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Regulatory Authority

Regulatory authority(ies), relevant office/departments, oversight roles, contact information
Regulatory review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, appeals, termination
Regulatory fees (e.g., applications, amendments, notifications, import) and payment instructions

Ethics Committee

Ethics review landscape, ethics committee composition, terms of reference, review procedures, meeting schedule
Ethics committee review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, termination
Ethics review fees and payment instructions
Authorization of ethics committees, registration, auditing, accreditation

Clinical Trial Lifecycle

Submission procedures for regulatory and ethics reviews
Essential elements of regulatory and ethics submissions and protocols
Regulatory and ethics review and approval timelines
Pre-trial approvals, agreements, clinical trial registration
Safety reporting definitions, responsibilities, timelines, reporting format, delivery
Interim/annual and final reporting requirements


Sponsor role and responsibilities, contract research organizations, representatives
Site and investigator criteria, foreign sponsor responsibilities, data and safety monitoring boards, multicenter studies
Insurance requirements, compensation (injury, participation), post-trial access
Protocol and regulatory compliance, auditing, monitoring, inspections, study termination/suspension
Electronic data processing systems and records storage/retention
Responsible parties, data protection, obtaining consent

Informed Consent

Obtaining and documenting informed consent/reconsent and consent waivers
Essential elements for informed consent form and other related materials
Rights regarding participation, information, privacy, appeal, safety, welfare
Obtaining or waiving consent in emergencies
Definition of vulnerable populations and consent/protection requirements
Definition of minors, consent/assent requirements, conditions for research
Consent requirements and conditions for research on pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates
Consent requirements and conditions for research on prisoners
Consent requirements and conditions for research on persons who are mentally impaired

Investigational Products

Description of what constitutes an investigational product and related terms
Investigational product manufacturing and import approvals, licenses, and certificates
Investigator's Brochure and quality documentation
Investigational product labeling, blinding, re-labeling, and package labeling
Investigational product supply, storage, handling, disposal, return, record keeping


Description of what constitutes a specimen and related terms
Specimen import, export, material transfer agreements
Consent for obtaining, storing, and using specimens, including genetic testing

Regulatory Authority

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Clinical research in Tanzania is regulated and overseen by the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) and the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH).

Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority

As per the TMMDAct and TZA-4, the TMDA is the regulatory authority responsible for clinical trial approvals, oversight, and inspections in Tanzania. (Note: while the TMMDAct is formatted as a “Revised Draft,” it incorporates the final changes from 2019 that are codified in the FinanceAct.) The TMDA grants permission for clinical trials to be conducted in the country in accordance with the TMMDAct and the CT-Regs.

Per TZA-29, the TMDA is an executive agency under the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC). The TMDA is responsible for regulating the safety, quality, and effectiveness of medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics.

Per the TMMDAct, the agency has a Ministerial Advisory Board (MAB), which consists of:

  • The MoHCDGEC Permanent Secretary who serves as Chairman
  • Up to 12 Minister-appointed members
  • The Director General who serves as Secretary to the board

In accordance with TZA-29, TMDA is responsible for the following regulatory processes:

  • Regulating the manufacture, importation, distribution, and sale of medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics
  • Prescribing standards of quality, safety, and effectiveness for medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics
  • Inspecting manufacturing industries and business premises dealing with regulated products and ensuring the standards required are attained
  • Evaluating and registering medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics so as to reach the required standards before marketing authorization
  • Issuing business permits for premises dealing with regulated products
  • Assessing the quality, safety, and efficacy of controlled drugs
  • Conducting laboratory investigations for regulated products to ascertain their quality specifications
  • Conducting pharmacovigilance of medical products and vigilance of medical devices and diagnostics circulating on the market
  • Promoting rational use of medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics
  • Educating and sharing accurate and reliable information to stakeholders and the general public on regulatory matters

As described in TZA-2, TMDA’s Clinical Trials Control and Pharmacovigilance (CTPV) section is under the Directorate of Human and Veterinary Medicines, and is responsible for the regulation of clinical trials, pharmacovigilance, and post-marketing surveillance. The regulation of clinical trials mainly includes authorization of clinical trials and good clinical practice (GCP) inspection of investigator sites. See the Scope of Assessment section for additional details.

The PV-Regs established the Pharmacovigilance Technical Committee, under the National Pharmacovigilance Centre of TMDA, to provide recommendations to the Director General on pharmacovigilance-related safety issues, including causality assessment of adverse drug reactions and adverse events. In addition, as stated in TZA-37, there is a TMDA Clinical Trials Technical Committee (CTTC), pursuant to the TMMDAct, that provides independent technical advice to the Director General. Members of the CTTC provide technical advice to assure that clinical trials are designed, conducted, analyzed, and reported in accordance with TMDA and the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (TZA-13) guidelines. Members of the CTTC are required to be prudent, transparent, independent, and committed to their professional ethics while discussing all matters pertaining to clinical trials. The CTTC, which meets at least once quarterly, is composed of experts with knowledge and experience in at least the following fields:

  • Clinical Trials
  • Medical Research
  • Clinical Pharmacology
  • Clinical Epidemiology
  • Medicine
  • Dental Surgery
  • Pharmacy
  • Medical Statistics
  • Public Health
  • Toxicology
  • Microbiology
  • Pathology
  • Regulatory Affairs

Other Considerations

Per TZA-9, Tanzania has adopted several clinical trial related guidelines of the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use including the ICH Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (TZA-13). See TZA-9 for a listing of the adopted guidelines.

Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology

According to TZA-45 and TZA-16, COSTECH is under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and is responsible for coordinating and promoting research and technology as the chief advisor to the government. Its principal roles and responsibilities include (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Preparing and reviewing national science, technology, and innovation programs, including dissemination and transfer of technology
  • Monitoring and coordinating the activities relating to scientific research, technology development, and innovation of all persons or body concerned with such activities
  • Acquiring, storing, and disseminating scientific and technical information
  • Registering scientific research institutions operating in Tanzania
  • Advising the government on matters such as priority areas for scientific research; the allocation and use of research and innovation funds; regional and international cooperation in scientific research, innovation, and technology development and transfer; and matters relating to the training and recruitment of research personnel
  • Defining national resource priorities and research guidelines
  • Communicating research results
  • Providing technical support to institutions related to ethics and monitoring implementation of research and innovative activities

Per the G-ResearchClearance and TZA-47, the COSTECH must review, approve, and issue permits for all research in Tanzania. The G-ResearchClearance specifies that COSTECH, through its National Research Clearance Committee (NRCC), receives and reviews research proposals for their scientific merit, safety, and ethics. Upon approval, NRCC issues research permits. (Note that TZA-47 refers to it as the National Research Registration Committee.)

Contact Information

Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority

According to the G-AppConductCT and TZA-26, TMDA’s contact information is as follows:

Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
P.O. Box 1253, Dodoma or P.O. Box 77150 
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Telephone: +255 22 262961989 / 262961990
Fax: +255 22 2450793

Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology

According to TZA-46 and TZA-47, COSTECH’s contact information is as follows:

Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Kijitonyama (Sayansi) COSTECH Building
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Research Clearance Email:

Regulatory Overview
Question 1 and 10
Part II (a)(4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13) and Part IV (c)
Part II (3-4) and Second Schedule (Declaration of Investigator)
Part II (6-7)

Scope of Assessment

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024


As indicated in the TMMDAct and the CT-Regs, the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) is responsible for reviewing, evaluating, and approving clinical trial applications in Tanzania. The scope of the TMDA’s assessment includes all clinical trials (Phases I-IV). As delineated in the TMMDAct, the CT-Regs, and the G-AppConductCT, the TMDA’s approval of a clinical trial application is dependent upon obtaining proof of national ethics committee (EC) approval from the National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC). According to the G-AppConductCT and TZA-4, the TMDA and national EC reviews may be conducted in parallel. However, the TMDA application must include a copy of the national EC's acknowledgement of receipt for the study protocol. In addition, the TMDA's approval will only be finalized once national EC approval is obtained.

As described in TZA-2, TMDA’s Clinical Trials Control and Pharmacovigilance (CTPV) section is responsible for the regulation of clinical trials, pharmacovigilance, and post-marketing surveillance. Its functions include the following:

  • Review and assess applications to conduct clinical trials in Tanzania, including evaluating clinical trial protocols, including preclinical studies, clinical data, and quality of investigational products (IPs)
  • Approve clinical trial applications with minimum requirements
  • Inspect clinical trial sites to ensure compliance with good clinical practices (GCPs), good clinical laboratory practices (GCLPs), clinical trials regulations, guidelines, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and internationally accepted standards
  • Update and maintain the Tanzania Clinical Trials Registry, which is accessed via the Regulatory Information Management System (RIMS) Customer Self Service Portal (TZA-34)
  • Review and evaluate all safety information (adverse events) from clinical trials
  • Review and evaluate progress reports of all approved clinical trials
  • Serve as Secretariat to Tanzania’s Clinical Trials Technical Committee
  • Monitor and respond to all inquiries regarding conduct of clinical trials in Tanzania

Per the G-ResearchClearance, the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) must review and approve all research in Tanzania to:

  • Ensure research conduct complies with national laws and regulations
  • Document and register research
  • Secure research results and promote its use in policy and practice
  • Safeguard the dignity, rights, safety, and well-being of research participants
  • Reduce systemic risks imposed through the research
  • Provide research permits

Clinical Trial Review Process

Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority

As set forth in the TMMDAct, the CT-Regs, and G-AppConductCT, the TMDA coordinates the clinical trial application process. Upon receipt of a clinical trial application, the TMDA initially screens the application for completeness. If complete, the TMDA officer acknowledges receipt of the application by returning a signed copy of the cover sheet to the applicant (see Annex 1 of the G-AppConductCT). The TMMDAct states that the TMDA Director General must issue a Clinical Trial Certificate to authorize the trial to be conducted. (See the Submission Content section for submission requirements.) TZA-4 indicates that the TMDA may request a clarification or additional documents through the online submission system (TZA-34). The assessment will resume once the applicant has provided clarification and responded to the queries.

Per the G-AppConductCT, the TMDA reviews clinical trial applications and amendments to assess the quality of the products and determine that the use of the IP for the purposes of the clinical trial does not endanger the health of participants or other persons, the clinical trial is not contrary to the best interests of a participant, and the objectives of the clinical trial may be achieved. Evaluation of applications is conducted on a first-in, first-out basis unless the IP meets the fast-track criteria. The application assessment must involve the TMDA and external evaluators. If the TMDA requests additional information from the applicant, the evaluation process will stop until the TMDA receives a written response to the query. The response should be submitted within six (6) months after being issued with a query letter. All queries issued in the same letter must be submitted together in one (1) transaction. Non-compliance to these requirements in content and format will lead to rejection of the clinical trial. Evaluation of applications will be completed within 60 working days of receiving the application. A new clinical trial application may be fast tracked and assessed within 30 working days of its submission if the applicant has requested this and paid twice the prescribed clinical trials application fees.

Per the G-AppConductCT, the clinical trials certification will be valid up to the proposed duration of the study indicated in the application. However, the validity will not extend beyond five (5) years. If the trial will last more than five (5) years, the applicant must request an extension. Further, the TMDA must approve amendments to a previously authorized protocol for changes that affect participant selection and monitoring; changes that affect clinical efficacy and safety requirements; changes that affect participant discontinuation; addition/deletion of an investigational site(s); changes that result in the extension of trial duration; and/or changes that relate to the chemistry and manufacturing information that may affect drug safety and quality. An application for amendment(s) must be accompanied by clearance or authorization from NatHREC.

The G-AppConductCT indicates that the TMDA must not authorize a clinical trial where it finds that:

  • The information and documents as set out in the guidelines have not been provided
  • The application contains false or misleading information
  • The information provided is insufficient to enable the TMDA to assess the safety and risks of the IP or clinical trial
  • Queries raised by the TMDA in relation to the application were not adequately responded to
  • The applicant has not submitted an ethical clearance from any approved medical research institute
  • The use of the IP for the purposes of the clinical trial endangers the health of a clinical trial participant or any other person
  • The objectives of the clinical trial will not be achieved
  • It is not in the public interest to authorize the clinical trial
  • Any other reasonable grounds as may be determined by the TMDA

Next, the G-AppConductCT states that following the TMDA’s authorization of a new clinical trial or amendment, information regarding refusals by other regulatory authorities or ECs should be submitted as a notification. Further, the TMDA may suspend, terminate, or withdraw authorization of a clinical trial if it finds that the conditions of authorization of a trial have been violated; or there is information raising doubts about the safety or scientific validity of the trial or the conduct of the trial at a particular trial site. For additional information, see TZA-4.

(See the Submission Process section for additional details on the clinical trial application and amendments submissions.)

Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology

As for COSTECH review, the G-ResearchClearance indicates that once COSTECH receives a new application, the Secretariat screens the application for completeness; registers the application; sends an acknowledgement to the applicant; submits the application for the appropriate expert, local, and National Research Clearance Committee (NRCC) review; records NRCC’s final decision; and informs the applicant of the decision. COSTECH’s NRCC must reach a decision through a consensus of members forming a quorum at their meeting. The decision may be approval without amendments, approval subject to minor or major amendments, a denial, or a postponement pending further information. If approved, researchers should collect their permit within 90 days after the decision is communicated, and failure to do so requires a new application.

Per the G-ResearchClearance, permits are valid for one (1) year, and can be renewed, provided that COSTECH receives satisfactory progress reports for the previous periods. COSTECH must review the research to ensure compliance with the approved permit and see if any material changes have occurred in the research or if there are findings that may cause termination. The PI must write to COSTECH two (2) months before the expiration date to request a renewal of the permit. For renewals, COSTECH will submit the registered application to an internal reviewer for evaluation, and otherwise, follow the same review and notification procedures as outlined above for a new permit. Regarding applications for amendments, if there is a change in PI, the affiliate institution must notify COSTECH within one (1) month of the departure of the outgoing PI in writing with an accompanying progress report. If a new researcher joins an ongoing project, the PI must submit a request for a research permit for the new member to COSTECH at least two (2) months prior to joining the team, accompanied with a detailed CV and rationale. Changes to the study site, objectives, and methodologies for an ongoing research project must be submitted in writing to COSTECH at least two (2) months prior to implementing the change.

See TZA-47 for additional information about national research registration.

Regulatory Overview and Clinical Trial Review Process
Questions 1-18
Definition of Terms, Module 1 (1.4, 1.10-1.11, 1.13, and 1.16), and Annex 1
1.4, 2.0-8.1
Part IV (c)
Part II (3-5) and First and Second Schedules

Regulatory Fees

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority

As per the G-AppConductCT and the TMMDAFees, applicants are responsible for paying a processing fee to submit a clinical trial application. The TMMDAFees indicates that the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) levies the following processing fees:

  • $3,000 USD for submitting a clinical trial application
  • Double the cost of registration and analysis fee for fast-track clinical trial applications
  • $500 USD for amendments for major changes in clinical trials
  • $300 USD for amendments for minor changes in clinical trials

See the TMMDAFees for a complete list of TMDA fees and charges.

Payment Instructions

The G-AppConductCT states that the fee must be paid to the order of the TMDA directly to the bank by draft electronic transfer through the following accounts:

Foreign applicants: Account Numbers 100380013 Citibank (T) and 02J1021399100 CRDB
Local applicants: Account Number 2041100069 NMB

Applicants are responsible for all bank charges when payment is made by bank transfer. In addition, applicants must include a note with payment details, including the applicant’s name, the product(s) paid for, and the amount of fees paid.

TZA-4 indicates that the banks accounts are linked to Government Electronic Payment Gateway (GEPG) payments as follows:

  • Name: GEPG TMDA Collection Account (USD), Bank: NMB Revenue Bank, Account No: 20810015291, Branch University
  • Name: GEPG TMDA Collection Account (USD), Bank: NBC USD, Account No: 040105002468, Branch: UDSM
  • Name: GEPG TMDA Collection Account (USD), Bank: CRDB Bank US, Account No: 0250021399100, Branch: Holland House

Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology

As delineated in the G-ResearchClearance, the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) charges an application fee of $50 USD to review and register a research proposal. The principal investigator (PI) should pay the nonrefundable research application fee, which is paid per project. Before the permit is issued, COSTECH requires foreign researchers to pay a research permit fee of $300 USD.

Payment Instructions

Per the G-ResearchClearance and TZA-47, foreign researchers can pay the research permit fee via the following bank account:

Account name or beneficiary: Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology

Bank Name: National Bank of Commerce Ltd
Branch: Samora Avenue, P.O. Box 9002, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Account Number: 012105018998
Account Currency: US Dollars
Swift Number/Code: NLCBTZTX

According TZA-47, in-country applicants can pay the fee with a control number (payment bill), which will be used for a deposit. A control number for payment can be obtained through an email request to COSTECH at

Fees and Charges and Payment Instructions
Questions 4 and 17
Module 1 (1.9 and 1.12) and Annex 1
3 and 10-11
First Schedule (Lines 65-68)

Ethics Committee

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024


As indicated in the G-AppConductCT, all clinical trials require national ethics committee (EC) approval for each trial site. Per the G-TMRCC and TZA-50, the national EC in Tanzania is the National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC), which focuses on the ethical issues surrounding submitted research proposals. As delineated in the G-TMRCC, NatHREC-Charter, TZA-5, and TZA-18, NatHREC is a subcommittee of the Medical Research Coordination Committee (MRCC), which serves as the national health research coordinating body, and is responsible for supervising, controlling, coordinating, evaluating, and promoting health research in Tanzania or elsewhere on behalf of or for the benefit of Tanzania. The MRCC, which is part of the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), delegates the registration, review, approval, and monitoring of clinical research to the NatHREC.

As delineated in NatHREC-Charter, NatHREC provides ethical review and clearance of health research protocols and monitors and evaluates research studies. In addition, NatHREC conducts the following activities:

  • Receiving and registering all health research carried out in Tanzania
  • Ensuring that all health research protocols are thoroughly reviewed to safeguard the dignity, rights, safety, and well-being of research participants
  • Advising researchers on the risks and responsibilities of conducting research
  • Recommending to the MRCC for ethics clearance approval, all health research protocols that have complied with the country’s ethics regulations and guidelines
  • Monitoring and coordinating all approved health research conducted in Tanzania
  • Advocating for and overseeing all issues pertaining to health research data and material sharing and/or transfer
  • Supporting health research institutions in Tanzania to establish institutional ECs or Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
  • Accrediting health research institutions’ ECs

Per the G-AppConductCT, G-EthicsHR-TZA, the G-ResearchIntegrity, the G-RevPrtcl, TZA-18, TZA-5, and TZA-1, proposed health research in Tanzania must also get institutional EC approval at the host institution where the research will be based. If there is no institutional EC, approval must still be obtained from the NatHREC. For all health research involving foreign collaborators, the applicant must get both the institutional EC and NatHREC’s ethical approval. TZA-5 states that both institutional ECs and NatHREC review and approval are also required for clinical trials, research dealing with vulnerable, special, or marginalized groups, sensitive topics, or indigenous communities. The NatHREC-Charter indicates that institutional and zonal ECs complement NatHREC’s function of issuing institutional ethics clearance certificates and monitoring the approved research at their institutions. According to TZA-18, not all human participant research requires review and approval at the national level, and consequently, institutional ethics review is complementary to NatHREC’s national-level review.

The G-EthicsHR-TZA further states that institutional ECs should monitor their hosted research activities to ensure compliance. Institutional ECs may function at the institutional, zonal, or national levels. ECs act as independent reviewers of any proposed study on human research participants, to ensure ethical conduct of research, and that participant’s rights and welfare are not violated. The major responsibility of ECs is to safeguard the rights, safety, and well-being of research participants. See the Oversight of Ethics Committees section for information on the registration and accreditation of ECs by NatHREC.

