.


Per VNM-12, no license is required for the export of specimens.

Chapter III (Article 11) and Appendix II
Article 15
Article 34 and Appendix (Form No. 13)


(Guidance) Guide for Decision No. 62/QD-K2DT - Recording, Handling, and Reporting Adverse Event and Serious Adverse Events in Clinical Trials Conducted in Vietnam (AERprtingD62 - Vietnamese) (English-AERprtingD62 - Unofficial translation) (June 2, 2017)
Ministry of Health
(Legislation) Law No. 105/2016/QH13 on Pharmacy (PharmLaw-VNM – Vietnamese) (English-PharmLaw-VNM - Unofficial translation) (Effective January 1, 2017)
The National Assembly
(Legislation) Law No. 25/2004/QH11 on Child Protection, Care, and Education (ChildLaw – Vietnamese) (English-ChildLaw - Google Translation) (Effective January 1, 2005)
The National Assembly
(Circular) Circular No. 03/2012/TT-BYT – Guidelines for Clinical Trials on Drugs (Partially repealed by Circular No. 29/2018/TT-BYT) (ClinDrugTrial – Vietnamese) (English-ClinDrugTrial - Unofficial translation) (Effective March 20, 2012)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Circular No. 10/2020/TT-BYT – Regulations on Bioequivalence Testing of Drugs (BioequivTrial – Vietnamese) (English-BioequivTrial – Google Translation) (Effective August 10, 2020)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Circular No. 21/2018/TT-BYT – Regulations on the Registration of Traditional Medicines and Pharmaceuticals (TradMedicine – Vietnamese) (English-TradMedicine – Google Translation) (Effective October 28, 2018)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Circular No. 29/2018/TT-BYT – Regulations for Clinical Trials on Drugs (Appendix I amended by Circular No. 10/2020/TT-BYT) (ClinDrugTrialGCP – Vietnamese) (English-ClinDrugTrialGCP – Google Translation) (Effective January 1, 2019)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Circular No. 4/TT-BYT – Regulations on the Establishment, Functions, Duties, and Powers of the Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research (ECReg – Vietnamese) (English-ECReg - Google Translation) (Effective March 15, 2020)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Circular No. 47/2010/TT-BYT – Guidance on Exporting and Importing Activities of Medicines and Packaging in Direct Contact with Medicines (ExprtImprtMeds – Vietnamese) (English-ExprtImprtMeds - Unofficial translation) (December 29, 2010)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Decision No. 111/QD-BYT – On the Promulgation of Regulation on Organization and Operation of Council of Ethics in Biomedical Research at the Grass-Root Level (CEBRGLReg – Vietnamese) (English-CEBRGLReg - Unofficial translation) (January 11, 2013)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Decision No. 4059/QD-BYT – Regulations on the Functions, Tasks, Powers and Organizational Structure Under the Administration of Science, Technology and Training of the Ministry of Health (ASTTReg – Vietnamese) (English-ASTTReg - Unofficial translation) (Effective October 20, 2012)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Decree No. 155/2018/ND-CP – Amending and Supplementing a Number of Regulations Related to Investment and Business Conditions under the Scope of State Management of the Ministry of Health (Decree155Amend – Vietnamese) (English-Decree155Amend - Google Translation) (November 12, 2018)
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
(Regulation) Decree No. 54/2017/ND-CP – Detailing Some Articles and Measures to Implement the Law on Pharmacy (Decree54 – Vietnamese) (English-Decree54 - Unofficial translation) (Effective July 1, 2017)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Decree No. 75/2017/ND-CP – Regulations on the Functions, Tasks, Powers and Organizational Structure of the Ministry of Health (DecreeMOH – Vietnamese) (English-DecreeMOH - Google Translation) (June 20, 2017)
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
(Regulation) Decree No. 89/2018/ND-CP – Detailed Regulations on the Implementation of Some Articles of the Law on Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Regarding Border Medical Quarantine (Decree89 - Vietnamese) (English-Decree89 - Google Translation) (Effective August 10, 2018)
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
(Regulation) Circular No. 08/2022/TT-BYT – Regulations on Registration for Circulation of Drugs and Medicinal Ingredients (DrugRgstrtn – Vietnamese) (English-DrugRgstrtn - Google Translation) (Effective October 20, 2022)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Circular No. 07/2022/TT-BYT – Regulations on Drugs Subject to Bioequivalence Testing and Requirements for Bioequivalence Research Data Reporting Documents (BioTestReq – Vietnamese) (English-BioTestReq - Google Translation) (Effective November 1, 2022)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Decree No. 13/2023/ND-CP – Protection of Personal Data (Decree13 - Vietnamese) (English-Decree13 - Google Translation) (Effective July 1, 2023)
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
(Regulation) Circular No. 08/2014/TT-BYT - Regulations on Clinical Trial Research Support Activities in Vietnam (ClinTrialSup – Vietnamese) (English-ClinTrialSup - Unofficial translation) (Effective May 1, 2014)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Circular No. 40/2018/TT-BYT – Regulations on the Management of Infectious Disease Specimens (MgmtInfctSpcmn – Vietnamese) (English-MgmtInfctSpcmn – Google Translation) (Effective January 25, 2019)
Ministry of Health
(Regulation) Circular No. 01/2018/TT-BYT – Regulations on Labeling of Medicines, Medicinal Ingredients and Drug Use Instructions (MedLabel – Vietnamese) (English-MedLabel – Google Translation) (Effective June 1, 2018)
Ministry of Health