Ethics Committee Composition

National Health Research Ethics Committee

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA and TZA-5, the Director General of NIMR is responsible for appointing NatHREC members. Members are selected based on their capacity, interest, ethical and scientific knowledge, and expertise, as well as their commitment and willingness to volunteer the necessary time and effort for the NatHREC’s work. NatHREC must consist of not less than nine (9) and up to 15 members with the relevant qualifications and experience to review and evaluate the science, medical, and ethical aspects of health research protocols. In addition, NatHREC must be composed of members with varying backgrounds to promote a complete and adequate review of health research protocols commonly received by the NatHREC. Per TZA-5, committee members must include medical scientists, biomedical scientists, social scientists, legal representatives, unaffiliated community representatives, representatives of religious or faith-based organizations, a representative from the President’s Office-Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), and a representative from the Tanzania Ministry of Health. The Director General may appoint additional members depending on the need for expertise and/or representation and not exceeding the maximum number of members. See TZA-5 for additional information on NatHREC’s standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Per the G-TMRCC, the NatHREC is represented by the following organizations:

Institutional Ethics Committees

As per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, institutional ECs must have members capable of providing a competent and thorough review of research protocols. Membership typically includes physicians, scientists, laboratory experts, nurses, lawyers, ethicists, and other professionals. In addition, the above membership also includes community members or representatives of patients’ groups who can represent the cultural and moral values of study participants. When a proposed study involves vulnerable individuals or groups, as may be the case in research involving prisoners or illiterate persons, representatives of relevant advocacy groups should be invited to meetings where such protocols will be reviewed. Regular rotation of members is desirable for balancing the advantage of experience with that of fresh perspectives. In addition, each institutional EC must include at least one (1) member who is not affiliated with the institution and is not part of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution. Further, an EC may invite individuals with competence in particular areas to assist in the review of issues, which require expertise beyond, or in addition to that available in the EC; these individuals do not vote with the EC.

Per IERC-Accredit, following are the membership requirements for ECs accredited with NIMR:

  • The Chairperson must have adequate experience in health research, leadership, and have basic knowledge of bioethics
  • An EC must comprise at least five (5) members or more, and the total must be an odd number
  • At least one-third of the members of the EC must be of either gender
  • At least one (1) member should come from outside the institution
  • At least two (2) members should have research expertise and experience, and one (1) of these should be in the health field
  • At least one (1) member should represent a lay group
  • For ECs reviewing clinical research, the committee should have representation from medicine, laboratory, pharmacy, and nursing as needed; a clinician who is active in clinical practice (with a valid practicing license) or in clinical research is mandatory
  • At least one (1) member of the EC should possess knowledge and understanding of Tanzanian law
  • Where an EC has been formed to serve more than one (1) institution, the institution hosting the Secretariat is responsible for the functioning of the EC in all aspects
  • Where multiple institutions are involved in one (1) EC, the appointing authority must make appointments in consultation with the relevant heads of the respective institutions

The G-ResearchIntegrity recommends that composition should not only be multi-disciplinary and multi-sector but should also balance scientific expertise, age, and gender distribution, and should have a non-technical member representing community interests. The institution should determine the type of members needed and establish procedures for selecting/appointing members and number of persons. It is recommended that ECs have seven (7) to 15 members. See the G-ResearchIntegrity and TZA-23 for additional recommendations.

Terms of Reference, Review Procedures, and Meeting Schedule

National Health Research Ethics Committee

The G-TMRCC and TZA-5 state that the NatHREC must operate within written standard operating procedures (SOPs), including a process to be followed for conducting reviews. The G-TMRCC states that the SOPs should include information on NatHREC composition, meeting schedules, frequency of reviews, requirements for initial and ongoing evaluation of the research study, and requirements for notifying the investigator and the institution of results related to the study’s initial and ongoing evaluation. Committee members should agree to disclose their names, occupations, and affiliations, and to sign the confidentiality and conflict of interest agreements. Per TZA-5, the SOPs facilitate and support ethical review by improving the standard and uniformity of decision-making and assuring and gaining the confidence of the public in the NatHREC. Membership must be for three (3) years, renewable once, under the discretion of the MRCC Chairperson. A member of the NatHREC may resign by submitting an official letter of resignation to the MRCC Chairperson. A member of the NatHREC may also be disqualified from membership should the appointing authority provide adequate written reasons to the NatHREC and there is unanimous agreement. The NatHREC must request a replacement of any member when there is protracted illness that prevents the member from participating; persistent absenteeism or missing three (3) consecutive committee meetings; voluntary withdrawal or resignation; and/or ethical misconduct.

According to TZA-5, the NatHREC Secretary oversees the daily operations of the Secretariat and arranges training and educational programs to new and continuing committee members and the scientific community on health research ethics. The training must include programs about the basic principles of human participant protection, current literature, and regulations and guidelines affecting the committee and NIMR. Further, the Secretary assists in recruiting new committee members, as well as preparing and submitting an annual committee operational budget and plan to NIMR in consultation with the Chair. See TZA-5 for details on the functions of the NatHREC Secretariat.

Per TZA-5, NatHREC members must fulfill the following responsibilities:

  • Review, discuss, and consider health research protocols submitted for ethical clearance evaluation
  • Review research study progress reports and monitor on-going studies as appropriate
  • Review reports on adverse events, serious adverse events, and/or suspected unexpected serious adverse reactions, as well as any other safety reports and recommend appropriate actions
  • Maintain professional confidentiality of documents and deliberations of the committee review proceedings and meetings
  • Declare conflicts of interest when they exist
  • Participate in continuing education activities in biomedical ethics and research
  • Undertake committee duties assigned to them by the NatHREC Chairperson
  • Attend NatHREC meetings regularly and participate actively during deliberations
  • Participate in the review of NatHREC SOPs
  • Conduct research site monitoring visits as deemed necessary

According to TZA-5, the NatHREC must convene at least once a month with a quorum of at least half the number of committee members. The NatHREC Secretary, with support from the Secretariat, must prepare an annual almanac of meetings. The meeting package must include the agenda; all research protocols; and all related materials including, but not limited to, copies of the protocols, informed consent materials, continuing and final reviews, and safety reports. The Secretariat must keep a record of attendance as well as meeting deliberations, indicating which members were present and the discussions of review applications. If members have reviewed a protocol and identified issues that require the principal investigator (PI) to be present during the meeting for further deliberations, then the PI of that research protocol may be invited to answer questions or clarify issues. The meeting members must reach decisions by a consensus; however, if a consensus cannot be achieved, a formal vote must be taken. All members have the right to vote. The committee must provide formal recommendations to the MRCC on the approval of applications, along with minutes that include protocol title and date of review, a checklist of documents reviewed, and a decision reached by the committee, whether approved, approved with stipulation, recommended for resubmission after revision, or not recommended with reasons. For detailed NatHREC procedures and information, see TZA-5.

Institutional Ethics Committees

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the EC members are appointed by institutional appointing authorities. The EC must be constituted according to a document that specifies the manner in which members and the Chair will be appointed, reappointed, and replaced. EC members must regularly update their knowledge about the ethical conduct of health-related research. If committees do not have the relevant expertise to adequately review a specific protocol, they must consult external persons with the required skills or certification. Each EC member must undergo at least one (1) basic training in research ethics within one (1) year of appointment and, thereafter, should undergo continued ethics training at least once every two (2) years. Members of an EC must serve for a term of three (3) years. EC members must guard against any tendencies of unethical conduct on their part. For example, they must protect the confidentiality of research projects, documents, and discussions; an EC member must not appropriate the submitted protocol for their own use; and they must not compel investigators to submit to an unnecessary repetition of review.

In addition, as delineated in the G-EthicsHR-TZA, ECs are responsible for determining whether the research objectives are responsive to the health needs and priorities of the proposed study population, particularly in Tanzania. The ability to judge the ethical acceptability of various aspects of a research protocol requires a thorough understanding of a community’s customs and traditions. For example, the EC should include members that are able to indicate suitable community members to serve as intermediaries between investigators and research participants and to advise on whether material benefits or inducements may be regarded as appropriate considering a community’s gift exchange and other customs and traditions. ECs must have mechanisms to ensure the independence of their operations. They must avoid undue influence and minimize and manage conflicts of interest. ECs must require that their members disclose to the committee any interests that could constitute a conflict of interest or otherwise bias their evaluation of a research protocol. ECs must evaluate each study considering any disclosed interests and ensure appropriate steps are taken to mitigate possible conflicts of interest. ECs may receive a fee for reviewing protocols, and this need not constitute a conflict of interest.

As required in the G-EthicsHR-TZA, ECs should hold meetings as frequently as possible to facilitate timely ethical clearance. ECs must review proposed research at convened meetings where at least 50 percent of the members are present, including at least one (1) member who represents the interests of the community. The Chairperson may be given powers to approve minor matters on behalf of the EC but ensure that the papers are made available to the rest of the EC members at the next meeting. ECs should have the power to co-opt professional or lay members where necessary. For a research protocol to be approved, it must receive the approval of a simple majority of those members present at the meeting; the only exception to the simple majority requirement is in the case of expedited review. 

Regarding documentation, per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the institution must ensure that the EC prepares and maintains adequate documentation and retain the records for at least five (5) years after the completion of the study. All records must be accessible for inspection and copying by authorized representatives, including the following:

  • Detailed written procedures for the EC
  • Copies of all research protocols reviewed, scientific evaluations that accompany the protocols, approved sample consent documents, progress reports submitted by the investigator(s), reports of injuries to research participants, etc.
  • Minutes of EC Meetings that must be in sufficient detail to show attendance at the meetings; actions taken by the IRB; the vote on these actions, including the number of members voting for, against, and abstaining; the basis for requiring changes in or disapproving research; and a written summary of the discussion of controversial issues and their resolution
  • Records of continuing review activities
  • Copies of all correspondence between the EC and investigator(s)
  • Statements of significant new findings that were provided to research participants

Per the G-ResearchIntegrity, institutions should have clear documentation of candidacy requirements and procedures for identifying or recruiting EC members. The recruitment methods, duration of membership, terms of service, qualifications, disqualifications, resignation procedures, re-appointment/renewal, and other duties and responsibilities should be documented in EC SOPs. Appointment of EC members must be done at the institutional managerial level in consultation with experts, relevant boards, and peer institutions. Institutions should minimize conflicts of interest and establish mechanisms for maximizing transparency and confidentiality of review processes. These qualities may be enhanced by rotation and turnaround of members to allow inflow of new ideas and accountability. The conditions of appointment must clearly indicate the decision on whether to release professional profiles to the public, level of accessibility, members’ cost recovery ceilings for EC-related activities, confidentiality, and any other mechanisms geared to enhancing confidence over the EC’s operations. The pros and cons of each option must be carefully considered and communicated to candidates. Both scientific and support staff must sign a confidentiality agreement and declare any conflicts of interest from the outset.

Introduction, SOPs (01-05, 08-09, and 29), and Appendices (Forms 1A, 1B, and 2)
The Role of NIMR as National Regulator for the Conduct of Health Research
Definition of Terms, 1.4, 1.10, and 1.13
3.1 and Annex 1 (3-4)
Preface, 1, and 5
Section B (3)
2.2 and Chapter 3

Scope of Review

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024


According to the G-TMRCC and the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the primary scope of information assessed by the National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC) and the institutional ethics committees (ECs) relates to maintaining and protecting the dignity and rights of research participants and ensuring their safety throughout their participation in health research studies. The NatHREC and the institutional ECs must also pay special attention to reviewing informed consent and to protecting the welfare of certain classes of participants deemed to be vulnerable. (See the Vulnerable Populations; Children/Minors; Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates; Prisoners; and Mentally Impaired sections for additional information about these populations).The NatHREC is responsible for ensuring an independent, timely, and competent review of all ethical aspects of the clinical trial protocol. TZA-5 states that the NatHREC must function in accordance with national and international standards and guidelines on health research, and guided specifically by the ethical principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki (TZA-30), international ethical guidelines such as the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (TZA-13), and the G-EthicsHR-TZA.

As indicated in the G-ResearchIntegrity, institutional ECs review, approve, and recommend for approval, research proposals that have met scientific merit, ethical, and professional standards. The institutional ECs are expected to provide recommendations on proposals that would need approval from a nationally overseeing ethics body where available. Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, institutional ECs act as independent reviewers of any proposed study on human research participants to ensure ethical conduct of research and that participant’s rights and welfare are not violated. The major responsibility of institutional ECs is to safeguard the rights, safety, and well-being of research participants. In addition, it is essential that they review the scientific soundness of the research protocols, which involves a proper scientific review to verify that a competent expert body has determined the research to be scientifically sound, or consult with qualified experts to ensure that the research design and methods are appropriate. If the EC does not have expertise to judge science or feasibility, they must draw on relevant expertise. See G-EthicsHR-TZA for more information on the scientific review.

Role in Clinical Trial Approval Process

National Health Research Ethics Committee

As per the TMMDAct, the CT-Regs, and the G-AppConductCT, the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) and the NatHREC must approve a clinical trial application prior to the sponsor, the contract research organization (CRO), or the principal investigator (PI) initiating the clinical trial. According to the G-AppConductCT and TZA-4, the TMDA and NatHREC reviews may be conducted in parallel. However, the TMDA application must include a copy of the national EC's acknowledgement of receipt for the study protocol. In addition, the TMDA's approval will only be finalized once national EC approval is obtained.

As described in TZA-31, the NatHREC’s ethics review is managed through its Research Ethics Information Management System (REIMS) (TZA-32), an online web application for the submission of research protocols for NatHREC’s review, validation of protocols per NatHREC checklist (TZA-1), online review of proposals, and application status tracking. The G-RevPrtcl indicates that the NatHREC Secretariat will validate submissions for completeness upon receipt in REIMS. The G-RevPrtcl recommends the following review sequence after the materials are checked for completeness: write comments in an MS Word document; read the PI’s cover letter, the institution’s commitment letter, and other supporting letters; review the abstract/summary; review the application form, protocol, and appendices; and synthesize and submit comments online through REIMS (TZA-32). Per TZA-5, following successful validation of an application to the REIMS, the system generates a unique protocol number/identifier; this unique identifier must be used in reference to all communications to the PI or applicant regarding the application. Depending on the research area of the submitted protocols, at least two (2) primary reviewers must be assigned to review a new protocol by the NatHREC Secretariat. Comments from reviewers will reach the PI within two (2) days, depending on the type of study protocol. If the applicant fails to respond to the comments within 30 days, the NatHREC Secretariat must notify the PI of its intent to remove the protocol from the REIMS. Once the research protocol is removed from the REIMS, the PI must re-apply for ethical clearance and pay the application fee. For clinical trial applications, reviewers’ comments and the outcome of the NatHREC meeting must be forwarded to the PI within 30 days from the date of acceptance by the NatHREC. If the research protocol is cleared and the ethical clearance certificate is issued, the PI must receive it through mail to the institution’s postal address. Additionally, the PI may be able to download the soft copy of the ethical clearance certificate from the REIMS account. A PI may appeal a decision in writing to the Medical Research Coordination Committee (MRCC) Chairperson within 30 days of receipt of the decision, stating the precise issues upon which the appeal is based. The MRCC will respond to PIs in writing within 30 days or upon scrutiny of the appeal. The MRCC Chairperson may invite the PI to appear in person to the MRCC within 30 days of receiving the written appeal.

Expedited Review

TZA-5 delineates the categories of research that qualify for NatHREC expedited review:

  • Research activities that present no more than minimal risk to human participants
  • Minor changes (modification or amendment) to a previously approved research proposal
  • Studies that involve interviews of a non-confidential nature and not likely to harm the status or interest of study participants
  • Studies that involve collection of small amounts of biological specimens by non-invasive means (e.g., body fluids, excreta, hair or nail in non-disfiguring or threatening manner) for local analysis and no transfer of specimens outside of Tanzania
  • Collection of data for research purposes through non-invasive procedures (not involving general anesthesia or sedation), routinely employed in clinical practices and using medical devices which have been already approved for use
  • Research involving data, documents, or specimens that have been already collected or will be collected for on-going medical treatment or diagnosis
  • Continuing review of certain research previously approved by the NatHREC
  • Research that aligns with disease outbreaks or public health emergencies

TZA-5 states that expedited review must be conducted by two (2) or more experienced reviewers designated by the Secretariat. The expedited review must include a review of the complete study protocol with all required attachments. Results of the review process may be communicated to the PI even before being reported to the NatHREC. Expedited reviewers may exercise all the authorities of the committee except that the NatHREC reviewers may not disapprove of the research. Any research activity may be disapproved only after reviewing the protocol in accordance with the non-expedited procedure. Approval for expedited protocols is given by the MRCC through the Chairperson upon recommendation for approval from the reviewers. Once expedited approval has been granted, the protocol may be implemented as approved. Clinical trials with investigational products (IP) are not eligible for expedited review but may be considered for accelerated review. The final decision for a protocol to undergo an expedited review is determined by the NatHREC Chairperson, the NatHREC Secretariat, and/or the MRCC Chairperson, as needed. The Secretariat must notify the NatHREC of all expedited reviews at the next scheduled meeting through a listing in the meeting agenda.

Reviews During Public Health Events

Per TZA-5, rapid review of public health research and clinical trials may be implemented during public health events of national and/or international concern. During public health emergencies, the declaration will come from the public health authority of the country or an internationally recognized organization responsible for international public health. To expedite commencement of the research, many of the preliminary research processes (drafting of documents, translations, approvals) will be allowed to happen in parallel. Protocols should be sent to reviewers within 24 hours of submission by the Secretariat, and reviewers should complete their reviews within three (3) days. The consolidated review and suggested revisions (or approval) should be communicated to the PI(s) within five (5) days. The PI should respond to the review notification within 48 hours. See TZA-5 for additional details on the emergency review requirements.

Approval Duration

Regarding duration of the NatHREC approval, per TZA-5, the NatHREC Secretariat determines how often the committee must re-evaluate the research study, appropriate to the degree of risk, but not less than once per year. Studies whose approval has expired must be suspended until an extension through a renewal process is approved. The PI must submit an electronic continuing review report through REIMS with a frequency as indicated in the terms and conditions of the ethics clearance certificate. The NatHREC Secretary must place the continuing review report on the next meeting’s agenda for review. The NatHREC may provide directives or guidance to the study following review that will be communicated to the PI. In addition, the committee may recommend that the research study is halted.

Protocol Amendments

Per TZA-5, the NatHREC recognizes certain protocol amendments as minor/insubstantial or major/substantial; see TZA-5 for examples of each type. Amendments made to protocols may not be implemented until approved by the NatHREC. Upon receipt of the amendment package, the Secretariat must follow the receiving and validation procedures of submitted protocols. After review of the amendment submission, the Secretariat must determine whether the protocol requires expedited or full review. The amended protocol will be sent to the reviewers of the original submission; in absence of the original reviewers, the Secretariat must appoint and send the amendment application to another reviewer with the same or similar expertise. The number of reviewers will range from one (1) to three (3), depending on the number of the amendments. Minor amendments may be reviewed by members of the Secretariat. If the committee requires modifications to any of the documents, specific changes required must be communicated to the PI with instructions to make the necessary changes and resubmit the documents to the Secretariat. If the committee does not recommend approval of the protocol amendment, this information will be communicated to the MRCC who will review the decision and make the final decision on the approval. If an application is not approved, the PI must be informed of the reasons for not approving the amendment.

Institutional Ethics Committees

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, ordinary review is the institution’s normal process for reviewing minimal or more than minimal risk studies. For research that is externally sponsored, the ethical standards should not be less stringent than they would be for research carried out in the country of the sponsoring organization. Local ECs must be fully empowered to disapprove a study they believe is unethical. An EC must require that information given to research participants as part of informed consent complies with the general requirements for informed consent. However, the EC may require that more information be given to the research participants, provided such additional information would meaningfully add to the protection of the rights and the welfare of the research participants. An EC must generally require documentation of the informed consent process. For certain types of research, however, the EC may need the investigator to administer a comprehension test (or test of understanding) to ensure that prospective research participants have acquired adequate knowledge of the relevant facts and consequences of participation in the study. Within 14 days of its review, the EC must notify investigators in writing of the outcome of the research protocol review. If an EC does not approve a research activity, it must include in its written notification a statement of the reasons for its decision.

The G-ResearchIntegrity states that ECs must review protocols in accordance with their standard operating procedures (SOPs) and in a timely and professional manner. Names, titles, and institutional affiliation of reviewers for each proposal will be kept confidential. The decision should be communicated to the investigators in a written letter that is signed or stamped by the EC chair. The letter should include the research/study title as written in the application, the name of the applicant, research site, draft number, date submitted, name and date of EC sitting for that proposal, suggested changes, and a clear statement of final decision by EC. The investigators must notify the EC of protocol amendments, unforeseen circumstances affecting the study, termination of the study, progress reporting, and study termination before or at completion. ECs should also establish monitoring and/or inspection mechanisms for ongoing research projects to ensure compliance with approved criteria.

Expedited Review

As delineated in the G-EthicsHR-TZA, expedited review is a process by which studies that involve no more than minimal risk may be reviewed and approved in a timely manner by an individual EC member or a designated subset of the full EC. Relevant authorities or ECs must establish a list of criteria for protocols that qualify for an expedited review process. Further, relevant authorities or ECs may establish procedures for the expedited review of research protocols, which should specify the following:

  • The nature of the applications, amendments, and other considerations that will be eligible for expedited review
  • The minimum number of committee members required for expedited review
  • The status of decisions (for example, subject to confirmation by a full EC or not)

Accelerated Review

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, an accelerated review process may be used for a clinical trial protocol submitted for ethical approval. In reviewing a clinical trial, reviewers may exercise all the authorities of the committee to recommend approval of the submitted protocol. Final approval for protocol is granted in accordance with the standard procedures outlined above. However, applications for accelerated review of clinical trial protocols will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the EC, and the applicant may be required to undergo an ordinary review process due to the nature of the trial or else, as determined by the EC.

Continuing Review

As required in the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the EC must conduct additional reviews on approved studies as necessary, particularly if there are significant changes in the protocol that require re-consent by participants or affect the safety of participants, or if other ethical matters emerge during the study. These further reviews include amendments, progress reports submitted by researchers, and possible monitoring of researchers’ compliance with approved protocols. For approved studies, ECs must conduct continuing review of research at intervals appropriate to the degree of risk, but not less than once a year, and must have authority to observe or have a third party observe the informed consent process. The EC must investigate research fraud and take appropriate action where scientific fraud has been suspected or proven.

Suspension or Termination

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the EC has the authority to halt, suspend, or terminate approval of research that is not being conducted in accordance with the EC’s requirements, or research that has been associated with unexpected serious harm to research participants. For example, the EC may suspend research when:

  • It finds that the investigator has implemented significant changes in the research protocol without the prior approval of the EC
  • The investigator has failed to follow specific procedures or requirements articulated by the EC in its initial review of the research protocol
  • When there is severe unexpected harm to the research participants, including, but not limited to, serious physical injury or death

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, any suspension or termination of ethics approval must include a written statement of the reasons for the EC’s action. It must be reported promptly to the investigator(s), appropriate institutional officials, and the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) Director General.

Multicenter Research

For multicenter research, the G-EthicsHR-TZA states that the study must be conducted in a methodologically identical way at each center, and ECs at individual centers have the authority to adapt the informed consent document provided by the lead institution to make it culturally appropriate. To avoid lengthy procedures, multicenter research within Tanzania should be reviewed by only one (1) EC and other applicable ECs should accept that review. To be informed of the necessary approach, the study team should be consulted. In cases of multicenter research, if a local review committee proposes changes to the original protocol that it believes are necessary to protect the research participants, these changes must be reported to the research institution or sponsor responsible for the whole research program for consideration and possible action. This should ensure that all persons are protected and that the research will be valid across sites. Ideally, review procedures should be harmonized, which may decrease the time needed for review and, accordingly, speed up the research process. Joint reviews may be organized and requested by the study team or sponsor across country borders or institutions in compliance with guidelines. Joint reviews are based on voluntary cooperation between the relevant national regulatory authorities and ECs. In the case of multi-country joint reviews, each country is solely responsible for granting regulatory or ethics approval to the sites within its borders. To harmonize review processes and to maintain sufficient quality of these processes, ECs should develop quality indicators for ethical review.


Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, some studies may be exempt from EC review. If an investigator considers that their research project satisfies the requirements for exemption from ethics review, the EC must ensure that the proposed research satisfies the requirements for exemption from EC review and grant exemption through procedures set by the EC. The following studies may be exempt from EC review:

  • Research with negligible risk that involves using existing collections of data or records that contain only non-identifiable data about human beings
  • Use of publicly available unlinked data that does not identify individuals or communities
  • Use of existing collections of data or records that contain only non-identifiable data about human beings
  • Quality assurance/evaluation activities undertaken in the normal course of conducting the business of the institution, i.e., educational assessments, student feedback surveys, audits of organizational activities and systems, and quality assurance reviews
  • Emergency use of a test article provided that such emergency use is reported to the EC within five (5) working days; any subsequent use of the test article at the institution is subject to EC approval
  • Health systems research if public officials are interviewed in their official capacity on issues that are in the public domain
SOPs (01 and 07-12) and Forms 2 and 3
Regulatory Overview and Clinical Trial Review Process
Definition of Terms, Module 1 (1.4 and 1.10), and Annex 1
3.2, 3.5, and Annex 1
1.4, 3.3, 4.2-4.6, and 4.9
Part IV (c)
Part II (3-4) and First and Second Schedules

Ethics Committee Fees

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

National Health Research Ethics Committee

According to the G-TMRCC, the National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC) requires the sponsor, the contract research organization, or the principal investigator (PI) to pay a nonrefundable fee to submit a clinical trial research protocol for ethical review and approval.

As per TZA-33, the fees are as follows:

  • Tanzanian researchers, expedited review – 3,100,000 Tanzanian Shillings
  • Tanzanian researchers, ordinary review – 2,100,000 Tanzanian Shillings
  • Tanzanian researchers, amendment – 500,000 Tanzanian Shillings
  • Tanzanian researchers, extension – 200,000 Tanzanian Shillings
  • Tanzanian students, expedited review – Not applicable
  • Tanzanian students, ordinary review – 1,100,000 Tanzanian Shillings
  • Tanzanian students, amendment – 250,000 Tanzanian Shillings
  • Tanzanian students, extension – 200,000 Tanzanian Shillings
  • International researchers, expedited review – $4,100 USD
  • International researchers, ordinary review – $2,100 USD
  • International researchers, amendment – $500 USD
  • International researchers, extension – $200 USD
  • International students, expedited review – Not applicable
  • International students, ordinary review – $750 USD
  • International students, amendment – $250 USD
  • International students, extension – $200 USD

Payment Instructions

Per TZA-33, to pay for NatHREC ethical clearance, applicants should fill out the payment form (TZA-33) and send it to To inquire about how to make the payment with the form, contact the NatHREC at +255 22 2121400 or +255 758 587885 (mobile), as per at TZA-18.

Institutional Ethics Committees

Institutionally based ethics committees (ECs) may independently decide whether to charge fees for a protocol review. Per the G-ResearchIntegrity, ECs should delineate procedures for the fee structure, mode of payment, and proof of payment in their standard operating procedures (SOPs). Applicants should contact ECs individually for specific fees and payment instructions.

Contact Details
Annex 1

Oversight of Ethics Committees

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024


As mandated by the MedRsrchAct, the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) is the central body responsible for oversight, and for the promotion and coordination of research in Tanzania. The NIMR is a semi-autonomous organization under the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC). The IERC-Accredit, the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the G-TMRCC, and TZA-5 state that the NIMR’s Medical Research Coordination Committee (MRCC) serves as the national health research coordinating body, and is responsible for supervising health research in Tanzania. The MRCC, as the NIMR’s clearance body, delegates the registration, review, approval, and monitoring of research to the National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC), which is a subcommittee of the MRCC. The NatHREC focuses on the ethical issues surrounding submitted research proposals. All clinical trial protocols to be conducted in Tanzania are also reviewed by a specialized nine (9)-member Clinical Trials Sub-Committee, which meets monthly and reports to the NatHREC. For detailed information on NatHREC responsibilities, see the G-TMRCC, the G-EthicsHR-TZA, and TZA-5.

TZA-5 acknowledges that not all human subjects require review and approval at the national level—i.e., research that does not involve investigational products or collaboration with foreign institutions. For studies that may not need national review, the local ethics committee (EC) must submit quarterly reports listing studies that were approved by the local EC. The NatHREC may request any information related to approved research studies at the institutional level, and ECs are subject to audit.

Registration, Auditing, and Accreditation

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, institutions that intend to establish an institutional EC must make a written request to the Director General of NIMR and, upon approval, submit quarterly and annual progress reports to NIMR. In the initial request, the institution must indicate that it will comply with the following minimum requirements:

  • A statement of principles governing the institution's discharge of its responsibilities for protecting the rights and welfare of human research participants of research conducted at or sponsored by the institution; this may include an appropriate existing code, declaration, or statement of ethical principles or a statement formulated by the institution itself
  • Details on ensuring meeting space availability and sufficient staff and resources to support the EC’s review and record-keeping duties
  • A list of members identified by name, qualifications, profession, representative capacity, indicators, or experience such as board certification, and licenses
  • Written procedures for monitoring the conduct of studies approved by the EC

As delineated in the IERC-Accredit, institutional ECs may apply for accreditation. Registered and accredited ECs support the NatHREC function of facilitating institutional ethical clearance and monitoring the approved research studies at the level of the institutions to which they belong or are affiliated. ECs are not mandated to approve research protocols for clinical trials and those involving foreign collaborators. These types of research are cleared at the national level only. Following are the EC accreditation assessment criteria:

  • Suitability of infrastructure and office space for EC activities
  • Adequacy of equipment to support ethics review management
  • Adequacy of qualified EC Secretariat staff (technical and support staff) to manage the ethics review procedures
  • Appropriateness of the EC governance and structure
  • Plan for capacity building/training program for the EC Secretariat, members, and reviewers
  • Plan for monitoring of research activities by the EC
  • Adequacy of institutional support services
  • Appropriateness of EC standard operating procedures (SOPs)

The IERC-Accredit indicates that ECs approved for full accreditation will be published on the NIMR website. The duration of accreditation is three (3) years from the date of notification (certification) by NIMR. Applications for renewal must be made six (6) months before the expiry of the accreditation period. Failure to renew accreditation or failure to maintain the appropriate standards for continuity of accreditation will mean that the accreditation status of the EC will lapse at the end of the current accreditation period and the committee must cease to function. Accreditation must be terminated if NIMR, in consultation with NatHREC, finds that the accredited EC has failed to maintain the required standards. See IERC-Accredit for additional accreditation information, including application procedures and reporting.

See the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology’s (COSTECH) and the G-ResearchIntegrity for institutional guidance on the introduction and strengthening of research integrity mechanisms. When such mechanisms are well established, institutional ECs can advance to a stage of accreditation.

Introduction and SOPs 01 and 29
2 and 3.1

Submission Process

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024


According to the TMMDAct, the CT-Regs, and the G-AppConductCT, the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) requires the sponsor, the designated contract research organization (CRO), or the investigator to obtain TMDA approval. Per TZA-5, the principal investigator (PI) is required to submit an application for ethical review of a research study to the national ethics committee (EC), the National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC). According to the G-AppConductCT and TZA-4, TMDA and NatHREC reviews may be conducted in parallel. However, the TMDA application must include a copy of the national EC's acknowledgement of receipt for the study protocol. In addition, the TMDA's approval will only be finalized once national EC approval is obtained. Per the G-AppConductCT, TZA-18, TZA-5, and TZA-1, proposed health research in Tanzania must also get institutional EC approval at the host institution where the research will be based. If there is no institutional EC, the approval must still be obtained from NatHREC. For all health research involving foreign collaborators, the applicant must get both institutional EC and NatHREC ethical approval.

Per the G-ResearchClearance, the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) must review and approve all research in Tanzania.

Regulatory Submission

Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority

Per the G-AppConductCT, applicants must submit both paper and electronic copies of the clinical trial application (CTA). Per TZA-4 and TZA-36, electronic CTA(s) must be completed online via the Regulatory Information Management System (RIMS) Customer Self Service Portal (TZA-34). Applicants must fill out CTAs as per the Modules and the Common Technical Document (CTD) highlighted in the G-AppConductCT. Applications for amendment(s) to a previously authorized clinical trial must be submitted on the applicable form in RIMS. The clinical trial application form is available at TZA-38, and the application forms for protocol amendments are at TZA-43 and TZA-44. Note that a list of clinical trial forms is posted to TZA-35.

Per the G-AppConductCT, the hard copy of the application may be delivered in person or by courier to the TMDA at the following address:

Mabibo External along Mandela Express way
P.O. Box 77150
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

In addition, TZA-34 provides applicants with various online regulatory services.

As per the G-AppConductCT and the TZA-36, applicants must submit paper (A4) and electronic copies. The paper documents should be arranged in spring file folders. The G-AppConductCT specifies that the electronic documents should be in MS Word format, Bookman Old Style font size 11 and submitted on CD-ROM. TZA-36 requires electronic format on CDs. The number of copies to be submitted is not specified in the G-AppConductCT. Annex 1 of the G-AppConductCT provides the Clinical Trial Application Form template. Applicants should submit their applications as per the Modules in the G-AppConductCT and the CTD highlighted in the G-AppConductCT. The overall organization of the CTD format should not be modified.

Per the G-AppConductCT and per TZA-4, all applications and supporting documents must be in English. The informed consent documents must be in both Kiswahili and English.

Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology

Per the G-ResearchClearance, the PI should submit an application for a research permit. It must be submitted to the Director General of COSTECH through the online system (TZA-48) at least three (3) months before the intended commencement of research in Tanzania. According to TZA-47, when the online COSTECH system is not working, applicants should email COSTECH at either or After a foreign researcher obtains a research permit, the researcher is required to apply for a class C residence permit from the Tanzanian Immigration Services Department. See the G-ResearchClearance and TZA-47 for additional information about applying for a research permit through the National Research Clearance Committee (NRCC).

Ethics Review Submission

National Health Research Ethics Committee

The TZA-5 specifies that the NatHREC requires all applicants to complete the Application Form for Ethics Approval (see Form 03 in TZA-5) with the research protocol to obtain ethics approval. PIs or applicants must submit all required documents at least two (2) months prior to the commencement of the research study, and they must select either an expedited or ordinary review (for the case of clinical trials, an accelerated review) and pay the relevant fee. An application for ethical review of a research study should be made by the PI for that study. Applications may not be submitted by the sponsor(s) on behalf of the PI. Applications must be accompanied by a completed checklist (TZA-1). As described in the G-RevPrtcl, TZA-5, and TZA-31, applicants should submit the form to the online Research Ethics Information Management System (REIMS) (TZA-32).

The G-TMRCC indicates that four (4) copies of the research proposal with a cover letter should be submitted to the NatHREC.

Institutional Ethics Committees

While the submission requirements will vary by institution, the G-ResearchIntegrity indicates that the lead researcher or PI is responsible for submitting a research proposal to the EC. The institutional EC’s procedures for receiving an application should be clearly stated, and could include some of the following submission elements:

  • The name and/or title of the EC member who will receive applications
  • Application template or standard forms for submitting applications
  • Recommended channel for submissions (e.g., email) and format (e.g., MS word)
  • Proper submission of supporting documents with the application
  • Use of appropriate language (as recommended) and number of copies
  • Name and addresses of contact person for follow up with comments
  • Fee structure, mode of payment, and process for submitting proof of payment
  • Applicable procedures for proposal amendments, submissions, and supporting tools
SOP 07 and Form 03
Regulatory overview of Clinical trial in Tanzania and Clinical Trial Submission
Questions 1-3, 6, and 9
Definition of Terms, Introduction, Module 1 (1.4 and 1.10), Modules 2-5, and Annex 1
Annex 1 (6)
1 and 3
Part IV (c)
Part II (3-4) and Second Schedule (Declaration of Investigator)

Submission Content

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Regulatory Authority Requirements

Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority

As per the CT-Regs and the G-AppConductCT, the following documentation must be submitted to the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA):

  • Comprehensive table of contents
  • Cover letter
  • Application form (See the Regulatory Information Management System (RIMS) Customer Self Service Portal (TZA-34) or Annex 1 of the G-AppConductCT and First Schedule of the CT-Regs)
  • General investigational plan
  • Capacity building plans (including plans for staff training and updates)
  • Overall summary of the protocol (See Annex 2 of the G-AppConductCT)
  • Protocol, signed and approved with data compiled as prescribed in Annex 3 of G-AppConductCT and the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (TZA-13), including case report form (CRF) copies or descriptions; See TZA-42 for a clinical trial protocol template
  • Participant Information Leaflet, informed consent forms (ICFs), and any other information to be given to participants
  • Declarations by the principal investigator (PI) (TZA-39), co/sub investigators (TZA-41), and monitors (TZA-40) (Also see Annexes 5-7 of the G-AppConductCT)
  • Joint declaration by sponsor and national PI in format prescribed in Annex 8 of the G-AppConductCT
  • Investigator’s Brochure (IB), nonclinical overall summary (See Annex 10 of the G-AppConductCT), and prescribing information data sheet, if applicable
  • Certified copy of insurance of research participants
  • Ethics clearance certificate or a copy of protocol submission acknowledgement from the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR)’s National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC) or any approved medical research institute
  • Investigator(s) Curriculum Vitae(s) (CVs) (See Annex 9 of the G-AppConductCT)
  • Blank CRFs and serious adverse events reporting form to be used in the study
  • Certificate of good manufacturing practice (GMP) for manufacture of the trial medicine or other evidence of manufacturing quality, safety, and consistency
  • GMP certificate for manufacture of the placebo, if applicable
  • Investigational product (IP) labels and packages insert(s)
  • Mock-up labels for IPs
  • Evidence of accreditation/certifications of the designated laboratories or other evidence of good laboratory practice
  • Letters of access (if applicable) authorizing the TMDA to access related files
  • Copies of key, peer-reviewed published articles supporting the application
  • Completed, quality overall summary – Chemical Entities Template (See Annex 11 of the G-AppConductCT)
  • Investigational medicinal product dossier
  • Application fees
  • Summaries of nonclinical, clinical, and quality data (See Module 2 of the G-AppConductCT)
  • Quality of the IP (See Module 3 of the G-AppConductCT)
  • Nonclinical study reports (See Module 4 of the G-AppConductCT)
  • Clinical study reports (See Module 5 of the G-AppConductCT)

As delineated in G-AppConductCT, an application must not cross reference the details or documentation between different clinical trials. The applicant must include a statement indicating that all the information in the application is complete and accurate. In the case of multi-center trials, a coordinating investigator must also sign the application form. If the trial is part of an international study, information must be provided regarding the other participating countries and the part of the trial that will be conducted locally.

In addition, per the G-AppConductCT, applicants can submit an application for amendment to a previously authorized clinical trial, using the required forms (Annexes 12 and 13). The sponsor or sponsor’s agent must submit the following to the TMDA:

  • Amendment fees
  • Description and reasons for the proposed amendment
  • Original wording, revised wording, and the rationale for the change, including a complete protocol incorporating all amendments
  • Supporting data for the amendment: updated overall risk-benefit assessment, possible consequences for participants already in the trial and for assessment of trial results, and summaries of data

For details on when TMDA approval must be obtained for amendments, see G-AppConductCT.

Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology

According to the G-ResearchClearance and TZA-47, to obtain a research permit for a clinical trial, the following must be submitted to the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • A full research proposal, including a summary, abstract, introduction, research objectives, problem statement, hypotheses or questions framework, methodologies, and timeframe
  • Literature review
  • Beneficiaries of the research
  • Bibliography
  • Detailed CV(s) of all researchers
  • Sponsor’s cover letter
  • For foreign applicants, scientific and ethics committee approval from an institution in the PI’s country of residence
  • Clearance from the TMDA
  • A supporting letter from a Tanzanian affiliate institution
  • A Tanzanian applicant should submit either a copy of their national ID, passport details, driving license, or voters ID
  • A foreign applicant should submit a copy of their passport details page and a current passport size photo with a blue background
  • A scanned copy of a receipt as proof of payment of the non-refundable research application fee to COSTECH (See Regulatory Fees section for details)

The G-ResearchClearance indicates that an application to renew a permit must contain a renewal application form, an annual progress report, a supporting letter of recommendation from the affiliate institution, passport information, updated CVs, and an extension table form.