Additional Resources

(Document) Implementing Clinical Research In Vietnam: A Dialogue on the Current Regulations of the Ministry of Health (VNM-4) (July 12-13, 2007)
Family Health International and Vietnam Ministry of Health
(Document) Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (VNM-2) (2011)
Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations
(International Guidance) Integrated Addendum to ICH E6(R1): Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (VNM-5) (Step 4 Version) (November 9, 2016)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) The Use of Essential Drugs: Sixth Report of the WHO Expert Committee (VNM-10) (Technical Report Series No. 850) (1995)
World Health Organization
(Not Available Online) NIAID Communication with VietStar Biomedical Research (May 2024) (VNM-12)
(Webpage) Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT) - Contact (VNM-11 - Vietnamese) (Current as of May 22, 2024)
Administration of Science, Technology and Training, Ministry of Health
(Webpage) (VNM-13) (Current as of May 22, 2024)
National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health & Human Services
(Webpage) Country Profile: Vietnam (VNM-6) (Current as of May 22, 2024)
Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-house, Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations
(Webpage) Organizational Structure of the National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research for the Term 2023-2028 (VNM-1 - Vietnamese) (Last Updated June 22, 2023)
Administration of Science, Technology and Training, Ministry of Health
(Webpage) List of Forms of the Ethics Council (VNM-3 - Vietnamese) (Last Updated June 23, 2023)
Administration of Science, Technology and Training, Ministry of Health
(Webpage) National Information Portal on Personal Data Protection (VNM-7 - Vietnamese) (Current as of May 22, 2024)
Administration of Science, Technology and Training, Ministry of Health
(Webpage) National Information Portal on Personal Data Protection – State Management Agency (VNM-8 - Vietnamese) (Current as of May 22, 2024)
Administration of Science, Technology and Training, Ministry of Health
(Webpage) National Information Portal on Personal Data Protection – Notice of Violation of Regulations on Personal Data Protection (VNM-9 - Vietnamese) (Current as of May 22, 2024)
Administration of Science, Technology and Training, Ministry of Health


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Regulatory authority(ies), relevant office/departments, oversight roles, contact information
Regulatory review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, appeals, termination
Regulatory fees (e.g., applications, amendments, notifications, import) and payment instructions
Ethics review landscape, ethics committee composition, terms of reference, review procedures, meeting schedule
Ethics committee review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, termination
Ethics review fees and payment instructions
Authorization of ethics committees, registration, auditing, accreditation
Submission procedures for regulatory and ethics reviews
Essential elements of regulatory and ethics submissions and protocols
Regulatory and ethics review and approval timelines
Pre-trial approvals, agreements, clinical trial registration
Safety reporting definitions, responsibilities, timelines, reporting format, delivery
Interim/annual and final reporting requirements
Sponsor role and responsibilities, contract research organizations, representatives
Site and investigator criteria, foreign sponsor responsibilities, data and safety monitoring boards, multicenter studies
Insurance requirements, compensation (injury, participation), post-trial access
Protocol and regulatory compliance, auditing, monitoring, inspections, study termination/suspension
Electronic data processing systems and records storage/retention
Responsible parties, data protection, obtaining consent
Obtaining and documenting informed consent/reconsent and consent waivers
Essential elements for informed consent form and other related materials
Rights regarding participation, information, privacy, appeal, safety, welfare
Obtaining or waiving consent in emergencies
Definition of vulnerable populations and consent/protection requirements
Definition of minors, consent/assent requirements, conditions for research
Consent requirements and conditions for research on pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates
Consent requirements and conditions for research on prisoners
Consent requirements and conditions for research on persons who are mentally impaired
Description of what constitutes an investigational product and related terms
Investigational product manufacturing and import approvals, licenses, and certificates
Investigator's Brochure and quality documentation
Investigational product labeling, blinding, re-labeling, and package labeling
Investigational product supply, storage, handling, disposal, return, record keeping
Description of what constitutes a specimen and related terms
Specimen import, export, material transfer agreements
Consent for obtaining, storing, and using specimens, including genetic testing