Ethics Committee Requirements

National Health Research Ethics Committee

As per the G-TMRCC, the G-RevPrtcl, and the NatHREC’s Checklist for Ethical Clearance Application Submission (see TZA-1), the NatHREC requires applicants to submit the following documentation for ethics approval (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Application Form for Ethics Approval (see Form 3 in TZA-5 and the Research Ethics Information Management System (REIMS) (TZA-32))
  • Full protocol, including benefits sharing, placebo rationale, information on randomization/blinding, and a commitment to register the trial in a public registry
  • Cover letter signed by PI or co-PI
  • Summary, introduction, and literature review
  • Statement of the problem, the rationale, and study objectives
  • Budget and budget justification
  • Ethical consideration (e.g., written information to be provided to participants in English and Kiswahili, obtaining verbal/written informed consent, obligations of investigators and sponsors, benefits and risks of study participation, recruitment, cultural values, and confidentiality measures)
  • Limitations of the study
  • Information on the study site(s)
  • Review of the known risks and if they are acceptable for the expected benefit
  • Interim analysis and stopping rules
  • Dissemination of research results
  • Commitment letter from affiliated institution and/or local government officials
  • Letter from student supervisors
  • ICFs/Assent Forms in English and Kiswahili
  • EC approval certificate from affiliating institution(s), where applicable
  • Methodology, including data collection tools in English and Kiswahili
  • Elaborated recruitment procedure
  • Research team CVs
  • Evidence of payment of application and registration fees (Bank slip)
  • Completed Data Transfer Agreement (see TZA-8) and/or Material Transfer Agreement (see TZA-10), where applicable
  • IBs and CRFs
  • Proof of insurance coverage
  • List of Data and Safety Monitoring Board members (with at least one (1) Tanzanian)

Per TZA-5, a request for amendment of a previously approved protocol must describe the requested amendment, provide the rationale for the amendment, and describe the impact, if any, of the amendment on the protocol’s risk-benefit profile.

Institutional Ethics Committees

While the submission requirements vary by institution, the G-ResearchIntegrity indicates that the following are typically required:

  • Completed application, signed by the lead investigator/researcher(s)
  • Full proposal completed in all sections with supporting documents
  • A lay summary of the application and/or a flow chart representing key milestones
  • Description of ethical issues pertaining to the research, and how they will be managed
  • Tools for operationalizing the research and how they will be applied
  • Safety issues related to the use of instruments, materials, and research data
  • Investigators’ CVs, up to date and signed
  • Research context, including criteria for identifying research participants, research environment, and relevant protection measures
  • Information to be provided to participants, which may include tools and use of local translators, if needed
  • Procedures for informed consent by participants
  • Compensation plans for research participants, if any
  • Description of indemnity and/or insurance coverage for participants, if applicable
  • A history of rejection of the same research protocol, reasons for rejection, and measures taken to address the concerns; withholding such information should be regarded as misconduct and managed in accordance with misconduct guidelines

Clinical Protocol

The G-AppConductCT indicates that the protocol should state the background, rationale, and objectives of the trial, and describe its design, methodology and organization, including statistical considerations, and the conditions under which it is to be performed and managed. In addition, Tanzania requires the following protocol contents in the format prescribed in the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (TZA-13):

  • General information (protocol title, identifying number, and date; contact information for the sponsor, medical expert, investigator(s), trial site(s), qualified physician(s), and laboratory and/or institutions involved in the study)
  • Background information
  • Objectives and purpose
  • Trial design
  • Selection, withdrawal, and treatment of participants
  • Assessment of efficacy
  • Assessment of safety
  • A description of the statistical methods to be used in the trial
  • Direct access to source data and documents
  • Quality control and quality assurance
  • Ethical considerations
  • Data handling and recordkeeping
  • Publication policy

The G-EthicsHR-TZA states that research protocols submitted for ethics review and approval must, at the least, include the following information:

  • A clear statement of the objectives of the research, the present state of knowledge, and a justification for undertaking the research
  • A precise description of all proposed procedures and interventions, including the duration of the study
  • A statistical analysis plan
  • Description of the study population, including the number of study participants to be recruited
  • The inclusion and exclusion criteria for study participants and procedures for the withdrawal of individual participants
  • Complete details of the informed consent process, including the proposed means of obtaining informed consent (or assent in case of minors)
  • Evidence that the investigators are appropriately qualified and experienced, and have adequate facilities for the safe and efficient conduct of the research
  • Provisions that will be made to protect the confidentiality of information/data obtained from research participants
  • The study tool (s) (e.g., questionnaires, case report forms, videos, flip charts, and other data collection tools)

Also see the G-RevPrtcl for additional guidance on the NatHREC’s review of the protocol.

SOP 09 and Form 3
Question 15
Definition of Terms, Modules 1-5, and Annexes 1-13
Annex 1 (6.1)
A and C
Part II (3-4) and First - Fourth Schedules

Timeline of Review

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024


Based on the TMMDAct, the CT-Regs, and the G-AppConductCT, the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA)'s approval of a clinical trial application is dependent upon obtaining proof of ethical approval from the national ethics committee (EC), the National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC). According to the G-AppConductCT, TMDA and NatHREC reviews may be conducted in parallel. However, the TMDA application must include a copy of the NatHREC's acknowledgement of receipt for the study protocol. In addition, the TMDA's approval will only be finalized once NatHREC approval is obtained. As per the G-ResearchClearance, after receiving TMDA and NatHREC approvals, the researcher must submit an application for research clearance to the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH).

Regulatory Authority Approval

Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority

According to the G-AppConductCT, the TMDA review process is conducted on a first-in, first out basis. The TMDA will evaluate complete applications within 60 working days of receiving the application. The fast-track evaluation provides that a new clinical trial application may be fast tracked and assessed within 30 working days of its submission if the applicant has requested and paid twice the prescribed clinical trial application fee. The CTC-Time validates the timelines in the G-AppConductCT.

As set forth in the TMMDAct, the CT-Regs, and the G-AppConductCT, the TMDA coordinates the clinical trial application process. Upon receipt of a clinical trial application, the TMDA initially screens the application for completeness. If complete, the TMDA officer acknowledges receipt of the application by returning a signed copy of the cover sheet to the applicant (see Annex 1 of the G-AppConductCT or First Schedule of the CT-Regs). Per the G-AppConductCT, the TMDA may request clarification, certificates, and/or samples through a query letter. Once a query has been raised and sent to the applicant, the evaluation process stops until the TMDA receives a written response to the query. The response should be submitted within six (6) months after the query letter was issued. In addition, TMDA reserves the right to request information or set conditions not specifically described in the G-AppConductCT to allow it to adequately assess the safety, efficacy, or quality of an investigational product (IP).

The TMMDAct states that the TMDA Director General must issue a Clinical Trial Certificate to authorize the trial to be conducted. Per the G-AppConductCT, the TMDA’s clinical trial authorization will be valid up to the proposed duration of the study indicated in the application. However, the validity will not extend beyond five (5) years. If the trial needs more than five (5) years, the applicant must request an extension. If granted, the TMDA will issue an updated certificate.

Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology

The G-ResearchClearance indicates that once COSTECH receives a new application, the Secretariat screens the application for completeness; registers the application; and sends an acknowledgement to the applicant within five (5) business days. If approved after COSTECH’s review, the principal investigator (PI) is then required to collect the research permit certificate from COSTECH. Per TZA-47, COSTECH’s review committee meets every two (2) months, and applicants are advised to apply two (2) months before the research commencement date.

Ethics Committee Approval

National Health Research Ethics Committee

As set forth in the G-TMRCC and TZA-5, the NatHREC meets once a month to evaluate application submissions. TZA-5 indicates an e-mail notification acknowledging receipt and successful validation of the clinical trial application must be sent to the PI or applicant by NatHREC within two (2) working days from the date of receipt. Comments from reviewers will reach the PI within two (2) days through the Research Ethics Information Management System (REIMS) (TZA-32), depending on the type of study protocol. If the PI or applicant fails to respond to the committee’s and reviewers’ comments within 30 days, the NatHREC Secretariat must notify the PI of intent to remove the protocol from the REIMS. For clinical trials applications, reviewers’ comments and the outcome of the NatHREC meeting must be forwarded to the PI within 30 days from the date of acceptance by the NatHREC. A PI may appeal that decision in writing to the Medical Research Coordination Committee (MRCC) Chairperson within 30 days of receipt of the decision. The MRCC will respond to PIs in writing within 30 days or upon scrutiny of the appeal. The MRCC Chairperson may invite the PI to appear in person to the MRCC within 30 days of receiving the written appeal. For protocol reviews during public health events of national and/or international concern, protocols should be sent to reviewers within 24 hours of submission by the Secretariat. Reviewers should complete their reviews within three (3) days. The consolidated review and suggested revisions (or approval) should be communicated to the PI(s) within five (5) days. The PI should respond to the review notification within 48 hours.

Per TZA-18, the whole process of receiving, reviewing, and approving the protocols takes a maximum of six (6) weeks.

Institutional Ethics Committees

According to TZA-5, the institutional EC review may occur prior to the proposal review by the NatHREC as the application to the NatHREC requires an EC approval certificate from an affiliated institution(s), where applicable (i.e., for foreign sponsors and when an institution has an EC). As required in the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the EC must notify investigators in writing of the review decision within 14 days of its review.

SOPs 01, 06-08, and 11 and Form 2
Question 43
Approval to Conduct Health Research in Tanzania
Definition of Terms, Module 1 (1.4, 1.10, and 1.13) and Annex 1
Part IV (c)
Part II (3-4) and First and Second Schedules

Initiation, Agreements & Registration

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024


In accordance with the TMMDAct, the CT-Regs, and the G-AppConductCT, a clinical trial can only commence after an applicant receives permission from the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) and approval from the national ethics committee (EC), the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR)’s National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC). Per the G-ResearchClearance, following TMDA and NatHREC approvals, the applicant must also apply to the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) for review, registration, and to obtain a research permit prior to initiating a study. No waiting period is required following the applicant’s receipt of these approvals.

In addition, as per the TMMDAct, the CT-Regs, the TFDCA-ImptExpt, and the G-AppConductCT, the sponsor or the principal investigator (PI) is required to obtain an import license for the shipment of an investigational product to be used in the trial. (See the Manufacturing & Import section for additional information).

Clinical Trial Agreement

Prior to the trial’s commencement, the G-AppConductCT specifies that the protocol must be dated and signed by the investigator, the host institution, and the sponsor, and can function as a contract. In addition, as per the G-CTInsurance-TZA, a clinical trial agreement must be signed by the chief executive of the host institution, the sponsor, and the PI. G-EthicsHR-TZA also states that the PI must sign the protocol and holds primary responsibility for managing and ensuring the integrity of the research study from initiation to finalization.

Per the G-AppConductCT, the sponsor and researchers are required to conduct the clinical trial in compliance with applicable Tanzanian laws and regulations and the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (TZA-13). TZA-13 states that the sponsor is responsible for obtaining agreement from all involved parties to ensure direct access to all trial related sites, source data/documents, reports for monitoring and auditing purposes, and inspection by domestic and foreign regulatory authorities. Quality control should be applied to each stage of data handling to ensure that all data are reliable and have been correctly processed. A written agreement must be signed by both the sponsor and the investigator, or any other parties involved with the clinical trial, verifying that both parties agree to the trial protocol, the monitoring and auditing practices, the standard operating procedures (SOPs), and their respective duties. The sponsor must also obtain the investigator(s)’ and the institution(s)’ agreement to:

  • Conduct the trial in compliance with TZA-13, applicable regulatory requirement(s), and the protocol agreed to by the sponsor and approved by the EC
  • Comply with data recording and reporting procedures
  • Permit monitoring, auditing, and inspection
  • Retain essential documents until the sponsor informs them that they are no longer needed

Also, per the CT-Regs, the sponsor must ensure that all agreements made with the PI and any other parties involved in a clinical trial are in writing, as part of the protocol or in a separate agreement.

Clinical Trial Registration

As per the CT-Regs and the G-AppConductCT, all clinical trials taking place in Tanzania must be registered with the Tanzania Clinical Trials Registry (TzCTR) which is accessed via the Regulatory Information Management System (RIMS) Customer Self Service Portal (TZA-34). An applicant must submit detailed clinical trial information to the TzCTR not later than 21 days after the first participant is enrolled in the trial. See the CT-Regs for complete registry submission requirements. The G-AppConductCT further stipulates that applicants have the option to register in any other publicly accessible registries accepting international clinical trial information and recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). The registration number should be made available to the TMDA.

5.1 and 5.6
Definition of Terms, Introduction, and Module 1 (1.4, 1.9, 1.10, and 1.13), and Annex 1
Part IV (c)
Part II (3-4), Part III, Part IV (11), Part VI, and Second Schedule

Safety Reporting

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Safety Reporting Definitions

In accordance with the CT-Regs, the G-ReptSafetyData, and the G-AppConductCT, the following definitions provide a basis for a common understanding of Tanzania’s safety reporting requirements:

  • Adverse Event (AE) – Any adverse medical occurrence in a research participant to whom a drug product was administered, and which does not necessarily bear a causal relationship to the treatment
  • Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) – All noxious and unintended responses to a medicinal product related to any dose
  • Serious Adverse Event (SAE) or Serious Adverse Drug Reaction (SADR) – Any untoward medical occurrence that at any dose: results in death, is life threatening, requires hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect
  • Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction (SUSAR) (also referred to as Unexpected ADR) – A serious adverse reaction where the nature and severity of the event is not consistent with the medicinal product

The PV-Regs reaffirms that the reporting of SAEs and SUSARs occurring during clinical trials should comply with the requirements in the CT-Regs.

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the severity of an AE must be graded as follows:

  • Mild: Includes events that do not interfere with activities of daily living and do not require treatment
  • Moderate: Includes events that have minimal effect on activities of daily living and usually require out-patient treatment
  • Severe: Includes activities that significantly affect activities of daily living and may require inpatient hospitalization
  • Life-threatening: Includes all events that are life threatening and usually require emergency procedures
  • Death

The G-EthicsHR-TZA states that an AE must be deemed unexpected if:

  • It is previously unobserved or undocumented in humans under the health research intervention (or one substantially similar)
  • The nature or severity is not consistent with information in the investigator’s brochure or other safety information known at the time
  • The event is observed with higher frequency or severity than previously documented

See the G-EthicsHR-TZA for additional details on grading AEs.

Safety Reporting Requirements

Investigator Responsibilities

As stated in the G-ReptSafetyData and the G-AppConductCT, the investigator is responsible for documenting and reporting all AEs/ADRs, SAEs/SADRs, and SUSARs to the sponsor using the case report form (CRF)/reporting form and the SAE/SADR Reporting Form approved in the protocol, or the CIOMS Form I (TZA-7). See section 3.0 of the G-ReptSafetyData for key data elements to include on the form. TZA-5 requires the principal investigator (PI) to ensure that the protocol includes all required elements for safety monitoring, including assessment and reporting of any anticipated or unanticipated AEs and SAEs. Ethics committees (ECs) (both the National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC) and institutional ECs) must review and address AEs, SAEs, and/or SUSARs. Investigators must be familiar with the regulations, policies, and procedures concerning reporting and continuing review requirements, as well as timelines for submission of notifications and reports.

The CT-Regs states that the PI must immediately report to the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) any SAE/SADR that occurs to a participant at a trial site where the PI is responsible for the conduct of the trial. The report may be made orally or in writing and must be followed up with a written report in 14 days. Also, the PI must report AEs that the protocol identifies as critical to safety evaluations. The reports must identify each participant by a number assigned to that participant in accordance with the protocol.

The CT-Regs further states the PI or sponsor must record and report SUSARs that are fatal or life-threatening to the TMDA within seven (7) days and other SUSARs within 15 days.

The G-EthicsHR-TZA requires the investigator to promptly investigate all SAEs, take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of all research participants, and report these and any other information that is likely to affect the safety of the research participants or the conduct of the research events, to the regulatory authority, institutions, and sponsor within timelines as stated in standard operating procedures. Specifically, the investigator must report the following to the EC and TMDA:

  • All SAEs irrespective of relationship to the health-related intervention
  • All unexpected events of greater than moderate severity irrespective of relationship to health-related intervention
  • All events associated with protocol violations irrespective of severity and relationship to health-related intervention
  • When criteria for stopping or pausing a study as stipulated in the protocol are met
  • Any event mandated by regulatory authorities
  • Any event stipulated in the protocol as reportable to the regulatory bodies

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, all SAEs must be reported to the local EC as soon as possible and in any case no later than seven (7) days of becoming aware of the event. Thereafter, a detailed report of the SAE should be submitted within eight (8) days. All other reportable AEs should be reported to the EC as soon as possible and in any case not later than 15 days. TZA-5 requires the investigator to submit an initial report on SAE to NatHREC within 24 hours of its occurrence and a final or follow up report on the SAE within 14 days of its occurrence.

Further the G-EthicsHR-TZA requires the investigator to clearly outline in the protocol how management of both foreseeable and unforeseeable AEs will be done. Certain categories of interventions whose long-term effects are not known or cannot be extrapolated will require extended monitoring for AEs, such as genetically modified substances, gene therapy, and DNA-based therapies.

Sponsor Responsibilities

The G-ReptSafetyData states that the sponsor is responsible for the assessment and timely reporting of SAEs/SADRs and SUSARs to the TMDA. The sponsor must retain detailed records of safety information reported by the investigator(s) and ensure that all reports required by the TMDA are submitted on time. In addition, the sponsor must report all SAEs and SUSARs occurring from trial sites outside the country to the TMDA.

The G-ReptSafetyData requires that fatal or life-threatening SAEs/SADRs or SUSARs must be immediately reported to the TMDA by telephone, fax, or email followed by a complete report within seven (7) additional calendar days. The G-AppConductCT specifies that the immediate reporting period is within 24 hours. Further, the report should include an assessment of the importance and implication of the findings, including relevant previous experience with the same or similar products. All deaths during the study, including the post treatment follow-up period, and deaths that resulted from a process that began during the study, should be reported.

Per the G-ReptSafetyData and the G-AppConductCT, all other SAEs and SUSARs that are not fatal or life-threatening must be filed as soon as possible but no later than 14 calendar days after first knowledge by the sponsor. Please note that the CT-Regs states that non-life-threatening SUSARs should be reported in 15 days.

See the CT-Regs and the G-ReptSafetyData for detailed reporting requirements.

Form Completion & Delivery Requirements

As per the G-ReptSafetyData and the G-AppConductCT, all SAEs/SADRs and SUSARs must be reported on the protocol approved CRF/reporting form, or the CIOMS Form I (TZA-7), and should include trial specific details such as participants’ ID numbers and/or protocol number. The form must be submitted to the TMDA office by courier, mail, email (as an attachment), or by fax.

According to TZA-26, the TMDA address and contact information is as follows:

P.O. Box 1253, Dodoma or P.O. Box 77150, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 22 262961989 / 262961990 
Fax: +255 22 2450793

See Annex 15 of the G-AppConductCT and Appendix 1 of the G-ReptSafetyData for the reporting forms.

SOP 17 and Form 04
Definition of Terms, Module 1 (1.14.3), and Annex 15
16.1 and 18
Parts I, V, and VIII

Progress Reporting

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Interim and Annual Progress Reports

As delineated in the G-AppConductCT, the sponsor or the principal investigator (PI) must submit progress reports to the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) on a six (6)-month basis from the date of the clinical trial’s commencement. The content should be as prescribed in TZA-11. In addition, TMDA provides a six (6)-month progress report form for clinical trials of investigational products (TZA-3). The CT-Regs states that progress reports should be submitted annually, or more frequently, as required by the TMDA.

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, researchers must submit progress reports to the ethics committee (EC). The investigator must ensure appropriate and timely feedback on the research process including progress reports at regular intervals as stipulated by the EC. Periodic progress reports enable the EC to determine whether the research study is progressing according to the approved protocol.

According to TZA-5, the investigator must submit written progress reports every six (6) months to the National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC) for all ongoing approved health research activities in Tanzania.

In addition, per the G-ResearchClearance, the PI is required to submit annual progress reports (as part of the annual permit-renewal process) to the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) that include the title of the study, COSTECH registration reference number, study site, brief background and objective of the study, progress in the reporting period, any problems encountered, and implementation plan for the next period.

Final Report

The G-AppConductCT requires the sponsor or the PI to submit a closing report to the TMDA within 60 days of the trial’s completion. This report should be followed by a final study report within six (6) months after trial closure unless otherwise justified. The structure and content of the final report should comply with TZA-11.

In addition, per TZA-5, the PI is required to submit a final report to the NatHREC once the last participant has completed all visits and all adverse experiences have been brought to appropriate resolution. Final reports must be submitted to the NatHREC on a Close-out Form (Form 08 in TZA-5) and processed as an expedited review. The Secretariat will review the Close-out Form. The expedited reviewer will request additional information from the researcher, as needed. Written documentation acknowledging the closeout will be provided to the investigator and a copy retained in the proposal file. Further, the G-EthicsHR-TZA requires researchers to submit a final report to the institutional EC containing a summary of the study's key findings, recommendations, and conclusions.

The G-ResearchClearance requires the researcher to submit a soft and hardcopy of the final report to COSTECH. The report should be accompanied with any relevant publications, electronic raw data, and proof of dissemination if applicable. The final report should include:

  • COSTECH registration reference number
  • Title of study
  • Summary of report in English and Swahili
  • Brief background and objective of the study
  • Methodology, including study sites
  • Key findings
  • Constraints or problems encountered
  • Conclusions and recommendations
SOPs 12 and 18, and Form 08
Module 1 (1.15)
4.2 and 12.0
4.3 and 4.7
Part IV

Definition of Sponsor

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Per the CT-Regs and the G-AppConductCT, a sponsor is defined as an individual, company, institution, or organization which takes responsibility for the initiation, management, and/or financing of a clinical trial. The Tanzanian government also permits a sponsor to authorize a contract research organization (CRO) to perform one (1) or more of a sponsor’s trial-related duties and functions.

As required in the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the sponsor is responsible for providing all the necessary financial support for the initiation and completion of the research study. Additional sponsor responsibilities include developing the final study report; providing forms for safety monitoring and reporting; securing compensation or indemnity in the event of research-related injuries, disability, or death; and managing matters related to the investigational new drug.

The G-EthicsHR-TZA states that research may be externally sponsored, meaning that it is sponsored, financed, and sometimes wholly or partly carried out by an external organization with the collaboration or agreement of the appropriate authorities of the host community.

Definition of Terms
4.4 and 16.2
Part I (2)

Site/Investigator Selection

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024


The Tanzanian government complies with the requirements delineated in the G-AppConductCT and the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (TZA-13) for conducting clinical trials. As set forth in TZA-13, the sponsor is responsible for selecting the investigator(s) and the institution(s) for the clinical trial, and for ensuring that the investigator(s) are qualified by training and experience. Additionally, the sponsor must define and allocate all study related duties and responsibilities to the relevant parties participating in the study. As delineated in TZA-13 and the G-AppConductCT, prior to entering into an agreement with the investigator(s) and the institution(s) to conduct a study, the sponsor should provide the investigator(s) with the protocol and an investigator’s brochure. Furthermore, the sponsor must sign an agreement or contract with the participating institution(s).

The G-AppConductCT delineates that the principal investigator (PI) must have the following minimum qualifications and experience:

  • University degree in medicine, pharmacy, pharmacology, toxicology, or biochemistry and related fields
  • Practical experience within the relevant professional area
  • Previous experience as a co-investigator in at least two (2) trials in the relevant professional area
  • Must be responsible for the conduct of the clinical trial at a clinical trial site
  • Tanzanian resident
  • In good standing with a professional organization
  • For multicenter studies where the PI is not a resident of Tanzania, the appointed national PI must be a resident and should assume full responsibilities for all local clinical trial sites
  • Ensure that sufficient time is available to conduct and complete the trial, and that other commitments or trials do not divert essential subjects, resources, or facilities away from the trial in hand
  • The maximum number of clinical trials that a PI is allowed to supervise at the same time is five (5)

All investigators in a clinical trial, as well as the trial monitor, must have had formal training in Good Clinical Practices (GCPs) within the last three (3) years. Evidence of attending the GCP course should be submitted.

Per the G-AppConductCT, clinical trials must be carried out under conditions that ensure adequate safety for the participants. The site selected should be appropriate to the stage of development of the product and the potential risks involved. The trial site must have adequate facilities, including laboratories, equipment, and sufficient medical, paramedical, and clerical staff to support the trial and to deal with all reasonably foreseeable emergencies. All laboratory assays must be validated, and principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) should be observed.

Per G-EthicsHR-TZA, institutions hosting research are overall accountable for research projects within their institutions. The institution must work closely with the investigators and monitor implementation of the research activities. Specifically, the host institution must ensure that they have qualified and competent investigators to carry out the research studies at the institution; facilitate the smooth implementation of research studies conducted at the institution; and take appropriate disciplinary action against investigators for non-compliance.

Foreign Sponsor Responsibilities

The G-EthicsHR-TZA states that research may be externally sponsored. The ethical standards should not be less stringent than they would be for research carried out in the country of the sponsoring organization. Local ethics committees (ECs) are fully empowered to disapprove a study they believe is unethical.

The G-ResearchClearance requires all foreign researchers to identify and affiliate to a local institution that has the appropriate capacity in the relevant type of research and obtain a local collaborator. Minimum qualifications of the local collaborator should be a person with a master’s degree and an expert in the relevant field of study. There should be a memorandum of agreement between the local institution/collaborator and the foreign researcher that includes methods for sharing data, material transfer agreements, access benefit sharing agreements, managing intellectual property, and dissemination of research results.

Data and Safety Monitoring Board

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, all Phase I, II, and III clinical trials, including drug efficacy trials, conducted in Tanzania must have a safety monitoring plan and Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) or a Data Monitoring Committee (DMC). Other interventional studies, such as community trials, may be required to set up DSMBs on a case-by-case basis. The National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC) must ensure the establishment of a DSMB in all clinical trials to periodically assess the progress of implementation of safety data and the efficacy endpoints and to recommend to the sponsor whether to continue, modify, or terminate a trial. See the G-EthicsHR-TZA for details on the DSMB composition, qualifications, affiliation, terms of reference, and reporting.

As delineated in TZA-5, NatHREC considers DSMBs to be relevant in the following kind of studies:

  • Controlled studies with mortality and/or severe morbidity as a primary or secondary endpoint
  • Randomized controlled studies focused on evaluating the clinical efficacy and safety of a new intervention
  • Early studies of a high-risk intervention
  • Studies in the early phases of a novel intervention with very limited information on clinical safety
  • Studies where the design or expected data accrual is complex, particularly studies with a long duration
  • Studies carried out in emergency situations

The CT-Regs states that the DSMB requirement may depend on trial design and scientific background, risk and benefit assessment, or any other reasons determined by the NatHREC.

TZA-5 states that for clinical trials conducted only in Tanzania, the DSMB must include representation from Tanzania. For multi-country clinical trials, the DSMB must include regional representation, and a Tanzanian must be among the members. Where necessary, NatHREC may request that the sponsor submit the most recent report from the DSMB. In contrast, per TZA-1, for clinical trials that require a DSMB, the PI must submit a list of DSMB members, including at least one (1) Tanzanian, to the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR). Additionally, the CT-Regs requires the following information:

  • Trial objectives and terms of reference
  • Member composition, qualifications, specific roles, and relationship to the investigators and study
  • How meetings will be organized

The G-AppConductCT also specifies that a DSMB/DMC is required in situations where safety concerns may be unusually high. A DMC is recommended for any controlled trial of any size that will compare rates of mortality or major morbidity. It also indicates that a DSMB or DMC must be considered in the following situations:

  • The study endpoint is such that a highly favorable or unfavorable result, or even a finding of futility, at an interim analysis might ethically require termination of the study before its planned completion
  • There are a priori reasons for a particular safety concern (e.g., if the procedure for administering the treatment is particularly invasive)
  • There is prior information suggesting the possibility of serious toxicity with the study treatment
  • The study is being performed in a potentially fragile population such as children, pregnant women, the very elderly, other vulnerable populations, or those who are terminally ill or of diminished mental capacity
  • The study is being performed in a population at elevated risk of death or other serious outcomes, even when the study objective addresses a lesser endpoint
  • The study is large, of long duration, and multi-center

Additional details on the procedures and composition of the DSMB or DMC are provided in the G-AppConductCT and Part VIII of the CT-Regs. In addition, per the G-ReptSafetyData, the sponsor must also ensure that the DSMB’s interim safety data analyses are submitted to the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA).

Multicenter Studies

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, for multicenter studies, the study must be conducted in a methodologically identical way at each center. See the Scope of Review section for more details on multicenter studies.

As delineated in TZA-13, in the event of a multicenter clinical trial, the sponsor must ensure that:

  • All investigators conduct the trial in strict compliance with the protocol agreed to by the sponsor, and, if required, by the TMDA, and given ethics committee (EC) approval
  • The case report forms (CRFs) are designed to capture the required data at all multicenter trial sites
  • Investigator responsibilities are documented prior to the start of the trial
  • All investigators are given instructions on following the protocol, complying with a uniform set of standards to assess clinical and laboratory findings, and completing the CRFs
  • Communication between investigators is facilitated

The CT-Regs and the G-AppConductCT also state that in the case of multicenter studies where the PI is foreign, the appointed national PI must be a resident and assume full responsibilities for all local clinical trial sites.

SOP 16
1.25, 5.5, 5.6, and 5.23
Foreword, Definition of Terms, and Module 1 (1.4, 1.7, and 1.13.7)
Definition of Terms and 3.0
4.4, 4.5, 16.3, and 19.4
Part I (2), Part IV (8-11, 15, and 16), and Part VIII

Insurance & Compensation

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024


As set forth in the CT-Regs, the G-AppConductCT, the G-CTInsurance-TZA, and TZA-5, the sponsor or the designated contract research organization (CRO) is responsible for providing insurance coverage for any unforeseen injury to research participants. Before a clinical trial begins, the sponsor should also provide insurance and indemnify the investigator and the institution against claims arising from malpractice or negligence, and provide a copy of a valid insurance certificate from a recognized insurer in the clinical trial application submission. Additionally, per the CT-Regs, the insurance policy should be obtained from an insurance company registered in Tanzania. The G-CTInsurance-TZA and the G-AppConductCT state that details and proof of insurance must be provided in the ethics review submission. Furthermore, per the CT-Regs, for investigator-initiated trials, proof of current malpractice insurance that covers clinical trials must be provided to the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA). (See the Submission Content section for additional submission requirements.) The G-EthicsHR-TZA requires that insurance issues are clearly described in all clinical trial protocols, and that sponsors and investigators comply with the G-CTInsurance-TZA.

As per the CT-Regs and the G-CTInsurance-TZA, the sponsor or the designated CRO must sign an indemnity agreement with the host institution and the investigator(s) to cover any risks related to a research participant being injured by an investigational product, or from any procedure deemed necessary by the protocol. The sponsor and the institution’s chief executive officer must sign the indemnity. See Appendix 1 of the G-CTInsurance-TZA for a sample agreement. Per the CT-Regs, the sponsor must also indemnify the investigator against claims arising from the trial, except for claims that arise from malpractice or negligence.

The G-CTInsurance-TZA states that the insurance policy must meet the following requirements:

  • Cover the conduct of the relevant clinical trial in Tanzania
  • Contain insurance coverage for an amount sufficient to meet the indemnification requirements applicable to the ethics committee (EC)-specified level of risk
  • Cover claims made by research participants during the trial as well as those made after the trial is completed


Injury or Death

As specified in the G-CTInsurance-TZA and the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the sponsor or the designated CRO is responsible for providing compensation to research participants and/or their legal heirs in the event of trial-related injuries or death. The sponsor must also ensure that participants who suffer any trial-related injuries are provided with free medical treatment for such injuries. The G-EthicsHR-TZA states that research study participants must not be asked to waive the right to compensation and must retain the legal rights to seek monetary compensation for research-related injuries including settlements out of court, in accordance with applicable laws in Tanzania.

Per TZA-5, investigator(s) must ensure participants (or their dependents in case of participant death) are equitably compensated should they sustain unexpected serious injuries (physical, psychological, or social harm) that are judged to be related to the investigational product (IP) or study procedure. Participants must not be compensated if they sustain expected adverse events or those related to other licensed medicines appropriately prescribed during the trial.

As per the G-CTInsurance-TZA, the amount of compensation paid should be appropriate to the nature, severity, and persistence of the injury. Compensation should be abated, or in certain circumstances excluded, in light of the following factors (which will depend on the risk level the participant can reasonably be expected to accept):

  • The seriousness of the disease being treated
  • The degree of probability that adverse reactions will occur and any warning given
  • The risks and benefits of the established treatments relative to those known or suspected of the trial medicines

Trial Participation

As per the CT-Regs and the G-AppConductCT, participants may also be compensated for travel and incidental expenses incurred while participating in the trial. Per the G-AppConductCT, the clinical trial application must indicate the compensation to be received by participants, including a breakdown of costs.

The G-EthicsHR-TZA indicates that research study participants may be reimbursed for lost earnings, travel costs, lunch, and other expenses incurred in taking part in a study; they may also receive free medical services. Research participants, particularly those who receive no direct benefit from the research, will be compensated for inconvenience and time spent. Compensation must not be so large as to induce potential participants to consent to participate in the research study against their better judgement (undue inducement). A local EC must approve reimbursement and compensation for research study participants. Incentives to research study participants for their participation in research studies must not be considered a research benefit, but a recruitment incentive, and should not present undue influence on potential research participants.

Post-Trial Access

Per the study protocol template in the G-AppConductCT and TZA-42, details on post-trial access to products must be provided in the study protocol.

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, where appropriate, the clinical trial protocol should include a provision for the involvement of the community in the research process including the post-research period. The community in this context may be geographical or study population. Further, there should be optimization of collateral benefits to the research communities including access to the products of the research. If the investigational product is found to be beneficial, the investigator should assist to secure its provision, without charge, to participants in the research study following the conclusion of the study.

SOP 28
Definition of Terms, Module 1 (1.4), and Annexes 1, 2, and 3
Introduction and Background, 1, 2, and Appendices I and II
5.4, 14, 15.6-15.9, 16.1, and 16.2
Part II (4), Part IV (11-12), Part IX and First Schedule

Risk & Quality Management

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Quality Assurance/Quality Control

As stated in the CT-Regs and the G-AppConductCT, the Tanzanian government complies with the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (TZA-13) requirement that the sponsor implement and maintain quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) systems with written standard operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure that trials are conducted and data are generated, recorded, and reported in compliance with the protocol.

Per G-EthicsHR-TZA, during the conduct of clinical trials, deviations from the original study might occur, such as changes in the sample size or analysis of the data as described in the protocol. Deviations must be reported to ethics committees (EC). In the case of permanent deviations, researchers may write an amendment. The EC must decide whether a deviation is accidental or purposeful. Protocol violations are deviations from the original protocol that significantly affect the rights or interests of research participants and the scientific validity of the data. In the case of protocol violations, study participants must be informed and provisions made to protect their safety and welfare. ECs may halt the continuation of a previously approved protocol if they find protocol violations or other misconduct. Any serious or continuing non-compliance with ethical standards in the conduct of previously approved research projects must be reported to the sponsor and institutional or governmental authorities by the study’s principal investigator (PI) and the Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB).

Per TZA-13, the sponsor should implement a system to manage quality throughout all stages of the trial process, focusing on trial activities essential to ensuring participant protection and the reliability of trial results. The quality management system should use a risk-based approach that includes:

  • Identifying processes and data that are critical to ensure participant protection and the reliability of trial results during protocol development
  • Identifying risks to critical trial processes and data
  • Evaluating the identified risks, against existing risk controls
  • Deciding which risks to reduce and/or which risks to accept
  • Documenting quality management activities and communicating to those involved in or affected by these activities
  • Periodically reviewing risk control measures to ascertain whether the implemented quality management activities are effective and relevant
  • Describing the quality management approach implemented in the trial and summarize important deviations from the predefined quality tolerance limits and remedial actions taken in the clinical study report

Further, TZA-13 indicates that the sponsor is responsible for obtaining agreement from all involved parties to ensure direct access to all trial related sites, source data/documents, reports for monitoring and auditing purposes, and inspection by domestic and foreign regulatory authorities. QC should be applied to each stage of data handling to ensure that all data are reliable and have been correctly processed.

As described in the G-AppConductCT, study design, statistical considerations, choice of control groups, reporting of data, and conduct of the trial should also comply with the International Council for Harmonisation’s Efficacy Guidelines (E3-E16), provided in TZA-24.

Monitoring Requirements

As part of its QA system, the G-AppConductCT and TZA-13 note that the sponsor should ensure the trial is monitored and audited. The purpose of the audit should be to evaluate trial conduct and compliance with the protocol, SOPs, TZA-13, and other applicable regulatory requirements. The sponsor should appoint auditors to review the clinical trial, ensure that the auditors are qualified by training and experience, and document their qualifications. The sponsor must also ensure that the audit is conducted in accordance with any custom SOPs, the auditor observations are documented, and data are available as needed for the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA). No specific timeframe is provided for the audit process. The sponsor should develop a systematic, prioritized, risk-based approach to monitoring clinical trials. The extent and nature of monitoring is flexible and permits varied approaches that improve effectiveness and efficiency. The sponsor may choose on-site monitoring, a combination of on-site and centralized monitoring, or where justified, centralized monitoring. The sponsor should document the rationale for the chosen monitoring strategy (e.g., in the monitoring plan).

The G-GCPInspections provides guidance on clinical trial inspections to ensure the trial is conducted in accordance with the study protocol, procedures, TZA-13, and regulatory requirements, and that the data are accurate and valid. Inspectees (i.e., sponsor, investigator site, and contract research organization) should follow the G-GCPInspections requirements to ensure consistent conduct of trial inspections, including uniform reporting.

Per Pub-Rpts, to promote transparency of clinical trial oversight in the country, TMDA will publish to its website clinical trial public assessment reports (CTPAR) and clinical trial public inspection reports (CTPIR) of all approved and ongoing clinical trials on an annual basis. The publication will only be undertaken after obtaining the consent of the respective PIs and sponsors. The PIs and sponsors are required to provide their consent within 14 days from TMDA’s notification letter. Failure to respond is assumed to mean that the PIs and sponsors have consented to the publication of the CTPAR and CTPIR. For further clarification on this notice, contact TMDA at or

Premature Study Termination/Suspension

The CT-Regs and the G-AppConductCT state that if a trial is prematurely terminated or suspended, the PI or the sponsor must inform the TMDA no later than 15 days after the date of the termination, and explain the reason(s) for the termination and its impact on the proposed or ongoing clinical trials. The sponsor or PI must also inform all co-investigators of the termination, the reasons for the termination, and advise them in writing of potential health risks to research participants. For each discontinued clinical trial site, the sponsor must stop the use or importation of the investigational product (IP) from the date of the trial’s discontinuation and take all reasonable measures to ensure the recovery of all unused quantities of the IP.

The G-EthicsHR-TZA also indicates that in the event of early termination of the research study, the investigator must inform, in writing, the appropriate EC, the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), the TMDA, and the research sponsor of the early termination and the underlying reason for such termination. Per TZA-5, NatHREC should be notified if the investigator chooses to suspend the study. To resume a suspended study regardless of who initiated the suspension, the PI must submit a request to the Medical Research Coordination Committee (MRCC) with a report on the progress of addressing corrective actions. Research studies may be terminated based on the recommendation of the NatHREC, zonal or institutional ECs, DSMB, study sponsor, PI, or regulatory authority. In addition, a research study can be terminated due to an arising conflict of interest among investigators or financial misuse, which negatively affects implementation of the research project.

According to TZA-13, if it is discovered that noncompliance significantly affects or has the potential to significantly affect participant protection or reliability of trial results, the sponsor should perform a root cause analysis and implement appropriate corrective and preventive actions. Further, the EC should also be informed promptly and provided the reason(s) for the termination or suspension by the sponsor.

SOP 21
5.0-5.2, 5.18, 5.19, 5.21, and 6.10
Foreword, Definition of Terms, Module 1 (1.4 and 1.16), and Annexes 1 and 3
4.8 and 16.1
Part IV (8, 10, 11, and 16)

Data & Records Management

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Electronic Data Processing System

As stated in the CT-Regs and the G-AppConductCT, the Tanzanian government complies with the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (TZA-13). As per TZA-13, when using electronic trial data processing systems, the sponsor must ensure that the electronic data processing system conforms to the sponsor’s established requirements for completeness, accuracy, reliability, and consistency of intended performance. Per TZA-13, the sponsor should base their approach to validate such systems on a risk assessment that takes into consideration the intended use and the potential of the system to affect participant protection and reliability of trial results. In addition, the sponsor should maintain standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the systems that cover system setup, installation, and use. The responsibilities of the sponsor, investigator, and other parties should be clear, and the system users should be provided with training. Refer to TZA-13 for additional information.

Records Management

The CT-Regs states that the investigator and the sponsor must retain all trial-related records, documents, and information at the trial site for a period not less than 20 years following the trial’s completion. Further, documentation should be retained for at least two (2) years after the last approval of a marketing application. The sponsor should inform the investigator(s) and the institution(s) in writing when trial-related records are no longer needed. See the CT-Regs for detailed record retention requirements. As set forth in TZA-13, all sponsor-specific essential documents used in the trial should be retained for at least two (2) years after formal discontinuation of the trial.

In addition, TZA-13 states that the sponsor and investigator/institution should maintain a record of the location(s) of their respective essential documents including source documents. The storage system used during the trial and for archiving (irrespective of the type of media used) should allow for document identification, version history, search, and retrieval. The sponsor should ensure that the investigator has control of and continuous access to the data reported to the sponsor. The investigator/institution should have control of all essential documents and records generated by the investigator/institution before, during, and after the trial.

1.65, 5.5, and 8
Part IV (8 and 15) and First Schedule (Part 6)

Personal Data Protection

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Responsible Parties

For the purposes of data protection requirements, PDP-Act delineates that the “data controller” (i.e., the natural/legal person or public body designated by law) is responsible for determining the purpose and means of processing personal data. The "data processor" processes personal data on behalf of the data controller. The “data protection officer” is an individual appointed by the data controller or data processor to ensure compliance with the PDP-Act and its regulations. Data controllers and processors must be registered with the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC). See the PDP-Reg-TZA for detailed procedures on registering with PDPC.

Data Protection

Per the PDP-Act, the data controller or data processor must protect personal data by ensuring that it is:

  • Processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently
  • Collected for explicit, specified, and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes
  • Adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed
  • Accurate and where necessary, kept up to date, with every reasonable step taken to ensure that any inaccurate personal data is erased or rectified without delay
  • Stored in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed
  • Processed in accordance with the rights of a data subject
  • Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against any loss, destruction or damage
  • Not transferred abroad contrary to the provisions of the PDP-Act

Regarding transborder data flow, the PDP-Act prohibits the transfer of personal data outside of Tanzania except under the following circumstances:

  • If the data is transferred to a country that also has a data protection law enacted
  • If the country does not have a data protection law, data may only be transferred outside of Tanzania based on several factors, including the recipient state's federal legal frameworks, security and privacy principles, the type of information being shared, the data transfer mechanisms in place, the specific reason for the transfer, and the proposed length of data processing (See the PDP-Act for more details)

See the PDP-Reg-TZA for detailed implementation requirements.

Consent for Processing Personal Data

Per the PDP-Act, before collecting data, a data controller must ensure that the data subject is aware of the purposes for which the personal data is collected; the fact that collection of the personal data is for authorized purposes; and any intended recipients of the personal data. However, the data controller is not required to inform the data subject if the personal data is publicly available, the data subject concerned authorizes the collection of the personal data from a third party, compliance is not reasonably practicable in the circumstances of the particular case, non-compliance is necessary per other written laws, or compliance would prejudice the lawful purpose of the collection.

As required in the PDP-Act, sensitive personal data must not be processed without obtaining prior written consent of the data subject, which may be withdrawn by the data subject at any time and without any explanation or charges. If the data subject is a minor, a person of unsound mind, or any other person unable to consent, such person’s consent must be obtained or sought from the legal representative(s)/guardian(s). Exceptions to this rule apply where the processing is necessary in these circumstances:

  • Compliance with other written laws
  • To protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another person, where the data subject is incapable of giving consent or is not represented by a legal representative
  • Necessary for the institution, trial, or defense of legal claims
  • Relates to personal data that has been made public by the data subject
  • The purposes of scientific research and the PDPC has, by special guidelines, specified the circumstances under which such processing may be carried out
  • For the purposes of medical reasons in the interest of the data subject and the sensitive personal data concerned is processed under the supervision of a health professional in accordance with the law

Further, the PDP-Act delineates that data collected may only be disclosed if the data subject has consented to such disclosure and if the disclosure is authorized or required by law, directly related to the purpose for which such data was collected, and/or would preserve health or reduce harm to another person or the society. Disclosure of information may also be permitted where the data subject is not identified for statistical or research purposes and where it is guaranteed that such data will not be published in a manner that will identify the data subject. Additionally, data collectors must establish a code of ethics for personal data protection during collection or processing of personal data, and they must maintain a proper security system.

Per the PDP-Reg-TZA, the rights of participants regarding their personal data are the autonomous right to control their personal data, the right to communicate and exercise their data rights, and the right to human intervention to minimize biases that automated processes may create. In addition, per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, researchers using online and digital tools must protect the individual’s right to privacy and confidentiality including whether they knew or were expected to know that records and data were being kept. If individuals have reasonable expectations of privacy and impermanence of their online activities, then researchers may need to take specific measures to inform the respondents and obtain their consent to use their data for research. Further, if studies use artificial intelligence, the participant’s “right to be forgotten” must be protected by enabling their ability to request that a search engine remove information about them.

Chapters 10 and 11
Parts I-VI
Parts II-V

Documentation Requirements

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Obtaining Consent

In all Tanzanian clinical trials, a freely given informed consent must be obtained from each participant in accordance with the requirements set forth in the CT-Regs, the G-AppConductCT, and the G-EthicsHR-TZA. As per the G-AppConductCT and the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the informed consent form (ICF) is viewed as an essential document that must be reviewed and approved by the national ethics committee (EC), the National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC), and provided to the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) for approval with the clinical trial application. (See the Required Elements section for details on what should be included in the form.)

The G-AppConductCT and the G-EthicsHR-TZA state that the investigator, or the designated representative, must provide detailed research study information to the participant and/or the legal representative/guardian. The G-AppConductCT, the G-EthicsHR-TZA, and TZA-5 also specify that the oral and written information concerning the trial, including the ICF, should be easy to understand and presented without coercion or unduly influencing a potential participant to enroll in the clinical trial. The participant and the legal representative/guardian, should also be given adequate time to consider whether to participate. The G-EthicsHR-TZA indicates that informed consent protects the individual’s freedom of choice and respects the individual’s autonomy. The consent process should be a flow of information exchange between the researcher and research participants during the whole research process. The information provided should be adequate, and clearly understood by the research participants. Seeking consent must be carried out under circumstances that provide the prospective research participant or the representative sufficient opportunity to consider whether to participate and minimize the possibility of coercion or undue influence. The information given to the research participant or the representative, whether it is conveyed orally, in writing, or another delivery mechanism, must be in a language and form understandable to the participant or the legal representative/guardian.

As per the G-AppConductCT and the G-EthicsHR-TZA, none of the oral and written information concerning the research study, including the written ICF, should contain any language that causes the participant and/or the legal representative/guardian to waive or to appear to waive their legal rights, or that releases or appears to release the investigator(s), the institution, the sponsor, or their representatives from their liabilities for any negligence.

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, for verbal consent, the procedures used to obtain consent must be described within the ethics application, and the verbal consent must still contain all of the elements required for informed consent.


According to G-AppConductCT, any change in the ICF due to a protocol modification or an alteration in treatment modality, procedures, or site visits, should be approved by the NatHREC and the TMDA prior to implementing any changes. The participant and/or the legal representative/guardian should also be informed in a timely manner if new information becomes available that may be relevant to the participant’s willingness to continue participation in the trial. The communication of this information should be documented.

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the investigator must ensure that there is continued adequacy of the informed consent process and renewal of informed consent if there are significant changes in the conditions or procedures of the research project or if new information becomes available that could affect the research participant’s willingness to continue in the research project.

Language Requirements

As stated in the G-AppConductCT, the ICF content should be presented in both English and Kiswahili, and all information given to participants, both oral and written, must be in both English Kiswahili.

Documenting Consent

The G-AppConductCT and the G-EthicsHR-TZA state that the participant and/or the legal representative/guardian, and the person who conducted the informed consent discussion must sign and date the ICF. Where the participant is illiterate and/or the legal representative/guardian is illiterate, verbal consent should be obtained in the presence of and countersigned by an impartial witness. Before participating in the study, the participant should receive a copy of the signed and dated ICF, and any other written information provided during the informed consent process. The G-AppConductCT states that the participant and/or the legal representative/guardian should also receive a copy of any updates to the signed and dated ICF, and copies of any amendments to the written information originally provided.

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the study participant may imply consent by voluntary actions (e.g., express consent verbally or sign (written consent form)). A verbal or oral consent process is where the researcher and participant have a conversation to give information and obtain consent. Usually, oral consent is used when it is not possible to get written consent. The verbal consent may be deemed appropriate and applied under the following situations where:

  • The study is deemed to be of minimal risk
  • There are cultural or political concerns with signing contract-like documents
  • The researcher and or participants could be put at risk by the existence of a paper record
  • The study is conducted remotely via video conferencing software, telephone, etc.
  • It may not be feasible in large information-taking settings (e.g., some focus group discussions (FGDs)); however, documentation of verbal consent for participants in FGDs must be written down to include the names of participants who consented verbally and those that did not

Waiver of Consent

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, for research that is no more than minimal risk, the EC may approve a request to waive some or all of the required elements of informed consent under specific circumstances. Waivers of informed consent are primarily requested for projects involving the secondary analysis of existing data. To waive or alter informed consent elements, the following conditions must be met:

  • The study could not practicably be carried out without the waiver or alteration (whenever appropriate the study participants will be provided with additional pertinent information after participation)
  • In situations where deception needs to be applied to achieve the objectives of the study
  • The only record linking the study participant and the study would be the consent document and the principal risk to the research participant would be potential harm resulting from a breach of confidentiality
  • The study participant presents in an emergency situation and informed consent cannot be reasonably obtained (See the Emergencies section for more information)

The G-EthicsHR-TZA states that if a waiver of written informed consent is granted by the EC, then each study participant should be asked whether they wish to have documentation that links them with the study; and the participant’s wishes must govern.

SOP 26
Definition of Terms, Module 1 (1.4), Annex 3 (3.12), and Annex 4
6.1-6.2 and 6.4-6.5
Part IV (8)

Required Elements

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Based on the G-AppConductCT and the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the informed consent form (ICF) should include the following statements or descriptions, as applicable. (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in both sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • The study purpose, procedures, and duration
  • Approximate number of participants involved in the trial
  • Experimental aspects of the study
  • The participant’s responsibilities in participating in the trial
  • Expected risks or discomforts to the participant, and when applicable, to an embryo, fetus, or nursing infant
  • Disclosure of alternate procedures or treatments available to participants
  • Clinical trial treatment schedule(s) and the probability for random assignment to each treatment
  • Benefits or prorated payment to the participant or others reasonably expected from the research; if no benefit is expected, the participant should be made aware of this
  • Compensation and/or treatment available for the participant in the case of trial-related injury, with a description of such compensation/treatment and where further information may be obtained
  • Participation is voluntary, and that the participant can withdraw from the study at any time without penalty or loss of benefits, including medical treatment, to which the participant is otherwise entitled
  • A statement of the extent of the investigator’s responsibility, where applicable, to provide medical services to the study participant
  • A statement of the nature, form, and extent of compensation for study participation (e.g., reimbursement for transport, time, and meals)
  • A brief description of the research project sponsors and the investigators’ institutional affiliation
  • Extent to which confidentiality of records identifying the participant will be maintained, and the possibility of record access by the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA)
  • The participant and/or the legal representative/guardian will be notified in a timely manner if significant new findings develop during the course of the study which may affect the participant’s willingness to continue
  • Individuals to contact for further information regarding the trial, the rights of trial participants, and whom to contact in the event of trial-related injury; these contacts must speak the participant’s language
  • Foreseeable circumstances under which the investigator(s) may remove the participant without consent
  • Consequences of a participant’s decision to withdraw from the research, and procedures for orderly withdrawal by the participant
  • The participant and/or the legal representative/guardian will be notified in a timely manner if significant new findings develop during the course of the study which may affect the participant’s willingness to continue
  • A statement that study participants will get feedback on findings and the progress of the study and that any new information that affects the study or data that has clinical relevance to the participants will be made available to the participants or their health care providers
  • Where necessary (e.g., illiterate, mentally incapacitated, or physically disabled study participants), the provision for a witness at appropriate stages of the informed consent process should be ensured
  • A statement that the study has been approved by a recognized Tanzanian-based ethics committee (EC)
  • Whether, when, and how any of the products or interventions proven by the study to be safe and effective will be made available to the study participants at the end of the study and whether they will be expected to pay for them
  • With regard to research involving the collection of biological/genetic materials, an explanation should be provided on how specimens will be managed at the end of the study; if the samples are stored for future use, separate consent should be obtained
  • Additional costs to the participant that may result from participation in the research

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, for protocols involving verbal consent, the following minimum information must be communicated to the participant:

  • Introduction - who is the caller/interviewer, affiliation, organization
  • A statement that the study involves research
  • Study purpose
  • What the participant will be asked to do and the time commitment
  • Any compensation and any information to be collected to make that payment (mailing address, email address, etc.)
  • The voluntary nature of participation in the study
  • Any risks or benefits associated with participating (leave this out if there are none)
  • That notes are being taken or data is being recorded, if applicable
  • Whether the information collected will remain confidential or if it is planned to keep identifiers with the research data
  • Contact information for the researcher and/or the EC
  • Ask if the participant has any questions
  • Ask explicitly, “Do you agree to participate in this study?”
  • Depending on the nature of the study and the participant pool, the researcher may offer other pertinent information to ensure that participants are fully informed about the study and any risks or benefits from participating in it

Compensation Disclosure

Regarding compensation, TZA-5 states that investigator(s) must ensure participants are aware of the compensation guidelines and that their rights regarding compensation are protected. Participants must not be asked to waive their rights to free treatment or compensation for research-related harms, nor must they be required to show negligence or lack of a reasonable degree of skill on the part of the researcher to claim free treatment or compensation. The informed consent process or form must not contain statements that would absolve a researcher from responsibility in the case of harm, or that would imply that participants waive their right to seek compensation.

See the Vulnerable Populations and Consent for Specimen sections for further information.

Definition of Terms, Module 1 (1.4), Annex 1, Annex 2, Annex 3 (3.12), and Annex 4

Participant Rights

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024


As stated in the G-AppConductCT, the Tanzanian government complies with the ethical principles set forth in the International Council for Harmonisation’s Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (TZA-13) and the Declaration of Helsinki (TZA-30), which promote respect for all human beings and safeguard the rights of research participants. A participant’s rights must also be clearly addressed in the informed consent form (ICF) and during the informed consent process. (See the Required Elements and Vulnerable Populations sections for additional information regarding requirements for participant rights.)

The Right to Participate, Abstain, or Withdraw

As set forth in the G-AppConductCT and the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the participant or the legal representative/guardian should be informed that participation is voluntary, that the participant may withdraw from the research study at any time, and that refusal to participate will not involve any penalty or loss of benefits to which the participant is otherwise entitled.

The Right to Information

As delineated in the G-AppConductCT and the G-EthicsHR-TZA, a potential research participant and/or the legal representative/guardian has the right to be informed about the nature and purpose of the research study, its anticipated duration, study procedures, any potential benefits or risks, any compensation for participation or injury/treatment, and any significant new information regarding the research study. (See the Required Elements section for more detailed information regarding participant rights.) The G-EthicsHR-TZA states that information about the research study must be communicated in understandable and legally accepted language and format, and in a conducive environment, at all stages of the research.

The Right to Privacy and Confidentiality

As per the G-AppConductCT and the G-EthicsHR-TZA, all participants must be afforded the right to privacy and confidentiality, and the ICF must provide a statement that recognizes this right.

The Right of Inquiry/Appeal

The G-AppConductCT and the G-EthicsHR-TZA state that the research participant and/or the legal representative/guardian should be provided with contact information for the sponsor and the investigator(s) to address trial-related inquiries. (See the Required Elements section for more detailed information regarding participant rights.)

The Right to Safety and Welfare

As specified in the CT-Regs, the G-EthicsHR-TZA, and the G-AppConductCT, the Tanzanian government complies with the principles in TZA-13 that state a research participant’s right to safety and the protection of the participant’s health and welfare must take precedence over the interests of science and society.

Definition of Terms, Annexes 4, 16, and 17
6.3 and 13.1-13.2
Part IV (8)
Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

As per the G-AppConductCT, in an emergency, if the signed informed consent form (ICF) cannot be obtained from the research participant, the consent of the legal representative/guardian should be obtained. If prior consent from the participant or the legal representative/guardian cannot be obtained, participant enrollment should require measures described in the protocol and/or elsewhere. Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) approval should also be obtained in order to protect the participant’s rights, safety, and well-being and to ensure compliance with National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC) and TMDA requirements. The participant or the legal representative/guardian should provide consent as soon as possible.

In addition, per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, an EC may approve a waiver of consent if the study participant presents in an emergency situation and informed consent cannot be reasonably obtained from the participant or the legal representative/guardian. During a public health emergency of national and international concern, some of the activities focusing on diseases or events threatening national and international health security are considered non-research and need immediate attention. Informed consent may not be required in non-research activities.

Annex 4
6.6, 24.1.5, and 24.4

Vulnerable Populations

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024


As per the G-AppConductCT and the G-EthicsHR-TZA, in all Tanzanian clinical trials, research participants selected from vulnerable populations must be provided additional protections to safeguard their health and welfare during the informed consent process. Vulnerable populations include those who are incapable of protecting their own interests due to a lack of autonomy, intelligence, education, resources, strength, or other necessary attributes, and have an increased likelihood of being wronged or of incurring additional harm during clinical trials. For example, the G-AppConductCT includes persons who are illiterate, marginalized by their social status or behavior, or living in an authoritarian environment. Vulnerable groups include individuals in hierarchical relationships, institutionalized persons, nomads, refugees or displaced persons, people living with disabilities, people with incurable or stigmatized conditions or diseases, and people faced with physical frailty. The G-EthicsHR-TZA additionally identifies children, mature and emancipated minors, street children, prisoners, the homeless, substance abusers, handicapped (mentally and physically), armed forces, and pregnant women. In some cases, willingness to volunteer to participate in research is unduly influenced by the expectation of benefits associated with their participation, or fear of retaliation from interested senior members of the hierarchy in case of refusal to participate. Characteristics that constitute vulnerability with reference to communities include one (1) or more of the following:

  • Limited economic empowerment
  • Inadequate protection of human rights
  • Discrimination on the basis of health status
  • Inadequate understanding of scientific research
  • Limited availability of health care and treatment options
  • Limited ability in the community to provide informed consent

As per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, clinical trials involving vulnerable persons require additional attention to ensure their protection. Where factors relating to vulnerability are an aspect of the research study, ethics committees (ECs) must ensure that researchers specify how that vulnerability would be addressed, particularly:

  • Selection of the particular communities is justified by the research goals
  • Research study is relevant to the needs and priorities of the community in which it is to be conducted
  • Research study is beneficial to that community
  • The community can access products of the research
  • Where appropriate, feedback of results should be provided to the community
  • Study participants must be fully aware that they are participating in the research and should provide informed consent
  • Special attention should be paid to the content, language of the consent document, procedures for obtaining informed consent, monitoring of the process, and testing comprehension

TZA-5 requires the investigator to specify in the clinical trial application if a research protocol involves a vulnerable population or special group, provide adequate justification for their involvement, and provide information on how the participants’ rights and welfare will be safeguarded. Further, the investigator should include information about how they will assess the participants’ capacity to consent for themselves. If the participant is not able to consent, the researcher should include information about how consent will be obtained from the participant’s legal representative/guardian and how assent will be obtained from the participant (where appropriate).

See the Children/Minors; Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates; Prisoners; and Mentally Impaired sections for additional information about these vulnerable populations.

Information on the specific vulnerable populations specified in the G-EthicsHR-TZA is provided below.

Persons Highly Dependent on Medical Care

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, persons highly dependent on medical care, such as those living with disabilities (physical or mental) or terminally ill patients, require special attention because they are prone to being socially marginalized. Therefore, their dignity, rights, and well-being in research must be respected. For persons living with disabilities, careful consideration should be made where proxy consent is used, and where the use of signed consent forms is not feasible, alternative viable methods should be employed. Persons living with disabilities should not be unfairly excluded from participating in research. Researchers should make efforts to address communication, disability, and comprehension constraints. (See Mentally Impaired section for requirements on persons with mental disabilities). For terminally ill patients, their dire state may affect their ability to make voluntary decisions regarding participation in research studies. A research protocol involving terminally ill patients as study participants must meet the following additional requirements: the research can only be conducted with terminally ill patients; if the research objectives of the study cannot be addressed using another non-vulnerable group; and the risk-benefit ratio should be favorable to the patients.

Elderly Persons

As per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, it is important to exercise special care when involving the elderly who have been in the hospital or in a residential home for a long time because they may be more dependent on others for their care. Independent but caring observer(s) for the elderly must be fully informed about the study and be satisfied that the elderly participant understands the intended research activities prior to consent.

As per the G-AppConductCT, TZA-14 should be followed for clinical trials that involve:

  • New investigational products that are likely to have significant use in the elderly
  • New formulations and new combinations of established medicinal products when there is specific reason to expect that conditions common in the elderly are likely to be encountered and are not already dealt with in current labeling
  • New formulation or new combination is likely to alter the geriatric patient’s response in a way different from previous formulations
  • New uses that have significant potential applicability to the elderly


The G-EthicsHR-TZA states that research studies involving students can be conducted as long as the following conditions are met:

  • The tutor involved in the tuition of the student should not be involved in the recruitment and other negotiations on the terms and research conditions
  • The informed consent should clearly state that the student may wish at any stage of the research study to withdraw without any undue consequences
  • An impression should not be created that acceptance to participate in the study will benefit the student in the passing of their examinations
  • An impression should not be created that non-acceptance will result in discrimination and consequences on the student’s studies
  • There should not be any form of coercion, pressure, or financial inducement other than that proposed as reimbursements for participants

Homeless Persons

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the category of homeless persons includes street children, adults staying on the street, refugees, and internally displaced persons. In conducting research with people who are homeless, researchers should be guided by the following principles:

  • Research must be conducted with respect to the human rights, welfare, and dignity of study participants
  • The research study must be conducted in a non-judgmental way regarding the person’s appearance, strategies for making money, or personal habits
  • The right to privacy and security must be respected at all times for people who are homeless

Armed Forces

For research involving participants in the armed forces, the G-EthicsHR-TZA requires the following consent conditions:

  • Any possible advantages accruing to participants through their participation in the research study (when compared to the general living conditions, medical care, quality of food, amenities, and opportunity for earnings) are not of such magnitude so that it might impair participants’ ability to weigh the risks of the study against the value of these advantages in the military environment
  • The risks involved in the research study are commensurate with the risks that would be accepted by non-armed force volunteer participants
  • Procedures for the selection of study participants from within the military are fair to all military personnel and insulated from arbitrary intervention by military authorities or by other members of the armed forces
  • The information conveyed to the participants is presented in language that is understandable to them
  • There is adequate assurance that a participant’s participation or refusal to participate in the study will not be considered in decisions regarding their promotion, pay, or any other career opportunities
SOP 25
Module 1 (1.13.1)
14, 14.4-14.5, and 14.8-14.10


Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

The ChildAct states that a person less than 18 years of age should be known as a child. As per the G-AppConductCT and the G-EthicsHR-TZA, when the research participant is a child, the informed consent form (ICF) must be signed by the child’s parent/legal guardian.

According to the G-EthicsHR-TZA, research involving greater than minimal risk, but presenting the prospect of direct benefit to a child, may be conducted only if:

  • The risk is justified by the anticipated benefit to the child
  • The relation of the anticipated benefit to the risk is at least as favorable to the research study participants (children) as that presented by available alternative approaches
  • Adequate provisions have been made for the solicitation of the child’s assent and the informed consent of the child’s parent/legal guardian

Further, per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, research that involves greater than minimal risk and entails no prospect of direct benefit to the individual child participant, but is likely to yield generalizable knowledge about the child’s disorder or condition may not be conducted unless:

  • The risk represents a minor increase over minimal risk
  • The intervention or procedure presents experiences that are commensurate with those inherent in their actual or expected medical, dental, psychological, social, or educational situations
  • The intervention or procedure is likely to yield generalizable knowledge about the child’s disorder or condition that is of vital importance for the understanding or amelioration of that disorder or condition
  • Adequate provisions have been made for the solicitation of the child’s assent and their parents’/legal guardians’ informed consent
  • When the child’s participation is indispensable and participation is not contrary to the child’s best interest

As delineated in the G-EthicsHR-TZA, mature minors are individuals 14 to 17 years of age who are able to demonstrate the ability and capacity to manage their own affairs and to live wholly or partially independent of their parent/legal guardian. This is someone who has not reached adulthood (as defined by country law) but who may be treated as an adult for certain purposes (e.g., consenting to medical care). Emancipated minors refer to persons who have not reached the age of majority (18 years) and are empowered by law to make autonomous decisions. They are free from control by their parent/legal guardian, and the parent/legal guardian is free from the responsibility for the child. Mature and emancipated minors may independently provide informed consent to participate in research if:

  • In the ethics committee’s (EC’s) view, the research is not objectionable to parents/legal guardians in the community (established with evidence from the community)
  • The research protocol includes clear justification for targeting mature and emancipated minors as participants, and a clear justification for not involving parents/legal guardians in the consent process

The G-AppConductCT delineates that data on the appropriate use of investigational products (IPs) in the pediatric population should be generated unless its use in pediatric patients is clearly inappropriate. The pediatric development program should not delay completion of adult studies and availability of IPs for adults. The decision to proceed with a pediatric development program for an IP and the nature of that program should follow the requirements in TZA-12.

Assent Requirements

The G-EthicsHR-TZA, states that the child’s assent takes precedence over the parent’s/legal guardian’s consent. For all research involving children, there must be no financial or other inducements to participate for the parent, guardian, or child, although reimbursements and a token for the child after completion of the study may be acceptable.

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, children and adolescents who are minors cannot give legally-valid informed consent, but they may be able to give assent. To give assent means that the child or adolescent is meaningfully engaged in the research study discussion in accordance with their capacities. Assent must be considered as a process and is not merely the absence of dissent. Furthermore, the researcher must involve the child or adolescent in the actual decision-making process and use age-appropriate information. It is particularly important to inform the child or adolescent and obtain assent as described above, preferably in writing for children who are literate. Specific protections to safeguard children and adolescents’ rights and welfare in the study are necessary. Before undertaking research studies involving children and adolescents, the researcher and the ECs must ensure that:

  • A parent/legal guardian of the child or adolescent has given permission
  • Assent of the child or adolescent has been obtained, after having been provided with adequate information about the study tailored to the child’s or adolescent’s level of maturity
  • If children reach the legal age of maturity during the study period, their consent to continued participation should be obtained

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, children or adolescents are required to assent if they are between 10 and 17 years old and can read and write, as well as understand the description of the study. In general, the refusal of a child or adolescent to participate or continue in the study must be respected unless, in exceptional circumstances, where participation is considered the best medical option. For research interventions or procedures that have the potential to benefit children or adolescents, the risks must be minimized and outweighed by the prospect of potential individual benefit. For research interventions or procedures that have no potential individual benefits for children/adolescents, the interventions should be studied in adults first, unless the necessary data cannot be obtained without participation of children/adolescents and the risks are minimized.

Module 1 (1.13.3) and Annex 17
6.7 and 14.1
Part II (Section 4 (1))

Pregnant Women, Fetuses & Neonates

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

The G-AppConductCT recommends that women of child-bearing potential be included at the earliest possible stages of clinical trial research so that potential sex-related differences are identified and taken into consideration when planning Phase III trials. The timing of including women of childbearing potential or pregnant women in clinical trials should comply with guidance in the International Council for Harmonisation's Guidance on Nonclinical Safety Studies for the Conduct of Human Clinical Trials and Marketing Authorization for Pharmaceuticals (TZA-15). Any research involving pregnant women should be individualized and based on a careful risk/benefit assessment, considering:

  • The nature and severity of the disease
  • The availability and results of previous nonclinical and clinical data
  • The availability of alternative therapy and knowledge about their risks
  • The stage of pregnancy in relation to the overall development of the fetus, especially regarding fetal brain development
  • The potential for harm to the woman, the fetus, or child
  • The long-term follow up of the pregnancy, fetus, and child, when possible

Additional considerations for including pregnant women in clinical trials are provided in the G-AppConductCT.

The G-AppConductCT identifies the following considerations for deciding whether to include breastfeeding women in clinical trials:

  • A new indication is being sought for an approved therapeutic product and there is evidence of use or anticipated use by breastfeeding women
  • After market authorization, use of a therapeutic product in breastfeeding women becomes evident
  • There is concern that the consequences of uninformed dosages for use while breastfeeding are potentially serious and/or severe
  • A therapeutic product is under review for market authorization and is expected to be used by women of reproductive age
  • The trial involves marketed medications that are commonly used by women of reproductive age
  • The risk to the infant or mother is not greater than that from established procedures routinely used during breastfeeding, is comparable to those being studied, and the purpose of the research is the development of biomedical knowledge which cannot be obtained by any other means

As per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, research studies relating to pregnant women or fetuses may be undertaken under the following conditions:

  • The risk to the fetus is minimal and is the least possible risk for achieving the objectives of the research study, except where the purpose of the research study is to meet the health needs of the mother and the fetus, and the foreseeable benefits outweigh the potential risks
  • No procedural changes that could cause greater than minimal risk to the fetus or to the pregnant woman may be introduced into the procedure for termination of the pregnancy
  • No inducements, whether financial or any other form, may be offered to terminate the pregnancy for the purposes of the research study
  • Appropriate studies on animals and non-pregnant individuals have been completed
  • The purpose of the proposed research is to meet the health needs of the mother and the fetus will be placed at risk to the minimum extent necessary to meet these needs or the risk to the fetus is minimal
  • The mother and the father are both legally competent and have been fully informed of the possible impact on the fetus and have given their informed consent to proceed; however, the father’s consent is not required if the purpose of the research is primarily to meet the health needs of the mother, the father’s identity and/or whereabouts are unknown, the father is not available, or the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest
Module 1 (1.13.2) and Annexes 14 and 17
Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

According to the G-EthicsHR-TZA, prisoners are vulnerable to abuse by research because their freedom for consent can easily be undermined, which could affect their ability to make a voluntary decision regarding their participation in research. Research involving prisoners may not be approved unless the proposed research has the intent and a reasonable probability of improving the health and well-being of the study participants, and appropriate knowledgeable persons in penology, medicine, and ethics have been consulted in the course of reviewing the research protocol. Further, research with prisoners can be conducted only if:

  • The research offers a distinctly favorable benefit to risk ratio, not because the prisoners are a convenient source of participants
  • The research improves the well-being of prisoners while taking great care to protect their health, well-being, and human rights
  • The ethics committee (EC) reviews and verifies that the criteria for permissible research are satisfied
  • EC members have no association with the prison(s) involved other than their status as members of the EC reviewing the proposed research study
  • Where possible, a prisoner or an ex-prisoner should be co-opted to the EC in reviewing the proposed research study
  • The risks involved in the research study are commensurate with risks that will be accepted by non-prisoner volunteers
  • The procedure for selecting participants in the prison are fair to all prisoners
  • There is adequate assurance that a prisoner’s participation or refusal to participate will not be considered in decisions regarding their release or further detention and each prisoner is clearly informed in advance that participation in the research study will have no effect on their release
  • Any possible advantages accruing to the prisoner through participation in the research study, when compared to the general living conditions, medical care, quality of food, amenities and opportunity for earnings in the prison, are not of such magnitude that the prisoner’s ability to weigh the risks of the research against the value of these advantages in the prison environment is impaired

Mentally Impaired

Last content review/update: February 29, 2024

As indicated in the G-EthicsHR-TZA, persons living with mental disabilities require special attention because they are prone to being socially marginalized, and therefore, their dignity, rights, and well-being in research must be respected. Careful consideration should be made where proxy consent is used. Where the use of signed consent forms is not feasible, alternative viable methods should be employed. Persons living with disabilities should not be unfairly excluded from participating in research. Researchers should make efforts to address communication, disability, and comprehension constraints. Persons with mental health conditions including psychiatric, cognitive, or developmental conditions, and substance abuse related disorders at times may be hospitalized or institutionalized, which may further compromise their ability to make voluntary decisions to participate in a research project. Research must not be conducted if the purpose of the research is not relevant to the particular health needs of persons living with disabilities, or alternative interventions exist that are at least as advantageous to the individual participant as that under the proposed study. Further, the following should be scrutinized:

  • There is sufficient justification for inclusion
  • There are appropriate evaluation procedures for ascertaining study participants’ ability to give informed consent; if such study participants are deemed unable to understand and to make an informed decision, then an appropriate proxy should be identified
  • An informed consent process that is free from coercion
  • Be of no more than minimal risk; if minimal risk is involved, the risk is outweighed by the anticipated benefits of the research study to the participants

The G-EthicsHR-TZA outlines the requirements to safeguard the rights and welfare of adults who are incapable of giving informed consent in research studies. Before undertaking research with adults who are not capable of giving informed consent, the researcher and the EC must ensure that:

  • A legal representative of the person who is incapable of giving informed consent has given permission and this permission takes account of the participant’s previously formed preferences and values (if any)
  • The assent of the participant has been obtained to the extent of that person’s capacity, after having been provided with adequate information about the study at the level of the participant’s capacity for understanding this information
  • If participants become capable of giving informed consent during the study, their consent to continued participation must be obtained; in general, a potential participant’s refusal to enroll in the study must be respected, unless in exceptional circumstances where study participation is considered the best available medical option for an individual who is incapable of giving informed consent
6.8 and 14.5

Definition of Investigational Product

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

As delineated in the G-AppConductCT, an investigational medicinal product (IP) is defined as a pharmaceutical form of an active ingredient or placebo being tested or used as a reference in a clinical trial. Further per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, an IP refers to a preventative (vaccine), therapeutic (drug or biologic), device, diagnostic, or palliative used in a clinical trial. The G-AppConductCT and the G-EthicsHR-TZA state that an IP includes:

  • A product with a marketing authorization when it is used or assembled (formulated or packaged) in a different way from the approved form
  • When used for an unapproved indication
  • When used to gain further information about an approved use
Definition of Terms
Appendix 1

Manufacturing & Import

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024


According to the TMMDAct, the CT-Regs, and the G-AppConductCT, the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) is responsible for authorizing the manufacture of investigational products (IPs) in Tanzania. The TMDA will approve the manufacture of an IP after the clinical trial application has been approved. Also see the GMP-Insp for information on the inspection of manufacturing facilities of human medicinal products.


Per the TMMDAct, the CT-Regs, the TFDCA-ImptExpt, the G-AppConductCT, and the G-ImpExp, the TMDA is also responsible for authorizing the import of IPs. As per the TMMDAct, the TFDCA-ImptExpt, and the G-ImpExp, the sponsor or the principal investigator (PI) may apply for an import license once the clinical trial application has been approved by the TMDA. The TFDCA-ImptExpt specifies that in order to be granted an import license, the applicant must:

  • Have a pharmacist registered by the Pharmacy Council who must be a Superintendent of the business
  • Have premises registered by the TMDA
  • Hold a valid business permit

The G-ImpExp states that importation of pharmaceutical products and raw materials must be done by importers whose premises are registered by the TMDA or the relevant government institutions. All importers should import pharmaceutical products and raw materials through authorized ports of entry. A person must not import any pharmaceutical product with a shelf life of more than 24 months whose remaining shelf life is less than 60%, or a pharmaceutical product with a shelf life of less than or equal to 24 months whose remaining shelf life is less than 80%.

The TFDCA-ImptExpt specifies that the import license application should be accompanied by the clinical trial approval letter issued by the TMDA. The applicant must fill out the Application for Importation of Pharmaceutical Products provided in the First Schedule of the TFDCA-ImptExpt and pay the fee pursuant to the TMMDAFees. In addition, the application should be accompanied by three (3) copies of the proforma invoice numbered, dated, and signed by the superintendent of the business. (A proforma invoice is an abridged or estimated invoice sent in advance of a shipment or delivery of goods.) The proforma invoice should include the following:

  • Name and address of the supplier
  • Name and address of the manufacturer of each product
  • Trade or proprietary name of each product
  • The international nonproprietary name (generic name) of the drug and its strength
  • In the case of the product containing more than one (1) active ingredient, the name and strength of each product
  • The pharmacopoeia specification of the ingredient of each product
  • Product registration number issued by the authority for each product
  • The quantity, pack size, unit value, and total value in convertible currency
  • Batch or lot number where applicable for each product
  • Manufacturing and expiration date, where applicable, for each product
  • Mode of shipment (sea, air, or road)
  • Authorized port of entry
  • Signature and stamp of the supplier

Per TZA-34, the import license application can be submitted to the TMDA via the Regulatory Information Management System (RIMS) Customer Self Service Portal (TZA-34), which can be accessed by first creating a trader account. An online access registration form is available in Annex I of the G-ImpExp.

As delineated in the TFDCA-ImptExpt and the G-ImpExp, the import permit is valid for six (6) months, not transferable, and issued to cover only one (1) shipment. Per the G-ImpExp, in the case of partial shipments, two (2) shipments may be allowed based on the initial import permit. See the TFDCA-ImptExpt and the G-ImpExp for detailed import application requirements.

The TFDCA-ImptExpt and the G-ImpExp identify the authorized ports of entry for pharmaceutical products imported into Tanzania. The TFDCA-ImptExpt states that an importer must provide all necessary documents as may, from time to time, be requested by the inspector. When it is deemed necessary to collect samples or where the inspector suspects that any product may contravene any regulation or law, the inspector may take samples for further investigation.

1 and Module 1 (1.14.2)
2.2-2.5, 3.0, and Annex I
Part IV (c)
Part IV
3, 14, 16-17, 24, First Schedule (Forms IV and VI), and Second Schedule
First Schedule (Lines 65-68)

Quality Requirements

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Investigator’s Brochure

In accordance with the CT-Regs and the G-AppConductCT, the Tanzanian government follows the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (TZA-13), and requires the sponsor or the designated contract research organization (CRO) to provide investigators with an Investigator’s Brochure (IB). The G-AppConductCT states that the IB should be presented in a concise, simple, objective, balanced, and non-promotional form that enables a clinician, or potential investigator, to understand it and make an unbiased risk-benefit assessment of the appropriateness of the proposed trial. The contents of the IB should be approved by the disciplines that generated the described data and a medically qualified person should generally participate in the editing of an IB. If the investigational product (IP) is locally marketed and its pharmacology is well established and widely understood by medical practitioners, an extensive IB may not be necessary, and a current summary of product characteristics may be submitted as an alternative. If a marketed product is being studied for a new use (i.e., a new indication), an IB specific to that new use should be prepared. The IB should be reviewed at least annually and revised as necessary in compliance with a sponsor’s written procedures. More frequent revision may be appropriate depending on the stage of development and the generation of relevant new information.

TZA-13 specifies that the IB must contain all of the relevant information on the IP(s) obtained through the earlier research phases, including preclinical, toxicological, safety, efficacy, and adverse event data. Per the CT-Regs, the sponsor should also update the IB as significant new information becomes available and maintain records of each change.

TZA-13 requires the IB to provide coverage of the following areas:

  • Physical, chemical, and pharmaceutical properties and formulation parameters
  • Non-clinical studies (pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, toxicology, and metabolism profiles)
  • Effects of IP in humans (pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and pharmacodynamics; safety and efficacy; regulatory and post-marketing experiences)
  • Summary of data and guidance for the investigator(s)
  • Bibliography

See Section 7.3 of TZA-13 for detailed content guidelines.

Quality Management

Per the G-AppConductCT, the sponsor must document details regarding the chemistry, manufacturing, and control of the IP as prescribed in Module 3. This should include data to demonstrate the quality of the IP, including relevant batch analyses results. If a comparator medicinal product is used, the proprietary name of the medicinal product, non-proprietary or common name of the active pharmaceutical ingredient, company name, country from which the clinical supplies were obtained (as well as the market status in that country), dosage form(s), and strength(s) should be listed. Batch analysis results for the active pharmaceutical ingredient may be provided in either the quality summary or by providing a copy of the certificate of analysis. The certificate of good manufacturing practice should also be included in the clinical trial application.

2.12, 5.13, 7.3, and 8.2
1.4, 1.13.2, 1.14, Module 3, and Module 4 (4.6-4.11)
Part IV (8 and 11) and First and Second Schedules
Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Investigational product (IP) labeling in Tanzania must comply with the requirements set forth in the CT-Regs, the TFDCA-ImptExpt, and the G-ImpExp. The TFDCA-ImptExpt and the CT-Regs state that for an IP to be used in a clinical trial, it must be properly labeled in English or Kiswahili (also known as Swahili) language or both, and the information printed on the labels must be indelible, engraved, or embossed on a primary and secondary container.

As set forth in the CT-Regs, the TFDCA-ImptExpt, and the G-ImpExp, the following information must be included on the label (Note: Each of the items listed below will not necessarily be found in all sources, which provide overlapping and unique elements):

  • Statement indicating that the product is for “clinical trial purpose only”
  • Name, number, or identifying mark
  • Recommended storage conditions
  • Sponsor name and address
  • Protocol code or identification
  • Trade or brand name where appropriate
  • International Non-Proprietary Name (INN, Generic name)
  • Active ingredient quantities listed in the formulation
  • Manufacture and expiration dates
  • Batch or lot number
  • Storage conditions
  • Manufacturer name and address
  • Immediate outer packaging and the enclosed and accompanying literature must be in English or Kiswahili
  • Active pharmaceutical ingredient specification (BP, USP, etc.)

According to the CT-Regs, where applicable, investigational medicinal products must be labeled in a manner that protects the blinding. Also, re-labelling of any remaining investigational medicinal product from previously manufactured batches must be performed in accordance with established written procedures and good manufacturing practice principles.

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the sponsor is responsible for proper labelling of the IP(s). The investigational and comparator products must be labelled in conformity with the research protocol and the labelling must state that the product is for investigational purposes only.

Part VII

Product Management

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

Supply, Storage, and Handling Requirements

Per the G-AppConductCT, the sponsor must obtain approval from the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) for the investigational product (IP) dossier in the clinical trial application and any changes to the IP that relate to the chemistry and manufacturing information that may affect drug safety and quality. For example, specifications for the IP where limits of the test are relaxed or deleted; where a new impurity or degradation product has been identified; and addition of new raw materials, solvents, reagents, catalysts, or any other materials used in the manufacture of the active pharmaceutical ingredient.

The G-AppConductCT requires researchers to comply with the CT-Regs and the International Council for Harmonisation's Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (TZA-13). Per TZA-13, the sponsor must supply the investigator(s)/institution(s) with the IP(s), but not until the sponsor obtains approvals from the TMDA and an ethics committee. The sponsor must ensure the following:

  • IP product quality and stability over the period of use
  • IP manufactured according to any applicable Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)
  • Proper coding, packaging, and labeling of the IP(s)
  • Records maintained for document shipment, receipt, disposition, return, and destruction of the IP(s)
  • Acceptable storage temperatures, conditions, and times for the IP
  • Timely delivery of the IP(s)
  • Written procedures including instructions for handling and storage of the IP(s), adequate and safe receipt of the IP(s), dispensing of the IP(s), retrieval of unused IP(s), return of unused IP(s) to the sponsor, and disposal of unused IP(s) by the sponsor
  • Maintain sufficient quantities of the IP(s) to reconfirm specifications, should this become necessary

The G-AppConductCT further requires the sponsor to be responsible for the destruction of unused and/or returned IPs. IPs should not be destroyed without prior written authorization by the sponsor. The delivered, used, and recovered quantities of product should be recorded, reconciled, and verified by or on behalf of the sponsor for each trial site and each trial period. Destruction of unused IPs should be carried out for a given trial site or a given trial period only after any discrepancies have been investigated and satisfactorily explained and the reconciliation has been accepted. Requests to dispose IPs must be made to and authenticated by the TMDA. The destruction must be done in accordance with applicable environmental regulations.

The TFDCA-ImptExpt requires that every importer or exporter of a pharmaceutical product must, in respect to the premises, make available the following information to the TMDA: an appropriate inventory control system; an inspection reports file; procedures for handling complaints; and registers for unfit medicines, controlled drugs, recalls, and customers. Further, an importer should maintain the following documents on the premises for a period of not less than one (1) year after the expiration date of the pharmaceutical product: final invoices with corresponding import permits; copies of delivery notes; and sales invoices.

Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, the sponsor must:

  • Provide to the ethics committee (EC) and all other regulatory authorities, a description of the investigational and comparator drugs and a dossier
  • Ensure that the IP and any comparator products are of appropriate quality and are subject to quality assurance procedures
  • Promptly provide the investigator with any relevant new information that arises during the course of the trial, including information relating to IP safety
  • Be responsible for proper packaging and labelling of the IP
  • Retain sufficient samples of each batch of the IP and a record of analyses and characteristics so that, if necessary, an independent laboratory may check the product for quality control or bioequivalence

Record Requirements

As set forth in the G-AppConductCT, which complies with TZA-13, the sponsor must ensure maintenance of the following:

  • Records documenting IP(s) handling, storage, shipment, receipt, disposition, return, and destruction
  • A system for retrieving IPs and documenting this retrieval
  • A system to dispose of unused IP(s) and corresponding documentation
  • Sufficient quantities of the IP(s) used in the trial to reconfirm specifications, should this become necessary, and maintenance of records of batch samples analyses and characteristics

The G-AppConductCT further requires the sponsor to record and retain destruction operations of IPs. These documents should clearly identify, or allow traceability to, the batches and/or patient numbers involved and the actual quantities destroyed.

See the Data & Records Management section for information about clinical trial-related records retention requirements.

2.12, 5.12, 5.13, 5.14, and 7
Definition of Terms, 1.4, 1.11, 1.14, and 1.17
Part IV and First and Second Schedules

Definition of Specimen

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024

In Tanzania, specimens are biological materials transferred between researchers/organizations for medical research use only (see TZA-10). Per the G-EthicsHR-TZA, human biological materials include any substance obtained from a human research participant including, but not limited to, blood, urine, stool, saliva, hair, nail clippings, skin, and microorganisms and other associated bio-products.

Article I (1.1)

Specimen Import & Export

Last content review/update: March 1, 2024


As delineated in the G-EthicsHR-TZA, investigators, sponsors, and collaborators must ascertain that in-country capacity to perform the required investigations/testing is not sufficient for the investigations before considering import of human biological materials outside the country. The only exception to this is when samples are being transferred for external quality assurance purposes. Investigators, sponsors, and collaborators are encouraged to build, develop, or strengthen local capacity for any investigative testing to fulfill the objectives of the proposed research study. All exchanges and transfers (including importation) of biological materials for research purposes requires approval from the National Health Research Ethics Committee (NatHREC).

The G-ResearchClearance requires foreign researchers to identify and affiliate with a locally-recognized institution. The local institution should support foreign partners in permit acquisition, communicating with relevant government offices, and facilitating the material transfer arrangements and access benefit sharing arrangements.

As indicated in TZA-5, when sharing or transferring material and/or data into or outside Tanzania, materials and/or data may be subject to government regulation and import/export control laws that define the conditions under which certain information, technologies, and materials can be transferred or shared. In situations where materials and/or data are shared or transferred from foreign or international investigators to Tanzania, the provider’s country regulations for sharing or transferring materials and/or data will guide the initial process. After sharing and/or transferring material and/or data outside Tanzania, the principal investigator should provide NatHREC with proof of shipment.

Material Transfer Agreement

As delineated in the G-ResearchClearance, all researchers granted Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) research permits that involve the collection of human data intended to be exported outside Tanzania must submit to COSTECH a signed Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) (TZA-10) and a Data Transfer Agreement (DTA) (TZA-8) between the Tanzanian institution and its foreign counterpart. The MTA and DTA will specify the terms for collecting, storing, managing, transporting, and disposing or returning the materials and data to Tanzania. TZA-5 also requires submittal of the MTA and DTA to the NatHREC during the ethics review. Investigators who wish to share or transfer materials and/or data should complete an MTA or a DTA before any research samples/materials or data are transferred or shared with another institution, laboratory, or researcher. Authorized investigators and signatories from the recipient’s and provider’s institutions must complete the MTA and/or DTA and submit them to NatHREC for certification before any research samples, materials, and/or data is transferred or shared to another institution, laboratory, or researcher.

As delineated in the G-EthicsHR-TZA, when it is necessary to transfer samples for storage abroad, the host institution must negotiate an MTA with the recipient institution. The specific details of the MTA should include, among others, purpose for the transfer/export, clear arrangements for collaboration and benefit sharing, a framework for accessing and sharing data, restrictions to third-party transfer, and annual reports to the host institution and the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) on the status of the samples. Applications for permission to exchange or transfer human biological materials must be made to NIMR. The following are the necessary steps for the exchange or transfer of materials for research purposes:

  • The research study that involves the exchange or transfer of human biological material must first be registered and approved by the ethics committee (EC) through the established procedures for research approvals in Tanzania
  • The applicant must be a legal resident of Tanzania or be affiliated with a local legally recognized institution in Tanzania
  • A request for the exchange or transfer of human biological material must be made in writing to the Director General of NIMR
  • An MTA and any other document related to the exchange or transfer of human biological material must accompany the request for the exchange or transfer of the material
  • The MTA, after review and approval, is signed by the NIMR Director General or a delegate
  • After receipt of a signed MTA, the investigator is required to secure an export or import permit from the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) to finalize the process that allows the movement of biological samples outside the country or to enter the country
  • The investigators must abide by any other requirements that are to be followed to facilitate the exchange or transfer of human biological material
SOP 31 and Forms 2-3
Article I (1.1)
8.1 and 13.0-13.1


(Guidance) Guidelines for Application to Conduct Clinical Trials in Tanzania (G-AppConductCT) (Revision 4) (March 2020)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Guidance) Guidelines for Conducting Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and Good Clinical Laboratory Practices (GCLP) Inspection (G-GCPInspections) (2nd Edition) (November 2020)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Guidance) Guidelines for Insurance and Indemnity of Clinical Trials in Tanzania (G-CTInsurance-TZA) (First Edition) (December 2010)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Guidance) Guidelines for Reporting Safety Data in Clinical Trials (G-ReptSafetyData) (Second Edition) (November 2020)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Guidance) Guidelines on Ethics for Health Research in Tanzania (G-EthicsHR-TZA) (Third Edition) (2023)
National Institute for Medical Research
(Guidance) National Research Registration and Clearance Guidelines (G-ResearchClearance) (January 2022)
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology
(Guidance) The Medical Research Coordinating Committee’s (TMRCC) Ethical Guidelines (G-TMRCC) (Date Unavailable)
Medical Research Coordinating Committee, National Institute for Medical Research
(Legislation) The Finance Act, 2019 (FinanceAct) (Effective July 1, 2019)
(Legislation) The Law of the Child Act, 2009 (ChildAct) (2009)
(Legislation) The National Institute for Medical Research Act, 1979 (MedRsrchAct) (1979)
(Legislation) The Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Act, 2019 (TMMDAct) (Amended through June 2021)
(Regulation) The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Clinical Trials Control) Regulations, 2013 (CT-Regs) (March 15, 2013)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Regulation) The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Pharmacovigilance) Regulations, 2018 (PV-Regs) (April 22, 2018)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Regulation) The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Registration of Premises, Importation and Exportation of Pharmaceutical Products and Raw Materials) Regulations, 2015 (TFDCA-ImptExpt) (July 31, 2015)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Regulation) The Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices (Fees and Charges) Regulations, 2021 (TMMDAFees) (September 24, 2021)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Guidance) Guidelines for Importation and Exportation of Pharmaceutical Products and Raw Materials (G-ImpExp) (Fourth Edition) (January 2021)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Guidance) National Research Integrity Framework of Tanzania (G-ResearchIntegrity) (First Edition) (2020)
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology
(Guidance) Guidelines for Reviewing Health Research Protocols (G-RevPrtcl) (July 2022)
National Institute for Medical Research 
(Guidance) Accreditation Guide for Institutional Research Ethics Committees in Tanzania (IERC-Accredit) (March 2023)
National Institute for Medical Research
(Guidance) Guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practices – Inspection of Human Medicinal Products Manufacturing Facilities (GMP-Insp) (April 2023)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Guidance) The Ethics Clearance Process – Client Service Charter (Version 2) (NatHREC-Charter) (April 2023)
National Institute for Medical Research
(Legislation) The Personal Data Protection Act, 2022 (PDP-Act) (Effective May 1, 2023)
(Regulation) The Personal Data Protection (Personal Data Collection and Processing) Regulations, 2023 (PDP-Reg-TZA) (Effective July 4, 2023)
Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology
(Notice) Publication of Clinical Trial Public Assessment Reports and GCP Public Inspection Reports (Pub-Rpts) (June 1, 2023)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Notice) Timelines for Issuance of Clinical Trial Certificates (CTC-Time) (May 8, 2023)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority

Additional Resources

(Document) Checklist Ethical Clearance Application Submission (TZA-1) (September 2020)
National Institute for Medical Research
(Document) Research Ethics Information Management System (REIMS), Online Proposal Submission for Ethical Clearance, Instructions for Applicants (User Manual) (TZA-31) (September 2020)
National Institute for Medical Research
(Document) Standard Operating Procedures for the National Health Research Ethics Committee (TZA-5) (3rd Edition) (2023)
National Institute for Medical Research
(International Guidance) Declaration of Helsinki (TZA-30) (October 19, 2013)
World Medical Association
(International Guidance) ICH Harmonised Guideline Addendum to ICH E11: Clinical Investigation of Medicinal Products in the Pediatric Population (E11) (R1) (TZA-12) (Step 4 Version) (Adopted August 18, 2017)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Guidance on Nonclinical Safety Studies for the Conduct of Human Clinical Trials and Marketing Authorization for Pharmaceuticals (M3(R2)) (TZA-15) (Step 4 Version) (June 11, 2009)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports (E3) (TZA-11) (Step 4 Version) (November 30, 1995)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Studies in Support of Special Populations: Geriatrics (E7) (TZA-14) (Step 4 Version) (June 24, 1993)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(International Guidance) Integrated Addendum to ICH E6(R1): Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) (TZA-13) (Step 4 Version) (November 9, 2016)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(Webpage) TMDA Profile (TZA-29) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Webpage) Clinical Trial Committee (TZA-37) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Webpage) COSTECH – Contact Us (TZA-46) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology
(Webpage) COSTECH – Establishment (TZA-45) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology
(Webpage) COSTECH – Login Form (TZA-48) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology
(Webpage) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (TZA-47) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology
(Webpage) Health Research Regulations (TZA-18) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
National Institute of Medical Research
(Webpage) ICH Efficacy Guidelines (TZA-24) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
(Webpage) Institute Profile (TZA-50) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
National Institute for Medical Research
(Webpage) REIMS Login Page (TZA-32) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
National Institute for Medical Research
(Webpage) Tanzania (TZA-23) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Health Research Web, Council on Health Research for Development
(Webpage) Authorization of Clinical Trials (TZA-36) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Webpage) TMDA - Contact and Feedback (TZA-26) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Webpage) TMDA Clinical Trial and Pharmacovigilance Application Forms (TZA-35) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Webpage) Regulatory Information Management System (RIMS) Customer Self Service Portal (TZA-34) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Webpage) Clinical Trials Control and Pharmacovigilance – Section Profile (TZA-2) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Webpage) Clinical Trials Control (TZA-4) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Webpage) ICH Adopted Guidelines (TZA-9) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Webpage) Research Coordination (TZA-16) (Current as of March 1, 2024)
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology


(Form) Application Form for Clinical Trial Protocol Amendment (a) (TZA-44) (Date Unavailable)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Form) Application Form for Clinical Trial Protocol Amendment (b) (TZA-43) (Date Unavailable)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Form) Application Forms and Summaries to Conduct Clinical Trials in Tanzania (TZA-38) (June 2020)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Form) CIOMS Form I (TZA-7) (Date Unavailable)
Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
(Form) Clinical Trial Protocol Template (TZA-42) (Date Unavailable)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Form) Data Transfer Agreement for Researchers/Organizations (TZA-8) (Date Unavailable)
National Institute for Medical Research
(Form) Declaration by Co- and Sub-Investigator (TZA-41) (Date Unavailable)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Form) Declaration by Monitor (TZA-40) (Date Unavailable)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Form) Declaration by Principal Investigator (TZA-39) (Date Unavailable)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
(Form) Material Transfer Agreement for Researchers/Organizations (TZA-10) (Date Unavailable)
National Institute for Medical Research
(Form) Payment for Ethical Clearance - Form for Requesting Control Number (TZA-33) (Date Unavailable)
National Institute for Medical Research
(Form) Six Monthly Progress Report for Clinical Trial of an Investigational Medicinal Product (TZA-3) (Date Unavailable)
Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority
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Regulatory authority(ies), relevant office/departments, oversight roles, contact information
Regulatory review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, appeals, termination
Regulatory fees (e.g., applications, amendments, notifications, import) and payment instructions
Ethics review landscape, ethics committee composition, terms of reference, review procedures, meeting schedule
Ethics committee review and approval processes, renewal, monitoring, termination
Ethics review fees and payment instructions
Authorization of ethics committees, registration, auditing, accreditation
Submission procedures for regulatory and ethics reviews
Essential elements of regulatory and ethics submissions and protocols
Regulatory and ethics review and approval timelines
Pre-trial approvals, agreements, clinical trial registration
Safety reporting definitions, responsibilities, timelines, reporting format, delivery
Interim/annual and final reporting requirements
Sponsor role and responsibilities, contract research organizations, representatives
Site and investigator criteria, foreign sponsor responsibilities, data and safety monitoring boards, multicenter studies
Insurance requirements, compensation (injury, participation), post-trial access
Protocol and regulatory compliance, auditing, monitoring, inspections, study termination/suspension
Electronic data processing systems and records storage/retention
Responsible parties, data protection, obtaining consent
Obtaining and documenting informed consent/reconsent and consent waivers
Essential elements for informed consent form and other related materials
Rights regarding participation, information, privacy, appeal, safety, welfare
Obtaining or waiving consent in emergencies
Definition of vulnerable populations and consent/protection requirements
Definition of minors, consent/assent requirements, conditions for research
Consent requirements and conditions for research on pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates
Consent requirements and conditions for research on prisoners
Consent requirements and conditions for research on persons who are mentally impaired
Description of what constitutes an investigational product and related terms
Investigational product manufacturing and import approvals, licenses, and certificates
Investigator's Brochure and quality documentation
Investigational product labeling, blinding, re-labeling, and package labeling
Investigational product supply, storage, handling, disposal, return, record keeping
Description of what constitutes a specimen and related terms
Specimen import, export, material transfer agreements
Consent for obtaining, storing, and using specimens, including genetic testing